2.x is only to be used with Plone 5 and 1.x is to be used in Plone 4.3.
The goal of ``plone.app.widgets`` is to provide an implementation for a new set
of javascript widgets being developed outside Plone as part of `Mockup`_
project. It overrides explicit widgets used in dexterity and archetypes to
provide tested and modularized widgets based on the concept of *patterns*.
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/plone/plone.app.widgets.png?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/plone/plone.app.widgets
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/plone/plone.app.widgets/badge.png?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/plone/plone.app.widgets?branch=master
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/plone.app.widgets.svg
:target: https://crate.io/packages/plone.app.widgets
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/plone.app.widgets.svg
:target: https://crate.io/packages/plone.app.widgets
.. image:: https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/plone-pa-widgets.svg
:target: https://saucelabs.com/u/plone-pa-widgets
.. contents::
Is safe to use this package?
This package should be safe to install and easy to uninstall (there is also
uninstall profile). That means its fairly safe to give it a try, but just in
case don't forget to create backup before testing it.
As of version 1.4.0 there is quite comprehensive unittest coverage of python
code as well as high coverage of our javascript code. There are also some robot
tests which are testing integration with Plone, but this will be improved with
future releases.
This project will be integrated with Plone 5 and will never reach version
2.0.0. You can monitor progress of `PLIP here`_.
If you wonder why there is no Alpha/Beta marker in version, its because version
of this package is kept in sync with other projects deriving from `Mockup`_
(eg. `plone.app.toolbar`_). Version 1.4.1 would then mean we're using
`Mockup`_ version 1.4 and there was one bugfix only to the python code. Version
packaged javascript inside is still in sync with `Mockup`_ project.
What is included?
The fields that are using updated widgets are:
- **Tags field** (AjaxSelectWidget)
- **Language field** (SelectWidget)
- **Effective date field** (DatetimeWidget)
- **Expire date field** (DatetimeWidget)
- **Contributors field** (AjaxSelectWidget)
- **Creators field** (AjaxSelectWidget)
- **Related items field** (RelatedItemsWidget)
- **Query string field** (QueryStringWidget) in case `plone.app.contenttypes`_
is installed.
.. - **Text field** (TinyMCEWidget)
All client side code (javascript/css/images) is done and tested as part of
`Mockup`_ project.
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/plone/mockup.png
:target: https://travis-ci.org/plone/mockup
:alt: Travis CI
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/plone/mockup/badge.png?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/plone/mockup?branch=master
:alt: Coveralls
.. image:: https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/plone/mockup/trend.png
:target: https://bitdeli.com/free
:alt: Bitdeli
For any feature / bug / comment please create an issue in the `issue tracker`_.
.. _`Mockup`: http://plone.github.io/mockup
.. _`issue tracker`: https://github.com/plone/mockup/issues?labels=widgets
.. _`PLIP here`: https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13476
.. _`plone.app.toolbar`: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.toolbar
.. _`plone.app.contenttypes`: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes
.. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file.
You should create a file in the news directory instead.
For helpful instructions, please see:
.. towncrier release notes start
5.0.1 (2024-10-23)
Bug fixes:
- deactivate robot tests in this package and move the tests to Products.CMFPlone @1letter (#224)
5.0.0 (2023-07-11)
Breaking changes:
- Make this package deprecated. Widget base classes moved to ``plone.app.z3cform.widgets.patterns``.
Also see ``plone.app.widgets.utils`` for information about moving utility methods to their new location.
[petschki] (#220)
4.0.1 (2023-02-22)
Bug fixes:
- Depend on plone.base (#222)
4.0.0 (2022-12-05)
Bug fixes:
- Final release for Plone 6.0.0.
Note that new code should not use this package, if possible.
Prefer using code from ``plone.app.z3cform``.
But some code still needs to be moved there, see `issue 220 <https://github.com/plone/plone.app.widgets/issues/220>`_.
[maurits] (#600)
4.0.0b1 (2022-08-30)
Bug fixes:
- Fix random failing robottests.
[petschki] (#219)
4.0.0a2 (2022-05-15)
Bug fixes:
- add logging in exception handler when loading of tinymce settings is failing [MrTango] (#216)
- Removed z3c.autoinclude.plugin entrypoint. [maurits] (#3188)
4.0.0a1 (2022-04-05)
New features:
- PLIP 3211 - Remove implicit dependency on Mockup. (#210)
- Update datetime pattern options for Patternslib pat-date-picker/pat-datetime-picker.
[petschki] (#213)
Bug fixes:
- fix robot tests
[petschki] (#214)
3.0.6 (2021-09-15)
Bug fixes:
- Remove cyclic dependency with plone.app.z3cform
[sneridagh] (#211)
3.0.5 (2020-10-30)
Bug fixes:
- Robot tests: Fix deprecated jQuery.size.
[thet] (#207)
3.0.4 (2020-04-20)
Bug fixes:
- Minor packaging updates. (#1)
3.0.3 (2019-11-25)
Bug fixes:
- Run robot tests as Member since the widget will move to the logged-in-bundle.
[agitator] (#201)
3.0.2 (2019-06-27)
Bug fixes:
- Adapt the tests to the new robotframework syntax [ale-rt] (#199)
3.0.1 (2019-06-19)
Bug fixes:
- - Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot
[Rotonen] (#195)
3.0.0 (2019-05-04)
Breaking changes:
- Deprecate ``get_ajaxselect_options`` (no longer used).
``IWidgetsLayer`` and ``IWidgetsView`` are no longer used, remove them.
Deprecated ``IFileFactory`` import, use ``zope.filerepresentation`` instead.
Hard depend on ``plone.app.event``, it is meanwhile a dependenciy of Plone core.
Move ``IFieldPermissionChecker`` and ``Zope2FileUploadStorable`` to ``plone.app.z3cform`` in order to slowly fade out this package.
Use util ``first_weekday`` from ``plone.app.event`` and do not duplicate here; deprecated import placed.
[jensens] (#194)
2.4.1 (2018-12-28)
Breaking changes:
- Remove five.globalrequest dependency.
It has been deprecated upstream (Zope 4).
New features:
- Add support for rendering <optgroup> elements from
zope.schema.interfaces.ITreeVocabulary hierarchical terms.
Bug fixes:
- Remove GS profile pointing to non existing directory.
2.4.0 (2018-11-07)
New features:
- Port to python 3.
[davisagli] [pbauer] [gforcada]
Bug fixes:
- Modernize robot keywords that use "Get Element Attribute"
- Do not depend on `Products.ResourceRegistries` in `setup.py`.
In the code there is anyway no dependency.
2.3.1 (2018-03-10)
Bug fixes:
- Minor administrative cleanups.
2.3 (2018-02-05)
New features:
- Related items widget: show a recently used dropdown, but do not activate it.
plone.app.relationfield itself is activating the "recently used" feature.
The "recently used" dropdown is only available for Mockup 2.6.3+.
Bug fixes:
- Add Python 2 / 3 compatibility
- Marked unstable robotframework test as noncritical.
And maybe fix it by using keyword ``Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element``.
2.2.2 (2017-09-05)
New features:
- Pass parameter of subwidgets to the query string widget to get them properly initialized.
Fixes a problem where the related items widget behaved differently from other areas and the date widget didn't respect the users localization.
2.2.1 (2017-08-27)
Bug fixes:
- Allow related items options to work on non OFS Simple Item objects.
2.2 (2017-07-03)
New features:
- Related items widget options changes:
- Let the browsing/searching start path be the current context if its folderish or a level up.
- Include the ``contextPath`` option to exclude the current context from selection.
- Include the ``favorites`` option with the current context and the navigation root to quickly jump to these paths.
- Clean up obsolete options.
Fixes https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/1974
Bug fixes:
- Change deprecated unittest method ``assertEquals`` to ``assertEqual``.
2.1 (2017-02-20)
Bug fixes:
- Change options ``today`` and ``clear`` to reflect changes in mockup 2.4.
Refs: PR #154
- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.
This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.
2.0.7 (2016-11-19)
Bug fixes:
- No longer test on Travis. We are tested on jenkins.plone.org, and
the Travis setup on master is pretty broken. [maurits]
- Take more time during robot tests.
I hope that this makes a sometimes failing test always pass. [maurits]
- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.
This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.
- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.
This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.
2.0.6 (2016-08-18)
Bug fixes:
- Use zope.interface decorator.
2.0.5 (2016-04-28)
- Fix related items to search for the whole site rather than from the navigation root only.
2.0.4 (2016-02-27)
- Add navigation root support to related items widget. Fix incorrect options
merge for TinyMCE widget.
- Ensure vocabulary lookup works on add forms for related items widget.
- Ensure we have all content for tree query in relateditems
- Sort relateditems tree by sortable_title.
2.0.3 (2016-02-14)
- Fixed timing issue in robot tests. [maurits]
- Use plone i18n domain
2.0.2 (2015-11-28)
- Removed code for unused types_link_to_folder_contents.
- Don't install the plone.app.widgets dummy default profile in tests.
2.0.1 (2015-09-21)
- Pull types_link_to_folder_contents values from the configuration registry.
2.0.0 (2015-03-26)
- Add Plone 5 warning.
- Include TinyMCE languages from mockup.
- Raise minimum ``Products.CMFPlone`` requirement to 4.3.4 to ensure
compatibility with jQuery 1.9+. jQuery 1.11.1 is included in recent
- Always include CSS and JS SourceMap files. They are only loaded, when the
browser's developer console is open. Replaces previous behavior, where
uninified (and broken) resources were loaded when mockup was installed, which
was also an ugly implicit development mode behavior.
- Use a mimetype selector for richtext areas, if multiple mimetypes are allowed.
- Allow to remove a selected option in the ``select2`` widget if the field
is not required
- Test fixes.
- add jsi18n integration
[vangheem, kiorky]
1.7.0 (2014-07-15)
- Remove configuration of plone.app.event's ``start`` and ``end`` fields in the
``dx_bbb`` module. Requires ``plone.app.event >= 1.2``, which does the widget
configuration by itself. There is no point in using a previous version of
plone.app.event together with plone.app.widgets.
- Store RelatedItems in correct order.
1.6.0 (2014-04-20)
- Add default_timezone widget attribute to the Dexterity DatetimeWidget. If
used and set to a valid Olson DB/pytz timezone identifier or to an callback
returning such, the datetime object returned by the widget will be localized
to that timezone. This changes the timezone related behavior from version
- fix related items widget using getSource when it should use getVocabulary
1.5.0 (2014-03-05)
- robot tests for SelectWidget
- make tests pass for plone 5
- add more tests for richtext widget
- fix querystring converter with empty input
- add richtext widget support and remove Products.TinyMCE dependency
- Add sphinx-based documentation.
- move the AT macros to a browser view
- make the profile not do anything on plone 5, which already includes the
widgets bundle in the plone bundle
- Fix tests when portal_tinymce is missing.
- Create robot tests for querystring widget
- Add DX tinymce test
- Fix to import ROBOT_TEST_LEVEL from plone.app.testing.interfaces
- RelatedItems widget: use a single selection for Choice fields
- add support for the tus resumable file upload protocol
- handle unicode filenames for dexterity file uploads
- just always default to using File objects for uploads that aren't images.
1.4.0 (2013-11-24)
- add firstDay option to DatetimeWidgets
- removing bbb.py (SiteRSSItemsFieldWidget and SearchBoxViewlet)
- For Archetypes DatetimeWidget, the value on pattern options is fixed, which
was the time component missing.
- Fix the date/time value in pattern options for Archetypes DatetimeWidget.
- commenting out tinymce widget for the time being. will be back with next
- Add robot tests for datetime widget
[David Erni]
- fix saving dates in dexterity
- rework of base widget code. we should now share more code between at and dx
- use ajax to grab query index options for querystring widget
- rename ajaxvocabulary to ajaxVocabulary to match mockup
- use select2 widget for ISiteSyndicationSettings
- select2 widget should support initvaluemap options OOTB
- adding SyndicatableFeedItems to the permitted vocabularies list
- fix VocabularyView to accept 1-based batch pages as per doc
- Change the start and end date fields of Products.ATContentTypes ATEvent
types to use plone.app.widgets.
- For Dexterity DatetimeWidgetConverter, when converting to the field value,
try to localize the value, if the old value is a timezone aware datetime
object. It uses the 'timezone' attribute on the widget's context, if
available, otherwise UTC. We do not use the tzinfo object in the first
place, because it might already be converted from user's input timezone to
UTC, as it is the case with plone.app.event.
- Support query arguments for function based vocabularies.
1.3.3 (2013-09-11)
- fix formlib uberselectionwidget override
- SelectWidget fixes: support multiple-select; indicate the selected value.
- Don't include time in DateWidget.
- Allow to define a different vocabulary view for select widget
- Don't do double batching in select widget code
1.3.2 (2013-08-12)
- Allow overriding with a custom vocabulary for Archetypes.
- Reuse z3c.form SelectWidget's logic for determing what items
are available rather than recreating it incompletely.
- Use normal widget templates for z3c.form widgets in hidden mode.
- add formlib uber selection override for portlets
1.3.1 (2013-07-22)
- handle plone.app.relationfield not being installed
- handle unicode data in widgets beter
1.3 (2013-07-21)
- Additional set of widgets added and improved at Oshkosh and Bastille Sprint.
[bunch of ppl]
- Fix bug where empty select elements rendered as <select/>
- Use normal widget templates for z3c.form widgets in display mode.
- For Archetypes subject fields, use the field's vocabulary_factory and fall
back to 'plone.app.vocabularies.Keywords' if it's not present.
- Conditional include of collection ``QueryStringWidget`` which expects
- Restructure buildout to build an instance.
- Add travis icon
- Add german translation
- Fields and widgets demo gallery added [miohtama]
0.2 (2013-03-04)
- add support for dexterity content types as well.
- using select2 pattern instead of textext pattern for select/autocomplete
0.1 (2013-01-31)
- initial release
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/plone/plone.app.widgets",
"name": "plone.app.widgets",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "plone widgets z3cform",
"author": "Nathan Van Gheem",
"author_email": "vangheem@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/3f/ac/a03f16b9c22e1c63c6b80bff0af11146c82a6350971a3ab793ca4c4aabee/plone_app_widgets-5.0.1.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "Warning\n=======\n\n2.x is only to be used with Plone 5 and 1.x is to be used in Plone 4.3.\n\nContents\n========\nThe goal of ``plone.app.widgets`` is to provide an implementation for a new set\nof javascript widgets being developed outside Plone as part of `Mockup`_\nproject. It overrides explicit widgets used in dexterity and archetypes to\nprovide tested and modularized widgets based on the concept of *patterns*.\n\n.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/plone/plone.app.widgets.png?branch=master\n :target: https://travis-ci.org/plone/plone.app.widgets\n\n.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/plone/plone.app.widgets/badge.png?branch=master\n :target: https://coveralls.io/r/plone/plone.app.widgets?branch=master\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/plone.app.widgets.svg\n :target: https://crate.io/packages/plone.app.widgets\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/plone.app.widgets.svg\n :target: https://crate.io/packages/plone.app.widgets\n\n.. image:: https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/plone-pa-widgets.svg\n :target: https://saucelabs.com/u/plone-pa-widgets\n\n\n.. contents::\n\nIs safe to use this package?\n============================\n\nThis package should be safe to install and easy to uninstall (there is also\nuninstall profile). That means its fairly safe to give it a try, but just in\ncase don't forget to create backup before testing it.\n\nAs of version 1.4.0 there is quite comprehensive unittest coverage of python\ncode as well as high coverage of our javascript code. There are also some robot\ntests which are testing integration with Plone, but this will be improved with\nfuture releases.\n\nThis project will be integrated with Plone 5 and will never reach version\n2.0.0. You can monitor progress of `PLIP here`_.\n\nIf you wonder why there is no Alpha/Beta marker in version, its because version\nof this package is kept in sync with other projects deriving from `Mockup`_\n(eg. `plone.app.toolbar`_). Version 1.4.1 would then mean we're using\n`Mockup`_ version 1.4 and there was one bugfix only to the python code. Version\npackaged javascript inside is still in sync with `Mockup`_ project.\n\n\nWhat is included?\n=================\n\nThe fields that are using updated widgets are:\n\n- **Tags field** (AjaxSelectWidget)\n- **Language field** (SelectWidget)\n- **Effective date field** (DatetimeWidget)\n- **Expire date field** (DatetimeWidget)\n- **Contributors field** (AjaxSelectWidget)\n- **Creators field** (AjaxSelectWidget)\n- **Related items field** (RelatedItemsWidget)\n- **Query string field** (QueryStringWidget) in case `plone.app.contenttypes`_\n is installed.\n\n.. - **Text field** (TinyMCEWidget)\n\nAll client side code (javascript/css/images) is done and tested as part of\n`Mockup`_ project.\n\n.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/plone/mockup.png\n :target: https://travis-ci.org/plone/mockup\n :alt: Travis CI\n\n.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/plone/mockup/badge.png?branch=master\n :target: https://coveralls.io/r/plone/mockup?branch=master\n :alt: Coveralls\n\n.. image:: https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/plone/mockup/trend.png\n :target: https://bitdeli.com/free\n :alt: Bitdeli\n\nFor any feature / bug / comment please create an issue in the `issue tracker`_.\n\n\n.. _`Mockup`: http://plone.github.io/mockup\n.. _`issue tracker`: https://github.com/plone/mockup/issues?labels=widgets\n.. _`PLIP here`: https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13476\n.. _`plone.app.toolbar`: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.toolbar\n.. _`plone.app.contenttypes`: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n.. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file.\n You should create a file in the news directory instead.\n For helpful instructions, please see:\n https://github.com/plone/plone.releaser/blob/master/ADD-A-NEWS-ITEM.rst\n\n.. towncrier release notes start\n\n5.0.1 (2024-10-23)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- deactivate robot tests in this package and move the tests to Products.CMFPlone @1letter (#224)\n\n\n5.0.0 (2023-07-11)\n------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Make this package deprecated. Widget base classes moved to ``plone.app.z3cform.widgets.patterns``.\n Also see ``plone.app.widgets.utils`` for information about moving utility methods to their new location.\n [petschki] (#220)\n\n\n4.0.1 (2023-02-22)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Depend on plone.base (#222)\n\n\n4.0.0 (2022-12-05)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Final release for Plone 6.0.0.\n Note that new code should not use this package, if possible.\n Prefer using code from ``plone.app.z3cform``.\n But some code still needs to be moved there, see `issue 220 <https://github.com/plone/plone.app.widgets/issues/220>`_.\n [maurits] (#600)\n\n\n4.0.0b1 (2022-08-30)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Fix random failing robottests.\n [petschki] (#219)\n\n\n4.0.0a2 (2022-05-15)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- add logging in exception handler when loading of tinymce settings is failing [MrTango] (#216)\n- Removed z3c.autoinclude.plugin entrypoint. [maurits] (#3188)\n\n\n4.0.0a1 (2022-04-05)\n--------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- PLIP 3211 - Remove implicit dependency on Mockup. (#210)\n- Update datetime pattern options for Patternslib pat-date-picker/pat-datetime-picker.\n [petschki] (#213)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- fix robot tests\n [petschki] (#214)\n\n\n3.0.6 (2021-09-15)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Remove cyclic dependency with plone.app.z3cform\n [sneridagh] (#211)\n\n\n3.0.5 (2020-10-30)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Robot tests: Fix deprecated jQuery.size.\n [thet] (#207)\n\n\n3.0.4 (2020-04-20)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Minor packaging updates. (#1)\n\n\n3.0.3 (2019-11-25)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Run robot tests as Member since the widget will move to the logged-in-bundle.\n [agitator] (#201)\n\n\n3.0.2 (2019-06-27)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Adapt the tests to the new robotframework syntax [ale-rt] (#199)\n\n\n3.0.1 (2019-06-19)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- - Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot\n tests.\n [Rotonen] (#195)\n\n\n3.0.0 (2019-05-04)\n------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Deprecate ``get_ajaxselect_options`` (no longer used).\n ``IWidgetsLayer`` and ``IWidgetsView`` are no longer used, remove them.\n Deprecated ``IFileFactory`` import, use ``zope.filerepresentation`` instead.\n Hard depend on ``plone.app.event``, it is meanwhile a dependenciy of Plone core.\n Move ``IFieldPermissionChecker`` and ``Zope2FileUploadStorable`` to ``plone.app.z3cform`` in order to slowly fade out this package.\n Use util ``first_weekday`` from ``plone.app.event`` and do not duplicate here; deprecated import placed.\n [jensens] (#194)\n\n\n2.4.1 (2018-12-28)\n------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n- Remove five.globalrequest dependency.\n It has been deprecated upstream (Zope 4).\n [gforcada]\n\nNew features:\n\n- Add support for rendering <optgroup> elements from\n zope.schema.interfaces.ITreeVocabulary hierarchical terms.\n [rpatterson]\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Remove GS profile pointing to non existing directory.\n [jensens]\n\n\n2.4.0 (2018-11-07)\n------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n- Port to python 3.\n [davisagli] [pbauer] [gforcada]\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Modernize robot keywords that use \"Get Element Attribute\"\n [ale-rt]\n\n- Do not depend on `Products.ResourceRegistries` in `setup.py`.\n In the code there is anyway no dependency.\n [jensens]\n\n\n2.3.1 (2018-03-10)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Minor administrative cleanups.\n\n\n2.3 (2018-02-05)\n----------------\n\nNew features:\n\n- Related items widget: show a recently used dropdown, but do not activate it.\n plone.app.relationfield itself is activating the \"recently used\" feature.\n The \"recently used\" dropdown is only available for Mockup 2.6.3+.\n [thet]\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Add Python 2 / 3 compatibility\n [pbauer]\n\n- Marked unstable robotframework test as noncritical.\n And maybe fix it by using keyword ``Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element``.\n [maurits]\n\n\n2.2.2 (2017-09-05)\n------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n- Pass parameter of subwidgets to the query string widget to get them properly initialized.\n Fixes a problem where the related items widget behaved differently from other areas and the date widget didn't respect the users localization.\n [thet]\n\n\n2.2.1 (2017-08-27)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Allow related items options to work on non OFS Simple Item objects.\n [thet]\n\n\n2.2 (2017-07-03)\n----------------\n\nNew features:\n\n- Related items widget options changes:\n - Let the browsing/searching start path be the current context if its folderish or a level up.\n - Include the ``contextPath`` option to exclude the current context from selection.\n - Include the ``favorites`` option with the current context and the navigation root to quickly jump to these paths.\n - Clean up obsolete options.\n Fixes https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/1974\n [thet]\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Change deprecated unittest method ``assertEquals`` to ``assertEqual``.\n [thet]\n\n\n2.1 (2017-02-20)\n----------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Change options ``today`` and ``clear`` to reflect changes in mockup 2.4.\n Refs: PR #154\n [thet]\n\n- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.\n This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.\n [thet]\n\n\n2.0.7 (2016-11-19)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- No longer test on Travis. We are tested on jenkins.plone.org, and\n the Travis setup on master is pretty broken. [maurits]\n\n- Take more time during robot tests.\n I hope that this makes a sometimes failing test always pass. [maurits]\n- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.\n This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.\n [thet]\n\n- Root the related items widget path bar to the top most visible site in the url and not the portal object itself.\n This avoids related item widgets in subsites being able to break out of their virtual hosting root.\n [thet]\n\n\n2.0.6 (2016-08-18)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n- Use zope.interface decorator.\n [gforcada]\n\n\n2.0.5 (2016-04-28)\n------------------\n\nFixes:\n\n- Fix related items to search for the whole site rather than from the navigation root only.\n [Gagaro]\n\n\n2.0.4 (2016-02-27)\n------------------\n\nNew:\n\n- Add navigation root support to related items widget. Fix incorrect options\n merge for TinyMCE widget.\n [alecm]\n\nFixes:\n\n- Ensure vocabulary lookup works on add forms for related items widget.\n [alecm]\n\n- Ensure we have all content for tree query in relateditems\n [Gagaro]\n\n- Sort relateditems tree by sortable_title.\n [Gagaro]\n\n2.0.3 (2016-02-14)\n------------------\n\nFixes:\n\n- Fixed timing issue in robot tests. [maurits]\n\n- Use plone i18n domain\n [staeff]\n\n\n2.0.2 (2015-11-28)\n------------------\n\nFixes:\n\n- Removed code for unused types_link_to_folder_contents.\n [maurits]\n\n- Don't install the plone.app.widgets dummy default profile in tests.\n [thet]\n\n2.0.1 (2015-09-21)\n------------------\n\n- Pull types_link_to_folder_contents values from the configuration registry.\n [esteele]\n\n\n2.0.0 (2015-03-26)\n------------------\n\n- Add Plone 5 warning.\n [gforcada]\n\n- Include TinyMCE languages from mockup.\n [petschki]\n\n- Raise minimum ``Products.CMFPlone`` requirement to 4.3.4 to ensure\n compatibility with jQuery 1.9+. jQuery 1.11.1 is included in recent\n ``mockup``.\n [thet]\n\n- Always include CSS and JS SourceMap files. They are only loaded, when the\n browser's developer console is open. Replaces previous behavior, where\n uninified (and broken) resources were loaded when mockup was installed, which\n was also an ugly implicit development mode behavior.\n [thet]\n\n- Use a mimetype selector for richtext areas, if multiple mimetypes are allowed.\n [thet]\n\n- Allow to remove a selected option in the ``select2`` widget if the field\n is not required\n [frapell]\n\n- Test fixes.\n [thet]\n\n- add jsi18n integration\n [vangheem, kiorky]\n\n\n1.7.0 (2014-07-15)\n------------------\n\n- Remove configuration of plone.app.event's ``start`` and ``end`` fields in the\n ``dx_bbb`` module. Requires ``plone.app.event >= 1.2``, which does the widget\n configuration by itself. There is no point in using a previous version of\n plone.app.event together with plone.app.widgets.\n [thet]\n\n- Store RelatedItems in correct order.\n [garbas]\n\n1.6.0 (2014-04-20)\n------------------\n\n- Add default_timezone widget attribute to the Dexterity DatetimeWidget. If\n used and set to a valid Olson DB/pytz timezone identifier or to an callback\n returning such, the datetime object returned by the widget will be localized\n to that timezone. This changes the timezone related behavior from version\n 1.4.0.\n [thet]\n\n- fix related items widget using getSource when it should use getVocabulary\n [davisagli]\n\n\n1.5.0 (2014-03-05)\n------------------\n\n- robot tests for SelectWidget\n [gforcada]\n\n- make tests pass for plone 5\n [davisagli]\n\n- add more tests for richtext widget\n [amleczko]\n\n- fix querystring converter with empty input\n [davisagli]\n\n- add richtext widget support and remove Products.TinyMCE dependency\n [amleczko]\n\n- Add sphinx-based documentation.\n [tisto]\n\n- move the AT macros to a browser view\n [davisagli]\n\n- make the profile not do anything on plone 5, which already includes the\n widgets bundle in the plone bundle\n [davisagli]\n\n- Fix tests when portal_tinymce is missing.\n [jaroel]\n\n- Create robot tests for querystring widget\n [ale-rt]\n\n- Add DX tinymce test\n [jaroel]\n\n- Fix to import ROBOT_TEST_LEVEL from plone.app.testing.interfaces\n [datakurre]\n\n- RelatedItems widget: use a single selection for Choice fields\n [cillian]\n\n- add support for the tus resumable file upload protocol\n [vangheem]\n\n- handle unicode filenames for dexterity file uploads\n [vangheem]\n\n- just always default to using File objects for uploads that aren't images.\n [vangheem]\n\n\n1.4.0 (2013-11-24)\n------------------\n\n- add firstDay option to DatetimeWidgets\n [thet]\n\n- removing bbb.py (SiteRSSItemsFieldWidget and SearchBoxViewlet)\n [garbas]\n\n- For Archetypes DatetimeWidget, the value on pattern options is fixed, which\n was the time component missing.\n [thet]\n\n- Fix the date/time value in pattern options for Archetypes DatetimeWidget.\n [thet]\n\n- commenting out tinymce widget for the time being. will be back with next\n release.\n [garbas]\n\n- Add robot tests for datetime widget\n [David Erni]\n\n- fix saving dates in dexterity\n [vangheem]\n\n- rework of base widget code. we should now share more code between at and dx\n [garbas]\n\n- use ajax to grab query index options for querystring widget\n [vangheem]\n\n- rename ajaxvocabulary to ajaxVocabulary to match mockup\n [vangheem]\n\n- use select2 widget for ISiteSyndicationSettings\n [garbas]\n\n- select2 widget should support initvaluemap options OOTB\n [garbas]\n\n- adding SyndicatableFeedItems to the permitted vocabularies list\n [garbas]\n\n- fix VocabularyView to accept 1-based batch pages as per doc\n [djay]\n\n- Change the start and end date fields of Products.ATContentTypes ATEvent\n types to use plone.app.widgets.\n [thet]\n\n- For Dexterity DatetimeWidgetConverter, when converting to the field value,\n try to localize the value, if the old value is a timezone aware datetime\n object. It uses the 'timezone' attribute on the widget's context, if\n available, otherwise UTC. We do not use the tzinfo object in the first\n place, because it might already be converted from user's input timezone to\n UTC, as it is the case with plone.app.event.\n [thet]\n\n- Support query arguments for function based vocabularies.\n [thet]\n\n\n1.3.3 (2013-09-11)\n------------------\n\n- fix formlib uberselectionwidget override\n [vangheem]\n\n- SelectWidget fixes: support multiple-select; indicate the selected value.\n [davisagli]\n\n- Don't include time in DateWidget.\n [davisagli]\n\n- Allow to define a different vocabulary view for select widget\n [do3c]\n\n- Don't do double batching in select widget code\n [do3cc]\n\n\n1.3.2 (2013-08-12)\n------------------\n\n- Allow overriding with a custom vocabulary for Archetypes.\n [pbauer]\n\n- Reuse z3c.form SelectWidget's logic for determing what items\n are available rather than recreating it incompletely.\n [davisagli]\n\n- Use normal widget templates for z3c.form widgets in hidden mode.\n [davisagli]\n\n- add formlib uber selection override for portlets\n [vangheem]\n\n\n1.3.1 (2013-07-22)\n------------------\n\n- handle plone.app.relationfield not being installed\n [vangheem]\n\n- handle unicode data in widgets beter\n [vangheem]\n\n\n1.3 (2013-07-21)\n----------------\n\n- Additional set of widgets added and improved at Oshkosh and Bastille Sprint.\n [bunch of ppl]\n\n- Fix bug where empty select elements rendered as <select/>\n [davisagli]\n\n- Use normal widget templates for z3c.form widgets in display mode.\n [davisagli]\n\n- For Archetypes subject fields, use the field's vocabulary_factory and fall\n back to 'plone.app.vocabularies.Keywords' if it's not present.\n [thet]\n\n- Conditional include of collection ``QueryStringWidget`` which expects\n ``plone.app.contenttypes``.\n [saily]\n\n- Restructure buildout to build an instance.\n [saily]\n\n- Add travis icon\n [saily]\n\n- Add german translation\n [saily]\n\n- Fields and widgets demo gallery added [miohtama]\n\n\n0.2 (2013-03-04)\n----------------\n\n - add support for dexterity content types as well.\n [garbas]\n\n - using select2 pattern instead of textext pattern for select/autocomplete\n elements.\n [garbas]\n\n\n0.1 (2013-01-31)\n----------------\n\n- initial release\n [garbas]\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
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"summary": "better plone widgets",
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