
Namedeeprhythm JSON
Version 0.0.12 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA fast, accurate Tempo Predictor
upload_time2024-06-11 18:53:02
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # DeepRhythm: High-Speed Tempo Prediction

## Introduction

DeepRhythm is a convolutional neural network designed for rapid, precise tempo prediction for modern music. It runs on anything that supports Pytorch (I've tested Ubunbu, MacOS, Windows, Raspbian).

Audio is batch-processed using a vectorized Harmonic Constant-Q Modulation (HCQM), drastically reducing computation time by avoiding the usual bottlenecks encountered in feature extraction.


(reworded from “Deep-Rhythm for Global Tempo Estimation in Music”, by Foroughmand and Peeters [1].)

The Constant Q Transform (CQT) is a tool used to analyze sound frequencies over time. It breaks down the frequency spectrum into bins that are spaced logarithmically, meaning they're closer together at low frequencies and wider apart at high frequencies. This aligns with how we hear sounds, making it great for music analysis as it captures details of pitches and notes very precisely.

It is normally performed with a hop length around 10-25ms (the window size varies by frequency) and 80-120 bins (covering ~50-5kHz), which results in a solid melodic representation of the given audio.

With the HCQM (Harmonic Constant-Q Modulation), Foroughmand and Peeters creatively repurpose the CQT for rhythm detection. Instead of scanning a few milliseconds, they give it an 8-second window. Rather than the standard 81 bins covering 50 Hz to 1 kHz, it utilizes 256 bins tailored to span from 30 bpm to 286 bpm (approximately 0.5 Hz to 4.76 Hz). This adjustment results in a highly detailed, narrow, and low frequency window, which delineates how prevalent each potential bpm is within the track. For instance, in a song with a tempo of 120 bpm, this method would highlight spikes at 30, 60, 120 (predominantly), and 240 bpm.

Then, they perform this process for each harmonic `h` in [1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], where the `f_min` of each CQT is `30 * h`. This provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the rhythm, as it captures the harmonic structure of the rhythm, not just the base tempo. The end result, for an 8s clip of audio, is a 4d tensor with shape `[batch_len, 240 (bpm bins), 8 (log bands), 6 (harmonics)]`.

This 'tempo cube' is then input to a CNN classifier that performs K-class categorization.

## Classification Process

1. Split input audio into 8 second clips `[len_batch, len_audio]`
2. Compute the HCQM of each clip
   1. Compute STFT `[len_batch, stft_bands, len_audio/hop]`
   2. Sum STFT bins into 8 log-spaced bands using filter matrix `[len_batch, 8, len_audio/hop]`
   3. Flatten bands for parallel CQT processing `[len_batch*8, len_audio/hop]`
   4. For each of the six harmonics, compute the CQT `[6, len_batch*8, num_cqt_bins]`
   5. Reshape `[len_batch, num_cqt_bins, 8, 6]`
3. Feed HCQM through CNN `[len_batch, num_classes (256)]`
4. Softmax the outputs to get probabilities
5. Choose the class with the highest probability and convert to bpm (bpms = `[len_batch]`)

## Benchmarks

| Method                  | Acc1 (%)  | Acc2 (%)  | Avg. Time (s) | Total Time (s) |
| ----------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------------- | -------------- |
| DeepRhythm (cuda)       | **95.91** | 96.54     | **0.021**     | 20.11          |
| DeepRhythm (cpu)        | **95.91** | 96.54     | 0.12          | 115.02         |
| TempoCNN (cnn)          | 84.78     | **97.69** | 1.21          | 1150.43        |
| TempoCNN (fcn)          | 83.53     | 96.54     | 1.19          | 1131.51        |
| Essentia (multifeature) | 87.93     | 97.48     | 2.72          | 2595.64        |
| Essentia (percival)     | 85.83     | 95.07     | 1.35          | 1289.62        |
| Essentia (degara)       | 86.46     | 97.17     | 1.38          | 1310.69        |
| Librosa                 | 66.84     | 75.13     | 0.48          | 460.52         |

- Test done on 953 songs, mostly Electronic, Hip Hop, Pop, and Rock
- Acc1 = Prediction within +/- 2% of actual bpm
- Acc2 = Prediction within +/- 2% of actual bpm or a multiple (e.g. 120 ~= 60)
- Timed from filepath in to bpm out (audio loading, feature extraction, model inference)
- I could only get TempoCNN to run on cpu (it requires Cuda 10)

## Installation

To install DeepRhythm, ensure you have Python and pip installed. Then run:

pip install deeprhythm

## Usage

### CLI Inference

#### Single

python -m deeprhythm.infer /path/to/song.wav -cq
> ([bpm], [confidence])


- `-c`, `--conf` - include confidence scores
- `-d`, `--device [cuda/cpu/mps]` - specify model device
- `-q`, `--quiet` - prints only bpm/conf

#### Batch

To predict the tempo of all songs in a directory, run

python -m deeprhythm.batch_infer /path/to/dir

This will create in a jsonl file mapping filepath to predicted BPM.


- `-o output_path.jsonl` - provide a custom output path (default 'batch_results.jsonl`)
- `-c`, `--conf` - include confidence scores
- `-d`, `--device [cuda/cpu/mps]` - specify model device
- `-q`, `--quiet` - prints only bpm/conf

### Python Inference

To predict the tempo of a song:

from deeprhythm import DeepRhythmPredictor

model = DeepRhythmPredictor()

tempo = model.predict('path/to/song.mp3')

# to include confidence
tempo, confidence = model.predict('path/to/song.mp3', include_confidence=True)

print(f"Predicted Tempo: {tempo} BPM")

## References

[1] Hadrien Foroughmand and Geoffroy Peeters, “Deep-Rhythm for Global Tempo Estimation in Music”, in Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, Nov. 2019, pp. 636–643. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3527890.

[2] K. W. Cheuk, H. Anderson, K. Agres and D. Herremans, "nnAudio: An on-the-Fly GPU Audio to Spectrogram Conversion Toolbox Using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 161981-162003, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019084.


Raw data

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    "name": "deeprhythm",
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    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
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    "keywords": null,
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "bleugreen <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# DeepRhythm: High-Speed Tempo Prediction\n\n## Introduction\n\nDeepRhythm is a convolutional neural network designed for rapid, precise tempo prediction for modern music. It runs on anything that supports Pytorch (I've tested Ubunbu, MacOS, Windows, Raspbian).\n\nAudio is batch-processed using a vectorized Harmonic Constant-Q Modulation (HCQM), drastically reducing computation time by avoiding the usual bottlenecks encountered in feature extraction.\n\n## HCQM\n\n(reworded from \u201cDeep-Rhythm for Global Tempo Estimation in Music\u201d, by Foroughmand and Peeters [1].)\n\nThe Constant Q Transform (CQT) is a tool used to analyze sound frequencies over time. It breaks down the frequency spectrum into bins that are spaced logarithmically, meaning they're closer together at low frequencies and wider apart at high frequencies. This aligns with how we hear sounds, making it great for music analysis as it captures details of pitches and notes very precisely.\n\nIt is normally performed with a hop length around 10-25ms (the window size varies by frequency) and 80-120 bins (covering ~50-5kHz), which results in a solid melodic representation of the given audio.\n\nWith the HCQM (Harmonic Constant-Q Modulation), Foroughmand and Peeters creatively repurpose the CQT for rhythm detection. Instead of scanning a few milliseconds, they give it an 8-second window. Rather than the standard 81 bins covering 50 Hz to 1 kHz, it utilizes 256 bins tailored to span from 30 bpm to 286 bpm (approximately 0.5 Hz to 4.76 Hz). This adjustment results in a highly detailed, narrow, and low frequency window, which delineates how prevalent each potential bpm is within the track. For instance, in a song with a tempo of 120 bpm, this method would highlight spikes at 30, 60, 120 (predominantly), and 240 bpm.\n\nThen, they perform this process for each harmonic `h` in [1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], where the `f_min` of each CQT is `30 * h`. This provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the rhythm, as it captures the harmonic structure of the rhythm, not just the base tempo. The end result, for an 8s clip of audio, is a 4d tensor with shape `[batch_len, 240 (bpm bins), 8 (log bands), 6 (harmonics)]`.\n\nThis 'tempo cube' is then input to a CNN classifier that performs K-class categorization.\n\n## Classification Process\n\n1. Split input audio into 8 second clips `[len_batch, len_audio]`\n2. Compute the HCQM of each clip\n   1. Compute STFT `[len_batch, stft_bands, len_audio/hop]`\n   2. Sum STFT bins into 8 log-spaced bands using filter matrix `[len_batch, 8, len_audio/hop]`\n   3. Flatten bands for parallel CQT processing `[len_batch*8, len_audio/hop]`\n   4. For each of the six harmonics, compute the CQT `[6, len_batch*8, num_cqt_bins]`\n   5. Reshape `[len_batch, num_cqt_bins, 8, 6]`\n3. Feed HCQM through CNN `[len_batch, num_classes (256)]`\n4. Softmax the outputs to get probabilities\n5. Choose the class with the highest probability and convert to bpm (bpms = `[len_batch]`)\n\n## Benchmarks\n\n| Method                  | Acc1 (%)  | Acc2 (%)  | Avg. Time (s) | Total Time (s) |\n| ----------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------------- | -------------- |\n| DeepRhythm (cuda)       | **95.91** | 96.54     | **0.021**     | 20.11          |\n| DeepRhythm (cpu)        | **95.91** | 96.54     | 0.12          | 115.02         |\n| TempoCNN (cnn)          | 84.78     | **97.69** | 1.21          | 1150.43        |\n| TempoCNN (fcn)          | 83.53     | 96.54     | 1.19          | 1131.51        |\n| Essentia (multifeature) | 87.93     | 97.48     | 2.72          | 2595.64        |\n| Essentia (percival)     | 85.83     | 95.07     | 1.35          | 1289.62        |\n| Essentia (degara)       | 86.46     | 97.17     | 1.38          | 1310.69        |\n| Librosa                 | 66.84     | 75.13     | 0.48          | 460.52         |\n\n- Test done on 953 songs, mostly Electronic, Hip Hop, Pop, and Rock\n- Acc1 = Prediction within +/- 2% of actual bpm\n- Acc2 = Prediction within +/- 2% of actual bpm or a multiple (e.g. 120 ~= 60)\n- Timed from filepath in to bpm out (audio loading, feature extraction, model inference)\n- I could only get TempoCNN to run on cpu (it requires Cuda 10)\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install DeepRhythm, ensure you have Python and pip installed. Then run:\n\n```bash\npip install deeprhythm\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### CLI Inference\n\n#### Single\n\n```bash\npython -m deeprhythm.infer /path/to/song.wav -cq\n> ([bpm], [confidence])\n```\n\nFlags:\n\n- `-c`, `--conf` - include confidence scores\n- `-d`, `--device [cuda/cpu/mps]` - specify model device\n- `-q`, `--quiet` - prints only bpm/conf\n\n#### Batch\n\nTo predict the tempo of all songs in a directory, run\n\n```bash\npython -m deeprhythm.batch_infer /path/to/dir\n```\n\nThis will create in a jsonl file mapping filepath to predicted BPM.\n\nFlags:\n\n- `-o output_path.jsonl` - provide a custom output path (default 'batch_results.jsonl`)\n- `-c`, `--conf` - include confidence scores\n- `-d`, `--device [cuda/cpu/mps]` - specify model device\n- `-q`, `--quiet` - prints only bpm/conf\n\n### Python Inference\n\nTo predict the tempo of a song:\n\n```python\nfrom deeprhythm import DeepRhythmPredictor\n\nmodel = DeepRhythmPredictor()\n\ntempo = model.predict('path/to/song.mp3')\n\n# to include confidence\ntempo, confidence = model.predict('path/to/song.mp3', include_confidence=True)\n\nprint(f\"Predicted Tempo: {tempo} BPM\")\n```\n\n## References\n\n[1] Hadrien Foroughmand and Geoffroy Peeters, \u201cDeep-Rhythm for Global Tempo Estimation in Music\u201d, in Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, Nov. 2019, pp. 636\u2013643. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3527890.\n\n[2] K. W. Cheuk, H. Anderson, K. Agres and D. Herremans, \"nnAudio: An on-the-Fly GPU Audio to Spectrogram Conversion Toolbox Using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks,\" in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 161981-162003, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019084.\n",
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