
Namedm.zope.saml2 JSON
Version 5.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryZope 2/Plone extension for SAML2 based Single Sign On: identity, attribute and service providers
upload_time2024-06-29 13:09:38
authorDieter Maurer
keywords application development zope saml2 sso plone
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            This package supports SAML2 based SSO (Single Sign-On) for Zope/Plone

While it currently supports only a small subset of the
SAML2 standard (simple identity provider, simple service provider
integration and attribute support),
its current functionality is comparable to Plone's OpenId support.


In the SAML2 architecture, a set of distributed authorities (aka entities)
cooperate to provide an overall service. Each authority can take over
one or more roles. Roles are for example "identity provider" (can
identify users), "service provider" (provides some service) and
"attribute provider" (can provide information about users).
Authorities and their roles are described by metadata. The metadata
is exchanged between authorities to allow them to cooperate. SAML2
messages are exchanged to implement the SSO (and other) functionality.

The package currently provides an SAML2 authority,
a simple identity provider, a simple
service provider integration and a simple attribute provider.
All functions are implemented via objects created via the Zope management
interface (ZMI).


The SAML authority object represents the local SAML authority and
manages the metadata about the foreign authorities cooperating with it.
Its ``metadata`` method (callable via url) returns the metadata
describing the local authority. Foreign authorities are
managed as so called `Entity` objects; their metadata are automatically
updated (based on validity attributes in the metadata), manual update
is supported for special cases.

The objects implementing SAML2 roles
access "their" authority as a (Zope toolkit)
"utility". To make this possible, an SAML authority can only be
created below a (Zope toolkit) site (see the package
``five.localsitemanager`` to learn about sites and how to create one).
(CMF or Plone) portals are sites (in this sense) automatically.
Thus, in a simple setup, you can create an authority object in
a portal (without special actions concerning sites).

There can be at most one SAML authority in a given site.
Nested sites, however, may have their own authority or use that
of a parent site.

Identity Provider

In general, an identity provider has the task to identify users and
to provide assertions about user identities to service providers.

The provided simple identity provider delegates
the first task (identifying users) to a host CMF or Plone portal.
Thereby, it uses the standard portal functionality for login and
authentication; it does not make any assumption about the way
the portal manages its users (and their attributes) and the
details of the authentication process.
Thus, almost any portal can be made into an SAML2 identity provider
by just creating an "Saml simple identity provider" in the portal.

On creation, the identity provider
registers automatically as "identity provider" role
with an SAML authority utility. Creation fails, if this utility either
cannot be located or already knows about an identity provider.

There is a variant identity provider which integrates elemantary
attribute provider functionality (see section "Attribute Support").

Service Provider

In general, an SAML2 service provider
provides some kind of (web) service to users and uses SAML2 to get information
about the identities, attributes or access rights for some of its users.
The service provided itself has nothing to do with SAML2; it can be
almost anything (using web technologies).
Only a small part has to do with SAML2: getting information about
users identified and managed externally by other SAML2 authorities.

The simple service provider functionality in this
package  allows either a single portal
or a family of portals sharing a common service provider description
to get authentication information from
an SAML2 identity provider.
It interfaces with the portal[s] via the miniframework 
"pluggable authentication service", used by (e.g.) Plone portals.

In the simple case, the (real) service is implemented by a single portal which
should get authentication information from one or more SAML2
identity providers. This use case is
supported by the creation of an "Saml integrated simple spsso plugin"
in the portal's ``acl_users`` and the activation of its interfaces.

If the SAML2 based authentication replaces the local one, plugins
responsible for local authentication may need to be removed or their
interfaces deactivated. Some integration work is necessary, when local
authentication should coexist with SAML2 based authentication (essentially,
the login form (for local authentication) must be combined with the
identity provider selection (for external authentication)).

In the more complex case, the (real) service is not provided by a single
portal but by a whole family of portals (usually providing the same service
or slightly customized variants of the same service to different user groups)
sharing a common service description with respect to SAML2.
In this case, there is a shared Saml service provider
and each portal has an ``Saml simple spsso plugin (external spsso)``
which work with the shared service provider. In this case, service provider
and plugin communicate via cookies. Therefore, they must get the same cookies.

In fact, the simple case is a variant of the complex one where
service provider and plugin are implemented by the same object.

When a service provider object is created (either standalone or
integrated with the plugin), it registers as "service provider" role
with an SAML authority utility. Creation fails, if this utility
either cannot be located or already knows about a service provider.

The servide provider integration can exhibit user attributes from the
SAML2 assertions as user properties in the portal (user properties
are a standard feature of Plone portals -- to provide addtional
information such as name, email address, ... for a user).

Attribute Support

General SAML2 Attribute Support

This section sketches the general principles of SAML2 attribute
support. The next section outlines the support provided by this

The SAML2 assertions about a user can include almost arbitrary attributes
to provide additional information (beyond the identity).
Attributes can for example be used to inform a cooperating
SAML authority about the name, the email address, group
membership or special priviledges of a user.

SAML2 attributes are identified by a name format and a (formal, often
unwieldy) name. Optionally, they can have a so called "FriendlyName"
which should be human readable.

SAML2 allows a service provider to define zero or
more "AttributeConsumingService"s. Each "AttributeConsumingService"
is identified by an index (an integer) and contains a sequence
of descriptions for "RequestedAttribute"s.
When the service provider requests authentication for a user, it
can specify for which of its "AttributeConsumingService"s it wants
attribute information.

An SAML2 attribute provider is able to provide attributes for users.
Metadata tells which attributes can be provided.

Attribute Support in this Package

This package describes attributes by objects, managed in
"Folder"s and identified by (locally unique)
ids. The ids are used as "FriendlyName" in the
SAML metadata and as user property name.
The attribute's SAML2 name format and (formal) name are specified by
attributes of the attribute (describing) object.

Attribute values can be instances of an XML-Schema elementary type
or lists/sequences
thereof (however, Plone may not understand some of those types).

The service provider object is implemented as a "Folder" of
"AttributeConsumingService"s, each "AttributConsumingService"
as a "Folder" of "RequestedAttribute"s. Thus, a service provider
can define various sets of interesting attributes. However, the
standard authentication request requests only the default set.
While there is an authentication method which supports the
specification of the wanted "AttributeConsumingService", it is
likely that this in not yet handled correctly in this version.

The service provider plugin exposes the SAML2 attributes for
a user as standard (for Plone) user properties; the id of
the attribute description is used as user property name.

The current package version
does not have a standalone attribute provider. However, there is
an identity provider variant which has some integrated attribute provider
functionality. It provides attribute information only as part
of authentication requests.
It is implemented as a "Folder" of "Attribute"s which describe
the supported attributes and how their value can be computed.
By default, the id of the attribute description is interpreted
as user property name and its value (for the current user)
used as value for the attribute. Alternatively, the attribute definition
can specify an "Evaluator" -- the name of a method or view called
with parameters *member*, *attr* and *eid* to determine the attribute
value. *member* is the current portal member, *attr* the attribute description
and *eid* the entity identifier who should get the information.


The package depends on ``Zope``. It was tested with Zope 4.x (more
precisely ``Plone 5.2.13``).

There are other complex dependencies sketched in section


Unfortunately, the installation for this package is complex
due to dependencies on packages with complex installations.

For itself, the installation entails: install the code
and ensure that its ZCML definitions are activated on startup.

Problematic dependencies are sketched below. See the
installation instructions of the respective package for details.


This package integrates ``lxml`` and the "XML security library"
(often called something like ``libxmlsec``) both based
on ``libxml2``.
It supports signatures for XML documents (as required by SAML).

To get it installed, you need a C-development environment
and an installation of the "XML security library" adequate for

It is important that the ``lxml`` installation does not contain
a static copy of ``libxml2`` but links it dynamically.
This usually excludes binary distributions from ``PyPI``
(they contain ``libxml2`` statically to reduce the installation
requirements); OS level ``lxml`` installations are likely acceptable.

``dm.xmlsec.binding`` must be initialized (calling its ``initialize``
function). For modern versions, this must happen
before the ZCML registrations for ``dm.zope.saml2`` are executed.
Should you see "Transform" related import problems on startup,
then the initialization has not been early enough.


``dm.saml2`` depends on
``PyXB``. Unfortunately, the original ``PyXB`` author has abandoned
its development and there is no longer a distribution compatible
with modern Python versions. As a consequence, ``dm.saml2`` no
longer declares its ``PyXB`` dependency. You must
ensure that a ``PyXB`` like distribution with SAML2 bundles
is installed. For details, consult the ``dm.saml2`` documentation.

"formlib" related problems

The default ``zope.formlib`` support for ``Password`` fields
is very bad (it carefully hides the password on edits
but displays it in clear text on views; it forces
you to reenter the password anew whenever you save the form).
To get decent handling of ``Password`` fields, you may
want to activate the ZCML overrides of package ``dm.zope.schema``.

"formlib" integration is often incomplete.
Especially, it is not sufficiently complete for ``dm.zope.saml2``.
Extensions are necessary.
Unfortunately, other applications and components, too,
might require extensions and those may conflict with ours.
To facilitate handling of those caaes, our
"formlib" extensions are registered in ``formlib.zcml``.
If they make problems, use the ZCML registrations from
``core.zcml`` rather than ``configure.zcml`` (this excludes
the ``formlib`` extensions) and integrate the
required "formlib" extensions yourself.

Digital signatures

SAML2 strives hard for security. Therefore, it is virtually
impossible to use SAML2 in an identify provider
without digital signatures. The
digital signatures are used to prevent tempering with SAML2 messages
and to authenticate the cooperating SAML2 authorities.
To effectively use SAML2 for an identity provider, you will need a certificate
and an associated private key such that the authentication assertions
can be properly signed. A certificate can be obtained from a
standard CA (certificate authority); certificates used for HTTPS servers
are usable. Alternatively, it may be possible (this depends
on the SAML2 partners, you want to cooperate with) to generate
your own certificate. ""
describes how you can do this on a Unix-like platform.
Private key and certificate are specified when you create an
SAML authority. For service providers (in contrast to identity providers)
a certificate may not be necessary (this depends on the identity providers
you want to cooperate with; if they (all) accept unsigned authentication
requests, a private key/certificate pair is not necessary).

Analysing problems

In case the interaction between SAML entities poses problems,
the logging facility of ``dm.zope.saml2`` can be helpful.
Logging is enabled by setting the envvar ``SAML2_ENABLE_LOGGING``
to a non empty value. It causes all incoming and outgoing SAML
messages to be logged on level ``INFO``.

In order to learn details about ``xmlsec`` signing/verification
failures, you might want to use ``dm.xmlsec.binding.set_error_callback``
to let those details be logged (for details, consult
the ``dm.xmlsec.binding`` documentation).


The package supports several levels of customizations:
basic customizations via the ZMI through configuration menues,
customization by registration of adapters
and integrating your own class implementations, possibly derived
from base classes defined in this package.

When you create objects described in the architecture section,
you are sent to a configuration menue to enter the
relevant configuration parameters. Those menues should be self

Via the registration of appropriate adapters, you can
currently control the supported nameid formats,
the storage used by the ``RelayStateManager``
and the generation of urls for role objects.
The relevant adapter interfaces are defined in

The built in nameid format support supports only the ``unspecified``
format. Via the registration of an ``INameidFormatSupport`` role
adapter, you can control which nameid formats the adapted role
should support.

By default, the ``RelayManagerState`` (used to remember state
during the login process) is stored inside the ZODB in
a role attribute. By defining an ``IRelayStateStore``
role adapter you can provide a different store. Note that
this adaptation takes effect only during the creation of the role.
Should you plan to switch storage at a later time, you must
call ``Sso.__init__`` on the role again.
Note that aborted login processes leave state records behind.
To get rid of them, consider to call the role's ``clear`` method
from time to time (maybe once in a month).

The generation of the role urls used in the metadata is a bit
complex. The first reason is of a technical nature: the generation
may be activated in a context where the request object cannot be
accessed in the normal Zope way (i.e. via acquisition);
therefore, the normal methods to determine an url do not work
(reliably). The second reason comes from the fact that a Zope
installation can often be accessed via different urls (e.g.
an internal one and one via a virtual host) and that the metadata is
cached; the cached urls in the metadata must ensure they are valid
for all cases and therefore must not depend on the specific request
url that accidentally lead to their creation. To work around
this complexity, the default behavior is to generate the role
urls from a base url (specified as authority configuration attribute)
and the path to the respective role. This usually generates
valid urls but they are often longer than necessary and may reveal details
of the internal structure of your Zope installation (the full path
to the role objects) which you might want to hide.
For those cases, you can register an authority ``IUrlCustomizer`` adapter
and there determine the role urls you would like.

For all cases for which the provided customization possibilities
are not sufficient, you can define your own classes and
instantiate them in place of the standard ones.


I have developed this package as part of a (paid) project -
by factoring out into this open source package
the parts which might be useful to others. However, I did
not invest much effort towards things not relevant to my project.
Especially, I have not performed extensive interoperability tests.

The package works for my project and it should work with
``SimpleSAMLphp`` ( which I used
as functional blueprint. Should I detect interoperability problems
in future projects of mine, I will investigate and fix them.

When you use this package in your own projects, you might
hit interoperability problems. In those cases, you will need
to investigate (and potentially fix them) or use another
SAML integration. You may send me your fixes and I will consider
whether to incorporate them in future versions.

Known Problems

Export/Import Problems

The package uses several Zope objects for its configuration.
Those are not standalone but have quite a complex relationship
among them. For example,
identity provider objects and service provider objects depend on
an authority (accessed as a (local) utility) and register with it.
The authority must generate metadata for its roles (e.g. identity
provider and/or service provider) and therefore requires references
to the corresponding configuration objects.

Zope's standard (ZODB based) export/import functionality operates on
a single object base. It has problems to handle object sets with
interdependencies (such as the SAML configuration object set).

It is known that SAML authority objects raise an exception when
you try to import them. There are hints that imported identity and
service provider objects fail to properly register themselves with
the authority.

I do not know whether you can correctly import the whole
configuration structure as part of a common container object.
There are hints that you must at least include in the import
the local component registry where the SAML authority has registered with.


The current version does not support copying and renaming of SAML
configuration objects.

For a deletion, you must (usually) first delete the role objects associated
with an authority object before you can delete the authority object.
Global deletions (which delete roles and authority together)
may or may not succeed dependent on the order in which the individual
objects are deleted internally.

Text handling

A modern system should represent text internally as unicode
and convert from/to encoded strings only at system boundaries.
For historical (and likely backward compatibility) reasons, Plone
does not (yet) work this way: typically, while it stores unicode it
converts to/from encoded strings at the storage boundary; most parts
of Plone, and especially member properties, handle encoded strings, not
unicode. SAML2, in contrast, is a unicode based technology. This,
unfortunately, requires a bridge between the SAML2 and the Plone world.
To implement the bridge, knowledge is required about the charset used by
Plone to convert between Unicode and encoded bytes.

Plone before version 5 used to make this charset configurable via a
property; `Products.PlonePAS.utils` defined a function `getCharset` to
return this configuration option and `dm.zope.saml2` before
version 4 used it to implement the bridge mentioned above.
Plone 5, at least the dexterity part, has fixed the charset to "utf-8",
the `getCharset` function is gone.

To obtain a `dm.zope.saml2` version capable to work both with Plone 5 and
former Plone versions, it implements (from version 4 on)
its own `getCharset` function
(in its `util` module). By default, it returns "utf-8" as charset --
a value appropriate for most Plone setups and especially
likely all modern Plone setups. Should your setup use a different charset,
your must register a `dm.zope.saml2.util.ICharset` adapter for the
portal root returning the charset used for the portal.



  Fix some (minor) Python 3 incompatibilities

  Fix (minor) problem during entity creation when its
  name contains special characters

  Fix: honour metadata validity to avoid using stale key/certificate
  information for signature processing

  Fix ``@@view`` problems due to incomplete "formlib" integration
  (indicated by ``ComponentLookupError``)

  Implement ``E87: Clarify default rules for <md:AttributeConsumingService>``
  of ``saml-v2.0-errata05-os.pdf``.

  Slightly modularize the top level ``configure.zcml`` to allow
  deployers an easier ``formlib`` related problem resolution

  Support signatures for the ``http-redirect`` binding


  Python 3/Zope 4/Plone 5.2 compatibility

  Improved integration with ``plone.protect``'s CSRF protection.
  **ATT** This version uses new CSRF aware data structures for
  entity and relay state management. If you upgrade from an
  earlier version, you may need to rebuild your SAML2 related
  configuration objects to profit from this better integration.

  Note: at the time of this release,
  still prevented correct use in Plone 5.2.

  No longer tested against Zope 2 (only Zope 4).
  Neverthelss, it might work with Zope 2.


  Plone 5 compatibility. ATT: may introduce a backward incompatibility
  in the case that your portal does not use "utf-8" as charset.
  See the section "Text handling" above.

  The explicit login request now allows a "caller" to determine
  where to redirect to after a successful login by defining
  the request variable `came_from`.


  Allow to specify a type for a requested attribute. This can be
  necessary as some identity providers (e.g. some from Microsoft)
  do not provide type information in ``AttributeValue`` elements
  (but rely on type information exchange in a different way).


  Switch to non-naive ``datetime`` values in the UTC time zone
  (rather than naive UTC ``datetime`` values) - in the hope
  that this improves interoperability.
  As a consequence, generated SAML time values use a ``Z`` suffix,
  which appears to contradict section 1.3.3 of the SAML2 specification
  but which is compatible with many SAML2 implementations (e.g. Amazon AWS).
  Apparently, ``ADFS`` insists on this format.

2.0b3 - 2.0b8

  Various fixes and improvements based on experience
  by Dylan Jay


  Improves control over name identifier formats
  and the creation of name identifiers.

  Adds titles to entities in order to provide a more friendly
  identity provider list.

  Ignores signatures in metadata to avoid a chicken-and-egg problem
  (but this, of course, reduces security).

  Supports authentication request signing (if the identity provider
  requires this).


  Version 2.0 uses ``dm.xmlsec.binding`` as Python binding to the XML
  security library, rather then the no longer maintained ``pyxmlsec``.
  This drastically facilitates installation.


  Initial release based on ``pyxmlsec``.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "dm.zope.saml2",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "application development zope saml2 sso plone",
    "author": "Dieter Maurer",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "This package supports SAML2 based SSO (Single Sign-On) for Zope/Plone\ninstallations.\n\nWhile it currently supports only a small subset of the\nSAML2 standard (simple identity provider, simple service provider\nintegration and attribute support),\nits current functionality is comparable to Plone's OpenId support.\n\n\n\n============\nArchitecture\n============\n\n\nIn the SAML2 architecture, a set of distributed authorities (aka entities)\ncooperate to provide an overall service. Each authority can take over\none or more roles. Roles are for example \"identity provider\" (can\nidentify users), \"service provider\" (provides some service) and\n\"attribute provider\" (can provide information about users).\nAuthorities and their roles are described by metadata. The metadata\nis exchanged between authorities to allow them to cooperate. SAML2\nmessages are exchanged to implement the SSO (and other) functionality.\n\nThe package currently provides an SAML2 authority,\na simple identity provider, a simple\nservice provider integration and a simple attribute provider.\nAll functions are implemented via objects created via the Zope management\ninterface (ZMI).\n\n\nAuthority\n=========\n\nThe SAML authority object represents the local SAML authority and\nmanages the metadata about the foreign authorities cooperating with it.\nIts ``metadata`` method (callable via url) returns the metadata\ndescribing the local authority. Foreign authorities are\nmanaged as so called `Entity` objects; their metadata are automatically\nupdated (based on validity attributes in the metadata), manual update\nis supported for special cases.\n\nThe objects implementing SAML2 roles\naccess \"their\" authority as a (Zope toolkit)\n\"utility\". To make this possible, an SAML authority can only be\ncreated below a (Zope toolkit) site (see the package\n``five.localsitemanager`` to learn about sites and how to create one).\n(CMF or Plone) portals are sites (in this sense) automatically.\nThus, in a simple setup, you can create an authority object in\na portal (without special actions concerning sites).\n\nThere can be at most one SAML authority in a given site.\nNested sites, however, may have their own authority or use that\nof a parent site.\n\n\nIdentity Provider\n=================\n\nIn general, an identity provider has the task to identify users and\nto provide assertions about user identities to service providers.\n\nThe provided simple identity provider delegates\nthe first task (identifying users) to a host CMF or Plone portal.\nThereby, it uses the standard portal functionality for login and\nauthentication; it does not make any assumption about the way\nthe portal manages its users (and their attributes) and the\ndetails of the authentication process.\nThus, almost any portal can be made into an SAML2 identity provider\nby just creating an \"Saml simple identity provider\" in the portal.\n\nOn creation, the identity provider\nregisters automatically as \"identity provider\" role\nwith an SAML authority utility. Creation fails, if this utility either\ncannot be located or already knows about an identity provider.\n\nThere is a variant identity provider which integrates elemantary\nattribute provider functionality (see section \"Attribute Support\").\n\n\nService Provider\n================\n\nIn general, an SAML2 service provider\nprovides some kind of (web) service to users and uses SAML2 to get information\nabout the identities, attributes or access rights for some of its users.\nThe service provided itself has nothing to do with SAML2; it can be\nalmost anything (using web technologies).\nOnly a small part has to do with SAML2: getting information about\nusers identified and managed externally by other SAML2 authorities.\n\nThe simple service provider functionality in this\npackage  allows either a single portal\nor a family of portals sharing a common service provider description\nto get authentication information from\nan SAML2 identity provider.\nIt interfaces with the portal[s] via the miniframework \n\"pluggable authentication service\", used by (e.g.) Plone portals.\n\nIn the simple case, the (real) service is implemented by a single portal which\nshould get authentication information from one or more SAML2\nidentity providers. This use case is\nsupported by the creation of an \"Saml integrated simple spsso plugin\"\nin the portal's ``acl_users`` and the activation of its interfaces.\n\nIf the SAML2 based authentication replaces the local one, plugins\nresponsible for local authentication may need to be removed or their\ninterfaces deactivated. Some integration work is necessary, when local\nauthentication should coexist with SAML2 based authentication (essentially,\nthe login form (for local authentication) must be combined with the\nidentity provider selection (for external authentication)).\n\nIn the more complex case, the (real) service is not provided by a single\nportal but by a whole family of portals (usually providing the same service\nor slightly customized variants of the same service to different user groups)\nsharing a common service description with respect to SAML2.\nIn this case, there is a shared Saml service provider\nand each portal has an ``Saml simple spsso plugin (external spsso)``\nwhich work with the shared service provider. In this case, service provider\nand plugin communicate via cookies. Therefore, they must get the same cookies.\n\nIn fact, the simple case is a variant of the complex one where\nservice provider and plugin are implemented by the same object.\n\nWhen a service provider object is created (either standalone or\nintegrated with the plugin), it registers as \"service provider\" role\nwith an SAML authority utility. Creation fails, if this utility\neither cannot be located or already knows about a service provider.\n\nThe servide provider integration can exhibit user attributes from the\nSAML2 assertions as user properties in the portal (user properties\nare a standard feature of Plone portals -- to provide addtional\ninformation such as name, email address, ... for a user).\n\n\nAttribute Support\n=================\n\nGeneral SAML2 Attribute Support\n-------------------------------\n\nThis section sketches the general principles of SAML2 attribute\nsupport. The next section outlines the support provided by this\npackage.\n\nThe SAML2 assertions about a user can include almost arbitrary attributes\nto provide additional information (beyond the identity).\nAttributes can for example be used to inform a cooperating\nSAML authority about the name, the email address, group\nmembership or special priviledges of a user.\n\nSAML2 attributes are identified by a name format and a (formal, often\nunwieldy) name. Optionally, they can have a so called \"FriendlyName\"\nwhich should be human readable.\n\nSAML2 allows a service provider to define zero or\nmore \"AttributeConsumingService\"s. Each \"AttributeConsumingService\"\nis identified by an index (an integer) and contains a sequence\nof descriptions for \"RequestedAttribute\"s.\nWhen the service provider requests authentication for a user, it\ncan specify for which of its \"AttributeConsumingService\"s it wants\nattribute information.\n\nAn SAML2 attribute provider is able to provide attributes for users.\nMetadata tells which attributes can be provided.\n\n\nAttribute Support in this Package\n---------------------------------\n\nThis package describes attributes by objects, managed in\n\"Folder\"s and identified by (locally unique)\nids. The ids are used as \"FriendlyName\" in the\nSAML metadata and as user property name.\nThe attribute's SAML2 name format and (formal) name are specified by\nattributes of the attribute (describing) object.\n\nAttribute values can be instances of an XML-Schema elementary type\nor lists/sequences\nthereof (however, Plone may not understand some of those types).\n\nThe service provider object is implemented as a \"Folder\" of\n\"AttributeConsumingService\"s, each \"AttributConsumingService\"\nas a \"Folder\" of \"RequestedAttribute\"s. Thus, a service provider\ncan define various sets of interesting attributes. However, the\nstandard authentication request requests only the default set.\nWhile there is an authentication method which supports the\nspecification of the wanted \"AttributeConsumingService\", it is\nlikely that this in not yet handled correctly in this version.\n\nThe service provider plugin exposes the SAML2 attributes for\na user as standard (for Plone) user properties; the id of\nthe attribute description is used as user property name.\n\nThe current package version\ndoes not have a standalone attribute provider. However, there is\nan identity provider variant which has some integrated attribute provider\nfunctionality. It provides attribute information only as part\nof authentication requests.\nIt is implemented as a \"Folder\" of \"Attribute\"s which describe\nthe supported attributes and how their value can be computed.\nBy default, the id of the attribute description is interpreted\nas user property name and its value (for the current user)\nused as value for the attribute. Alternatively, the attribute definition\ncan specify an \"Evaluator\" -- the name of a method or view called\nwith parameters *member*, *attr* and *eid* to determine the attribute\nvalue. *member* is the current portal member, *attr* the attribute description\nand *eid* the entity identifier who should get the information.\n\n\n============\nDependencies\n============\n\nThe package depends on ``Zope``. It was tested with Zope 4.x (more\nprecisely ``Plone 5.2.13``).\n\nThere are other complex dependencies sketched in section\n\"Installation\".\n\n\n============\nInstallation\n============\n\nUnfortunately, the installation for this package is complex\ndue to dependencies on packages with complex installations.\n\nFor itself, the installation entails: install the code\nand ensure that its ZCML definitions are activated on startup.\n\nProblematic dependencies are sketched below. See the\ninstallation instructions of the respective package for details.\n\n\n``dm.xmlsec.binding``\n=====================\n\nThis package integrates ``lxml`` and the \"XML security library\"\n(often called something like ``libxmlsec``) both based\non ``libxml2``.\nIt supports signatures for XML documents (as required by SAML).\n\nTo get it installed, you need a C-development environment\nand an installation of the \"XML security library\" adequate for\ndevelopment.\n\nIt is important that the ``lxml`` installation does not contain\na static copy of ``libxml2`` but links it dynamically.\nThis usually excludes binary distributions from ``PyPI``\n(they contain ``libxml2`` statically to reduce the installation\nrequirements); OS level ``lxml`` installations are likely acceptable.\n\n``dm.xmlsec.binding`` must be initialized (calling its ``initialize``\nfunction). For modern versions, this must happen\nbefore the ZCML registrations for ``dm.zope.saml2`` are executed.\nShould you see \"Transform\" related import problems on startup,\nthen the initialization has not been early enough.\n\n\n``dm.saml2``\n============\n\n``dm.saml2`` depends on\n``PyXB``. Unfortunately, the original ``PyXB`` author has abandoned\nits development and there is no longer a distribution compatible\nwith modern Python versions. As a consequence, ``dm.saml2`` no\nlonger declares its ``PyXB`` dependency. You must\nensure that a ``PyXB`` like distribution with SAML2 bundles\nis installed. For details, consult the ``dm.saml2`` documentation.\n\n\n\"formlib\" related problems\n==========================\n\nThe default ``zope.formlib`` support for ``Password`` fields\nis very bad (it carefully hides the password on edits\nbut displays it in clear text on views; it forces\nyou to reenter the password anew whenever you save the form).\nTo get decent handling of ``Password`` fields, you may\nwant to activate the ZCML overrides of package ``dm.zope.schema``.\n\n\"formlib\" integration is often incomplete.\nEspecially, it is not sufficiently complete for ``dm.zope.saml2``.\nExtensions are necessary.\nUnfortunately, other applications and components, too,\nmight require extensions and those may conflict with ours.\nTo facilitate handling of those caaes, our\n\"formlib\" extensions are registered in ``formlib.zcml``.\nIf they make problems, use the ZCML registrations from\n``core.zcml`` rather than ``configure.zcml`` (this excludes\nthe ``formlib`` extensions) and integrate the\nrequired \"formlib\" extensions yourself.\n\n\nDigital signatures\n==================\n\nSAML2 strives hard for security. Therefore, it is virtually\nimpossible to use SAML2 in an identify provider\nwithout digital signatures. The\ndigital signatures are used to prevent tempering with SAML2 messages\nand to authenticate the cooperating SAML2 authorities.\nTo effectively use SAML2 for an identity provider, you will need a certificate\nand an associated private key such that the authentication assertions\ncan be properly signed. A certificate can be obtained from a\nstandard CA (certificate authority); certificates used for HTTPS servers\nare usable. Alternatively, it may be possible (this depends\non the SAML2 partners, you want to cooperate with) to generate\nyour own certificate. \"\"\ndescribes how you can do this on a Unix-like platform.\nPrivate key and certificate are specified when you create an\nSAML authority. For service providers (in contrast to identity providers)\na certificate may not be necessary (this depends on the identity providers\nyou want to cooperate with; if they (all) accept unsigned authentication\nrequests, a private key/certificate pair is not necessary).\n\n\nAnalysing problems\n==================\n\nIn case the interaction between SAML entities poses problems,\nthe logging facility of ``dm.zope.saml2`` can be helpful.\nLogging is enabled by setting the envvar ``SAML2_ENABLE_LOGGING``\nto a non empty value. It causes all incoming and outgoing SAML\nmessages to be logged on level ``INFO``.\n\nIn order to learn details about ``xmlsec`` signing/verification\nfailures, you might want to use ``dm.xmlsec.binding.set_error_callback``\nto let those details be logged (for details, consult\nthe ``dm.xmlsec.binding`` documentation).\n\n\n=============\nCustomization\n=============\n\nThe package supports several levels of customizations:\nbasic customizations via the ZMI through configuration menues,\ncustomization by registration of adapters\nand integrating your own class implementations, possibly derived\nfrom base classes defined in this package.\n\nWhen you create objects described in the architecture section,\nyou are sent to a configuration menue to enter the\nrelevant configuration parameters. Those menues should be self\nexplanatory.\n\nVia the registration of appropriate adapters, you can\ncurrently control the supported nameid formats,\nthe storage used by the ``RelayStateManager``\nand the generation of urls for role objects.\nThe relevant adapter interfaces are defined in\n``dm.zope.saml2.interfaces``.\n\nThe built in nameid format support supports only the ``unspecified``\nformat. Via the registration of an ``INameidFormatSupport`` role\nadapter, you can control which nameid formats the adapted role\nshould support.\n\nBy default, the ``RelayManagerState`` (used to remember state\nduring the login process) is stored inside the ZODB in\na role attribute. By defining an ``IRelayStateStore``\nrole adapter you can provide a different store. Note that\nthis adaptation takes effect only during the creation of the role.\nShould you plan to switch storage at a later time, you must\ncall ``Sso.__init__`` on the role again.\nNote that aborted login processes leave state records behind.\nTo get rid of them, consider to call the role's ``clear`` method\nfrom time to time (maybe once in a month).\n\nThe generation of the role urls used in the metadata is a bit\ncomplex. The first reason is of a technical nature: the generation\nmay be activated in a context where the request object cannot be\naccessed in the normal Zope way (i.e. via acquisition);\ntherefore, the normal methods to determine an url do not work\n(reliably). The second reason comes from the fact that a Zope\ninstallation can often be accessed via different urls (e.g.\nan internal one and one via a virtual host) and that the metadata is\ncached; the cached urls in the metadata must ensure they are valid\nfor all cases and therefore must not depend on the specific request\nurl that accidentally lead to their creation. To work around\nthis complexity, the default behavior is to generate the role\nurls from a base url (specified as authority configuration attribute)\nand the path to the respective role. This usually generates\nvalid urls but they are often longer than necessary and may reveal details\nof the internal structure of your Zope installation (the full path\nto the role objects) which you might want to hide.\nFor those cases, you can register an authority ``IUrlCustomizer`` adapter\nand there determine the role urls you would like.\n\nFor all cases for which the provided customization possibilities\nare not sufficient, you can define your own classes and\ninstantiate them in place of the standard ones.\n\n\n================\nInteroperability\n================\n\nI have developed this package as part of a (paid) project -\nby factoring out into this open source package\nthe parts which might be useful to others. However, I did\nnot invest much effort towards things not relevant to my project.\nEspecially, I have not performed extensive interoperability tests.\n\nThe package works for my project and it should work with\n``SimpleSAMLphp`` ( which I used\nas functional blueprint. Should I detect interoperability problems\nin future projects of mine, I will investigate and fix them.\n\nWhen you use this package in your own projects, you might\nhit interoperability problems. In those cases, you will need\nto investigate (and potentially fix them) or use another\nSAML integration. You may send me your fixes and I will consider\nwhether to incorporate them in future versions.\n\n\n\n==============\nKnown Problems\n==============\n\n\nExport/Import Problems\n======================\n\nThe package uses several Zope objects for its configuration.\nThose are not standalone but have quite a complex relationship\namong them. For example,\nidentity provider objects and service provider objects depend on\nan authority (accessed as a (local) utility) and register with it.\nThe authority must generate metadata for its roles (e.g. identity\nprovider and/or service provider) and therefore requires references\nto the corresponding configuration objects.\n\nZope's standard (ZODB based) export/import functionality operates on\na single object base. It has problems to handle object sets with\ninterdependencies (such as the SAML configuration object set).\n\nIt is known that SAML authority objects raise an exception when\nyou try to import them. There are hints that imported identity and\nservice provider objects fail to properly register themselves with\nthe authority.\n\nI do not know whether you can correctly import the whole\nconfiguration structure as part of a common container object.\nThere are hints that you must at least include in the import\nthe local component registry where the SAML authority has registered with.\n\n\nCopying/Renaming/Deleting\n=========================\n\nThe current version does not support copying and renaming of SAML\nconfiguration objects.\n\nFor a deletion, you must (usually) first delete the role objects associated\nwith an authority object before you can delete the authority object.\nGlobal deletions (which delete roles and authority together)\nmay or may not succeed dependent on the order in which the individual\nobjects are deleted internally.\n\n\nText handling\n=============\n\nA modern system should represent text internally as unicode\nand convert from/to encoded strings only at system boundaries.\nFor historical (and likely backward compatibility) reasons, Plone\ndoes not (yet) work this way: typically, while it stores unicode it\nconverts to/from encoded strings at the storage boundary; most parts\nof Plone, and especially member properties, handle encoded strings, not\nunicode. SAML2, in contrast, is a unicode based technology. This,\nunfortunately, requires a bridge between the SAML2 and the Plone world.\nTo implement the bridge, knowledge is required about the charset used by\nPlone to convert between Unicode and encoded bytes.\n\nPlone before version 5 used to make this charset configurable via a\nproperty; `Products.PlonePAS.utils` defined a function `getCharset` to\nreturn this configuration option and `dm.zope.saml2` before\nversion 4 used it to implement the bridge mentioned above.\nPlone 5, at least the dexterity part, has fixed the charset to \"utf-8\",\nthe `getCharset` function is gone.\n\nTo obtain a `dm.zope.saml2` version capable to work both with Plone 5 and\nformer Plone versions, it implements (from version 4 on)\nits own `getCharset` function\n(in its `util` module). By default, it returns \"utf-8\" as charset --\na value appropriate for most Plone setups and especially\nlikely all modern Plone setups. Should your setup use a different charset,\nyour must register a `dm.zope.saml2.util.ICharset` adapter for the\nportal root returning the charset used for the portal.\n\n\n\n\n=======\nHistory\n=======\n\n5.1\n\n  Fix some (minor) Python 3 incompatibilities\n\n  Fix (minor) problem during entity creation when its\n  name contains special characters\n\n  Fix: honour metadata validity to avoid using stale key/certificate\n  information for signature processing\n\n  Fix ``@@view`` problems due to incomplete \"formlib\" integration\n  (indicated by ``ComponentLookupError``)\n\n  Implement ``E87: Clarify default rules for <md:AttributeConsumingService>``\n  of ``saml-v2.0-errata05-os.pdf``.\n\n  Slightly modularize the top level ``configure.zcml`` to allow\n  deployers an easier ``formlib`` related problem resolution\n\n  Support signatures for the ``http-redirect`` binding\n\n\n5.0\n\n  Python 3/Zope 4/Plone 5.2 compatibility\n\n  Improved integration with ``plone.protect``'s CSRF protection.\n  **ATT** This version uses new CSRF aware data structures for\n  entity and relay state management. If you upgrade from an\n  earlier version, you may need to rebuild your SAML2 related\n  configuration objects to profit from this better integration.\n\n  Note: at the time of this release,\n  \"\"\n  still prevented correct use in Plone 5.2.\n\n  No longer tested against Zope 2 (only Zope 4).\n  Neverthelss, it might work with Zope 2.\n\n\n4.0\n\n  Plone 5 compatibility. ATT: may introduce a backward incompatibility\n  in the case that your portal does not use \"utf-8\" as charset.\n  See the section \"Text handling\" above.\n\n  The explicit login request now allows a \"caller\" to determine\n  where to redirect to after a successful login by defining\n  the request variable `came_from`.\n\n3.1b1\n\n  Allow to specify a type for a requested attribute. This can be\n  necessary as some identity providers (e.g. some from Microsoft)\n  do not provide type information in ``AttributeValue`` elements\n  (but rely on type information exchange in a different way).\n\n3.0b1\n\n  Switch to non-naive ``datetime`` values in the UTC time zone\n  (rather than naive UTC ``datetime`` values) - in the hope\n  that this improves interoperability.\n  \n  As a consequence, generated SAML time values use a ``Z`` suffix,\n  which appears to contradict section 1.3.3 of the SAML2 specification\n  but which is compatible with many SAML2 implementations (e.g. Amazon AWS).\n  Apparently, ``ADFS`` insists on this format.\n\n2.0b3 - 2.0b8\n\n  Various fixes and improvements based on experience\n  by Dylan Jay\n\n2.0b2\n\n  Improves control over name identifier formats\n  and the creation of name identifiers.\n\n  Adds titles to entities in order to provide a more friendly\n  identity provider list.\n\n  Ignores signatures in metadata to avoid a chicken-and-egg problem\n  (but this, of course, reduces security).\n\n  Supports authentication request signing (if the identity provider\n  requires this).\n\n2.0\n\n  Version 2.0 uses ``dm.xmlsec.binding`` as Python binding to the XML\n  security library, rather then the no longer maintained ``pyxmlsec``.\n  This drastically facilitates installation.\n\n1.0\n\n  Initial release based on ``pyxmlsec``.\n",
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    "license": "ZPL",
    "summary": "Zope 2/Plone extension for SAML2 based Single Sign On: identity, attribute and service providers",
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