
Nameperplexity-correlations JSON
Version 0.1.2 PyPI version JSON
SummarySimple and scalable tools for great pretraining data selection.
upload_time2024-09-19 21:57:55
authorTristan Thrush
keywords ai artificial intelligence machine learning deep learning research language models llm pretraining data data selection training data statistics stats ml
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Perplexity Correlations

This package can be used to get LLM pretraining data sampling distributions using
simple statistical methods that are on par with the state of the art in our tests.
The compute requirements are minimal. You don't need to train any LLMs

Essentially, our approach encourages training on domains where lower loss is
very correlated with higher downstream performance. We can use existing and freely available LLMs to do this:

<div align="center">
  <img src="" alt="Perplexity Correlations diagram" width="400"/>

We want to pretrain on these correlated domains, because pretraining on them will
lower loss on them, which we would expect to increase downstream performance. There
is some deeper theory here: Please cite this paper
if you find this package useful!

The input that you must provide is a matrix of (per-LLM, per-text) bits-per-byte
values, and a per-LLM vector of benchmark errors (ranging from 0 to 1, with lower
meaning better) on a benchmark that you care about. The vector of benchmark errors
could be the average from many benchmarks if you want.

The output that our methods produce is a sampling distribution over the texts,
and you could use it directly to pretrain a strong LLM. Or you could use this
sampling distribution to train a fastText pretraining data filter that generalizes
to new pieces of text (reccomended).

Note that you can use a heterogenous set of LLMs to get the pretraining sampling
distribution: they can have different tokenizers, architectures, scales, and
pretraining data. Another essential feature here is that the number of texts can be
far larger than the number of LLMs; this package uses very high-dimensional regression

## Setup

Via PIP:

pip install perplexity-correlations

From source:

git clone
cd perplexity-correlations
pip install -e .

## Getting bits-per-byte from LLM loss, on various pieces of text

Our approach requires you to generate an input matrix of (per-LLM, per-text)
bits-per-byte (BPB) values. BPB normalizes loss to reduce the impact of tokenizer
differences (see: To get bits-per-byte
from an LLM, you just need to do this (assuming the loss is the causal language
modelling loss averaged over tokens, which is typical):

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
import numpy as np

model_name = "gpt2"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)

text = "Some text from some web domain that I could use for pretraining."
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
input_ids = inputs['input_ids']

outputs = model(input_ids, labels=input_ids)

loss = outputs.loss.item()
num_tokens = input_ids.shape[-1]
num_bytes = len(text.encode('utf-8'))

bits_per_byte = (num_tokens/num_bytes)*loss/np.log(2)

## Estimating optimal per-text weights

Once you have the bits-per-byte values from many LLMs on a bunch of texts, you
can organize these values into a NxD numpy ndarray (N=number of LLMs, D=number of
texts). You also need to get a N-length numpy array of LLM benchmark errors on some
benchmark (or average of benchmarks). These errors should range from 0 to 1, and lower
should mean better.

With these numpy arrays, you can use a variety of estimators that our package provides
to estimate the optimal weights relating performance and text losses (assuming
an unknown monotonic relationship between performance and loss, which is more general
than typical power-law or sigmoid scaling laws). We recommend using one of the following

from perplexity_correlations.estimation import spearmanr

estimate = spearmanr(bits_per_byte_matrix, benchmark_error_vector)


from perplexity_correlations.estimation import sign_cdf

estimate = sign_cdf(bits_per_byte_matrix, benchmark_error_vector)

Note that these particular estimators are robust to outliers in the data, but the cost
is that they only return estimates for the optimal weights that we can trust
up to the ranks. In other words, the estimate might be [-0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.9] where
the true optimal weights are [-0.1, 0.28, 0.5, 1.1]. We will see below that the ranks
alone can still be used to get a nice pretraining sampling distribution.

## Projecting the estimate to be a sampling distribution for pretraining

We now have an estimate for a vector with weights that correspond with the ranks of
the optimal weight vector. But we still need to project it so that it is a sampling
distribution that we could use for pretraining. Obviously, it needs to satisfy the
constraint that the elements should be non-negative and sum to 1. But also, we don't
want our algorithm to tell you to train on 300 billion tokens of Wikipedia if you only
have 3 billion tokens, so we should also have the sampling distribution satisfy a
per-text constraint that prevents the weights from being so high that you will have to
duplicate data from any text domains. The following code projects our estimate to
satisfy these constraints, where `tau` is the vector of per-domain thresholds:

from perplexity_correlations.projection import linear

projected_estimate = linear(estimate, tau)

In our paper, we choose the `tau` values to be as high as possible per-domain such that
we won't be duplicating data. This works when we have more pretraining data than
we can train on, but you might want to choose other reasonable thresholds if
you are using our technique to upsample pretraining data instead of filter it.

Finally, it turns out that the `perplexity_correlations.projection.linear` has the
nice property of only depending on the ranks of the values in `estimate`, so we only
need to pass in an estimate for the optimal weights that is trustworthy up to the

We provide another speedy projection method called
`perplexity_correlations.projection.l2`, which does depend on the values. It is
best used with estimators such as `perplexity_correlations.estimation.product` and 
`perplexity_correlations.estimation.sign` which return estimates that are proportional
to the optimal weights in expectation, but we found that these estimators are not
robust enough to be particularly useful. Still, they are nice to have for further

## Training a fastText pretraining data filter

Now, we have a sampling distribution that we could use for pretraining a LLM, but only
on the text domains that we actually included in our estimate. How are we going to
scale this approach a bit better? The linear projection above has the nice property of
making the weight for the i-th domain either 0 or the max possible value (don't include
it at all or include all of it). We can treat these include/don't include judgements as
labels for each text:

labels = []
for weight in projected_estimate:
    labels.append("include" if weight > 0 else "exclude")

Now we can make a text file where each line is formatted as:

f'__label__{label} {text}'

Then, we can train a [fastText]( classifier:

import fasttext

# Train the FastText model
model = fasttext.train_supervised(input='train.txt', wordNgrams=2)

# Evaluate the model
result = model.test('test.txt')
print(f'Number of samples: {result[0]}')
print(f'Precision@1: {result[1]}')
print(f'Recall@1: {result[2]}')

# Save the model

Then, we can apply this fastText model as a filter, choosing pretraining
data that gets the highest `'include'` scores until we reach our pretraining
token budget.

## Full API documentation

## Development guidelines

Install the dev requirements and pre-commit hooks:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install

### Formatting and linting

This project uses [Black]( for code formatting
and [Flake8]( for linting. After installing the
pre-commit hooks above, these will run every time you make a commit.

### Testing

If new estimation and projection functions are added, the proofs may be nontrivial and
so it is useful to test that they actually do what we think. This project uses
[pytest]( for running tests, which are also run as
GitHub actions. Just run `pytest` locally to see if your tests pass.

## Citation

      title={Improving Pretraining Data Using Perplexity Correlations}, 
      author={Tristan Thrush and Christopher Potts and Tatsunori Hashimoto},


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "perplexity-correlations",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, research, language models, LLM, pretraining data, data selection, training data, statistics, stats ML",
    "author": "Tristan Thrush",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Perplexity Correlations\n\nThis package can be used to get LLM pretraining data sampling distributions using\nsimple statistical methods that are on par with the state of the art in our tests.\nThe compute requirements are minimal. You don't need to train any LLMs\nyourself.\n\nEssentially, our approach encourages training on domains where lower loss is\nvery correlated with higher downstream performance. We can use existing and freely available LLMs to do this:\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n  <img src=\"\" alt=\"Perplexity Correlations diagram\" width=\"400\"/>\n</div>\n\nWe want to pretrain on these correlated domains, because pretraining on them will\nlower loss on them, which we would expect to increase downstream performance. There\nis some deeper theory here: Please cite this paper\nif you find this package useful!\n\nThe input that you must provide is a matrix of (per-LLM, per-text) bits-per-byte\nvalues, and a per-LLM vector of benchmark errors (ranging from 0 to 1, with lower\nmeaning better) on a benchmark that you care about. The vector of benchmark errors\ncould be the average from many benchmarks if you want.\n\nThe output that our methods produce is a sampling distribution over the texts,\nand you could use it directly to pretrain a strong LLM. Or you could use this\nsampling distribution to train a fastText pretraining data filter that generalizes\nto new pieces of text (reccomended).\n\nNote that you can use a heterogenous set of LLMs to get the pretraining sampling\ndistribution: they can have different tokenizers, architectures, scales, and\npretraining data. Another essential feature here is that the number of texts can be\nfar larger than the number of LLMs; this package uses very high-dimensional regression\nmethods.\n\n## Setup\n\nVia PIP:\n\n```bash\npip install perplexity-correlations\n```\n\nFrom source:\n\n```bash\ngit clone\ncd perplexity-correlations\npip install -e .\n```\n\n## Getting bits-per-byte from LLM loss, on various pieces of text\n\nOur approach requires you to generate an input matrix of (per-LLM, per-text)\nbits-per-byte (BPB) values. BPB normalizes loss to reduce the impact of tokenizer\ndifferences (see: To get bits-per-byte\nfrom an LLM, you just need to do this (assuming the loss is the causal language\nmodelling loss averaged over tokens, which is typical):\n\n```python\nfrom transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM\nimport numpy as np\n\nmodel_name = \"gpt2\"\ntokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)\nmodel = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)\nmodel.eval()\n\ntext = \"Some text from some web domain that I could use for pretraining.\"\ninputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors=\"pt\")\ninput_ids = inputs['input_ids']\n\noutputs = model(input_ids, labels=input_ids)\n\nloss = outputs.loss.item()\nnum_tokens = input_ids.shape[-1]\nnum_bytes = len(text.encode('utf-8'))\n\nbits_per_byte = (num_tokens/num_bytes)*loss/np.log(2)\n```\n\n## Estimating optimal per-text weights\n\nOnce you have the bits-per-byte values from many LLMs on a bunch of texts, you\ncan organize these values into a NxD numpy ndarray (N=number of LLMs, D=number of\ntexts). You also need to get a N-length numpy array of LLM benchmark errors on some\nbenchmark (or average of benchmarks). These errors should range from 0 to 1, and lower\nshould mean better.\n\nWith these numpy arrays, you can use a variety of estimators that our package provides\nto estimate the optimal weights relating performance and text losses (assuming\nan unknown monotonic relationship between performance and loss, which is more general\nthan typical power-law or sigmoid scaling laws). We recommend using one of the following\noptions:\n\n```python\nfrom perplexity_correlations.estimation import spearmanr\n\nestimate = spearmanr(bits_per_byte_matrix, benchmark_error_vector)\n```\n\nor\n\n```python\nfrom perplexity_correlations.estimation import sign_cdf\n\nestimate = sign_cdf(bits_per_byte_matrix, benchmark_error_vector)\n```\n\nNote that these particular estimators are robust to outliers in the data, but the cost\nis that they only return estimates for the optimal weights that we can trust\nup to the ranks. In other words, the estimate might be [-0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.9] where\nthe true optimal weights are [-0.1, 0.28, 0.5, 1.1]. We will see below that the ranks\nalone can still be used to get a nice pretraining sampling distribution.\n\n\n## Projecting the estimate to be a sampling distribution for pretraining\n\nWe now have an estimate for a vector with weights that correspond with the ranks of\nthe optimal weight vector. But we still need to project it so that it is a sampling\ndistribution that we could use for pretraining. Obviously, it needs to satisfy the\nconstraint that the elements should be non-negative and sum to 1. But also, we don't\nwant our algorithm to tell you to train on 300 billion tokens of Wikipedia if you only\nhave 3 billion tokens, so we should also have the sampling distribution satisfy a\nper-text constraint that prevents the weights from being so high that you will have to\nduplicate data from any text domains. The following code projects our estimate to\nsatisfy these constraints, where `tau` is the vector of per-domain thresholds:\n\n```python\nfrom perplexity_correlations.projection import linear\n\nprojected_estimate = linear(estimate, tau)\n```\n\nIn our paper, we choose the `tau` values to be as high as possible per-domain such that\nwe won't be duplicating data. This works when we have more pretraining data than\nwe can train on, but you might want to choose other reasonable thresholds if\nyou are using our technique to upsample pretraining data instead of filter it.\n\nFinally, it turns out that the `perplexity_correlations.projection.linear` has the\nnice property of only depending on the ranks of the values in `estimate`, so we only\nneed to pass in an estimate for the optimal weights that is trustworthy up to the\nranks.\n\nWe provide another speedy projection method called\n`perplexity_correlations.projection.l2`, which does depend on the values. It is\nbest used with estimators such as `perplexity_correlations.estimation.product` and \n`perplexity_correlations.estimation.sign` which return estimates that are proportional\nto the optimal weights in expectation, but we found that these estimators are not\nrobust enough to be particularly useful. Still, they are nice to have for further\nresearch.\n\n\n## Training a fastText pretraining data filter\n\nNow, we have a sampling distribution that we could use for pretraining a LLM, but only\non the text domains that we actually included in our estimate. How are we going to\nscale this approach a bit better? The linear projection above has the nice property of\nmaking the weight for the i-th domain either 0 or the max possible value (don't include\nit at all or include all of it). We can treat these include/don't include judgements as\nlabels for each text:\n\n```python\nlabels = []\nfor weight in projected_estimate:\n    labels.append(\"include\" if weight > 0 else \"exclude\")\n```\n\nNow we can make a text file where each line is formatted as:\n\n```python\nf'__label__{label} {text}'\n```\n\nThen, we can train a [fastText]( classifier:\n\n```python\nimport fasttext\n\n# Train the FastText model\nmodel = fasttext.train_supervised(input='train.txt', wordNgrams=2)\n\n# Evaluate the model\nresult = model.test('test.txt')\nprint(f'Number of samples: {result[0]}')\nprint(f'Precision@1: {result[1]}')\nprint(f'Recall@1: {result[2]}')\n\n# Save the model\nmodel.save_model('fasttext_filter.bin')\n```\n\nThen, we can apply this fastText model as a filter, choosing pretraining\ndata that gets the highest `'include'` scores until we reach our pretraining\ntoken budget.\n\n\n## Full API documentation\n\n\n\n\n## Development guidelines\n\nInstall the dev requirements and pre-commit hooks:\n\n```bash\npip install -r requirements-dev.txt\npre-commit install\n```\n\n### Formatting and linting\n\nThis project uses [Black]( for code formatting\nand [Flake8]( for linting. After installing the\npre-commit hooks above, these will run every time you make a commit.\n\n### Testing\n\nIf new estimation and projection functions are added, the proofs may be nontrivial and\nso it is useful to test that they actually do what we think. This project uses\n[pytest]( for running tests, which are also run as\nGitHub actions. Just run `pytest` locally to see if your tests pass.\n\n## Citation\n\n```bibtex\n@misc{thrush2024perplexitycorrelations,\n      title={Improving Pretraining Data Using Perplexity Correlations}, \n      author={Tristan Thrush and Christopher Potts and Tatsunori Hashimoto},\n      year={2024},\n      eprint={2409.05816},\n      archivePrefix={arXiv},\n      primaryClass={cs.CL},\n      url={}, \n}\n```\n\n\n",
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