
Namejemma JSON
Version 0.1.4207 PyPI version JSON
Summaryjemma & her ai agents that build software
upload_time2024-05-22 01:36:11
keywords ai agents llm code generation
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # <img src="docs/jemma-logo.png" width="50px"> jemma
> hey, I am Jemma. I convert your thoughts to code
<img src="docs/jemma.gif" width="850">

- [đŸ§Ŧ what I do](#-what-i-do)
  - [am skechin'](#-am-sketchin)
- [🕹ī¸ can I play?](#%EF%B8%8F-can-i-play)
  - [install me](#install-me)
  - [convert ideas to code](#convert-ideas-to-code)
- [🛠ī¸ how I do it](#%EF%B8%8F-how-i-do-it)
  - [models](#models)
  - [problems](#problems)
  - [development](#development)
- [license](#license)

# đŸ§Ŧ what I do

I take an idea in a form of:
* a few words, such as "`Bill Pay Service`", "`2048`" or "`Kanban Board`"
* OR a text file with requirements

and I create a web based prototype 🚀

> _in fact I just created all three 👆 (so you can quickly see what I mean):_

<img width="714" alt="image" src="docs/jemma-builds.png">

after the prototype is built, I take feedback and refactor it.

## 🎨 am sketchin'

I also dabble in converting sketches to web app mockups:

$ jemma --prompt "Learning Portal" --sketch ~/tmp/sketch.png --build-prototype --claude
<img width="814" alt="image" src="">

_this does require one or two hints of feedback, but I'm getting better_

# 🕹ī¸ can I play?

of course!

## install me

$ pip install jemma

add a "`.env`" file from where I am going to be called from with API keys of your choice:

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-ant-api03...
export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-puk...
export REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=r8_ai...

ready to rock! :metal:

## convert ideas to code

$ jemma --prompt "Bill Pay Service" --build-prototype --claude

I will assemble a team who will build a prototype, open a browser with it, and wait for your feedback:
Claude 🧠 claude-3-haiku-20240307 ✅

> Project Manager:
Dear Business Owner, in this meeting we'll work on creating requirements based on the 💡 idea

> Business Owner: 📚 creating detailed requirements ...🖋ī¸

> Project Manager:
Dear Engineer, in this meeting let's put our heads together to build a prototype based on the requirements.

> Engineer: đŸ’Ģ creating a prototype based on the requirements...
> Engineer: crafting css 🎨 (a.k.a. "visual beauty")
> Engineer: cooking javascript 🎮 (a.k.a. "master of interactions")
> Engineer: creating html 🕸ī¸ (a.k.a. "the skeleton of the web")

prototype files created successfully:
- prototype/index.html
- prototype/app.js
- prototype/app.css
opened prototype in the web browser

tell me how to make it better >

# 🛠ī¸ how I do it

I rely on my team of project managers, business owners and engineers<br>
yes... "AI Agents"

When I get an idea a Project Manager meets with a Business Owner to take it in and create a comprehensive set of requirements<br/>
then the Project Manager meets with an Engineer to build the idea based on these new requirements.

## models

I best work with Claude models, that is why my examples all end in "`--claude`":
$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --claude
by default though I will call Ollama (llama3 model):

$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype
Ollama 🧠 llama3:8b-instruct-fp16 ✅

here are the default models I would use:

| model param    | default model|
|    ----        |    ----      |
| `--claude`       | `claude-3-haiku-20240307` |
| `--openai`       | `gpt-3.5-turbo`|
| `--ollama`       | `llama3:8b-instruct-fp16`|
| `--replicate`    | `meta/meta-llama-3-70b-instruct`|
| `--copilot`    | `gpt-3.5-turbo`|

but you can override all of these with your (local, or not) models:

$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --claude claude-3-opus-20240229
$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --ollama dolphin-mistral:7b-v2.6-dpo-laser-fp16
$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --openai gpt-4-turbo-preview
$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --replicate meta/llama-2-70b-chat
$ jemma --prompt "Trivia Game" --build-prototype --copilot gpt-4
$ ...

> _but, at least for now, the best results are produced with **Claude** based models_

## problems

I am still learning, so some prototypes that I build might result in errors<br/>
this would especially be likely with non Claude based models

but, we are all learning, _and_ I love feedback:

tell me how to make it better > I see an error "app.js:138: uncaught TypeError: chordProgressionData.find(...) is undefined"

> Project Manager:
Dear Engineer, we have met with the user and received a valuable feedback. sudo make it better! 🛠ī¸

> Engineer: đŸ’Ģ refactoring prototype based on the feedback...

> Engineer: â™ģī¸  crafting css 🎨 (a.k.a. "visual beauty")

> Engineer: â™ģī¸  cooking javascript 🎮 (a.k.a. "master of interactions")

> Engineer: â™ģī¸  creating html 🕸ī¸ (a.k.a. "the skeleton of the web")
prototype files created successfully:
- prototype/index.html
- prototype/app.js
- prototype/app.css
opened prototype in the web browser

tell me how to make it better >

_you can check for / find errors in your browser console_

>_iff you know "how to HTML", you can help fix the code as well<br/>_
>_it is often something simple: adding a CSS class, updating the "width", etc._

## development

in order to run from source<br/>
clone jemma:

$ git clone
$ cd jemma
$ python --prompt "Code Editor" --build-prototype --claude
Claude 🧠 claude-3-haiku-20240307 ✅

# license

Copyright Š 2024 tolitius

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "jemma",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "ai, agents, llm, code generation",
    "author": "tolitius",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# <img src=\"docs/jemma-logo.png\" width=\"50px\"> jemma\n> hey, I am Jemma. I convert your thoughts to code\n<img src=\"docs/jemma.gif\" width=\"850\">\n\n- [\ud83e\uddec what I do](#-what-i-do)\n  - [am skechin'](#-am-sketchin)\n- [\ud83d\udd79\ufe0f can I play?](#%EF%B8%8F-can-i-play)\n  - [install me](#install-me)\n  - [convert ideas to code](#convert-ideas-to-code)\n- [\ud83d\udee0\ufe0f how I do it](#%EF%B8%8F-how-i-do-it)\n  - [models](#models)\n  - [problems](#problems)\n  - [development](#development)\n- [license](#license)\n\n# \ud83e\uddec what I do\n\nI take an idea in a form of:\n* a few words, such as \"`Bill Pay Service`\", \"`2048`\" or \"`Kanban Board`\"\n* OR a text file with requirements\n\nand I create a web based prototype \ud83d\ude80\n\n> _in fact I just created all three \ud83d\udc46 (so you can quickly see what I mean):_\n\n<img width=\"714\" alt=\"image\" src=\"docs/jemma-builds.png\">\n\n\nafter the prototype is built, I take feedback and refactor it.\n\n## \ud83c\udfa8 am sketchin'\n\nI also dabble in converting sketches to web app mockups:\n\n```bash\n$ jemma --prompt \"Learning Portal\" --sketch ~/tmp/sketch.png --build-prototype --claude\n```\n<img width=\"814\" alt=\"image\" src=\"\">\n\n_this does require one or two hints of feedback, but I'm getting better_\n\n# \ud83d\udd79\ufe0f can I play?\n\nof course!\n\n## install me\n\n```\n$ pip install jemma\n```\n\nadd a \"`.env`\" file from where I am going to be called from with API keys of your choice:\n\n```bash\nexport ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-ant-api03...\nexport OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-puk...\nexport REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=r8_ai...\n```\n\nready to rock! :metal:\n\n## convert ideas to code\n\n```\n$ jemma --prompt \"Bill Pay Service\" --build-prototype --claude\n```\n\nI will assemble a team who will build a prototype, open a browser with it, and wait for your feedback:\n```bash\nClaude \ud83e\udde0 claude-3-haiku-20240307 \u2705\n\n> Project Manager:\nDear Business Owner, in this meeting we'll work on creating requirements based on the \ud83d\udca1 idea\n\n> Business Owner: \ud83d\udcda creating detailed requirements ...\ud83d\udd8b\ufe0f\n\n> Project Manager:\nDear Engineer, in this meeting let's put our heads together to build a prototype based on the requirements.\n\n> Engineer: \ud83d\udcab creating a prototype based on the requirements...\n> Engineer: crafting css \ud83c\udfa8 (a.k.a. \"visual beauty\")\n> Engineer: cooking javascript \ud83c\udfae (a.k.a. \"master of interactions\")\n> Engineer: creating html \ud83d\udd78\ufe0f (a.k.a. \"the skeleton of the web\")\n\nprototype files created successfully:\n- prototype/index.html\n- prototype/app.js\n- prototype/app.css\nopened prototype in the web browser\n\ntell me how to make it better >\n```\n\n# \ud83d\udee0\ufe0f how I do it\n\nI rely on my team of project managers, business owners and engineers<br>\nyes... \"AI Agents\"\n\nWhen I get an idea a Project Manager meets with a Business Owner to take it in and create a comprehensive set of requirements<br/>\nthen the Project Manager meets with an Engineer to build the idea based on these new requirements.\n\n## models\n\nI best work with Claude models, that is why my examples all end in \"`--claude`\":\n```bash\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --claude\n```\nby default though I will call Ollama (llama3 model):\n\n```bash\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype\nOllama \ud83e\udde0 llama3:8b-instruct-fp16 \u2705\n```\n\nhere are the default models I would use:\n\n| model param    | default model|\n|    ----        |    ----      |\n| `--claude`       | `claude-3-haiku-20240307` |\n| `--openai`       | `gpt-3.5-turbo`|\n| `--ollama`       | `llama3:8b-instruct-fp16`|\n| `--replicate`    | `meta/meta-llama-3-70b-instruct`|\n| `--copilot`    | `gpt-3.5-turbo`|\n\nbut you can override all of these with your (local, or not) models:\n\n```bash\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --claude claude-3-opus-20240229\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --ollama dolphin-mistral:7b-v2.6-dpo-laser-fp16\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --openai gpt-4-turbo-preview\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --replicate meta/llama-2-70b-chat\n$ jemma --prompt \"Trivia Game\" --build-prototype --copilot gpt-4\n$ ...\n```\n\n> _but, at least for now, the best results are produced with **Claude** based models_\n\n## problems\n\nI am still learning, so some prototypes that I build might result in errors<br/>\nthis would especially be likely with non Claude based models\n\nbut, we are all learning, _and_ I love feedback:\n\n```bash\ntell me how to make it better > I see an error \"app.js:138: uncaught TypeError: chordProgressionData.find(...) is undefined\"\n\n> Project Manager:\nDear Engineer, we have met with the user and received a valuable feedback. sudo make it better! \ud83d\udee0\ufe0f\n\n> Engineer: \ud83d\udcab refactoring prototype based on the feedback...\n\n> Engineer: \u267b\ufe0f  crafting css \ud83c\udfa8 (a.k.a. \"visual beauty\")\n\n> Engineer: \u267b\ufe0f  cooking javascript \ud83c\udfae (a.k.a. \"master of interactions\")\n\n> Engineer: \u267b\ufe0f  creating html \ud83d\udd78\ufe0f (a.k.a. \"the skeleton of the web\")\nprototype files created successfully:\n- prototype/index.html\n- prototype/app.js\n- prototype/app.css\nopened prototype in the web browser\n\ntell me how to make it better >\n```\n\n_you can check for / find errors in your browser console_\n\n>_iff you know \"how to HTML\", you can help fix the code as well<br/>_\n>_it is often something simple: adding a CSS class, updating the \"width\", etc._\n\n## development\n\nin order to run from source<br/>\nclone jemma:\n\n```bash\n$ git clone\n```\nand\n```bash\n$ cd jemma\n$ python --prompt \"Code Editor\" --build-prototype --claude\nClaude \ud83e\udde0 claude-3-haiku-20240307 \u2705\n...\n```\n\n# license\n\nCopyright \u00a9 2024 tolitius\n\nDistributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at\nyour option) any later version.\n",
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