SEAMM Gaussian Plug-in
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:alt: GitHub pull requests
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:target: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/actions
:alt: Build Status
.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step
:alt: Code Coverage
.. image:: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/workflows/CodeQL/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/security/code-scanning
:alt: Code Quality
.. image:: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/workflows/Release/badge.svg
:target: https://molssi-seamm.github.io/gaussian_step/index.html
:alt: Documentation Status
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/gaussian_step.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gaussian_step
:alt: PyPi VERSION
A SEAMM plug-in for A SEAMM plug-in for Gaussian
* Free software: BSD-3-Clause
* Documentation: https://molssi-seamm.github.io/gaussian_step/index.html
* Code: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step
* Please edit this section!
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the
`molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin`_ project template.
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _`molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin`: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin
Developed by the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI_),
which receives funding from the `National Science Foundation`_ under
award ACI-1547580
.. _MolSSI: https://molssi.org
.. _`National Science Foundation`: https://www.nsf.gov
2025.1.29: Added an option to save the structure in the standard orientation.
* Added an option to save the structure in the standard orientation, which is
the orientation used by Gaussian for the calculations. This is useful for
visualizing the structure, and is also the orientation for e.g. the calculated
* Fixed a bug in displaying the structure with the orbitals or density. The sructure
is now always in the standard orientation, regardless of the option above, as it
must be since the orbitals and density are calculated in the standard orientation.
2025.1.5: Added PBErev, HSE06, PBE0 and PBE0rev energies for thermochemistry
* Added the atom energies for the 6-31G and 6-311G basis set families for the
PBErev (PBEhPBE), HSE06 (HSEH1PBE), PBE0 (PBE1PBE), and PBE0rev (PBEH1PBE) density
functionals for the thermodynamics step.
* Added the electronic state to the output and properties
* Added refereneces for all the methods and DFT functional in the GUI.
* Improved the output to include the full name of the method and DFT functional
2024.12.24: Minor enhancement to Thermochemistry.txt report
* Added the method and basis set to the header of the Thermochemistry.txt report.
* Caught some cases where the system name was reported as None.
2024.12.23: Bugfix: thermochistry for DFT methods failed
* The code was not properly handling the DFT methods in the thermodynamics step.
This has been fixed.
* Improved the reporting on why the atomization energy or enthalpy of formation could
not be calculated.
2024.12.22: Added more methods and basis sets for thermo
* Added the atom energies for the 6-31G and 6-311G basis sets to the thermodynamics
step for HF, B3LYP, all MP, CC, CBS-xx, and Gn composite methods
* Added detailed output of the thermochemistry calculations in Thermochemistry.txt
* Allowed composite methods to be access through the Thermodynamics Step.
* Added ability to print and/or save the basis set to a file.
* Added options for the numerical grids used in DFT calculations.
2024.12.11: Loosened tolerance on gradients from punch file
* The code checks that the gradients in the punch file are similar to those in the
output. Apparently the check was too tight, so it has been loosened. A warning is
printed if the gradients differ too much so that we can understand if it is an
2024.12.9: Improvements to thermodynamics step
* Added B3LYP atom energies to the thermodynamics step.
* Expanded the properties to include essentially everything calculated by Gaussian.
* Added the ability to get the initial Hessian for an optimization from propertiesm
or from the checkpoint file.
* Improved the handling of the checkpoint file so by default it is saved and the
next substep uses it for initial guesses, etc.
* Added options to remove the checkpoint files at the end of the calculation.
2024.12.1.1: Bugfix: Typographical problems with the output.
2024.12.1: Added thermodynamics step
* Access the FREQ command in Gaussian to calculation the thermodynamic functions.
* Added code and data for calculating enthalpy of formation for many computational
models including the 6-31G and 6-311G basis set families.
* Added output of timing data to the standard directory ~/.seamm.d/timing
* Cleaned up and standardized the names of result data
2024.11.18: Enhancement: added properties
* Added properties for the energy and enthalpy, etc. from composite models.
* Protected the code from crashing is Gaussian failed.
2024.10.15: Bugfix: errors using short names of methods and functionals
* There were bugs in the code that caused errors when using short names, e.g. "HF"
or "CCD" for the method, or e.g. "B3LYP" for the density functional.
2024.10.10: Enhancement: added sempiempirical methods
* Added the various semiempirical methods supported by Gaussian so they can be used
from SEAMM.
2024.8.23: Enhancements: added bond orders and improved transition state optimization
* Added ability to calculate the Wiberg bond order matrix and optionally use to set
the bond orders of the structure.
* Enhanced the optimization for transitions states to capture the vibrational
analysis if the second derivatives are calculated, and report on the stability of
the structure.
2024.7.27: Bugfix: issues when used in loop
* Fixed a bug that caused the plug-in to fail when used in a loop.
* Improved the creation of the gaussian.ini file to both work better and keep the
comments in the file.
2024.6.5: Cleaned up logging from code.
* The logging was a bit aggressive, so moved most logging down to the debug
level. This will make the output of e.g. geomeTRIC more readable.
2024.5.31: Added optimization of transition states, and...
* Corrected implementation of composite methods (Gn, CBS-x) to handle optimization.
* Added target of the optimization to allow transition states and saddle points.
* Corrected a bug in handling the maximum number of optimization steps.
* Corrected bug determining if optimization completed properly.
* Corrected bug handling the composite method results.
2024.5.27: Added number of optimization steps to results
* Added the number of steps for the optimizations to the results that can be output
to tables, variables, etc.
2024.5.8 General enhancements
* Updated to new calculation handling, with ~/SEAMM/gaussian.ini controlling access
to the installed version of Gaussian on the machine.
* Added energy and gradients to results to support general use in e.g. energy scans.
2024.1.19: Switched to new way to run Gaussian, added option to just write input file
* Switched to using the new way to run executables, which supports containers.
* Added an option to just write the input file, without running
Gaussian. This is useful for debugging, and for running Gaussian
on a remote server.
2023.10.25 Bug fixes: variable for functional, and parsing FChk file
* Fixed a problem with handling the functional if it was a variable rather than a
specific functional.
* Fixed a problem parsing the FChk file. For exponents > 99 the FORTRAN format used
in Gaussian grops the "E", resulting in numbers like 0.947-104 that caused a
problem when trying to read them.
2023.10.22 Bug fixes: orbital plots and output
* The plots of the HOMO and LUMO were shifted by one orbital due to some code
counting from 1 and other, from 0. Sigh.
* The output to Job.out was inadvertently truncated.
2023.10.7 Added structure file for plots of density and orbitals.
* Always write the current structure as 'structure.sdf' in the directory where the
cube files for orbitals and densities are written. The Dashboard picks up this
file to render the structure along with the surfaces.
2023.9.27 Added composite and other methods, DFT functionals
* Now support HF, DFT, MP4, CCD & CCSD, CBS-x, and Gn methods
* Added PBE, PBE-98, PBE0, and HSE06 functionals
* Added analysis of HOMO/LUMO gap energy
* Added plotting of orbitals and densities
* Added otuput of atomic charges and spins, and placing them on the configuration.
* Added ability to control the system/configuration update
2023.2.26.1 Moved Gaussian output to output.txt
* Capturing stdout prevent users from seeing the output during a calculation.
This fixes that.
2023.2.26 Initial version with energy and optimization
* Support running the energy or optimization with HF, DFT, MP2 and MP3 though
testing has not yet been thorough.
* The DFT functional supported are at the moment limited.
* Plug-in created using the SEAMM plug-in cookiecutter.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step",
"name": "gaussian-step",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "SEAMM, SEAMMplugin, flowchart",
"author": "Paul Saxe",
"author_email": "psaxe@vt.edu",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9a/5f/5e8bb4be7c719b997d7599c9ec4d5688e8886138378f1f8a51a73f24e0d7/gaussian_step-2025.1.29.tar.gz",
"platform": "Linux",
"description": "======================\nSEAMM Gaussian Plug-in\n======================\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr-raw/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step\n :target: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/pulls\n :alt: GitHub pull requests\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/workflows/CI/badge.svg\n :target: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/actions\n :alt: Build Status\n\n.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/branch/master/graph/badge.svg\n :target: https://codecov.io/gh/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step\n :alt: Code Coverage\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/workflows/CodeQL/badge.svg\n :target: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/security/code-scanning\n :alt: Code Quality\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step/workflows/Release/badge.svg\n :target: https://molssi-seamm.github.io/gaussian_step/index.html\n :alt: Documentation Status\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/gaussian_step.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gaussian_step\n :alt: PyPi VERSION\n\nA SEAMM plug-in for A SEAMM plug-in for Gaussian\n\n* Free software: BSD-3-Clause\n* Documentation: https://molssi-seamm.github.io/gaussian_step/index.html\n* Code: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step\n\nFeatures\n--------\n\n* Please edit this section!\n\nAcknowledgements\n----------------\n\nThis package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the\n`molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin`_ project template.\n\n.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter\n.. _`molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin`: https://github.com/molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin\n\nDeveloped by the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI_),\nwhich receives funding from the `National Science Foundation`_ under\naward ACI-1547580\n\n.. _MolSSI: https://molssi.org\n.. _`National Science Foundation`: https://www.nsf.gov\n\n\n=======\nHistory\n=======\n2025.1.29: Added an option to save the structure in the standard orientation.\n * Added an option to save the structure in the standard orientation, which is\n the orientation used by Gaussian for the calculations. This is useful for\n visualizing the structure, and is also the orientation for e.g. the calculated\n orbitals.\n * Fixed a bug in displaying the structure with the orbitals or density. The sructure\n is now always in the standard orientation, regardless of the option above, as it\n must be since the orbitals and density are calculated in the standard orientation.\n \n2025.1.5: Added PBErev, HSE06, PBE0 and PBE0rev energies for thermochemistry\n * Added the atom energies for the 6-31G and 6-311G basis set families for the\n PBErev (PBEhPBE), HSE06 (HSEH1PBE), PBE0 (PBE1PBE), and PBE0rev (PBEH1PBE) density\n functionals for the thermodynamics step.\n * Added the electronic state to the output and properties\n * Added refereneces for all the methods and DFT functional in the GUI.\n * Improved the output to include the full name of the method and DFT functional\n \n2024.12.24: Minor enhancement to Thermochemistry.txt report\n * Added the method and basis set to the header of the Thermochemistry.txt report.\n * Caught some cases where the system name was reported as None.\n\n2024.12.23: Bugfix: thermochistry for DFT methods failed\n * The code was not properly handling the DFT methods in the thermodynamics step.\n This has been fixed.\n * Improved the reporting on why the atomization energy or enthalpy of formation could\n not be calculated.\n\n2024.12.22: Added more methods and basis sets for thermo\n * Added the atom energies for the 6-31G and 6-311G basis sets to the thermodynamics\n step for HF, B3LYP, all MP, CC, CBS-xx, and Gn composite methods\n * Added detailed output of the thermochemistry calculations in Thermochemistry.txt\n * Allowed composite methods to be access through the Thermodynamics Step.\n * Added ability to print and/or save the basis set to a file.\n * Added options for the numerical grids used in DFT calculations.\n \n2024.12.11: Loosened tolerance on gradients from punch file\n * The code checks that the gradients in the punch file are similar to those in the\n output. Apparently the check was too tight, so it has been loosened. A warning is\n printed if the gradients differ too much so that we can understand if it is an\n issue.\n \n2024.12.9: Improvements to thermodynamics step\n * Added B3LYP atom energies to the thermodynamics step.\n * Expanded the properties to include essentially everything calculated by Gaussian.\n * Added the ability to get the initial Hessian for an optimization from propertiesm\n or from the checkpoint file.\n * Improved the handling of the checkpoint file so by default it is saved and the\n next substep uses it for initial guesses, etc.\n * Added options to remove the checkpoint files at the end of the calculation.\n\n2024.12.1.1: Bugfix: Typographical problems with the output.\n\n2024.12.1: Added thermodynamics step\n * Access the FREQ command in Gaussian to calculation the thermodynamic functions.\n * Added code and data for calculating enthalpy of formation for many computational\n models including the 6-31G and 6-311G basis set families.\n * Added output of timing data to the standard directory ~/.seamm.d/timing\n * Cleaned up and standardized the names of result data\n \n2024.11.18: Enhancement: added properties\n * Added properties for the energy and enthalpy, etc. from composite models.\n * Protected the code from crashing is Gaussian failed.\n \n2024.10.15: Bugfix: errors using short names of methods and functionals\n * There were bugs in the code that caused errors when using short names, e.g. \"HF\"\n or \"CCD\" for the method, or e.g. \"B3LYP\" for the density functional.\n \n2024.10.10: Enhancement: added sempiempirical methods\n * Added the various semiempirical methods supported by Gaussian so they can be used\n from SEAMM.\n \n2024.8.23: Enhancements: added bond orders and improved transition state optimization\n * Added ability to calculate the Wiberg bond order matrix and optionally use to set\n the bond orders of the structure.\n * Enhanced the optimization for transitions states to capture the vibrational\n analysis if the second derivatives are calculated, and report on the stability of\n the structure.\n\n2024.7.27: Bugfix: issues when used in loop\n * Fixed a bug that caused the plug-in to fail when used in a loop.\n * Improved the creation of the gaussian.ini file to both work better and keep the\n comments in the file.\n \n2024.6.5: Cleaned up logging from code.\n * The logging was a bit aggressive, so moved most logging down to the debug\n level. This will make the output of e.g. geomeTRIC more readable.\n \n2024.5.31: Added optimization of transition states, and...\n * Corrected implementation of composite methods (Gn, CBS-x) to handle optimization.\n * Added target of the optimization to allow transition states and saddle points.\n * Corrected a bug in handling the maximum number of optimization steps.\n * Corrected bug determining if optimization completed properly.\n * Corrected bug handling the composite method results.\n \n2024.5.27: Added number of optimization steps to results\n * Added the number of steps for the optimizations to the results that can be output\n to tables, variables, etc.\n \n2024.5.8 General enhancements\n * Updated to new calculation handling, with ~/SEAMM/gaussian.ini controlling access\n to the installed version of Gaussian on the machine.\n * Added energy and gradients to results to support general use in e.g. energy scans.\n\n2024.1.19: Switched to new way to run Gaussian, added option to just write input file\n * Switched to using the new way to run executables, which supports containers.\n * Added an option to just write the input file, without running\n Gaussian. This is useful for debugging, and for running Gaussian\n on a remote server.\n\n2023.10.25 Bug fixes: variable for functional, and parsing FChk file\n * Fixed a problem with handling the functional if it was a variable rather than a\n specific functional.\n * Fixed a problem parsing the FChk file. For exponents > 99 the FORTRAN format used\n in Gaussian grops the \"E\", resulting in numbers like 0.947-104 that caused a\n problem when trying to read them.\n \n2023.10.22 Bug fixes: orbital plots and output\n * The plots of the HOMO and LUMO were shifted by one orbital due to some code\n counting from 1 and other, from 0. Sigh.\n * The output to Job.out was inadvertently truncated.\n\n2023.10.7 Added structure file for plots of density and orbitals.\n * Always write the current structure as 'structure.sdf' in the directory where the\n cube files for orbitals and densities are written. The Dashboard picks up this\n file to render the structure along with the surfaces.\n \n2023.9.27 Added composite and other methods, DFT functionals\n * Now support HF, DFT, MP4, CCD & CCSD, CBS-x, and Gn methods\n * Added PBE, PBE-98, PBE0, and HSE06 functionals\n * Added analysis of HOMO/LUMO gap energy\n * Added plotting of orbitals and densities\n * Added otuput of atomic charges and spins, and placing them on the configuration.\n * Added ability to control the system/configuration update\n\n2023.2.26.1 Moved Gaussian output to output.txt\n * Capturing stdout prevent users from seeing the output during a calculation.\n This fixes that.\n \n2023.2.26 Initial version with energy and optimization \n * Support running the energy or optimization with HF, DFT, MP2 and MP3 though\n testing has not yet been thorough.\n * The DFT functional supported are at the moment limited.\n \n2023.2.24\n * Plug-in created using the SEAMM plug-in cookiecutter.\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"summary": "A SEAMM plugin for A SEAMM plug-in for Gaussian",
"version": "2025.1.29",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "https://github.com/molssi-seamm/gaussian_step"
"split_keywords": [
" seammplugin",
" flowchart"
"urls": [
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"specs": []
"name": "tabulate",
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"lcname": "gaussian-step"