
Namelitdata JSON
Version 0.2.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe Deep Learning framework to train, deploy, and ship AI products Lightning fast.
upload_time2024-04-24 16:31:20
authorLightning AI et al.
keywords deep learning pytorch ai streaming cloud data processing
requirements torch filelock numpy boto3 requests
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <div align="center">

<img alt="Lightning" src="" width="800px" style="max-width: 100%;">


## Blazingly fast, distributed streaming of training data from any cloud storage


# ⚡ Welcome to LitData

With LitData, users can transform and optimize their data in cloud storage environments efficiently and intuitively, at any scale. 

Once optimized, efficient distributed training becomes practical regardless of where the data is located, enabling users to seamlessly stream data of any size to one or multiple machines.

LitData supports **images, text, video, audio, geo-spatial, and multimodal data** types, is already adopted by frameworks such as [LitGPT]( to pretrain LLMs and integrates smoothly with [PyTorch Lightning](, [Lightning Fabric](, and [PyTorch](

[Runnable templates](#runnable-templates) published on the [Lightning.AI Platform]( are available at the end, **reproducible in 1-click**.

### Table of Contents

- [Getting started](#getting-started)
    - [Installation](#installation)
    - [Quick Start](#quick-start)
        - [1. Prepare Your Data](#1-prepare-your-data)
        - [2. Upload Your Data to Cloud Storage](#2-upload-your-data-to-cloud-storage)
        - [3. Use StreamingDataset](#3-use-streamingdataset)
- [Key Features](#key-features)
- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
- [Runnable Templates](#runnable-templates)
- [Infinite cloud data processing](#infinite-cloud-data-processing)
- [Contributors](#-contributors)

# Getting Started

## Installation

Install **LitData** with `pip`

pip install litdata

Install **LitData** with the extras

pip install 'litdata[extras]'

## Quick Start

### 1. Prepare Your Data

Convert your raw dataset into **LitData Optimized Streaming Format** using the `optimize` operator.

Here is an example with some random images. 

import numpy as np
from litdata import optimize
from PIL import Image

# Store random images into the data chunks
def random_images(index):
    data = {
        "index": index, # int data type
        "image": Image.fromarray(np.random.randint(0, 256, (32, 32, 3), np.uint8)), # PIL image data type
        "class": np.random.randint(10), # numpy array data type
    # The data is serialized into bytes and stored into data chunks by the optimize operator.
    return data # The data is serialized into bytes and stored into data chunks by the optimize operator.

if __name__ == "__main__":
        fn=random_images,  # The function applied over each input.
        inputs=list(range(1000)),  # Provide any inputs. The fn is applied on each item.
        output_dir="my_optimized_dataset",  # The directory where the optimized data are stored.
        num_workers=4,  # The number of workers. The inputs are distributed among them.
        chunk_bytes="64MB"  # The maximum number of bytes to write into a data chunk.


The `optimize` operator supports any data structures and types. Serialize whatever you want. The optimized data is stored under the output directory `my_optimized_dataset`.

### 2. Upload your Data to Cloud Storage

Cloud providers such as [AWS](, [Google Cloud](, [Azure]( provide command line clients to upload your data to their storage solutions.

Here is how to upload the optimized dataset using the [AWS CLI]( to [AWS S3](

⚡ aws s3 cp --recursive my_optimized_dataset s3://my-bucket/my_optimized_dataset

### 3. Use StreamingDataset

Then, the Streaming Dataset can read the data directly from [AWS S3](

from litdata import StreamingDataset
from import DataLoader

# Remote path where full dataset is stored
input_dir = 's3://my-bucket/my_optimized_dataset'

# Create the Streaming Dataset
dataset = StreamingDataset(input_dir, shuffle=True)

# Access any elements of the dataset
sample = dataset[50]
img = sample['image']
cls = sample['class']

# Create PyTorch DataLoader and iterate over it to train your AI models.
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset)

# Key Features

- [Multi-GPU / Multi-Node Support](#multi-gpu--multi-node-support)
- [Access any item](#access-any-item)
- [Use any data transforms](#use-any-data-transforms)
- [The Map Operator](#the-map-operator)
- [Easy Data Mixing with the Combined Streaming Dataset](#easy-data-mixing-with-the-combined-streaming-dataset)
- [Pause & Resume Made simple](#pause--resume-made-simple)
- [Support Profiling](#support-profiling)
- [Reduce your memory footprint](#reduce-your-memory-footprint)
- [Configure Cache Size Limit](#configure-cache-size-limit)
- [On-Prem Optimizations](#on-prem-optimizations)

## Multi-GPU / Multi-Node Support

The `StreamingDataset` and `StreamingDataLoader` automatically make sure each rank receives the same quantity of varied batches of data, so it works out of the box with your favorite frameworks ([PyTorch Lightning](, [Lightning Fabric](, or [PyTorch]( to do distributed training. 

Here you can see an illustration showing how the Streaming Dataset works with multi node / multi gpu under the hood.

![An illustration showing how the Streaming Dataset works with multi node.](

## Access any item

Access the data you need, whenever you need it, regardless of where it is stored.

from litdata import StreamingDataset

dataset = StreamingDataset("s3://my-bucket/my-data") # data are stored in the cloud

print(len(dataset)) # display the length of your data

print(dataset[42]) # show the 42th element of the dataset

## Use any data transforms

Subclass the `StreamingDataset` and override its `__getitem__` method to add any extra data transformations.

from litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader
import torchvision.transforms.v2.functional as F

class ImagenetStreamingDataset(StreamingDataset):

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        image = super().__getitem__(index)
        return F.resize(image, (224, 224))

dataset = ImagenetStreamingDataset(...)
dataloader = StreamingDataLoader(dataset, batch_size=4)

for batch in dataloader:
    # Out: (4, 3, 224, 224)

## The Map Operator

The `map` operator can be used to apply a function over a list of inputs.

Here is an example where the `map` operator is used to apply a `resize_image` function over a folder of large images.

from import map
from PIL import Image

# Note: Inputs could also refer to files on s3 directly.
input_dir = "my_large_images"
inputs = [os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir)]

# The resize image takes one of the input (image_path) and the output directory. 
# Files written to output_dir are persisted.
def resize_image(image_path, output_dir):
  output_image_path = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(image_path)), 224)).save(output_image_path)

## Easy Data Mixing with the Combined Streaming Dataset

Easily experiment with dataset mixtures using the `CombinedStreamingDataset` class. 

As an example, this mixture of [Slimpajama]( & [StarCoder]( was used in the [TinyLLAMA]( project to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens. 

from litdata import StreamingDataset, CombinedStreamingDataset
from litdata.streaming.item_loader import TokensLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
from import DataLoader

train_datasets = [
        item_loader=TokensLoader(block_size=2048 + 1), # Optimized loader for tokens used by LLMs 
        item_loader=TokensLoader(block_size=2048 + 1), # Optimized loader for tokens used by LLMs 

# Mix SlimPajama data and Starcoder data with these proportions:
weights = (0.693584, 0.306416)
combined_dataset = CombinedStreamingDataset(datasets=train_datasets, seed=42, weights=weights)

train_dataloader = DataLoader(combined_dataset, batch_size=8, pin_memory=True, num_workers=os.cpu_count())

# Iterate over the combined datasets
for batch in tqdm(train_dataloader):

## Pause & Resume Made Simple

LitData provides a stateful `Streaming DataLoader` e.g. you can `pause` and `resume` your training whenever you want.

Info: The `Streaming DataLoader` was used by [Lit-GPT]( to pretrain LLMs. Restarting from an older checkpoint was critical to get to pretrain the full model due to several failures (network, CUDA Errors, etc..).

import os
import torch
from litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader

dataset = StreamingDataset("s3://my-bucket/my-data", shuffle=True)
dataloader = StreamingDataLoader(dataset, num_workers=os.cpu_count(), batch_size=64)

# Restore the dataLoader state if it exists
if os.path.isfile(""):
    state_dict = torch.load("")

# Iterate over the data
for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
    # Store the state every 1000 batches
    if batch_idx % 1000 == 0:, "")

## Support Profiling

The `StreamingDataLoader` supports profiling of your data loading process. Simply use the `profile_batches` argument to specify the number of batches you want to profile:

from litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader

StreamingDataLoader(..., profile_batches=5)

This generates a Chrome trace called `result.json`. Then, visualize this trace by opening Chrome browser at the `chrome://tracing` URL and load the trace inside.

## Reduce your memory footprint

When processing large files like compressed [parquet files](, use the Python yield keyword to process and store one item at the time, reducing the memory footprint of the entire program. 

from pathlib import Path
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from litdata import optimize
from tokenizer import Tokenizer
from functools import partial

# 1. Define a function to convert the text within the parquet files into tokens
def tokenize_fn(filepath, tokenizer=None):
    parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(filepath)
    # Process per batch to reduce RAM usage
    for batch in parquet_file.iter_batches(batch_size=8192, columns=["content"]):
        for text in batch.to_pandas()["content"]:
            yield tokenizer.encode(text, bos=False, eos=True)

# 2. Generate the inputs
input_dir = "/teamspace/s3_connections/tinyllama-template"
inputs = [str(file) for file in Path(f"{input_dir}/starcoderdata").rglob("*.parquet")]

# 3. Store the optimized data wherever you want under "/teamspace/datasets" or "/teamspace/s3_connections"
outputs = optimize(
    fn=partial(tokenize_fn, tokenizer=Tokenizer(f"{input_dir}/checkpoints/Llama-2-7b-hf")), # Note: Use HF tokenizer or any others
    chunk_size=(2049 * 8012), # Number of tokens to store by chunks. This is roughly 64MB of tokens per chunk.

## Configure Cache Size Limit

Adapt the local caching limit of the `StreamingDataset`. This is useful to make sure the downloaded data chunks are deleted when used and the disk usage stays low.

from litdata import StreamingDataset

dataset = StreamingDataset(..., max_cache_size="10GB")

## On-Prem Optimizations

On-prem compute nodes can mount and use a network drive. A network drive is a shared storage device on a local area network. In order to reduce their network overload, the `StreamingDataset` supports `caching` the data chunks.

from import StreamingDataset

dataset = StreamingDataset(input_dir="local:/data/shared-drive/some-data")

# Benchmarks

In order to measure the effectiveness of LitData, we used a commonly used dataset for benchmarks: [Imagenet-1.2M]( where the training set contains `1,281,167 images`. 

To align with other benchmarks, we measured the streaming speed (`images per second`) loaded from [AWS S3]( for several frameworks. 

Reproduce our benchmark **by running** this [Studio]( 

### Imagenet-1.2M Streaming from AWS S3

We can observe LitData is up to 85 % faster than the second best. Higher is better in the table below. 

| Framework | Images / sec  1st Epoch (float32)  | Images / sec   2nd Epoch (float32) | Images / sec 1st Epoch (torch16) | Images / sec 2nd Epoch (torch16) |
| PL Data  | **5800.34** | **6589.98**  | **6282.17**  | **7221.88**  |
| Web Dataset  | 3134.42 | 3924.95 | 3343.40 | 4424.62 |
| Mosaic ML  | 2898.61 | 5099.93 | 2809.69 | 5158.98 |

### Imagenet-1.2M Conversion

We measured how fast the 1.2 million images can converted into a streamable format. Faster is better in the table below.

| Framework |Train Conversion Time | Val Conversion Time | Dataset Size | # Files |
| PL Data  |  **10:05 min** | **00:30 min** | **143.1 GB**  | 2.339  |
| Web Dataset  | 32:36 min | 01:22 min | 147.8 GB | 1.144 |
| Mosaic ML  | 49:49 min | 01:04 min | **143.1 GB** | 2.298 |

# Runnable Templates

Fastest way to learn is with [Studios](  

[Studios]( are reproducible cloud IDE with data, code, dependencies, e.g. so redo everything yourself with ease!

We've published [public templates]( that demonstrates how best to use the LitData framework at scale and with several data types.

Sign up [here]( and run your first Studio for free.

| Studio | Data type | Dataset |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-----------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| [Use or explore LAION-400MILLION dataset](                                                                                  | Image & Text |[LAION-400M]( |
| [Convert GeoSpatial data to Lightning Streaming]( |    Image & Mask     |  [Chesapeake Roads Spatial Context]( |
| [Benchmark cloud data-loading libraries](                                               |    Image & Label    | [Imagenet 1M]( |
| [Prepare the TinyLlama 1T token dataset]( |        Text         |              [SlimPajama]( & [StarCoder]( |
| [Tokenize 2M Swedish Wikipedia Articles]( |        Text         |              [Swedish Wikipedia]( |
| [Embed English Wikipedia under 5 dollars](                                                                               |        Text         |            [English Wikipedia]( |
| [Convert parquets to Lightning Streaming](                                                                                                                                    |    Parquet Files    | Randomly Generated data |

# Infinite cloud data processing

If you want to scale data processing, you typically need more machines and if you do this yourself, this becomes very tedious and can take a long time to get there.

Instead, create a free account on the []( platform and use as many machines as you need from code.

On the platform, simply specify the number of nodes and the machine type you need as follows:

from litdata import map, Machine

  machine=Machine.DATA_PREP, # Select between dozens of optimized machines

Also, the `optimize` operator can do the same to make immense datasets streamable as follows:

from litdata import optimize, Machine

  machine=Machine.DATA_PREP, # Select between dozens of optimized machines

Within the [LAION 400 MILLION Studio](, we utilized 32 machines, each equipped with 32 CPUs, to execute the `optimize` operator, enabling the download of 400 million images in just 2 hours. Below is a screenshot of that job within the []( platform. You can execute it yourself [here](

<div align="center">

<img alt="Lightning" src="" width="800px" style="max-width: 100%;">


# ⚡ Contributors

We welcome any contributions, pull requests, or issues. If you use the Streaming Dataset for your own project, please reach out to us on [Discord](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "litdata",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "deep learning, pytorch, AI, streaming, cloud, data processing",
    "author": "Lightning AI et al.",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<div align=\"center\">\n\n<img alt=\"Lightning\" src=\"\" width=\"800px\" style=\"max-width: 100%;\">\n\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n## Blazingly fast, distributed streaming of training data from any cloud storage\n\n</div>\n\n# \u26a1 Welcome to LitData\n\nWith LitData, users can transform and optimize their data in cloud storage environments efficiently and intuitively, at any scale. \n\nOnce optimized, efficient distributed training becomes practical regardless of where the data is located, enabling users to seamlessly stream data of any size to one or multiple machines.\n\nLitData supports **images, text, video, audio, geo-spatial, and multimodal data** types, is already adopted by frameworks such as [LitGPT]( to pretrain LLMs and integrates smoothly with [PyTorch Lightning](, [Lightning Fabric](, and [PyTorch](\n\n[Runnable templates](#runnable-templates) published on the [Lightning.AI Platform]( are available at the end, **reproducible in 1-click**.\n\n### Table of Contents\n\n- [Getting started](#getting-started)\n    - [Installation](#installation)\n    - [Quick Start](#quick-start)\n        - [1. Prepare Your Data](#1-prepare-your-data)\n        - [2. Upload Your Data to Cloud Storage](#2-upload-your-data-to-cloud-storage)\n        - [3. Use StreamingDataset](#3-use-streamingdataset)\n- [Key Features](#key-features)\n- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)\n- [Runnable Templates](#runnable-templates)\n- [Infinite cloud data processing](#infinite-cloud-data-processing)\n- [Contributors](#-contributors)\n\n# Getting Started\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall **LitData** with `pip`\n\n```bash\npip install litdata\n```\n\nInstall **LitData** with the extras\n\n```bash\npip install 'litdata[extras]'\n```\n\n## Quick Start\n\n### 1. Prepare Your Data\n\nConvert your raw dataset into **LitData Optimized Streaming Format** using the `optimize` operator.\n\nHere is an example with some random images. \n\n```python\nimport numpy as np\nfrom litdata import optimize\nfrom PIL import Image\n\n\n# Store random images into the data chunks\ndef random_images(index):\n    data = {\n        \"index\": index, #\u00a0int data type\n        \"image\": Image.fromarray(np.random.randint(0, 256, (32, 32, 3), np.uint8)), # PIL image data type\n        \"class\": np.random.randint(10), # numpy array data type\n    }\n    # The data is serialized into bytes and stored into data chunks by the optimize operator.\n    return data # The data is serialized into bytes and stored into data chunks by the optimize operator.\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    optimize(\n        fn=random_images,  # The function applied over each input.\n        inputs=list(range(1000)),  # Provide any inputs. The fn is applied on each item.\n        output_dir=\"my_optimized_dataset\",  # The directory where the optimized data are stored.\n        num_workers=4,  # The number of workers. The inputs are distributed among them.\n        chunk_bytes=\"64MB\"  # The maximum number of bytes to write into a data chunk.\n    )\n\n```\n\nThe `optimize` operator supports any data structures and types. Serialize whatever you want. The optimized data is stored under the output directory `my_optimized_dataset`.\n\n### 2. Upload your Data to Cloud Storage\n\nCloud providers such as [AWS](, [Google Cloud](, [Azure]( provide command line clients to upload your data to their storage solutions.\n\nHere is how to upload the optimized dataset using the [AWS CLI]( to [AWS S3](\n\n```bash\n\u26a1 aws s3 cp --recursive my_optimized_dataset s3://my-bucket/my_optimized_dataset\n```\n\n### 3. Use StreamingDataset\n\nThen, the Streaming Dataset can read the data directly from [AWS S3](\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset\nfrom import DataLoader\n\n# Remote path where full dataset is stored\ninput_dir = 's3://my-bucket/my_optimized_dataset'\n\n# Create the Streaming Dataset\ndataset = StreamingDataset(input_dir, shuffle=True)\n\n# Access any elements of the dataset\nsample = dataset[50]\nimg = sample['image']\ncls = sample['class']\n\n# Create PyTorch DataLoader and iterate over it to train your AI models.\ndataloader = DataLoader(dataset)\n```\n\n# Key Features\n\n- [Multi-GPU / Multi-Node Support](#multi-gpu--multi-node-support)\n- [Access any item](#access-any-item)\n- [Use any data transforms](#use-any-data-transforms)\n- [The Map Operator](#the-map-operator)\n- [Easy Data Mixing with the Combined Streaming Dataset](#easy-data-mixing-with-the-combined-streaming-dataset)\n- [Pause & Resume Made simple](#pause--resume-made-simple)\n- [Support Profiling](#support-profiling)\n- [Reduce your memory footprint](#reduce-your-memory-footprint)\n- [Configure Cache Size Limit](#configure-cache-size-limit)\n- [On-Prem Optimizations](#on-prem-optimizations)\n\n## Multi-GPU / Multi-Node Support\n\nThe `StreamingDataset` and `StreamingDataLoader` automatically make sure each rank receives the same quantity of varied batches of data, so it works out of the box with your favorite frameworks ([PyTorch Lightning](, [Lightning Fabric](, or [PyTorch]( to do distributed training. \n\nHere you can see an illustration showing how the Streaming Dataset works with multi node / multi gpu under the hood.\n\n![An illustration showing how the Streaming Dataset works with multi node.](\n\n## Access any item\n\nAccess the data you need, whenever you need it, regardless of where it is stored.\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset\n\ndataset = StreamingDataset(\"s3://my-bucket/my-data\") # data are stored in the cloud\n\nprint(len(dataset)) # display the length of your data\n\nprint(dataset[42]) # show the 42th element of the dataset\n```\n\n## Use any data transforms\n\nSubclass the `StreamingDataset` and override its `__getitem__` method to add any extra data transformations.\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader\nimport torchvision.transforms.v2.functional as F\n\nclass ImagenetStreamingDataset(StreamingDataset):\n\n    def __getitem__(self, index):\n        image = super().__getitem__(index)\n        return F.resize(image, (224, 224))\n\ndataset = ImagenetStreamingDataset(...)\ndataloader = StreamingDataLoader(dataset, batch_size=4)\n\nfor batch in dataloader:\n    print(batch.shape)\n    # Out: (4, 3, 224, 224)\n```\n\n## The Map Operator\n\nThe `map` operator can be used to apply a function over a list of inputs.\n\nHere is an example where the `map` operator is used to apply a `resize_image` function over a folder of large images.\n\n```python\nfrom import map\nfrom PIL import Image\n\n# Note: Inputs could also refer to files on s3 directly.\ninput_dir = \"my_large_images\"\ninputs = [os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir)]\n\n#\u00a0The resize image takes one of the input (image_path) and the output directory. \n# Files written to output_dir are persisted.\ndef resize_image(image_path, output_dir):\n  output_image_path = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(image_path))\n, 224)).save(output_image_path)\n  \nmap(\n    fn=resize_image,\n    inputs=inputs, \n    output_dir=\"s3://my-bucket/my_resized_images\",\n)\n```\n\n## Easy Data Mixing with the Combined Streaming Dataset\n\nEasily experiment with dataset mixtures using the `CombinedStreamingDataset` class. \n\nAs an example, this mixture of [Slimpajama]( & [StarCoder]( was used in the [TinyLLAMA]( project to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens. \n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset, CombinedStreamingDataset\nfrom litdata.streaming.item_loader import TokensLoader\nfrom tqdm import tqdm\nimport os\nfrom import DataLoader\n\ntrain_datasets = [\n    StreamingDataset(\n        input_dir=\"s3://tinyllama-template/slimpajama/train/\",\n        item_loader=TokensLoader(block_size=2048 + 1), # Optimized loader for tokens used by LLMs \n        shuffle=True,\n        drop_last=True,\n    ),\n    StreamingDataset(\n        input_dir=\"s3://tinyllama-template/starcoder/\",\n        item_loader=TokensLoader(block_size=2048 + 1), # Optimized loader for tokens used by LLMs \n        shuffle=True,\n        drop_last=True,\n    ),\n]\n\n# Mix SlimPajama data and Starcoder data with these proportions:\nweights = (0.693584, 0.306416)\ncombined_dataset = CombinedStreamingDataset(datasets=train_datasets, seed=42, weights=weights)\n\ntrain_dataloader = DataLoader(combined_dataset, batch_size=8, pin_memory=True, num_workers=os.cpu_count())\n\n# Iterate over the combined datasets\nfor batch in tqdm(train_dataloader):\n    pass\n```\n\n## Pause & Resume Made Simple\n\nLitData provides a stateful `Streaming DataLoader` e.g. you can `pause` and `resume` your training whenever you want.\n\nInfo: The `Streaming DataLoader` was used by [Lit-GPT]( to pretrain LLMs. Restarting from an older checkpoint was critical to get to pretrain the full model due to several failures (network, CUDA Errors, etc..).\n\n```python\nimport os\nimport torch\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader\n\ndataset = StreamingDataset(\"s3://my-bucket/my-data\", shuffle=True)\ndataloader = StreamingDataLoader(dataset, num_workers=os.cpu_count(), batch_size=64)\n\n#\u00a0Restore the dataLoader state if it exists\nif os.path.isfile(\"\"):\n    state_dict = torch.load(\"\")\n    dataloader.load_state_dict(state_dict)\n\n# Iterate over the data\nfor batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader):\n  \n    # Store the state every 1000 batches\n    if batch_idx % 1000 == 0:\n, \"\")\n```\n\n## Support Profiling\n\nThe `StreamingDataLoader` supports profiling of your data loading process. Simply use the `profile_batches` argument to specify the number of batches you want to profile:\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset, StreamingDataLoader\n\nStreamingDataLoader(..., profile_batches=5)\n```\n\nThis generates a Chrome trace called `result.json`. Then, visualize this trace by opening Chrome browser at the `chrome://tracing` URL and load the trace inside.\n\n## Reduce your memory footprint\n\nWhen processing large files like compressed [parquet files](, use the Python yield keyword to process and store one item at the time, reducing the memory footprint of the entire program. \n\n```python\nfrom pathlib import Path\nimport pyarrow.parquet as pq\nfrom litdata import optimize\nfrom tokenizer import Tokenizer\nfrom functools import partial\n\n# 1. Define a function to convert the text within the parquet files into tokens\ndef tokenize_fn(filepath, tokenizer=None):\n    parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(filepath)\n    # Process per batch to reduce RAM usage\n    for batch in parquet_file.iter_batches(batch_size=8192, columns=[\"content\"]):\n        for text in batch.to_pandas()[\"content\"]:\n            yield tokenizer.encode(text, bos=False, eos=True)\n\n# 2. Generate the inputs\ninput_dir = \"/teamspace/s3_connections/tinyllama-template\"\ninputs = [str(file) for file in Path(f\"{input_dir}/starcoderdata\").rglob(\"*.parquet\")]\n\n# 3. Store the optimized data wherever you want under \"/teamspace/datasets\" or \"/teamspace/s3_connections\"\noutputs = optimize(\n    fn=partial(tokenize_fn, tokenizer=Tokenizer(f\"{input_dir}/checkpoints/Llama-2-7b-hf\")), # Note: Use HF tokenizer or any others\n    inputs=inputs,\n    output_dir=\"/teamspace/datasets/starcoderdata\",\n    chunk_size=(2049 * 8012), # Number of tokens to store by chunks. This is roughly 64MB of tokens per chunk.\n)\n```\n\n## Configure Cache Size Limit\n\nAdapt the local caching limit of the `StreamingDataset`. This is useful to make sure the downloaded data chunks are deleted when used and the disk usage stays low.\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import StreamingDataset\n\ndataset = StreamingDataset(..., max_cache_size=\"10GB\")\n```\n\n## On-Prem Optimizations\n\nOn-prem compute nodes can mount and use a network drive. A network drive is a shared storage device on a local area network. In order to reduce their network overload, the `StreamingDataset` supports `caching` the data chunks.\n\n```python\nfrom import StreamingDataset\n\ndataset = StreamingDataset(input_dir=\"local:/data/shared-drive/some-data\")\n```\n\n# Benchmarks\n\nIn order to measure the effectiveness of LitData, we used a commonly used dataset for benchmarks: [Imagenet-1.2M]( where the training set contains `1,281,167 images`. \n\nTo align with other benchmarks, we measured the streaming speed (`images per second`) loaded from [AWS S3]( for several frameworks. \n\nReproduce our benchmark **by running** this [Studio]( \n\n### Imagenet-1.2M Streaming from AWS S3\n\nWe can observe LitData is up to 85 % faster than the second best. Higher is better in the table below. \n\n| Framework | Images / sec  1st Epoch (float32)  | Images / sec   2nd Epoch (float32) | Images / sec 1st Epoch (torch16) | Images / sec 2nd Epoch (torch16) |\n|---|---|---|---|---|\n| PL Data  | **5800.34** | **6589.98**  | **6282.17**  | **7221.88**  |\n| Web Dataset  | 3134.42 | 3924.95 | 3343.40 | 4424.62 |\n| Mosaic ML  | 2898.61 | 5099.93 | 2809.69 | 5158.98 |\n\n### Imagenet-1.2M Conversion\n\nWe measured how fast the 1.2 million images can converted into a streamable format. Faster is better in the table below.\n\n| Framework |Train Conversion Time | Val Conversion Time | Dataset Size | # Files |\n|---|---|---|---|---|\n| PL Data  |  **10:05 min** | **00:30 min** | **143.1 GB**  | 2.339  |\n| Web Dataset  | 32:36 min | 01:22 min | 147.8 GB | 1.144 |\n| Mosaic ML  | 49:49 min | 01:04 min | **143.1 GB** | 2.298 |\n\n\n# Runnable Templates\n\nFastest way to learn is with [Studios](  \n\n[Studios]( are reproducible cloud IDE with data, code, dependencies, e.g. so redo everything yourself with ease!\n\nWe've published [public templates]( that demonstrates how best to use the LitData framework at scale and with several data types.\n\nSign up [here]( and run your first Studio for free.\n\n| Studio | Data type | Dataset |\n| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-----------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |\n| [Use or explore LAION-400MILLION dataset](                                                                                  | Image & Text |[LAION-400M]( |\n| [Convert GeoSpatial data to Lightning Streaming]( |    Image & Mask     |  [Chesapeake Roads Spatial Context]( |\n| [Benchmark cloud data-loading libraries](                                               |    Image & Label    | [Imagenet 1M]( |\n| [Prepare the TinyLlama 1T token dataset]( |        Text         |              [SlimPajama]( & [StarCoder]( |\n| [Tokenize 2M Swedish Wikipedia Articles]( |        Text         |              [Swedish Wikipedia]( |\n| [Embed English Wikipedia under 5 dollars](                                                                               |        Text         |            [English Wikipedia]( |\n| [Convert parquets to Lightning Streaming](                                                                                                                                    |    Parquet Files    | Randomly Generated data |\n\n# Infinite cloud data processing\n\nIf you want to scale data processing, you typically need more machines and if you do this yourself, this becomes very tedious and can take a long time to get there.\n\nInstead, create a free account on the []( platform and use as many machines as you need from code.\n\nOn the platform, simply specify the number of nodes and the machine type you need as follows:\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import map, Machine\n\nmap(\n  ...\n  num_nodes=32,\n  machine=Machine.DATA_PREP, # Select between dozens of optimized machines\n)\n```\n\nAlso, the `optimize` operator can do the same to make immense datasets streamable as follows:\n\n```python\nfrom litdata import optimize, Machine\n\noptimize(\n  ...\n  num_nodes=32,\n  machine=Machine.DATA_PREP, # Select between dozens of optimized machines\n)\n```\n\n\nWithin the [LAION 400 MILLION Studio](, we utilized 32 machines, each equipped with 32 CPUs, to execute the `optimize` operator, enabling the download of 400 million images in just 2 hours. Below is a screenshot of that job within the []( platform. You can execute it yourself [here](\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n\n<img alt=\"Lightning\" src=\"\" width=\"800px\" style=\"max-width: 100%;\">\n\n</div> \n\n# \u26a1 Contributors\n\nWe welcome any contributions, pull requests, or issues. If you use the Streaming Dataset for your own project, please reach out to us on [Discord](\n",
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