
Nameicesat2-toolkit JSON
Version 1.3.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython tools for obtaining and working with elevation data from the NASA ICESat-2 mission
upload_time2024-03-04 22:53:25
authorTyler Sutterley
keywords icesat-2 laser altimetry atlas surface elevation and change
requirements future lxml numpy paramiko pyproj python-dateutil scipy scp timescale
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

|PyPI Version|
|Documentation Status|
|Shot Count|

.. |Language| image::

.. |License| image::

.. |PyPI Version| image::

.. |Documentation Status| image::

.. |zenodo| image::

.. |Shot count| image::

Python tools for obtaining and working with elevation data from the NASA ICESat-2 mission


ICESat-2 Data Products

|  Product  |             Name             |                Description                |
| **ATL00** | Telemetry Data               | Raw ATLAS telemetry in packet format      |
| **ATL01** | Reformatted Telemetry        | Parsed, partially reformatted into HDF5,  |
|           |                              | generated daily, segmented into several   |
|           |                              | minute granules                           |
| **ATL02** | Science Unit Converted       | Photon time of flight, corrected for      |
|           | Telemetry                    | instrument effects. Includes all photons, |
|           |                              | pointing data, spacecraft position,       |
|           |                              | housekeeping data, engineering data, and  |
|           |                              | raw atmospheric profiles, segmented into  |
|           |                              | several minute granules.                  |
| **ATL03** | Global Geolocated Photon     | Precise latitude, longitude and elevation |
|           | Data                         | for every received photon, arranged by    |
|           |                              | beam in the along-track direction.        |
|           |                              | Photons classified by signal vs.          |
|           |                              | background, as well as by surface type    |
|           |                              | (land ice, sea ice, land, ocean),         |
|           |                              | including all geophysical corrections.    |
|           |                              | Segmented into several minute granules.   |
| **ATL04** | Uncalibrated Backscatter     | Along-track atmospheric backscatter data, |
|           | Profiles                     | 25 times per second. Includes calibration |
|           |                              | coefficients for polar regions. Segmented |
|           |                              | into several minute granules.             |
| **ATL06** | Land Ice Elevation           | Surface height for each beam with along-  |
|           |                              | and across-track slopes calculated for    |
|           |                              | each beam pair. Posted at 40 meters       |
|           |                              | along-track. Segmented into several       |
|           |                              | minute granules.                          |
| **ATL07** | Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice     | Height of sea ice and open water leads at |
|           | Elevation                    | varying length scale based on returned    |
|           |                              | photon rate for each beam presented       |
|           |                              | along-track. Segmented into several       |
|           |                              | minute granules.                          |
| **ATL08** | Land Water Vegetation        | Height of ground including canopy surface |
|           | Elevation                    | posted at variable length scales relative |
|           |                              | to signal level, for each beam presented  |
|           |                              | along-track. Where data permits include   |
|           |                              | canopy height, canopy cover percentage,   |
|           |                              | surface slope and roughness, and apparent |
|           |                              | reflectance.                              |
| **ATL09** | Calibrated Backscatter and   | Along-track cloud and other significant   |
|           | Cloud Characteristics        | atmosphere layer heights, blowing snow,   |
|           |                              | integrated backscatter, and optical       |
|           |                              | depth.                                    |
| **ATL10** | Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice     | Estimate of sea ice freeboard over        |
|           | Freeboard                    | specific spatial scales using all         |
|           |                              | available sea surface height              |
|           |                              | measurements. Contains statistics of sea  |
|           |                              | surface and sea ice heights.              |
| **ATL11** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Time series of height at points on the    |
|           | Sheet H(t) Series            | ice sheet, calculated based on repeat     |
|           |                              | tracks and/or cross-overs.                |
| **ATL12** | Ocean Elevation              | Surface height at specific length scale.  |
| **ATL13** | Inland Water Height          | Along-track inland and near shore water   |
|           |                              | surface height distribution within water  |
|           |                              | mask.                                     |
| **ATL14** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Height maps of each ice sheet for each    |
|           | Sheet H(t) Gridded           | year based on all available elevation     |
|           |                              | data.                                     |
| **ATL15** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Height change maps for each ice sheet,    |
|           | Sheet dh/dt Gridded          | for each mission year, and for the whole  |
|           |                              | mission.                                  |
| **ATL16** | ATLAS Atmosphere Weekly      | Polar cloud fraction, blowing snow        |
|           |                              | frequency, ground detection frequency.    |
| **ATL17** | ATLAS Atmosphere Monthly     | Polar cloud fraction, blowing snow        |
|           |                              | frequency, ground detection frequency.    |
| **ATL18** | Land/Canopy Gridded          | Gridded ground surface height, canopy     |
|           |                              | height, and canopy cover estimates.       |
| **ATL19** | Mean Sea Surface (MSS)       | Gridded ocean height product.             |
| **ATL20** | Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea | Gridded sea ice freeboard.                |
|           | Ice Freeboard                |                                           |
| **ATL21** | Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea | Gridded monthly sea surface height inside |
|           | Surface Height w/in Sea Ice  | the sea ice cover.                        |

ICESat-2 Granules

Each orbit of ICESat-2 data is broken up into 14 granules.
The granule boundaries limit the size of each ATL03 file and simplify the formation of higher level data products.

.. image:: ./doc/source/_assets/ICESat-2_granules_global.png
  :alt: ICESat-2 global granules

.. image:: ./doc/source/_assets/ICESat-2_granules_polar.png
  :alt: ICESat-2 polar granules


- `numpy: Scientific Computing Tools For Python <>`_
- `scipy: Scientific Tools for Python <>`_
- `mpi4py: Python bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) <>`_
- `h5py: Python interface for Hierarchal Data Format 5 (HDF5) <>`_
- `netCDF4: Python interface to the netCDF C library <>`_
- `zarr: Chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays in Python <>`_
- `pandas: Python Data Analysis Library <>`_
- `scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python <>`_
- `dateutil: powerful extensions to datetime <>`_
- `shapely: PostGIS-ish operations outside a database context for Python <>`_
- `fiona: Python wrapper for vector data access functions from the OGR library <>`_
- `future: Compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3 <>`_
- `boto3: Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python <>`_
- `s3fs: Pythonic file interface to S3 built on top of botocore <>`_
- `lxml: processing XML and HTML in Python <>`_
- `paramiko: Native Python SSHv2 protocol library <>`_
- `scp: scp module for paramiko <>`_
- `yapc: Python version of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center YAPC Program <>`_


| The program homepage is:
| A zip archive of the latest version is available directly at:


This project contains work and contributions from the `scientific community <./CONTRIBUTORS.rst>`_.
This program is not sponsored or maintained by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) or NASA.
It is provided here for your convenience but *with no guarantees whatsoever*.


The content of this project is licensed under the
`Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Attribution license <>`_
and the source code is licensed under the `MIT license <LICENSE>`_.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "icesat2-toolkit",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "ICESat-2 laser altimetry,ATLAS,surface elevation and change",
    "author": "Tyler Sutterley",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "=============\nread-ICESat-2\n=============\n\n|Language|\n|License|\n|PyPI Version|\n|Documentation Status|\n|zenodo|\n|Shot Count|\n\n.. |Language| image::\n   :target:\n\n.. |License| image::\n   :target:\n\n.. |PyPI Version| image::\n   :target:\n\n.. |Documentation Status| image::\n   :target:\n\n.. |zenodo| image::\n   :target:\n\n.. |Shot count| image::\n   :target:\n\nPython tools for obtaining and working with elevation data from the NASA ICESat-2 mission\n\n-\n-\n-\n\nICESat-2 Data Products\n######################\n\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n|  Product  |             Name             |                Description                |\n+===========+==============================+===========================================+\n| **ATL00** | Telemetry Data               | Raw ATLAS telemetry in packet format      |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL01** | Reformatted Telemetry        | Parsed, partially reformatted into HDF5,  |\n|           |                              | generated daily, segmented into several   |\n|           |                              | minute granules                           |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL02** | Science Unit Converted       | Photon time of flight, corrected for      |\n|           | Telemetry                    | instrument effects. Includes all photons, |\n|           |                              | pointing data, spacecraft position,       |\n|           |                              | housekeeping data, engineering data, and  |\n|           |                              | raw atmospheric profiles, segmented into  |\n|           |                              | several minute granules.                  |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL03** | Global Geolocated Photon     | Precise latitude, longitude and elevation |\n|           | Data                         | for every received photon, arranged by    |\n|           |                              | beam in the along-track direction.        |\n|           |                              | Photons classified by signal vs.          |\n|           |                              | background, as well as by surface type    |\n|           |                              | (land ice, sea ice, land, ocean),         |\n|           |                              | including all geophysical corrections.    |\n|           |                              | Segmented into several minute granules.   |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL04** | Uncalibrated Backscatter     | Along-track atmospheric backscatter data, |\n|           | Profiles                     | 25 times per second. Includes calibration |\n|           |                              | coefficients for polar regions. Segmented |\n|           |                              | into several minute granules.             |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL06** | Land Ice Elevation           | Surface height for each beam with along-  |\n|           |                              | and across-track slopes calculated for    |\n|           |                              | each beam pair. Posted at 40 meters       |\n|           |                              | along-track. Segmented into several       |\n|           |                              | minute granules.                          |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL07** | Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice     | Height of sea ice and open water leads at |\n|           | Elevation                    | varying length scale based on returned    |\n|           |                              | photon rate for each beam presented       |\n|           |                              | along-track. Segmented into several       |\n|           |                              | minute granules.                          |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL08** | Land Water Vegetation        | Height of ground including canopy surface |\n|           | Elevation                    | posted at variable length scales relative |\n|           |                              | to signal level, for each beam presented  |\n|           |                              | along-track. Where data permits include   |\n|           |                              | canopy height, canopy cover percentage,   |\n|           |                              | surface slope and roughness, and apparent |\n|           |                              | reflectance.                              |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL09** | Calibrated Backscatter and   | Along-track cloud and other significant   |\n|           | Cloud Characteristics        | atmosphere layer heights, blowing snow,   |\n|           |                              | integrated backscatter, and optical       |\n|           |                              | depth.                                    |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL10** | Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice     | Estimate of sea ice freeboard over        |\n|           | Freeboard                    | specific spatial scales using all         |\n|           |                              | available sea surface height              |\n|           |                              | measurements. Contains statistics of sea  |\n|           |                              | surface and sea ice heights.              |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL11** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Time series of height at points on the    |\n|           | Sheet H(t) Series            | ice sheet, calculated based on repeat     |\n|           |                              | tracks and/or cross-overs.                |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL12** | Ocean Elevation              | Surface height at specific length scale.  |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL13** | Inland Water Height          | Along-track inland and near shore water   |\n|           |                              | surface height distribution within water  |\n|           |                              | mask.                                     |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL14** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Height maps of each ice sheet for each    |\n|           | Sheet H(t) Gridded           | year based on all available elevation     |\n|           |                              | data.                                     |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL15** | Antarctic/Greenland Ice      | Height change maps for each ice sheet,    |\n|           | Sheet dh/dt Gridded          | for each mission year, and for the whole  |\n|           |                              | mission.                                  |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL16** | ATLAS Atmosphere Weekly      | Polar cloud fraction, blowing snow        |\n|           |                              | frequency, ground detection frequency.    |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL17** | ATLAS Atmosphere Monthly     | Polar cloud fraction, blowing snow        |\n|           |                              | frequency, ground detection frequency.    |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL18** | Land/Canopy Gridded          | Gridded ground surface height, canopy     |\n|           |                              | height, and canopy cover estimates.       |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL19** | Mean Sea Surface (MSS)       | Gridded ocean height product.             |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL20** | Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea | Gridded sea ice freeboard.                |\n|           | Ice Freeboard                |                                           |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n| **ATL21** | Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea | Gridded monthly sea surface height inside |\n|           | Surface Height w/in Sea Ice  | the sea ice cover.                        |\n+-----------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+\n\n\nICESat-2 Granules\n#################\n\nEach orbit of ICESat-2 data is broken up into 14 granules.\nThe granule boundaries limit the size of each ATL03 file and simplify the formation of higher level data products.\n\n.. image:: ./doc/source/_assets/ICESat-2_granules_global.png\n  :alt: ICESat-2 global granules\n\n.. image:: ./doc/source/_assets/ICESat-2_granules_polar.png\n  :alt: ICESat-2 polar granules\n\nDependencies\n############\n\n- `numpy: Scientific Computing Tools For Python <>`_\n- `scipy: Scientific Tools for Python <>`_\n- `mpi4py: Python bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) <>`_\n- `h5py: Python interface for Hierarchal Data Format 5 (HDF5) <>`_\n- `netCDF4: Python interface to the netCDF C library <>`_\n- `zarr: Chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays in Python <>`_\n- `pandas: Python Data Analysis Library <>`_\n- `scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python <>`_\n- `dateutil: powerful extensions to datetime <>`_\n- `shapely: PostGIS-ish operations outside a database context for Python <>`_\n- `fiona: Python wrapper for vector data access functions from the OGR library <>`_\n- `future: Compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3 <>`_\n- `boto3: Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python <>`_\n- `s3fs: Pythonic file interface to S3 built on top of botocore <>`_\n- `lxml: processing XML and HTML in Python <>`_\n- `paramiko: Native Python SSHv2 protocol library <>`_\n- `scp: scp module for paramiko <>`_\n- `yapc: Python version of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center YAPC Program <>`_\n\nDownload\n########\n\n| The program homepage is:\n|\n| A zip archive of the latest version is available directly at:\n|\n\nDisclaimer\n##########\n\nThis project contains work and contributions from the `scientific community <./CONTRIBUTORS.rst>`_.\nThis program is not sponsored or maintained by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) or NASA.\nIt is provided here for your convenience but *with no guarantees whatsoever*.\n\nLicense\n#######\n\nThe content of this project is licensed under the\n`Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Attribution license <>`_\nand the source code is licensed under the `MIT license <LICENSE>`_.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Python tools for obtaining and working with elevation data from the NASA ICESat-2 mission",
    "version": "1.3.1",
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    "split_keywords": [
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        "surface elevation and change"
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