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# EPANET Python Toolkit (EPyT)
The `EPANET-Python Toolkit` is an open-source software, originally developed by the [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/) which operates within the Python environment, for providing a programming interface for the latest version of [EPANET](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet), a hydraulic and quality modeling software created by the US EPA, with Python, a high-level technical computing software. The goal of the EPANET Python Toolkit is to serve as a common programming framework for research and development in the growing field of smart water networks.
The `EPANET-Python Toolkit` features easy to use commands/wrappers for viewing, modifying, simulating and plotting results produced by the EPANET libraries.
For support, please use the OWA community forum : http://community.wateranalytics.org/
## Table of Contents
- [EPANET Python Toolkit (EPyT)](#epanet-python-toolkit-epyt)
- [How to cite](#how-to-cite)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [How to install](#how-to-install)
- [How to use the Toolkit](#how-to-use-the-toolkit)
- [How to fix/report bugs](#how-to-fixreport-bugs)
- [Licenses](#licenses)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Recommendation](#recommendation)
- [List of Python Class Functions](#list-of-python-class-functions)
- [List of EPANET 2.2 Functions](#list-of-epanet-22-functions)
## How to cite
Kyriakou, M. S., Demetriades, M., Vrachimis, S. G., Eliades, D. G., & Polycarpou, M. M. (2023). EPyT: An EPANET-Python Toolkit for Smart Water Network Simulations. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(92), 5947. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05947
author = {Kyriakou, Marios S. and Demetriades, Marios and Vrachimis, Stelios G. and Eliades, Demetrios G. and Polycarpou, Marios M.},
doi = {10.21105/joss.05947},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
month = dec,
number = {92},
pages = {5947},
title = {{EPyT: An EPANET-Python Toolkit for Smart Water Network Simulations}},
url = {https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.05947},
volume = {8},
year = {2023}
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## Requirements
* Python >=3.8
* Windows, OSX or Linux
* [EPANET 2.2](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet)
Linux: `sudo cp libepanet2.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libepanet.so`
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## How to install
**Environments -> base (root) -> open terminal -> pip install epyt**
* PyPI: <b>pip install epyt</b>
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## How to use the Toolkit
**Minimum Example:**
>>> from epyt import epanet
>>> d = epanet('Net1.inp')
>>> d.getNodeCount()
>>> d.getNodeElevations()
**Minumun Example using custom Library:**
>>> from epyt import epanet
>>>epanetlib=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'epyt','libraries','win','epanet2.dll')
>>>msxlib=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'epyt','libraries','win','epanetmsx.dll')
>>>d = epanet(inpname, customlib=epanetlib)
>>>d.loadMSXFile(msxname, customMSXlib=msxlib)
**More examples:**
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## How to fix/report bugs
To fix a bug `Fork` the `EPyT`, `Edit` the code and make the appropriate change, and then `Pull` it so that we evaluate it.
Keep in mind that some bugs may exist in the `EPANET` libraries, in case you are not receiving the expected results.
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## Licenses
* `EPANET`: Public Domain
* `EPANET-Python Toolkit (EPyT)`: EUPL
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## Contributors
* Marios Kyriakou, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)
* Marios Demetriades, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)
* Stelios Vrachimis, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)
* Demetrios Eliades, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)
The `EPyT` is based/inspired on the [EPANET-Matlab Toolkit](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit).
## Contributing
If you want to contribute, please check out our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/blob/dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). Everyone is welcome to contribute whether reporting a new [issue](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/issues), suggesting a new feature, or writing code. If you want to contribute code, you can create a new fork in the repo to your own account. Make your commits on your dev branch (based on dev) and when you are finished then you can create a [pull request](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/pulls) to test the code and discuss your changes.
## Recommendation
* Install Anaconda<br>
* Run `EPyT` with [Spyder IDE](https://www.spyder-ide.org/)
* Run `EPyT` with [PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/)
*Settings on Spyder IDE*
* Tools -> Preferrences
* View -> Window layouts -> Matlab layout
* Enable interactive plot on matlibplot
: Tools -> Preferences -> IPython console -> Graphics -> Graphics backend -> Backend: Automatic
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## List of Python Class Functions
| Function |Description|
| addControls |Adds a new simple control|
| addCurve |Adds a new curve appended to the end of the existing curves|
| addLinkPipe |Adds a new pipe|
| addLinkPipeCV |Adds a new control valve pipe|
| addLinkPump |Adds a new pump|
| addLinkValveFCV |Adds a new FCV valve|
| addLinkValveGPV |Adds a new GPV valve|
| addLinkValvePBV |Adds a new PBV valve|
| addLinkValvePRV |Adds a new PRV valve|
| addLinkValvePSV |Adds a new PSV valve|
| addLinkValveTCV |Adds a new TCV valve|
| addNodeJunction |Adds a new junction|
| addNodeJunctionDemand |Adds a new demand to a junction given the junction index, base demand, demand time pattern and demand category name|
| addNodeReservoir |Adds a new reservoir|
| addNodeTank |Adds a new tank|
| addPattern |Adds a new time pattern to the network|
| addRules |Adds a new rule-based control to a project|
| appRotateNetwork |Rotates the network by theta degrees counter-clockwise|
| appShiftNetwork |Shifts the network|
| clearReport |Clears the contents of a project's report file|
| closeHydraulicAnalysis |Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory|
| closeNetwork |Closes down the Toolkit system|
| closeQualityAnalysis |Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory|
| copyReport |Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file|
| createProject |Creates a new epanet projec|
| deleteAllTemps |Delete all temporary files (.inp, .bin) created in networks folder|
| deleteControls |Deletes an existing simple control|
| deleteCurve |Deletes a data curve from a project|
| deleteLink |Deletes a link|
| deleteNode |Deletes nodes|
| deletePattern |Deletes a time pattern from a project|
| deletePatternsAll |Deletes all time patterns from a project|
| deleteProject |Deletes the epanet project|
| deleteRules |Deletes an existing rule-based control given it's index
| getAdjacencyMatrix |Compute the adjacency matrix (connectivity graph) considering the flows, using mean flow|
| getAllAttributes |Get all attributes of a given Python object|
| getCMDCODE |Retrieves the CMC code|
| getComputedHydraulicTimeSeries |Computes hydraulic simulation and retrieves all time-series
| getComputedQualityTimeSeries |Computes Quality simulation and retrieves all or some time-series
| getComputedTimeSeries |Run analysis with binary fil
| getConnectivityMatrix |Retrieve the Connectivity Matrix of the networ
| getControlRulesCount |Retrieves the number of controls
| getControls |Retrieves the parameters of all control statements
| getCounts |Retrieves the number of network components
| getCurveComment |Retrieves the comment string of a curve
| getCurveCount |Retrieves the number of curves
| getCurveIndex |Retrieves the index of a curve with specific ID
| getCurveLengths |Retrieves number of points in a curve
| getCurveNameID |Retrieves the IDs of curves
| getCurveType |Retrieves the curve-type for all curves
| getCurveTypeIndex |Retrieves the curve-type index for all curves
| getCurveValue |Retrieves the X, Y values of points of curves
| getCurvesInfo |Retrieves all the info of curves
| getDemandModel |Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters
| getENfunctionsImpemented |Retrieves the epanet functions that have been developed
| getError |Retrieves the text of the message associated with a particular error or warning code
| getFlowUnits |Retrieves flow units used to express all flow rates
| getLibFunctions |Retrieves the functions of DLL
| getLinkActualQuality |Retrieves the current computed link quality (read only)
| getLinkBulkReactionCoeff |Retrieves the value of all link bulk chemical reaction coefficient
| getLinkComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the link object
| getLinkCount |Retrieves the number of links
| getLinkDiameter |Retrieves the value of link diameters
| getLinkEnergy |Retrieves the current computed pump energy usage (read only)
| getLinkFlows |Retrieves the current computed flow rate (read only)
| getLinkHeadloss |Retrieves the current computed head loss (read only)
| getLinkIndex |Retrieves the indices of all links, or the indices of an ID set of links
| getLinkInitialSetting |Retrieves the value of all link roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves
| getLinkInitialStatus |Retrieves the value of all link initial status
| getLinkLength |Retrieves the value of link lengths
| getLinkMinorLossCoeff |Retrieves the value of link minor loss coefficients
| getLinkNameID |Retrieves the ID label(s) of all links, or the IDs of an index set of links
| getLinkNodesIndex |Retrieves the indexes of the from/to nodes of all links
| getLinkPipeCount |Retrieves the number of pipes
| getLinkPipeIndex |Retrieves the pipe indices
| getLinkPipeNameID |Retrieves the pipe ID
| getLinkPumpCount |Retrieves the number of pumps
| getLinkPumpECost |Retrieves the pump average energy price
| getLinkPumpECurve |Retrieves the pump efficiency v
| getLinkPumpEPat |Retrieves the pump energy price time pattern index
| getLinkPumpEfficiency |Retrieves the current computed pump efficiency (read only)
| getLinkPumpHCurve |Retrieves the pump head v
| getLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex |Retrieves the index of a head curve for all pumps
| getLinkPumpIndex |Retrieves the pump indices
| getLinkPumpNameID |Retrieves the pump ID
| getLinkPumpPatternIndex |Retrieves the pump speed time pattern index
| getLinkPumpPatternNameID |Retrieves pump pattern name ID
| getLinkPumpPower |Retrieves the pump constant power rating (read only)
| getLinkPumpState |Retrieves the current computed pump state (read only) (see @ref EN_PumpStateType)
| getLinkPumpSwitches |Retrieves the number of pump switches
| getLinkPumpType |Retrieves the type of a pump
| getLinkPumpTypeCode |Retrieves the code of type of a pump
| getLinkQuality |Retrieves the value of link quality
| getLinkResultIndex |Retrieves the order in which a link's results were saved to an output file
| getLinkRoughnessCoeff |Retrieves the value of link roughness coefficient
| getLinkSettings |Retrieves the current computed value of all link roughness for pipes or actual speed for pumps or actual setting for valves
| getLinkStatus |Retrieves the current link status (see @ref EN_LinkStatusType) (0 = closed, 1 = open)
| getLinkType |Retrieves the link-type code for all links
| getLinkTypeIndex |Retrieves the link-type code for all links
| getLinkValveCount |Retrieves the number of valves
| getLinkValveIndex |Retrieves the valve indices
| getLinkValveNameID |Retrieves the valve ID
| getLinkVelocity |Retrieves the current computed flow velocity (read only)
| getLinkVertices |Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link
| getLinkVerticesCount |Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link
| getLinkWallReactionCoeff |Retrieves the value of all pipe wall chemical reaction coefficient
| getLinksInfo |Retrieves all link info
| getNetworksDatabase |Retrieves all EPANET Input Files from EPyT database
| getNodeActualDemand |Retrieves the computed value of all node actual demands
| getNodeActualDemandSensingNodes |Retrieves the computed demand values at some sensing nodes
| getNodeActualQuality |Retrieves the computed values of the actual quality for all nodes
| getNodeActualQualitySensingNodes |Retrieves the computed quality values at some sensing node
| getNodeBaseDemands |Retrieves the value of all node base demands
| getNodeComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the node object
| getNodeCoordinates
| getNodeCount |Retrieves the number of nodes
| getNodeDemandCategoriesNumber |Retrieves the value of all node base demands categorie number
| getNodeDemandDeficit |Retrieves the amount that full demand is reduced under PDA
| getNodeDemandPatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node base demands pattern index
| getNodeDemandPatternNameID |Retrieves the value of all node base demands pattern name ID
| getNodeElevations |Retrieves the value of all node elevations
| getNodeEmitterCoeff |Retrieves the value of all node emmitter coefficients
| getNodeHydraulicHead |Retrieves the computed values of all node hydraulic heads
| getNodeIndex |Retrieves the indices of all nodes or some nodes with a specified ID
| getNodeInitialQuality |Retrieves the value of all node initial quality
| getNodeJunctionCount |Retrieves the number of junction nodes
| getNodeJunctionDemandIndex |Retrieves the demand index of the junctions
| getNodeJunctionDemandName |Gets the name of a node's demand category
| getNodeJunctionIndex |Retrieves the indices of junctions
| getNodeJunctionNameID |Retrieves the junction ID label
| getNodeMassFlowRate |Retrieves the computed mass flow rates per minute of chemical sources for all nodes
| getNodeNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all nodes or some nodes with a specified index
| getNodePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node demand pattern indices
| getNodePressure |Retrieves the computed values of all node pressures
| getNodeReservoirCount |Retrieves the number of Reservoirs
| getNodeReservoirIndex |Retrieves the indices of reservoirs
| getNodeReservoirNameID |Retrieves the reservoir ID label
| getNodeResultIndex |Retrieves the order in which a node's results were saved to an output file
| getNodeSourcePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index
| getNodeSourceQuality |Retrieves the value of all node source quality
| getNodeSourceType |Retrieves the value of all node source type
| getNodeSourceTypeIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source type index
| getNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff |Retrieves the tank bulk rate coefficient
| getNodeTankCanOverFlow |Retrieves the tank can overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)
| getNodeTankCount |Retrieves the number of Tanks
| getNodeTankData |Retrieves a group of properties for a tank
| getNodeTankDiameter |Retrieves the tank diameters
| getNodeTankIndex |Retrieves the tank indices
| getNodeTankInitialLevel |Retrieves the value of all tank initial water levels
| getNodeTankInitialWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank initial water volume
| getNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel |Retrieves the tank maximum water level
| getNodeTankMaximumWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank maximum water volume
| getNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel |Retrieves the tank minimum water level
| getNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank minimum water volume
| getNodeTankMixZoneVolume |Retrieves the tank mixing zone volume
| getNodeTankMixingFraction |Retrieves the tank Fraction of total volume occupied by the inlet/outlet zone in a 2-compartment tank
| getNodeTankMixingModelCode |Retrieves the tank mixing model code
| getNodeTankMixingModelType |Retrieves the tank mixing model type
| getNodeTankNameID |Retrieves the tank IDs
| getNodeTankReservoirCount |Retrieves the number of tanks
| getNodeTankVolume |Retrieves the tank volume
| getNodeTankVolumeCurveIndex |Retrieves the tank volume curve index
| getNodeType |Retrieves the node-type code for all nodes
| getNodeTypeIndex |Retrieves the node-type code for all nodes
| getNodesConnectingLinksID |Retrieves the id of the from/to nodes of all links
| getNodesConnectingLinksIndex |Retrieves the indexes of the from/to nodes of all links
| getNodesInfo |Retrieves nodes info (elevations, demand patterns, emmitter coeff, initial quality, source quality, source pattern index, source type index, node type index)
| getOptionsAccuracyValue |Retrieves the total normalized flow change for hydraulic convergence
| getOptionsCheckFrequency |Retrieves the frequency of hydraulic status checks
| getOptionsDampLimit |Retrieves the accuracy level where solution damping begins
| getOptionsDemandCharge |Retrieves the energy charge per maximum KW usage
| getOptionsEmitterExponent |Retrieves the power exponent for the emmitters
| getOptionsExtraTrials |Retrieves the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge
| getOptionsFlowChange |Retrieves the maximum flow change for hydraulic convergence
| getOptionsGlobalEffic |Retrieves the global efficiency for pumps(percent)
| getOptionsGlobalPattern |Retrieves the index of the global energy price pattern
| getOptionsGlobalPrice |Retrieves the global average energy price per kW-Hour
| getOptionsHeadError |Retrieves the maximum head loss error for hydraulic convergence
| getOptionsHeadLossFormula |Retrieves the headloss formula
| getOptionsLimitingConcentration |Retrieves the limiting concentration for growth reactions
| getOptionsMaxTrials |Retrieves the maximum hydraulic trials allowed for hydraulic convergence
| getOptionsMaximumCheck |Retrieves the maximum trials for status checking
| getOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier |Retrieves the global pattern demand multiplier
| getOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder |Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for pipes
| getOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder |Retrieves the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1)
| getOptionsQualityTolerance |Retrieves the water quality analysis tolerance
| getOptionsSpecificDiffusivity |Retrieves the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C)
| getOptionsSpecificGravity |Retrieves the specific gravity
| getOptionsSpecificViscosity |Retrieves the specific viscosity
| getOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder |Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for tanks
| getPattern |Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times
| getPatternAverageValue |Retrieves the average values of all the time patterns
| getPatternComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the pattern object
| getPatternCount |Retrieves the number of patterns
| getPatternIndex |Retrieves the index of all or some time patterns given their IDs
| getPatternLengths |Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some time patterns
| getPatternNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all or some time patterns indices
| getPatternValue |Retrieves the multiplier factor for a certain pattern and time
| getQualityCode |Retrieves the code of water quality analysis type
| getQualityInfo |Retrieves quality analysis information (type, chemical name, units, trace node ID)
| getQualityTraceNodeIndex |Retrieves the trace node index of water quality analysis type
| getQualityType |Retrieves the type of water quality analysis type
| getRuleCount |Retrieves the number of rules
| getRuleID |Retrieves the ID name of a rule-based control given its index
| getRuleInfo |Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control given it's index
| getRules |Retrieves the rule - based control statements
| getStatistic |Returns error code
| getTimeHTime |Retrieves the elapsed time of current hydraulic solution
| getTimeHaltFlag |Retrieves the number of halt flag indicating if the simulation was halted
| getTimeHydraulicStep |Retrieves the value of the hydraulic time step
| getTimeNextEvent |Retrieves the shortest time until a tank becomes empty or full
| getTimeNextEventTank |Retrieves the index of tank with shortest time to become empty or full
| getTimePatternStart |Retrieves the value of pattern start time
| getTimePatternStep |Retrieves the value of the pattern time step
| getTimeQTime |Retrieves the elapsed time of current quality solution
| getTimeQualityStep |Retrieves the value of the water quality time step
| getTimeReportingPeriods |Retrieves the number of reporting periods saved to the binary
| getTimeReportingStart |Retrieves the value of the reporting start time
| getTimeReportingStep |Retrieves the value of the reporting time step
| getTimeRuleControlStep |Retrieves the time step for evaluating rule-based controls
| getTimeSimulationDuration |Retrieves the value of simulation duration
| getTimeStartTime |Retrieves the simulation starting time of day
| getTimeStatisticsIndex |Retrieves the index of the type of time series post-processing
| getTimeStatisticsType |Retrieves the type of time series post-processing
| getTitle |Retrieves the title lines of the project
| getUnits |Retrieves the Units of Measurement
| getVersion |Retrieves the current EPANET version of DLL
| initializeEPANET |Initializes an EPANET project that isn't opened with an input fil
| initializeHydraulicAnalysis |Initializes storage tank levels, link status and settings, and the simulation clock time prior to running a hydraulic analysis
| initializeQualityAnalysis |Initializes water quality and the simulation clock time prior to running a water quality analysis
| loadEPANETFile |Load epanet file when use bin functions
| loadMSXEPANETFile |Re-Load EPANET MSX file - parfor
| nextHydraulicAnalysisStep |Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation
| nextQualityAnalysisStep |Advances the water quality simulation to the start of the next hydraulic time period
| openAnyInp |Open as on matlab editor any EPANET input file using built function open
| openCurrentInp |Opens EPANET input file who is loade
| openHydraulicAnalysis |Opens the hydraulics analysis system
| openQualityAnalysis |Opens the water quality analysis system
| plot |Plot Network, show all components, plot pressure/flow/elevation|
| plot_close |Close all open figures|
| plot_save |Save plot|
| plot_show |Show plot|
| reloadNetwork |Reloads the Network (ENopen)
| runEPANETexe |Runs epanet .exe file|
| runHydraulicAnalysis |Runs a single period hydraulic analysis, retrieving the current simulation clock time t
| runQualityAnalysis |Makes available the hydraulic and water quality results that occur at the start of the next time period of a water quality analysis, where the start of the period is returned in t
| runsCompleteSimulation |Runs a complete hydraulic and water simulation to create binary & report files with name: [NETWORK_temp.txt], [NETWORK_temp.bin] OR you can use argument to runs a complete simulation via self.api.en_epane
| saveHydraulicFile |Saves the current contents of the binary hydraulics file to a file
| saveHydraulicsOutputReportingFile |Transfers results of a hydraulic simulation from the binary Hydraulics file to the binary Output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals
| saveInputFile |Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file
| setCMDCODE |Sets the CMC code|
| setControls |Sets the parameters of a simple control statement
| setCurve |Sets x, y values for a specific curve
| setCurveComment |Sets the comment string of a curve
| setCurveNameID |Sets the name ID of a curve given it's index and the new ID
| setCurveValue |Sets x, y point for a specific point number and curve
| setDemandModel |Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters
| setFlowUnitsAFD |Sets flow units to AFD(Acre-Feet per Day)
| setFlowUnitsCFS |Sets flow units to CFS(Cubic Feet per Second)
| setFlowUnitsCMD |Sets flow units to CMD(Cubic Meters per Day)
| setFlowUnitsCMH |Sets flow units to CMH(Cubic Meters per Hour)
| setFlowUnitsGPM |Sets flow units to GPM(Gallons Per Minute)
| setFlowUnitsIMGD |Sets flow units to IMGD(Imperial Million Gallons per Day)
| setFlowUnitsLPM |Sets flow units to LPM(Liters Per Minute)
| setFlowUnitsLPS |Sets flow units to LPS(Liters Per Second)
| setFlowUnitsMGD |Sets flow units to MGD(Million Gallons per Day)
| setFlowUnitsMLD |Sets flow units to MLD(Million Liters per Day)
| setLinkBulkReactionCoeff |Sets the value of bulk chemical reaction coefficient
| setLinkComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the link object
| setLinkDiameter |Sets the values of diameters
| setLinkInitialSetting |Sets the values of initial settings, roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves
| setLinkInitialStatus |Sets the values of initial status
| setLinkLength |Sets the values of lengths
| setLinkMinorLossCoeff |Sets the values of minor loss coefficient
| setLinkNameID |Sets the ID name for links
| setLinkNodesIndex |Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes
| setLinkPipeData |Sets a group of properties for a pipe
| setLinkPumpECost |Sets the pump average energy price
| setLinkPumpECurve |Sets the pump efficiency v
| setLinkPumpEPat |Sets the pump energy price time pattern index
| setLinkPumpHCurve |Sets the pump head v
| setLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex |Sets the curves index for pumps index|
| setLinkPumpPatternIndex |Sets the pump speed time pattern index
| setLinkPumpPower |Sets the power for pumps
| setLinkRoughnessCoeff |Sets the values of roughness coefficient
| setLinkSettings |Sets the values of current settings, roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves
| setLinkStatus |Sets the values of current status for links
| setLinkTypePipe |Sets the link type pipe for a specified link
| setLinkTypePipeCV |Sets the link type cvpipe(pipe with check valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypePump |Sets the link type pump for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValveFCV |Sets the link type valve FCV(flow control valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValveGPV |Sets the link type valve GPV(general purpose valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValvePBV |Sets the link type valve PBV(pressure breaker valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValvePRV |Sets the link type valve PRV(pressure reducing valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValvePSV |Sets the link type valve PSV(pressure sustaining valve) for a specified link
| setLinkTypeValveTCV |Sets the link type valve TCV(throttle control valve) for a specified link
| setLinkVertices |Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link
| setLinkWallReactionCoeff |Sets the value of wall chemical reaction coefficient
| setNodeBaseDemands |Sets the values of demand for nodes
| setNodeComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the node object
| setNodeCoordinates |Sets node coordinates
| setNodeDemandPatternIndex |Sets the values of demand time pattern indices
| setNodeElevations |Sets the values of elevation for nodes
| setNodeEmitterCoeff |Sets the values of emitter coefficient for nodes
| setNodeInitialQuality |Sets the values of initial quality for nodes
| setNodeJunctionData |Sets a group of properties for a junction node
| setNodeJunctionDemandName |Assigns a name to a node's demand category
| setNodeNameID |Sets the ID name for nodes
| setNodeSourcePatternIndex |Sets the values of quality source pattern index
| setNodeSourceQuality |Sets the values of quality source strength
| setNodeSourceType |Sets the values of quality source type
| setNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff |Sets the tank bulk reaction coefficient
| setNodeTankCanOverFlow |Sets the tank can-overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)
| setNodeTankData |Sets a group of properties for a tank
| setNodeTankDiameter |Sets the diameter value for tanks
| setNodeTankInitialLevel |Sets the values of initial level for tanks
| setNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel |Sets the maximum water level value for tanks
| setNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel |Sets the minimum water level value for tanks
| setNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume |Sets the minimum water volume value for tanks
| setNodeTankMixingFraction |Sets the tank mixing fraction of total volume occupied by the inlet/outlet zone in a 2-compartment tank
| setNodeTankMixingModelType |Sets the mixing model type value for tanks
| setNodeTypeJunction |Transforms a node to JUNCTION The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on
| setNodeTypeReservoir |Transforms a node to RESERVOIR The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on
| setNodeTypeTank |Transforms a node to TANK The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on
| setNodesConnectingLinksID |Sets the IDs of a link's start- and end-nodes
| setOptionsAccuracyValue |Sets the total normalized flow change for hydraulic convergence
| setOptionsCheckFrequency |Sets the frequency of hydraulic status checks
| setOptionsDampLimit |Sets the accuracy level where solution damping begins
| setOptionsDemandCharge |Sets the energy charge per maximum KW usage
| setOptionsEmitterExponent |Sets the power exponent for the emmitters
| setOptionsExtraTrials |Sets the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge
| setOptionsFlowChange |Sets the maximum flow change for hydraulic convergence
| setOptionsGlobalEffic |Sets the global efficiency for pumps(percent)
| setOptionsGlobalPattern |Sets the global energy price pattern
| setOptionsGlobalPrice |Sets the global average energy price per kW-Hour
| setOptionsHeadError |Sets the maximum head loss error for hydraulic convergence
| setOptionsHeadLossFormula |Sets the headloss formula
| setOptionsLimitingConcentration |Sets the limiting concentration for growth reactions
| setOptionsMaxTrials |Sets the maximum hydraulic trials allowed for hydraulic convergence
| setOptionsMaximumCheck |Sets the maximum trials for status checking
| setOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier |Sets the global pattern demand multiplier
| setOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder |Sets the bulk water reaction order for pipes
| setOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder |Sets the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1)
| setOptionsQualityTolerance |Sets the water quality analysis tolerance
| setOptionsSpecificDiffusivity |Sets the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C)
| setOptionsSpecificGravity |Sets the specific gravity
| setOptionsSpecificViscosity |Sets the specific viscosity
| setOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder |Sets the bulk water reaction order for tanks
| setPattern |Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern
| setPatternComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the pattern object
| setPatternMatrix |Sets all of the multiplier factors for all time patterns
| setPatternNameID |Sets the name ID of a time pattern given it's index and the new ID
| setPatternValue |Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern
| setQualityType |Sets the type of water quality analysis called for
| setReport |Issues a report formatting command
| setReportFormatReset |Resets a project's report options to their default values
| setReportStatus |Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting
| setRuleElseAction |Sets rule - based control else actions
| setRulePremise |Sets the premise of a rule - based control
| setRulePremiseObejctNameID |Sets the ID of an object in a premise of a rule-based control
| setRulePremiseStatus |Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control
| setRulePremiseValue |Sets the value being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control
| setRulePriority |Sets rule - based control priority
| setRuleThenAction |Sets rule - based control then actions
| setRules |Sets a rule - based control
| setTimeHydraulicStep |Sets the hydraulic time step
| setTimePatternStart |Sets the time when time patterns begin
| setTimePatternStep |Sets the time pattern step
| setTimeQualityStep |Sets the quality time step
| setTimeReportingStart |Sets the time when reporting starts
| setTimeReportingStep |Sets the reporting time step
| setTimeRuleControlStep |Sets the rule-based control evaluation time step
| setTimeSimulationDuration |Sets the simulation duration (in seconds)
| setTimeStatisticsType |Sets the statistic type
| setTitle |Sets the title lines of the project
| solveCompleteHydraulics |Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to the binary Hydraulics file
| solveCompleteQuality |Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to EPANET's binary Output file
| splitPipe |Splits a pipe, creating two new pipes and adds a junction/node in between
| stepQualityAnalysisTimeLeft |Advances the water quality simulation one water quality time step
| unload |unload library and close the EPANET Toolkit system
| useHydraulicFile |Uses the contents of the specified file as the current binary hydraulics file
| writeLineInReportFile |Writes a line of text to the EPANET report file
| writeReport |Writes a formatted text report on simulation results to the Report file
| <b> MSX Functions </b>
| loadMSXFile |Opens the EPANET-MSX toolkit system|
| unloadMSX |Closes the EPANET-MSX toolkit system|
| addMSXPattern |Adds a new, empty MSX source time pattern to the project|
| writeMSXFile |Write a new MSX file|
| initializeMSXQualityAnalysis |Initializes the MSX system before solving for water quality results in step-wise fashion|
| getMethods |Returns all methods of epanet|
| getMSXComputedQualitySpecie |Retrieves the quality values for specific specie (e.g getMSXComputedQualitySpecie('CL2'))|
| getMSXComputedLinkQualitySpecie |Returns the link quality for specific specie|
| getMSXComputedNodeQualitySpecie |Returns the node quality for specific specie|
| getMSXComputedQualityNode |Retrieves the concentration of a chemical species at a specific node of the network at the current simulation time step.|
| stepMSXQualityAnalysisTimeLeft |Advances the water quality solution through a single water quality time step when performing a step-wise simulation|
| saveMSXFile |Saves the data associated with the current MSX project into a new MSX input file|
| saveMSXQualityFile |Saves water quality results computed for each node, link and reporting time period to a named binary file|
| getMSXSourcePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index|
| getMSXLinkInitqualValue |Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to links of the pipe network|
| getMSXNodeInitqualValue |Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to nodes|
| getMSXSourceLevel |Retrieves the value of all nodes source level|
| getMSXSourceType |Retrieves the value of all node source type|
| getMSXSourceNodeNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all nodes|
| getMSXSpeciesCount |Retrieves the number of species|
| getMSXSpeciesNameID |Retrieves the species IDs|
| getMSXSpeciesIndex |Retrieves the indices of species|
| getMSXSpeciesType |Retrieves the type of all species (BULK/WALL)|
| getMSXSpeciesUnits |Retrieves the species mass units|
| getMSXSpeciesATOL |Retrieves the atol|
| getMSXSpeciesRTOL |Retrieves the rtol|
| getMSXSpeciesConcentration |Retrieves the concentration of chemical species for nodes and links|
| getMSXConstantsCount |Retrieves the number of constants|
| getMSXConstantsNameID |Retrieves the ID name of constants (given its internal index number)|
| getMSXConstantsIndex |Retrieves the internal index number of constants (given its ID name)|
| getMSXPattern |Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times|
| getMSXPatternsCount |Retrieves the number of patterns|
| getMSXPatternValue |Retrieves the multiplier at a specific time period for a given source time pattern|
| getMSXPatternsNameID |Retrieves the patterns IDs|
| getMSXPatternsIndex |Retrieves the indices of patterns|
| getMSXPatternsLengths |Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some patterns|
| getMSXParametersCount |Retrieves the number of parameters|
| getMSXParametersNameID |Retrieves the ID name of parameters|
| getMSXParametersIndex |Retrieves the indices of parameters|
| getMSXParametersPipesValue |Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for pipes|
| getMSXParametersTanksValue |Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for tanks|
| solveMSXCompleteHydraulics |Solves for system hydraulics over the entire simulation period saving results to an internal scratch file|
| solveMSXCompleteQuality |Solves for water quality over the entire simulation period and saves the results to an internal scratch file|
| getMSXError |Returns the text for an error message given its error code|
| getMSXOptions |Retrieves all the msx option parameters|
| getMSXTimeStep |Retrieves the time step|
| getMSXRateUnits |Retrieves the rate/time units (SEC/MIN/HR/DAY)|
| getMSXAreaUnits |Retrieves the area units (FT2/M2/CM2)|
| getMSXCompiler |Retrieves the compiler (NONE/VC/GC)|
| getMSXCoupling |Retrieves the coupling (FULL/NONE)|
| getMSXAtol |Retrieves the absolute concentration tolerance|
| getMSXRtol |Retrieves the relative concentration tolerance|
| getMSXComputedQualitySpecie |Retrieves the quality values for specific specie (e.g getMSXComputedQualitySpecie(['CL2']))|
| getMSXEquationsPipes |Retrieves the species dynamics in pipes|
| getMSXEquationsTanks |Retrieves the species dynamics in tanks|
| getMSXEquationsTerms |Retrieves the species dynamics in terms|
| setMSXAreaUnitsCM2 |Sets area units to CM2|
| setMSXAreaUnitsFT2 |Sets area units to FT2|
| setMSXAreaUnitsM2 |Sets area units to M2|
| setMSXAtol |Sets the value of Atol|
| setMSXRtol |Sets the value of Rtol|
| setMSXCompilerGC |Sets compilet to GC|
| setMSXCompilerNONE |Sets compiler to None|
| setMSXCompilerVC |Sets compiler to VC|
| setMSXCouplingFULL |Sets coupling option to FULL|
| setMSXCouplingNONE |Sets coupling option to NONE|
| setMSXRateUnitsDAY |Sets rate units to DAY|
| setMSXRateUnitsHR |Sets rate units to HR|
| setMSXRateUnitsMIN |Sets rate units to MIN|
| setMSXRateUnitsSEC |Sets rate units to SEC|
| setMSXSolverEUL |Sets solver to EUL (standard Euler integrator)|
| setMSXSolverRK5 |Sets solver to RK5 (Runge-Kutta 5th order integrator)|
| setMSXSolverROS2 |Sets solver to ROS2 (2nd order Rosenbrock integrator)|
| setMSXTimeStep |Sets time step|
| setMSXPatternValue |Assigns a new value to the multiplier for a specific time period in a given MSX source time pattern|
| setMSXPattern |Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern|
| setMSXParametersPipesValue |Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given pipes|
| setMSXParametersTanksValue |Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given tanks|
| setMSXConstantsValue |Assigns a new value to a specific reaction constant|
| setMSXLinkInitqualValue |Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to links|
| setMSXNodeInitqualValue |Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to nodes|
| setMSXSources |Sets the attributes of an external source of a particular chemical species to a specific node of the pipe network|
| useMSXHydraulicFile |Uses a previously saved EPANET hydraulics file as the source of hydraulic information|
## List of EPANET 2.2 Functions
|ENepanet|Runs a complete EPANET simulation
|ENaddcontrol|Adds a new simple control to a project
|ENaddcurve|Adds a new data curve to a project
|ENadddemand|Appends a new demand to a junction node demands list
|ENaddlink|Adds a new link to a project
|ENaddnode|Adds a new node to a project
|ENaddpattern|Adds a new time pattern to a project
|ENaddrule|Adds a new rule-based control to a project
|ENclearreport|Clears the contents of a project's report file
|ENclose|Closes a project and frees all of its memory
|ENcloseH|Closes the hydraulic solver freeing all of its allocated memory
|ENcloseQ|Closes the water quality solver, freeing all of its allocated memory
|ENcopyreport|Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file
|ENcreateproject|Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file
|ENdeletecontrol|Deletes an existing simple control
|ENdeletecurve|Deletes a data curve from a project
|ENdeletedemand|Deletes a demand from a junction node
|ENdeletelink|Deletes a link from the project
|ENdeletenode|Deletes a node from a project
|ENdeletepattern|Deletes a time pattern from a project
|ENdeleteproject|Deletes an EPANET project
|ENdeleterule|Deletes an existing rule-based control
|ENgetaveragepatternvalue|Retrieves the average of all pattern factors in a time pattern
|ENgetbasedemand|Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories
|ENgetcomment|Sets a comment to a specific index
|ENgetcontrol|Retrieves the comment of a specific index of a type object
|ENgetcoord|Gets the (x,y) coordinates of a node
|ENgetcount|Retrieves the number of objects of a given type in a project
|ENgetcurve|Retrieves all of a curve's data
|ENgetcurveid|Retrieves the ID name of a curve given its index
|ENgetcurveindex|Retrieves the index of a curve given its ID name
|ENgetcurvelen|Retrieves the number of points in a curve
|ENgetcurvetype|Retrieves a curve's type
|ENgetcurvevalue|Retrieves the value of a single data point for a curve
|ENgetdemandindex|Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category
|ENgetdemandmodel|Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters
|ENgetdemandname|Retrieves the name of a node's demand category
|ENgetdemandpattern|Retrieves the index of a time pattern assigned to one of a node's demand categories
|ENgetelseaction|Gets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control
|ENgeterror|Returns the text of an error message generated by an error code, as warning
|ENgetflowunits|Retrieves a project's flow units
|ENgetheadcurveindex|Retrieves the curve assigned to a pump's head curve
|ENgetlinkid|Gets the ID name of a link given its index
|ENgetlinkindex|Gets the index of a link given its ID name
|ENgetlinknodes|Gets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes
|ENgetlinktype|Retrieves a link's type
|ENgetlinkvalue|Retrieves a property value for a link
|ENgetnodeid|Gets the ID name of a node given its index
|ENgetnodeindex|Gets the index of a node given its ID name
|ENgetnodetype|Retrieves a node's type given its index
|ENgetnodevalue|Retrieves a property value for a node
|ENgetnumdemands|Retrieves the number of demand categories for a junction node
|ENgetoption|Retrieves the value of an analysis option
|ENgetpatternid|Retrieves the ID name of a time pattern given its index
|ENgetpatternindex|Retrieves the index of a time pattern given its ID name
|ENgetpatternlen|Retrieves the number of time periods in a time pattern
|ENgetpatternvalue|Retrieves a time pattern's factor for a given time period
|ENgetpremise|Gets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control
|ENgetpumptype|Retrieves the type of head curve used by a pump
|ENgetqualinfo|Gets information about the type of water quality analysis requested
|ENgetqualtype|Retrieves the type of water quality analysis to be run
|ENgetresultindex|Retrieves the order in which a node or link appears in an output file
|ENgetrule|Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control
|ENgetruleID|Gets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index
|ENgetstatistic|Retrieves a particular simulation statistic
|ENgetthenaction|Gets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control
|ENgettimeparam|Retrieves the value of a time parameter
|ENgettitle|Retrieves the title lines of the project
|ENgetversion|Retrieves the toolkit API version number
|ENgetvertex|Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link
|ENgetvertexcount|Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link
|ENinit|Initializes an EPANET project
|ENinitH|Initializes a network prior to running a hydraulic analysis
|ENinitQ|Initializes a network prior to running a water quality analysis
|ENnextH| Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation
|ENnextQ|Advances a water quality simulation over the time until the next hydraulic event
|ENopen|Opens an EPANET input file & reads in network data
|ENopenH|Opens a project's hydraulic solver
|ENopenQ|Opens a project's water quality solver
|ENreport|Writes simulation results in a tabular format to a project's report file
|ENresetreport|Resets a project's report options to their default values
|ENrunH|Computes a hydraulic solution for the current point in time
|ENrunQ|Makes hydraulic and water quality results at the start of the current time period available to a project's water quality solver
|ENsaveH|Transfers a project's hydraulics results from its temporary hydraulics file to its binary output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals
|ENsavehydfile|Saves a project's temporary hydraulics file to disk
|ENsaveinpfile|Saves a project's data to an EPANET-formatted text file
|ENsetbasedemand|Sets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories
|ENsetcomment|Sets a comment to a specific index
|ENsetcontrol|Sets the properties of an existing simple control
|ENsetcoord|Sets the (x,y) coordinates of a node
|ENsetcurve|Assigns a set of data points to a curve
|ENsetcurveid|Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index
|ENsetcurvevalue|Sets the value of a single data point for a curve
|ENsetdemandmodel|Sets the Type of demand model to use and its parameters
|ENsetdemandname|Assigns a name to a node's demand category
|ENsetdemandpattern|Sets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's demand categories
|ENsetelseaction|Sets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control
|ENsetflowunits|Sets a project's flow units
|ENsetheadcurveindex|Assigns a curve to a pump's head curve
|ENsetjuncdata|Sets a group of properties for a junction node
|ENsetlinkid|Changes the ID name of a link
|ENsetlinknodes|Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes
|ENsetlinktype|Changes a link's type
|ENsetlinkvalue|Sets a property value for a link
|ENsetnodeid|Changes the ID name of a node
|ENsetnodevalue|Sets a property value for a node
|ENsetoption|Sets the value for an anlysis option
|ENsetpattern|Sets the pattern factors for a given time pattern
|ENsetpatternid|Changes the ID name of a time pattern given its index
|ENsetpatternvalue|Sets a time pattern's factor for a given time period
|ENsetpipedata|Sets a group of properties for a pipe link
|ENsetpremise|Sets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control
|ENsetpremiseindex|Sets the index of an object in a premise of a rule-based control
|ENsetpremisestatus|Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control
|ENsetpremisevalue|Sets the value in a premise of a rule-based control
|ENsetqualtype|Sets the type of water quality analysis to run
|ENsetreport|Processes a reporting format command
|ENsetrulepriority|Sets the priority of a rule-based control
|ENsetstatusreport|Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting
|ENsettankdata|Sets a group of properties for a tank node
|ENsetthenaction|Sets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control
|ENsettimeparam|Sets the value of a time parameter
|ENsettitle|Sets the title lines of the project
|ENsetvertices|Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link
|ENsolveH|Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to a temporary hydraulics file
|ENsolveQ| Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to the project's binary output file
|ENstepQ|Advances a water quality simulation by a single water quality time step
|ENusehydfile|Uses a previously saved binary hydraulics file to supply a project's hydraulics
|ENwriteline|Writes a line of text to a project's report file
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Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPyT",
"name": "epyt",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "epanet, water, networks, hydraulics, quality, simulations, emt, epanet matlab toolkit",
"author": "Marios S. Kyriakou",
"author_email": "kiriakou.marios@ucy.ac.cy",
"download_url": null,
"platform": null,
"description": "\ufeff<a href=\"http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy\"><img src=\"https://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Logotype-KIOS.svg\" width=\"200\" height=\"100\"/><a>\r\n\r\n[![license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/epyt.svg)](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/blob/main/LICENSE.md)\r\n[![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/epyt.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/epyt/)\r\n[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/epyt)](https://pepy.tech/project/epyt)\r\n[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/epyt/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/epyt)\r\n[![build](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPyT/actions/workflows/build_tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPyT/actions/workflows/build_tests.yml)\r\n[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/epanet-python-toolkit-epyt/badge/?version=latest)](https://epanet-python-toolkit-epyt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\r\n[![DOI](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.05947/status.svg)](https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05947)\r\n\r\n\r\n# EPANET Python Toolkit (EPyT)\r\n\r\nThe `EPANET-Python Toolkit` is an open-source software, originally developed by the [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/) which operates within the Python environment, for providing a programming interface for the latest version of [EPANET](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet), a hydraulic and quality modeling software created by the US EPA, with Python, a high-level technical computing software. The goal of the EPANET Python Toolkit is to serve as a common programming framework for research and development in the growing field of smart water networks.\r\n\r\nThe `EPANET-Python Toolkit` features easy to use commands/wrappers for viewing, modifying, simulating and plotting results produced by the EPANET libraries. \r\n\r\nFor support, please use the OWA community forum : http://community.wateranalytics.org/\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n\r\n- [EPANET Python Toolkit (EPyT)](#epanet-python-toolkit-epyt)\r\n- [How to cite](#how-to-cite)\r\n- [Requirements](#requirements)\r\n- [How to install](#how-to-install)\r\n- [How to use the Toolkit](#how-to-use-the-toolkit)\r\n- [How to fix/report bugs](#how-to-fixreport-bugs)\r\n- [Licenses](#licenses)\r\n- [Contributors](#contributors)\r\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\r\n- [Recommendation](#recommendation)\r\n- [List of Python Class Functions](#list-of-python-class-functions)\r\n- [List of EPANET 2.2 Functions](#list-of-epanet-22-functions)\r\n \r\n## How to cite \r\n\r\nKyriakou, M. S., Demetriades, M., Vrachimis, S. G., Eliades, D. G., & Polycarpou, M. M. (2023). EPyT: An EPANET-Python Toolkit for Smart Water Network Simulations. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(92), 5947. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05947\r\n\r\n```\r\n@article{Kyriakou2023,\r\nauthor = {Kyriakou, Marios S. and Demetriades, Marios and Vrachimis, Stelios G. and Eliades, Demetrios G. and Polycarpou, Marios M.},\r\ndoi = {10.21105/joss.05947},\r\njournal = {Journal of Open Source Software},\r\nmonth = dec,\r\nnumber = {92},\r\npages = {5947},\r\ntitle = {{EPyT: An EPANET-Python Toolkit for Smart Water Network Simulations}},\r\nurl = {https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.05947},\r\nvolume = {8},\r\nyear = {2023}\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## Requirements\r\n\r\n* Python >=3.8\r\n* Windows, OSX or Linux\r\n* [EPANET 2.2](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet)\r\n\r\nLinux: `sudo cp libepanet2.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libepanet.so`\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## How to install\r\n\r\n**Environments -> base (root) -> open terminal -> pip install epyt**\r\n\r\n* PyPI: <b>pip install epyt</b>\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## How to use the Toolkit\r\n\r\n**Minimum Example:**\r\n\r\n```python\r\n>>> from epyt import epanet\r\n>>> \r\n>>> d = epanet('Net1.inp')\r\n>>> d.getNodeCount()\r\n>>> d.getNodeElevations()\r\n``` \r\n\r\n**Minumun Example using custom Library:**\r\n```python\r\n>>> from epyt import epanet\r\n>>>\r\n>>>epanetlib=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'epyt','libraries','win','epanet2.dll')\r\n>>>msxlib=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'epyt','libraries','win','epanetmsx.dll')\r\n>>>d = epanet(inpname, customlib=epanetlib)\r\n>>>d.loadMSXFile(msxname, customMSXlib=msxlib)\r\n``` \r\n\r\n**More examples:** \r\n\r\n[https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPYT/tree/main/epyt/examples](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPYT/tree/main/epyt/examples#readme)\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## How to fix/report bugs\r\n\r\nTo fix a bug `Fork` the `EPyT`, `Edit` the code and make the appropriate change, and then `Pull` it so that we evaluate it. \r\n\r\nKeep in mind that some bugs may exist in the `EPANET` libraries, in case you are not receiving the expected results.\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## Licenses\r\n\r\n* `EPANET`: Public Domain\r\n* `EPANET-Python Toolkit (EPyT)`: EUPL\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## Contributors\r\n\r\n* Marios Kyriakou, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)\r\n* Marios Demetriades, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)\r\n* Stelios Vrachimis, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)\r\n* Demetrios Eliades, [KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus](http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/)\r\n\r\nThe `EPyT` is based/inspired on the [EPANET-Matlab Toolkit](https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit).\r\n\r\n## Contributing\r\nIf you want to contribute, please check out our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/blob/dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). Everyone is welcome to contribute whether reporting a new [issue](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/issues), suggesting a new feature, or writing code. If you want to contribute code, you can create a new fork in the repo to your own account. Make your commits on your dev branch (based on dev) and when you are finished then you can create a [pull request](https://github.com/KIOS-Research/EPyT/pulls) to test the code and discuss your changes.\r\n\r\n## Recommendation\r\n\r\n* Install Anaconda<br>\r\n* Run `EPyT` with [Spyder IDE](https://www.spyder-ide.org/)\r\n* Run `EPyT` with [PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/)\r\n\r\n*Settings on Spyder IDE*\r\n\r\n* Tools -> Preferrences\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2945956/154067349-3aed266f-3a23-4573-8b93-db0b4f224964.png)\r\n* View -> Window layouts -> Matlab layout\r\n* Enable interactive plot on matlibplot\r\n : Tools -> Preferences -> IPython console -> Graphics -> Graphics backend -> Backend: Automatic\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n\r\n## List of Python Class Functions\r\n\r\n| Function |Description|\r\n|-----------------------------------|----------|\r\n| addControls |Adds a new simple control|\r\n| addCurve |Adds a new curve appended to the end of the existing curves|\r\n| addLinkPipe |Adds a new pipe|\r\n| addLinkPipeCV |Adds a new control valve pipe|\r\n| addLinkPump |Adds a new pump|\r\n| addLinkValveFCV |Adds a new FCV valve|\r\n| addLinkValveGPV |Adds a new GPV valve|\r\n| addLinkValvePBV |Adds a new PBV valve|\r\n| addLinkValvePRV |Adds a new PRV valve|\r\n| addLinkValvePSV |Adds a new PSV valve|\r\n| addLinkValveTCV |Adds a new TCV valve|\r\n| addNodeJunction |Adds a new junction|\r\n| addNodeJunctionDemand |Adds a new demand to a junction given the junction index, base demand, demand time pattern and demand category name|\r\n| addNodeReservoir |Adds a new reservoir|\r\n| addNodeTank |Adds a new tank|\r\n| addPattern |Adds a new time pattern to the network|\r\n| addRules |Adds a new rule-based control to a project|\r\n| appRotateNetwork |Rotates the network by theta degrees counter-clockwise|\r\n| appShiftNetwork |Shifts the network|\r\n| clearReport |Clears the contents of a project's report file|\r\n| closeHydraulicAnalysis |Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory|\r\n| closeNetwork |Closes down the Toolkit system|\r\n| closeQualityAnalysis |Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory|\r\n| copyReport |Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file|\r\n| createProject |Creates a new epanet projec|\r\n| deleteAllTemps |Delete all temporary files (.inp, .bin) created in networks folder|\r\n| deleteControls |Deletes an existing simple control|\r\n| deleteCurve |Deletes a data curve from a project|\r\n| deleteLink |Deletes a link|\r\n| deleteNode |Deletes nodes|\r\n| deletePattern |Deletes a time pattern from a project|\r\n| deletePatternsAll |Deletes all time patterns from a project|\r\n| deleteProject |Deletes the epanet project|\r\n| deleteRules |Deletes an existing rule-based control given it's index\r\n| getAdjacencyMatrix |Compute the adjacency matrix (connectivity graph) considering the flows, using mean flow|\r\n| getAllAttributes |Get all attributes of a given Python object|\r\n| getCMDCODE |Retrieves the CMC code|\r\n| getComputedHydraulicTimeSeries |Computes hydraulic simulation and retrieves all time-series\r\n| getComputedQualityTimeSeries |Computes Quality simulation and retrieves all or some time-series\r\n| getComputedTimeSeries |Run analysis with binary fil\r\n| getConnectivityMatrix |Retrieve the Connectivity Matrix of the networ\r\n| getControlRulesCount |Retrieves the number of controls\r\n| getControls |Retrieves the parameters of all control statements\r\n| getCounts |Retrieves the number of network components\r\n| getCurveComment |Retrieves the comment string of a curve\r\n| getCurveCount |Retrieves the number of curves\r\n| getCurveIndex |Retrieves the index of a curve with specific ID\r\n| getCurveLengths |Retrieves number of points in a curve\r\n| getCurveNameID |Retrieves the IDs of curves\r\n| getCurveType |Retrieves the curve-type for all curves\r\n| getCurveTypeIndex |Retrieves the curve-type index for all curves\r\n| getCurveValue |Retrieves the X, Y values of points of curves\r\n| getCurvesInfo |Retrieves all the info of curves\r\n| getDemandModel |Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters\r\n| getENfunctionsImpemented |Retrieves the epanet functions that have been developed\r\n| getError |Retrieves the text of the message associated with a particular error or warning code\r\n| getFlowUnits |Retrieves flow units used to express all flow rates\r\n| getLibFunctions |Retrieves the functions of DLL\r\n| getLinkActualQuality |Retrieves the current computed link quality (read only)\r\n| getLinkBulkReactionCoeff |Retrieves the value of all link bulk chemical reaction coefficient\r\n| getLinkComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the link object\r\n| getLinkCount |Retrieves the number of links\r\n| getLinkDiameter |Retrieves the value of link diameters\r\n| getLinkEnergy |Retrieves the current computed pump energy usage (read only)\r\n| getLinkFlows |Retrieves the current computed flow rate (read only)\r\n| getLinkHeadloss |Retrieves the current computed head loss (read only)\r\n| getLinkIndex |Retrieves the indices of all links, or the indices of an ID set of links\r\n| getLinkInitialSetting |Retrieves the value of all link roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves\r\n| getLinkInitialStatus |Retrieves the value of all link initial status\r\n| getLinkLength |Retrieves the value of link lengths\r\n| getLinkMinorLossCoeff |Retrieves the value of link minor loss coefficients\r\n| getLinkNameID |Retrieves the ID label(s) of all links, or the IDs of an index set of links\r\n| getLinkNodesIndex |Retrieves the indexes of the from/to nodes of all links\r\n| getLinkPipeCount |Retrieves the number of pipes\r\n| getLinkPipeIndex |Retrieves the pipe indices\r\n| getLinkPipeNameID |Retrieves the pipe ID\r\n| getLinkPumpCount |Retrieves the number of pumps\r\n| getLinkPumpECost |Retrieves the pump average energy price\r\n| getLinkPumpECurve |Retrieves the pump efficiency v\r\n| getLinkPumpEPat |Retrieves the pump energy price time pattern index\r\n| getLinkPumpEfficiency |Retrieves the current computed pump efficiency (read only)\r\n| getLinkPumpHCurve |Retrieves the pump head v\r\n| getLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex |Retrieves the index of a head curve for all pumps\r\n| getLinkPumpIndex |Retrieves the pump indices\r\n| getLinkPumpNameID |Retrieves the pump ID\r\n| getLinkPumpPatternIndex |Retrieves the pump speed time pattern index\r\n| getLinkPumpPatternNameID |Retrieves pump pattern name ID\r\n| getLinkPumpPower |Retrieves the pump constant power rating (read only)\r\n| getLinkPumpState |Retrieves the current computed pump state (read only) (see @ref EN_PumpStateType)\r\n| getLinkPumpSwitches |Retrieves the number of pump switches\r\n| getLinkPumpType |Retrieves the type of a pump\r\n| getLinkPumpTypeCode |Retrieves the code of type of a pump\r\n| getLinkQuality |Retrieves the value of link quality\r\n| getLinkResultIndex |Retrieves the order in which a link's results were saved to an output file\r\n| getLinkRoughnessCoeff |Retrieves the value of link roughness coefficient\r\n| getLinkSettings |Retrieves the current computed value of all link roughness for pipes or actual speed for pumps or actual setting for valves\r\n| getLinkStatus |Retrieves the current link status (see @ref EN_LinkStatusType) (0 = closed, 1 = open)\r\n| getLinkType |Retrieves the link-type code for all links\r\n| getLinkTypeIndex |Retrieves the link-type code for all links\r\n| getLinkValveCount |Retrieves the number of valves\r\n| getLinkValveIndex |Retrieves the valve indices\r\n| getLinkValveNameID |Retrieves the valve ID\r\n| getLinkVelocity |Retrieves the current computed flow velocity (read only)\r\n| getLinkVertices |Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link\r\n| getLinkVerticesCount |Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link\r\n| getLinkWallReactionCoeff |Retrieves the value of all pipe wall chemical reaction coefficient\r\n| getLinksInfo |Retrieves all link info\r\n| getNetworksDatabase |Retrieves all EPANET Input Files from EPyT database\r\n| getNodeActualDemand |Retrieves the computed value of all node actual demands\r\n| getNodeActualDemandSensingNodes |Retrieves the computed demand values at some sensing nodes\r\n| getNodeActualQuality |Retrieves the computed values of the actual quality for all nodes\r\n| getNodeActualQualitySensingNodes |Retrieves the computed quality values at some sensing node\r\n| getNodeBaseDemands |Retrieves the value of all node base demands\r\n| getNodeComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the node object\r\n| getNodeCoordinates \r\n| getNodeCount |Retrieves the number of nodes\r\n| getNodeDemandCategoriesNumber |Retrieves the value of all node base demands categorie number\r\n| getNodeDemandDeficit |Retrieves the amount that full demand is reduced under PDA\r\n| getNodeDemandPatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node base demands pattern index\r\n| getNodeDemandPatternNameID |Retrieves the value of all node base demands pattern name ID\r\n| getNodeElevations |Retrieves the value of all node elevations\r\n| getNodeEmitterCoeff |Retrieves the value of all node emmitter coefficients\r\n| getNodeHydraulicHead |Retrieves the computed values of all node hydraulic heads\r\n| getNodeIndex |Retrieves the indices of all nodes or some nodes with a specified ID\r\n| getNodeInitialQuality |Retrieves the value of all node initial quality\r\n| getNodeJunctionCount |Retrieves the number of junction nodes\r\n| getNodeJunctionDemandIndex |Retrieves the demand index of the junctions\r\n| getNodeJunctionDemandName |Gets the name of a node's demand category\r\n| getNodeJunctionIndex |Retrieves the indices of junctions\r\n| getNodeJunctionNameID |Retrieves the junction ID label\r\n| getNodeMassFlowRate |Retrieves the computed mass flow rates per minute of chemical sources for all nodes\r\n| getNodeNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all nodes or some nodes with a specified index\r\n| getNodePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node demand pattern indices\r\n| getNodePressure |Retrieves the computed values of all node pressures\r\n| getNodeReservoirCount |Retrieves the number of Reservoirs\r\n| getNodeReservoirIndex |Retrieves the indices of reservoirs\r\n| getNodeReservoirNameID |Retrieves the reservoir ID label\r\n| getNodeResultIndex |Retrieves the order in which a node's results were saved to an output file\r\n| getNodeSourcePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index\r\n| getNodeSourceQuality |Retrieves the value of all node source quality\r\n| getNodeSourceType |Retrieves the value of all node source type\r\n| getNodeSourceTypeIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source type index\r\n| getNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff |Retrieves the tank bulk rate coefficient\r\n| getNodeTankCanOverFlow |Retrieves the tank can overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)\r\n| getNodeTankCount |Retrieves the number of Tanks\r\n| getNodeTankData |Retrieves a group of properties for a tank\r\n| getNodeTankDiameter |Retrieves the tank diameters\r\n| getNodeTankIndex |Retrieves the tank indices\r\n| getNodeTankInitialLevel |Retrieves the value of all tank initial water levels\r\n| getNodeTankInitialWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank initial water volume\r\n| getNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel |Retrieves the tank maximum water level\r\n| getNodeTankMaximumWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank maximum water volume\r\n| getNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel |Retrieves the tank minimum water level\r\n| getNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume |Retrieves the tank minimum water volume\r\n| getNodeTankMixZoneVolume |Retrieves the tank mixing zone volume\r\n| getNodeTankMixingFraction |Retrieves the tank Fraction of total volume occupied by the inlet/outlet zone in a 2-compartment tank\r\n| getNodeTankMixingModelCode |Retrieves the tank mixing model code\r\n| getNodeTankMixingModelType |Retrieves the tank mixing model type\r\n| getNodeTankNameID |Retrieves the tank IDs\r\n| getNodeTankReservoirCount |Retrieves the number of tanks\r\n| getNodeTankVolume |Retrieves the tank volume\r\n| getNodeTankVolumeCurveIndex |Retrieves the tank volume curve index\r\n| getNodeType |Retrieves the node-type code for all nodes\r\n| getNodeTypeIndex |Retrieves the node-type code for all nodes\r\n| getNodesConnectingLinksID |Retrieves the id of the from/to nodes of all links\r\n| getNodesConnectingLinksIndex |Retrieves the indexes of the from/to nodes of all links\r\n| getNodesInfo |Retrieves nodes info (elevations, demand patterns, emmitter coeff, initial quality, source quality, source pattern index, source type index, node type index)\r\n| getOptionsAccuracyValue |Retrieves the total normalized flow change for hydraulic convergence\r\n| getOptionsCheckFrequency |Retrieves the frequency of hydraulic status checks\r\n| getOptionsDampLimit |Retrieves the accuracy level where solution damping begins\r\n| getOptionsDemandCharge |Retrieves the energy charge per maximum KW usage\r\n| getOptionsEmitterExponent |Retrieves the power exponent for the emmitters\r\n| getOptionsExtraTrials |Retrieves the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge\r\n| getOptionsFlowChange |Retrieves the maximum flow change for hydraulic convergence\r\n| getOptionsGlobalEffic |Retrieves the global efficiency for pumps(percent)\r\n| getOptionsGlobalPattern |Retrieves the index of the global energy price pattern\r\n| getOptionsGlobalPrice |Retrieves the global average energy price per kW-Hour\r\n| getOptionsHeadError |Retrieves the maximum head loss error for hydraulic convergence\r\n| getOptionsHeadLossFormula |Retrieves the headloss formula\r\n| getOptionsLimitingConcentration |Retrieves the limiting concentration for growth reactions\r\n| getOptionsMaxTrials |Retrieves the maximum hydraulic trials allowed for hydraulic convergence\r\n| getOptionsMaximumCheck |Retrieves the maximum trials for status checking\r\n| getOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier |Retrieves the global pattern demand multiplier\r\n| getOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder |Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for pipes\r\n| getOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder |Retrieves the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1)\r\n| getOptionsQualityTolerance |Retrieves the water quality analysis tolerance\r\n| getOptionsSpecificDiffusivity |Retrieves the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C)\r\n| getOptionsSpecificGravity |Retrieves the specific gravity\r\n| getOptionsSpecificViscosity |Retrieves the specific viscosity\r\n| getOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder |Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for tanks\r\n| getPattern |Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times\r\n| getPatternAverageValue |Retrieves the average values of all the time patterns\r\n| getPatternComment |Retrieves the comment string assigned to the pattern object\r\n| getPatternCount |Retrieves the number of patterns\r\n| getPatternIndex |Retrieves the index of all or some time patterns given their IDs\r\n| getPatternLengths |Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some time patterns\r\n| getPatternNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all or some time patterns indices\r\n| getPatternValue |Retrieves the multiplier factor for a certain pattern and time\r\n| getQualityCode |Retrieves the code of water quality analysis type\r\n| getQualityInfo |Retrieves quality analysis information (type, chemical name, units, trace node ID)\r\n| getQualityTraceNodeIndex |Retrieves the trace node index of water quality analysis type\r\n| getQualityType |Retrieves the type of water quality analysis type\r\n| getRuleCount |Retrieves the number of rules\r\n| getRuleID |Retrieves the ID name of a rule-based control given its index\r\n| getRuleInfo |Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control given it's index\r\n| getRules |Retrieves the rule - based control statements\r\n| getStatistic |Returns error code\r\n| getTimeHTime |Retrieves the elapsed time of current hydraulic solution\r\n| getTimeHaltFlag |Retrieves the number of halt flag indicating if the simulation was halted\r\n| getTimeHydraulicStep |Retrieves the value of the hydraulic time step\r\n| getTimeNextEvent |Retrieves the shortest time until a tank becomes empty or full\r\n| getTimeNextEventTank |Retrieves the index of tank with shortest time to become empty or full\r\n| getTimePatternStart |Retrieves the value of pattern start time\r\n| getTimePatternStep |Retrieves the value of the pattern time step\r\n| getTimeQTime |Retrieves the elapsed time of current quality solution\r\n| getTimeQualityStep |Retrieves the value of the water quality time step\r\n| getTimeReportingPeriods |Retrieves the number of reporting periods saved to the binary\r\n| getTimeReportingStart |Retrieves the value of the reporting start time\r\n| getTimeReportingStep |Retrieves the value of the reporting time step\r\n| getTimeRuleControlStep |Retrieves the time step for evaluating rule-based controls\r\n| getTimeSimulationDuration |Retrieves the value of simulation duration\r\n| getTimeStartTime |Retrieves the simulation starting time of day\r\n| getTimeStatisticsIndex |Retrieves the index of the type of time series post-processing\r\n| getTimeStatisticsType |Retrieves the type of time series post-processing\r\n| getTitle |Retrieves the title lines of the project\r\n| getUnits |Retrieves the Units of Measurement\r\n| getVersion |Retrieves the current EPANET version of DLL\r\n| initializeEPANET |Initializes an EPANET project that isn't opened with an input fil\r\n| initializeHydraulicAnalysis |Initializes storage tank levels, link status and settings, and the simulation clock time prior to running a hydraulic analysis\r\n| initializeQualityAnalysis |Initializes water quality and the simulation clock time prior to running a water quality analysis\r\n| loadEPANETFile |Load epanet file when use bin functions\r\n| loadMSXEPANETFile |Re-Load EPANET MSX file - parfor\r\n| nextHydraulicAnalysisStep |Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation\r\n| nextQualityAnalysisStep |Advances the water quality simulation to the start of the next hydraulic time period\r\n| openAnyInp |Open as on matlab editor any EPANET input file using built function open\r\n| openCurrentInp |Opens EPANET input file who is loade\r\n| openHydraulicAnalysis |Opens the hydraulics analysis system\r\n| openQualityAnalysis |Opens the water quality analysis system\r\n| plot |Plot Network, show all components, plot pressure/flow/elevation|\r\n| plot_close |Close all open figures|\r\n| plot_save |Save plot|\r\n| plot_show |Show plot|\r\n| reloadNetwork |Reloads the Network (ENopen)\r\n| runEPANETexe |Runs epanet .exe file|\r\n| runHydraulicAnalysis |Runs a single period hydraulic analysis, retrieving the current simulation clock time t\r\n| runQualityAnalysis |Makes available the hydraulic and water quality results that occur at the start of the next time period of a water quality analysis, where the start of the period is returned in t\r\n| runsCompleteSimulation |Runs a complete hydraulic and water simulation to create binary & report files with name: [NETWORK_temp.txt], [NETWORK_temp.bin] OR you can use argument to runs a complete simulation via self.api.en_epane\r\n| saveHydraulicFile |Saves the current contents of the binary hydraulics file to a file\r\n| saveHydraulicsOutputReportingFile |Transfers results of a hydraulic simulation from the binary Hydraulics file to the binary Output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals\r\n| saveInputFile |Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file\r\n| setCMDCODE |Sets the CMC code|\r\n| setControls |Sets the parameters of a simple control statement\r\n| setCurve |Sets x, y values for a specific curve\r\n| setCurveComment |Sets the comment string of a curve\r\n| setCurveNameID |Sets the name ID of a curve given it's index and the new ID\r\n| setCurveValue |Sets x, y point for a specific point number and curve\r\n| setDemandModel |Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters\r\n| setFlowUnitsAFD |Sets flow units to AFD(Acre-Feet per Day)\r\n| setFlowUnitsCFS |Sets flow units to CFS(Cubic Feet per Second)\r\n| setFlowUnitsCMD |Sets flow units to CMD(Cubic Meters per Day)\r\n| setFlowUnitsCMH |Sets flow units to CMH(Cubic Meters per Hour)\r\n| setFlowUnitsGPM |Sets flow units to GPM(Gallons Per Minute)\r\n| setFlowUnitsIMGD |Sets flow units to IMGD(Imperial Million Gallons per Day)\r\n| setFlowUnitsLPM |Sets flow units to LPM(Liters Per Minute)\r\n| setFlowUnitsLPS |Sets flow units to LPS(Liters Per Second)\r\n| setFlowUnitsMGD |Sets flow units to MGD(Million Gallons per Day)\r\n| setFlowUnitsMLD |Sets flow units to MLD(Million Liters per Day)\r\n| setLinkBulkReactionCoeff |Sets the value of bulk chemical reaction coefficient\r\n| setLinkComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the link object\r\n| setLinkDiameter |Sets the values of diameters\r\n| setLinkInitialSetting |Sets the values of initial settings, roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves\r\n| setLinkInitialStatus |Sets the values of initial status\r\n| setLinkLength |Sets the values of lengths\r\n| setLinkMinorLossCoeff |Sets the values of minor loss coefficient\r\n| setLinkNameID |Sets the ID name for links\r\n| setLinkNodesIndex |Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes\r\n| setLinkPipeData |Sets a group of properties for a pipe\r\n| setLinkPumpECost |Sets the pump average energy price\r\n| setLinkPumpECurve |Sets the pump efficiency v\r\n| setLinkPumpEPat |Sets the pump energy price time pattern index\r\n| setLinkPumpHCurve |Sets the pump head v\r\n| setLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex |Sets the curves index for pumps index|\r\n| setLinkPumpPatternIndex |Sets the pump speed time pattern index\r\n| setLinkPumpPower |Sets the power for pumps\r\n| setLinkRoughnessCoeff |Sets the values of roughness coefficient\r\n| setLinkSettings |Sets the values of current settings, roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves\r\n| setLinkStatus |Sets the values of current status for links\r\n| setLinkTypePipe |Sets the link type pipe for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypePipeCV |Sets the link type cvpipe(pipe with check valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypePump |Sets the link type pump for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValveFCV |Sets the link type valve FCV(flow control valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValveGPV |Sets the link type valve GPV(general purpose valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValvePBV |Sets the link type valve PBV(pressure breaker valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValvePRV |Sets the link type valve PRV(pressure reducing valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValvePSV |Sets the link type valve PSV(pressure sustaining valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkTypeValveTCV |Sets the link type valve TCV(throttle control valve) for a specified link\r\n| setLinkVertices |Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link\r\n| setLinkWallReactionCoeff |Sets the value of wall chemical reaction coefficient\r\n| setNodeBaseDemands |Sets the values of demand for nodes\r\n| setNodeComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the node object\r\n| setNodeCoordinates |Sets node coordinates\r\n| setNodeDemandPatternIndex |Sets the values of demand time pattern indices\r\n| setNodeElevations |Sets the values of elevation for nodes\r\n| setNodeEmitterCoeff |Sets the values of emitter coefficient for nodes\r\n| setNodeInitialQuality |Sets the values of initial quality for nodes\r\n| setNodeJunctionData |Sets a group of properties for a junction node\r\n| setNodeJunctionDemandName |Assigns a name to a node's demand category\r\n| setNodeNameID |Sets the ID name for nodes\r\n| setNodeSourcePatternIndex |Sets the values of quality source pattern index\r\n| setNodeSourceQuality |Sets the values of quality source strength\r\n| setNodeSourceType |Sets the values of quality source type\r\n| setNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff |Sets the tank bulk reaction coefficient\r\n| setNodeTankCanOverFlow |Sets the tank can-overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)\r\n| setNodeTankData |Sets a group of properties for a tank\r\n| setNodeTankDiameter |Sets the diameter value for tanks\r\n| setNodeTankInitialLevel |Sets the values of initial level for tanks\r\n| setNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel |Sets the maximum water level value for tanks\r\n| setNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel |Sets the minimum water level value for tanks\r\n| setNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume |Sets the minimum water volume value for tanks\r\n| setNodeTankMixingFraction |Sets the tank mixing fraction of total volume occupied by the inlet/outlet zone in a 2-compartment tank\r\n| setNodeTankMixingModelType |Sets the mixing model type value for tanks\r\n| setNodeTypeJunction |Transforms a node to JUNCTION The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on\r\n| setNodeTypeReservoir |Transforms a node to RESERVOIR The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on\r\n| setNodeTypeTank |Transforms a node to TANK The new node keeps the id,coordinates and elevation of the deleted on\r\n| setNodesConnectingLinksID |Sets the IDs of a link's start- and end-nodes\r\n| setOptionsAccuracyValue |Sets the total normalized flow change for hydraulic convergence\r\n| setOptionsCheckFrequency |Sets the frequency of hydraulic status checks\r\n| setOptionsDampLimit |Sets the accuracy level where solution damping begins\r\n| setOptionsDemandCharge |Sets the energy charge per maximum KW usage\r\n| setOptionsEmitterExponent |Sets the power exponent for the emmitters\r\n| setOptionsExtraTrials |Sets the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge\r\n| setOptionsFlowChange |Sets the maximum flow change for hydraulic convergence\r\n| setOptionsGlobalEffic |Sets the global efficiency for pumps(percent)\r\n| setOptionsGlobalPattern |Sets the global energy price pattern\r\n| setOptionsGlobalPrice |Sets the global average energy price per kW-Hour\r\n| setOptionsHeadError |Sets the maximum head loss error for hydraulic convergence\r\n| setOptionsHeadLossFormula |Sets the headloss formula\r\n| setOptionsLimitingConcentration |Sets the limiting concentration for growth reactions\r\n| setOptionsMaxTrials |Sets the maximum hydraulic trials allowed for hydraulic convergence\r\n| setOptionsMaximumCheck |Sets the maximum trials for status checking\r\n| setOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier |Sets the global pattern demand multiplier\r\n| setOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder |Sets the bulk water reaction order for pipes\r\n| setOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder |Sets the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1)\r\n| setOptionsQualityTolerance |Sets the water quality analysis tolerance\r\n| setOptionsSpecificDiffusivity |Sets the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C)\r\n| setOptionsSpecificGravity |Sets the specific gravity\r\n| setOptionsSpecificViscosity |Sets the specific viscosity\r\n| setOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder |Sets the bulk water reaction order for tanks\r\n| setPattern |Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern\r\n| setPatternComment |Sets the comment string assigned to the pattern object\r\n| setPatternMatrix |Sets all of the multiplier factors for all time patterns\r\n| setPatternNameID |Sets the name ID of a time pattern given it's index and the new ID\r\n| setPatternValue |Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern\r\n| setQualityType |Sets the type of water quality analysis called for\r\n| setReport |Issues a report formatting command\r\n| setReportFormatReset |Resets a project's report options to their default values\r\n| setReportStatus |Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting\r\n| setRuleElseAction |Sets rule - based control else actions\r\n| setRulePremise |Sets the premise of a rule - based control\r\n| setRulePremiseObejctNameID |Sets the ID of an object in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n| setRulePremiseStatus |Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n| setRulePremiseValue |Sets the value being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n| setRulePriority |Sets rule - based control priority\r\n| setRuleThenAction |Sets rule - based control then actions\r\n| setRules |Sets a rule - based control\r\n| setTimeHydraulicStep |Sets the hydraulic time step\r\n| setTimePatternStart |Sets the time when time patterns begin\r\n| setTimePatternStep |Sets the time pattern step\r\n| setTimeQualityStep |Sets the quality time step\r\n| setTimeReportingStart |Sets the time when reporting starts\r\n| setTimeReportingStep |Sets the reporting time step\r\n| setTimeRuleControlStep |Sets the rule-based control evaluation time step\r\n| setTimeSimulationDuration |Sets the simulation duration (in seconds)\r\n| setTimeStatisticsType |Sets the statistic type\r\n| setTitle |Sets the title lines of the project\r\n| solveCompleteHydraulics |Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to the binary Hydraulics file\r\n| solveCompleteQuality |Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to EPANET's binary Output file\r\n| splitPipe |Splits a pipe, creating two new pipes and adds a junction/node in between\r\n| stepQualityAnalysisTimeLeft |Advances the water quality simulation one water quality time step\r\n| unload |unload library and close the EPANET Toolkit system\r\n| useHydraulicFile |Uses the contents of the specified file as the current binary hydraulics file\r\n| writeLineInReportFile |Writes a line of text to the EPANET report file\r\n| writeReport |Writes a formatted text report on simulation results to the Report file\r\n| <b> MSX Functions </b> \r\n| loadMSXFile |Opens the EPANET-MSX toolkit system|\r\n| unloadMSX |Closes the EPANET-MSX toolkit system|\r\n| addMSXPattern |Adds a new, empty MSX source time pattern to the project|\r\n| writeMSXFile |Write a new MSX file|\r\n| initializeMSXQualityAnalysis |Initializes the MSX system before solving for water quality results in step-wise fashion|\r\n| getMethods |Returns all methods of epanet|\r\n| getMSXComputedQualitySpecie |Retrieves the quality values for specific specie (e.g getMSXComputedQualitySpecie('CL2'))|\r\n| getMSXComputedLinkQualitySpecie |Returns the link quality for specific specie|\r\n| getMSXComputedNodeQualitySpecie |Returns the node quality for specific specie|\r\n| getMSXComputedQualityNode |Retrieves the concentration of a chemical species at a specific node of the network at the current simulation time step.|\r\n| stepMSXQualityAnalysisTimeLeft |Advances the water quality solution through a single water quality time step when performing a step-wise simulation|\r\n| saveMSXFile |Saves the data associated with the current MSX project into a new MSX input file|\r\n| saveMSXQualityFile |Saves water quality results computed for each node, link and reporting time period to a named binary file|\r\n| getMSXSourcePatternIndex |Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index|\r\n| getMSXLinkInitqualValue |Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to links of the pipe network|\r\n| getMSXNodeInitqualValue |Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to nodes|\r\n| getMSXSourceLevel |Retrieves the value of all nodes source level|\r\n| getMSXSourceType |Retrieves the value of all node source type|\r\n| getMSXSourceNodeNameID |Retrieves the ID label of all nodes|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesCount |Retrieves the number of species|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesNameID |Retrieves the species IDs|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesIndex |Retrieves the indices of species|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesType |Retrieves the type of all species (BULK/WALL)|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesUnits |Retrieves the species mass units|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesATOL |Retrieves the atol|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesRTOL |Retrieves the rtol|\r\n| getMSXSpeciesConcentration |Retrieves the concentration of chemical species for nodes and links|\r\n| getMSXConstantsCount |Retrieves the number of constants|\r\n| getMSXConstantsNameID |Retrieves the ID name of constants (given its internal index number)|\r\n| getMSXConstantsIndex |Retrieves the internal index number of constants (given its ID name)|\r\n| getMSXPattern |Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times|\r\n| getMSXPatternsCount |Retrieves the number of patterns|\r\n| getMSXPatternValue |Retrieves the multiplier at a specific time period for a given source time pattern|\r\n| getMSXPatternsNameID |Retrieves the patterns IDs|\r\n| getMSXPatternsIndex |Retrieves the indices of patterns|\r\n| getMSXPatternsLengths |Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some patterns|\r\n| getMSXParametersCount |Retrieves the number of parameters|\r\n| getMSXParametersNameID |Retrieves the ID name of parameters|\r\n| getMSXParametersIndex |Retrieves the indices of parameters|\r\n| getMSXParametersPipesValue |Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for pipes|\r\n| getMSXParametersTanksValue |Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for tanks|\r\n| solveMSXCompleteHydraulics |Solves for system hydraulics over the entire simulation period saving results to an internal scratch file|\r\n| solveMSXCompleteQuality |Solves for water quality over the entire simulation period and saves the results to an internal scratch file|\r\n| getMSXError |Returns the text for an error message given its error code|\r\n| getMSXOptions |Retrieves all the msx option parameters|\r\n| getMSXTimeStep |Retrieves the time step|\r\n| getMSXRateUnits |Retrieves the rate/time units (SEC/MIN/HR/DAY)|\r\n| getMSXAreaUnits |Retrieves the area units (FT2/M2/CM2)|\r\n| getMSXCompiler |Retrieves the compiler (NONE/VC/GC)|\r\n| getMSXCoupling |Retrieves the coupling (FULL/NONE)|\r\n| getMSXAtol |Retrieves the absolute concentration tolerance|\r\n| getMSXRtol |Retrieves the relative concentration tolerance|\r\n| getMSXComputedQualitySpecie |Retrieves the quality values for specific specie (e.g getMSXComputedQualitySpecie(['CL2']))|\r\n| getMSXEquationsPipes |Retrieves the species dynamics in pipes|\r\n| getMSXEquationsTanks |Retrieves the species dynamics in tanks|\r\n| getMSXEquationsTerms |Retrieves the species dynamics in terms|\r\n| setMSXAreaUnitsCM2 |Sets area units to CM2|\r\n| setMSXAreaUnitsFT2 |Sets area units to FT2|\r\n| setMSXAreaUnitsM2 |Sets area units to M2|\r\n| setMSXAtol |Sets the value of Atol|\r\n| setMSXRtol |Sets the value of Rtol|\r\n| setMSXCompilerGC |Sets compilet to GC|\r\n| setMSXCompilerNONE |Sets compiler to None|\r\n| setMSXCompilerVC |Sets compiler to VC|\r\n| setMSXCouplingFULL |Sets coupling option to FULL|\r\n| setMSXCouplingNONE |Sets coupling option to NONE|\r\n| setMSXRateUnitsDAY |Sets rate units to DAY|\r\n| setMSXRateUnitsHR |Sets rate units to HR|\r\n| setMSXRateUnitsMIN |Sets rate units to MIN|\r\n| setMSXRateUnitsSEC |Sets rate units to SEC|\r\n| setMSXSolverEUL |Sets solver to EUL (standard Euler integrator)|\r\n| setMSXSolverRK5 |Sets solver to RK5 (Runge-Kutta 5th order integrator)|\r\n| setMSXSolverROS2 |Sets solver to ROS2 (2nd order Rosenbrock integrator)|\r\n| setMSXTimeStep |Sets time step|\r\n| setMSXPatternValue |Assigns a new value to the multiplier for a specific time period in a given MSX source time pattern|\r\n| setMSXPattern |Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern|\r\n| setMSXParametersPipesValue |Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given pipes|\r\n| setMSXParametersTanksValue |Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given tanks|\r\n| setMSXConstantsValue |Assigns a new value to a specific reaction constant|\r\n| setMSXLinkInitqualValue |Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to links|\r\n| setMSXNodeInitqualValue |Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to nodes|\r\n| setMSXSources |Sets the attributes of an external source of a particular chemical species to a specific node of the pipe network|\r\n| useMSXHydraulicFile |Uses a previously saved EPANET hydraulics file as the source of hydraulic information|\r\n\r\n\r\n## List of EPANET 2.2 Functions \r\n\r\n|Function|Description|\r\n|---------|----------|\r\n|ENepanet|Runs a complete EPANET simulation\r\n|ENaddcontrol|Adds a new simple control to a project\r\n|ENaddcurve|Adds a new data curve to a project\r\n|ENadddemand|Appends a new demand to a junction node demands list\r\n|ENaddlink|Adds a new link to a project\r\n|ENaddnode|Adds a new node to a project\r\n|ENaddpattern|Adds a new time pattern to a project\r\n|ENaddrule|Adds a new rule-based control to a project\r\n|ENclearreport|Clears the contents of a project's report file\r\n|ENclose|Closes a project and frees all of its memory\r\n|ENcloseH|Closes the hydraulic solver freeing all of its allocated memory\r\n|ENcloseQ|Closes the water quality solver, freeing all of its allocated memory\r\n|ENcopyreport|Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file\r\n|ENcreateproject|Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file\r\n|ENdeletecontrol|Deletes an existing simple control\r\n|ENdeletecurve|Deletes a data curve from a project\r\n|ENdeletedemand|Deletes a demand from a junction node\r\n|ENdeletelink|Deletes a link from the project\r\n|ENdeletenode|Deletes a node from a project\r\n|ENdeletepattern|Deletes a time pattern from a project\r\n|ENdeleteproject|Deletes an EPANET project\r\n|ENdeleterule|Deletes an existing rule-based control\r\n|ENgetaveragepatternvalue|Retrieves the average of all pattern factors in a time pattern\r\n|ENgetbasedemand|Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories\r\n|ENgetcomment|Sets a comment to a specific index\r\n|ENgetcontrol|Retrieves the comment of a specific index of a type object\r\n|ENgetcoord|Gets the (x,y) coordinates of a node\r\n|ENgetcount|Retrieves the number of objects of a given type in a project\r\n|ENgetcurve|Retrieves all of a curve's data\r\n|ENgetcurveid|Retrieves the ID name of a curve given its index\r\n|ENgetcurveindex|Retrieves the index of a curve given its ID name\r\n|ENgetcurvelen|Retrieves the number of points in a curve\r\n|ENgetcurvetype|Retrieves a curve's type\r\n|ENgetcurvevalue|Retrieves the value of a single data point for a curve\r\n|ENgetdemandindex|Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category\r\n|ENgetdemandmodel|Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters\r\n|ENgetdemandname|Retrieves the name of a node's demand category\r\n|ENgetdemandpattern|Retrieves the index of a time pattern assigned to one of a node's demand categories\r\n|ENgetelseaction|Gets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control\r\n|ENgeterror|Returns the text of an error message generated by an error code, as warning\r\n|ENgetflowunits|Retrieves a project's flow units\r\n|ENgetheadcurveindex|Retrieves the curve assigned to a pump's head curve\r\n|ENgetlinkid|Gets the ID name of a link given its index\r\n|ENgetlinkindex|Gets the index of a link given its ID name\r\n|ENgetlinknodes|Gets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes\r\n|ENgetlinktype|Retrieves a link's type\r\n|ENgetlinkvalue|Retrieves a property value for a link\r\n|ENgetnodeid|Gets the ID name of a node given its index\r\n|ENgetnodeindex|Gets the index of a node given its ID name\r\n|ENgetnodetype|Retrieves a node's type given its index\r\n|ENgetnodevalue|Retrieves a property value for a node\r\n|ENgetnumdemands|Retrieves the number of demand categories for a junction node\r\n|ENgetoption|Retrieves the value of an analysis option\r\n|ENgetpatternid|Retrieves the ID name of a time pattern given its index\r\n|ENgetpatternindex|Retrieves the index of a time pattern given its ID name\r\n|ENgetpatternlen|Retrieves the number of time periods in a time pattern\r\n|ENgetpatternvalue|Retrieves a time pattern's factor for a given time period\r\n|ENgetpremise|Gets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control\r\n|ENgetpumptype|Retrieves the type of head curve used by a pump\r\n|ENgetqualinfo|Gets information about the type of water quality analysis requested\r\n|ENgetqualtype|Retrieves the type of water quality analysis to be run\r\n|ENgetresultindex|Retrieves the order in which a node or link appears in an output file\r\n|ENgetrule|Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control\r\n|ENgetruleID|Gets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index\r\n|ENgetstatistic|Retrieves a particular simulation statistic\r\n|ENgetthenaction|Gets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control\r\n|ENgettimeparam|Retrieves the value of a time parameter\r\n|ENgettitle|Retrieves the title lines of the project\r\n|ENgetversion|Retrieves the toolkit API version number\r\n|ENgetvertex|Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link\r\n|ENgetvertexcount|Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link\r\n|ENinit|Initializes an EPANET project\r\n|ENinitH|Initializes a network prior to running a hydraulic analysis\r\n|ENinitQ|Initializes a network prior to running a water quality analysis\r\n|ENnextH| Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation\r\n|ENnextQ|Advances a water quality simulation over the time until the next hydraulic event\r\n|ENopen|Opens an EPANET input file & reads in network data\r\n|ENopenH|Opens a project's hydraulic solver\r\n|ENopenQ|Opens a project's water quality solver\r\n|ENreport|Writes simulation results in a tabular format to a project's report file\r\n|ENresetreport|Resets a project's report options to their default values\r\n|ENrunH|Computes a hydraulic solution for the current point in time\r\n|ENrunQ|Makes hydraulic and water quality results at the start of the current time period available to a project's water quality solver\r\n|ENsaveH|Transfers a project's hydraulics results from its temporary hydraulics file to its binary output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals\r\n|ENsavehydfile|Saves a project's temporary hydraulics file to disk\r\n|ENsaveinpfile|Saves a project's data to an EPANET-formatted text file\r\n|ENsetbasedemand|Sets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories\r\n|ENsetcomment|Sets a comment to a specific index\r\n|ENsetcontrol|Sets the properties of an existing simple control\r\n|ENsetcoord|Sets the (x,y) coordinates of a node\r\n|ENsetcurve|Assigns a set of data points to a curve\r\n|ENsetcurveid|Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index\r\n|ENsetcurvevalue|Sets the value of a single data point for a curve\r\n|ENsetdemandmodel|Sets the Type of demand model to use and its parameters\r\n|ENsetdemandname|Assigns a name to a node's demand category\r\n|ENsetdemandpattern|Sets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's demand categories\r\n|ENsetelseaction|Sets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetflowunits|Sets a project's flow units\r\n|ENsetheadcurveindex|Assigns a curve to a pump's head curve\r\n|ENsetjuncdata|Sets a group of properties for a junction node\r\n|ENsetlinkid|Changes the ID name of a link\r\n|ENsetlinknodes|Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes\r\n|ENsetlinktype|Changes a link's type\r\n|ENsetlinkvalue|Sets a property value for a link\r\n|ENsetnodeid|Changes the ID name of a node\r\n|ENsetnodevalue|Sets a property value for a node\r\n|ENsetoption|Sets the value for an anlysis option\r\n|ENsetpattern|Sets the pattern factors for a given time pattern\r\n|ENsetpatternid|Changes the ID name of a time pattern given its index\r\n|ENsetpatternvalue|Sets a time pattern's factor for a given time period\r\n|ENsetpipedata|Sets a group of properties for a pipe link\r\n|ENsetpremise|Sets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetpremiseindex|Sets the index of an object in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetpremisestatus|Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetpremisevalue|Sets the value in a premise of a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetqualtype|Sets the type of water quality analysis to run\r\n|ENsetreport|Processes a reporting format command\r\n|ENsetrulepriority|Sets the priority of a rule-based control\r\n|ENsetstatusreport|Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting\r\n|ENsettankdata|Sets a group of properties for a tank node\r\n|ENsetthenaction|Sets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control\r\n|ENsettimeparam|Sets the value of a time parameter\r\n|ENsettitle|Sets the title lines of the project\r\n|ENsetvertices|Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link\r\n|ENsolveH|Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to a temporary hydraulics file\r\n|ENsolveQ| Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to the project's binary output file\r\n|ENstepQ|Advances a water quality simulation by a single water quality time step\r\n|ENusehydfile|Uses a previously saved binary hydraulics file to supply a project's hydraulics\r\n|ENwriteline|Writes a line of text to a project's report file\r\n\r\n↑ [Back to top](#table-of-contents)\r\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": null,
"summary": "EPyT: An EPANET-Python Toolkit for Smart Water Network Simulations. The EPyT is inspired by the EPANET-Matlab Toolkit.",
"version": "1.1.9",
"project_urls": {
"Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPyT/issues",
"Homepage": "https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPyT"
"split_keywords": [
" water",
" networks",
" hydraulics",
" quality",
" simulations",
" emt",
" epanet matlab toolkit"
"urls": [
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