
Namepython-string-utils JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryUtility functions for strings validation and manipulation.
upload_time2020-03-04 20:18:59
authorDavide Zanotti
keywords string str utilities validation compression development
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
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# Python String Utils
##### Latest version: [1.0.0]( (March 2020)

A handy library to validate, manipulate and generate strings, which is:

- Simple and "pythonic"
- Fully documented and with examples! (html version on [](
- 100% code coverage! (see it with your own eyes on [](
- Tested (automatically on each push thanks to Travis CI) against all officially supported Python versions
- Fast (mostly based on compiled regex)
- Free from external dependencies
- PEP8 compliant

## What's inside...

### Library structure

The library basically consists in the python package `string_utils`, containing the following modules:

- `` (contains string check api)
- `` (contains string transformation api)
- `` (contains string generation api)
- `` (contains library-specific errors)
- `` (contains compiled regex **FOR INTERNAL USAGE ONLY**)

Plus a secondary package `tests` which includes several submodules.\
Specifically one for each test suite and named according to the api to test (eg. tests for `is_ip()` 
will be in `` and so on).

All the public API are importable directly from the main package `string_utils`, so this:

`from string_utils.validation import is_ip`

can be simplified as:

 `from string_utils import is_ip`

### Api overview

***Bear in mind**: this is just an overview, 
for the full API documentation see:* [](

#### String validation functions:

**is_string**: checks if the given object is a string
is_string('hello') # returns true
is_string(b'hello') # returns false

**is_full_string**: checks if the given object is non empty string
is_full_string(None) # returns false
is_full_string('') # returns false
is_full_string(' ') # returns false
is_full_string('foo') # returns true

**is_number**: checks if the given string represents a valid number
is_number('42') # returns true
is_number('-25.99') # returns true
is_number('1e3') # returns true
is_number(' 1 2 3 ') # returns false

**is_integer**: checks if the given string represents a valid integer
is_integer('42') # returns true
is_integer('42.0') # returns false

**is_decimal**: checks if the given string represents a valid decimal number
is_decimal('42.0') # returns true
is_decimal('42') # returns false

**is_url**: checks if the given string is an url
is_url('') # returns false
is_url('') # returns true
is_url('') # returns true

**is_email**: Checks if the given string is an email
is_email('') # returns true
is_eamil('') # retruns false

**is_credit_card**: Checks if the given string is a credit card

# returns true if `value` represents a valid card number for one of these:

**is_camel_case**: Checks if the given string is formatted as camel case
is_camel_case('MyCamelCase') # returns true
is_camel_case('hello') # returns false

**is_snake_case**: Checks if the given string is formatted as snake case
is_snake_case('snake_bites') # returns true
is_snake_case('nope') # returns false

**is_json**: Checks if the given string is a valid json
is_json('{"first_name": "Peter", "last_name": "Parker"}') # returns true
is_json('[1, 2, 3]') # returns true
is_json('{nope}') # returns false

**is_uuid**: Checks if the given string is a valid UUID
is_uuid('ce2cd4ee-83de-46f6-a054-5ee4ddae1582') # returns true

**is_ip_v4**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip v4 address
is_ip_v4('') # returns true
is_ip_v4('') # returns false (999 is out of range)

**is_ip_v6**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip v6 address
is_ip_v6('2001:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370:7334') # returns true
is_ip_v6('123:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370,1') # returns false

**is_ip**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip (any version)
is_ip('') # returns true
is_ip('2001:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370:7334') # returns true
is_ip('') # returns false
is_ip('123:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370,1') # returns false

**is_isnb_13**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN 13
is_isbn_13('9780312498580') # returns true
is_isbn_13('978-0312498580') # returns true
is_isbn_13('978-0312498580', normalize=False) # returns false

**is_isbn_10**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN 10
is_isbn_10('1506715214') # returns true
is_isbn_10('150-6715214') # returns true
is_isbn_10('150-6715214', normalize=False) # returns false

**is_isbn**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN (any version)
is_isbn('9780312498580') # returns true
is_isbn('1506715214') # returns true

**is_slug**: Checks if the string is a slug (as created by `slugify()`)
is_slug('my-blog-post-title') # returns true
is_slug('My blog post title') # returns false

**contains_html**: Checks if the strings contains one ore more HTML/XML tag
contains_html('my string is <strong>bold</strong>') # returns true
contains_html('my string is not bold') # returns false

**words_count**: Returns the number of words contained in the string
words_count('hello world') # returns 2
words_count('one,two,three') # returns 3 (no need for spaces, punctuation is recognized!)

**is_palindrome**: Checks if the string is a palindrome
is_palindrome('LOL') # returns true
is_palindrome('ROTFL') # returns false

**is_pangram**: Checks if the string is a pangram
is_pangram('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') # returns true
is_pangram('hello world') # returns false

**is_isogram**: Checks if the string is an isogram
is_isogram('dermatoglyphics') # returns true
is_isogram('hello') # returns false

#### String manipulation:

**camel_case_to_snake**:  Converts a camel case formatted string into a snake case one
camel_case_to_snake('ThisIsACamelStringTest') # returns 'this_is_a_camel_case_string_test'

**snake_case_to_camel**: Converts a snake case formatted string into a camel case one
snake_case_to_camel('the_snake_is_green') # returns 'TheSnakeIsGreen'

**reverse**: Returns the string in a reversed order
reverse('hello') # returns 'olleh'

**shuffle**: Returns the string with its original chars but at randomized positions
shuffle('hello world') # possible output: 'l wodheorll'

**strip_html**: Removes all the HTML/XML tags found in a string
strip_html('test: <a href="foo/bar">click here</a>') # returns 'test: '
strip_html('test: <a href="foo/bar">click here</a>', keep_tag_content=True) # returns 'test: click here'

**prettify**: Reformat a string by applying basic grammar and formatting rules
prettify(' unprettified string ,, like this one,will be"prettified" .it\' s awesome! ')
# the ouput will be: 'Unprettified string, like this one, will be "prettified". It\'s awesome!'

**asciify**: Converts all non-ascii chars contained in a string into the closest possible ascii representation
# returns 'eeuuooaaeynAAACIINOE' (string is deliberately dumb in order to show char conversion)

**slugify**: Convert a string into a formatted "slug"
slugify('Top 10 Reasons To Love Dogs!!!') # returns: 'top-10-reasons-to-love-dogs'

**booleanize**: Convert a string into a boolean based on its content
booleanize('true') # returns true
booleanize('YES') # returns true
booleanize('y') # returns true
booleanize('1') # returns true
booelanize('something else') # returns false

**strip_margin**: Removes left indentation from multi-line strings (inspired by Scala)
        line 1
        line 2
        line 3

line 1
line 2
line 3

**compress/decompress**: Compress strings into shorted ones that can be restored back to the original one later on
compressed = compress(my_long_string) # shorter string (URL safe base64 encoded)

decompressed = decompress(compressed) # string restored

assert(my_long_string == decompressed) # yep

**roman_encode**: Encode integers/string into roman numbers
roman_encode(37) # returns 'XXXVII'

**roman_decode**: Decode roman number into an integer
roman_decode('XXXVII') # returns 37

**roman_range**: Generator which returns roman numbers on each iteration
for n in roman_range(10): print(n) # prints: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
for n in roman_range(start=7, stop=1, step=-1): print(n) # prints: VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I

#### String generations:

**uuid**: Returns the string representation of a newly created UUID object
uuid() # possible output: 'ce2cd4ee-83de-46f6-a054-5ee4ddae1582'
uuid(as_hex=True) # possible output: 'ce2cd4ee83de46f6a0545ee4ddae1582'

**random_string**: Creates a string of the specified size with random chars
random_string(9) # possible output: 'K1URtlTu5'

**secure_random_hex**: Creates an hexadecimal string using a secure strong random generator
# possible ouput: 'd1eedff4033a2e9867c37ded' 
# (len is 24, because 12 represents the number of random bytes generated, which are then converted to hexadecimal value)

## Installation

    pip install python-string-utils

## Checking installed version

import string_utils
'1.0.0' # (if '1.0.0' is the installed version)

## Documentation

Full API documentation available on [](

## Support the project!

Do you like this project? Would you like to see it updated more often with new features and improvements?
If so, you can make a small donation by clicking the button down below, it would be really appreciated! :)

<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" width="217" height="51" />


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "python-string-utils",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.5",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "string str utilities validation compression development",
    "author": "Davide Zanotti",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "[![Build Status](](\n[![codecov](](\n[![Documentation Status](](\n[![Python 3.5](](\n[![Python 3.6](](\n[![Python 3.7](](\n[![Python 3.8](](\n\n# Python String Utils\n##### Latest version: [1.0.0]( (March 2020)\n\nA handy library to validate, manipulate and generate strings, which is:\n\n- Simple and \"pythonic\"\n- Fully documented and with examples! (html version on [](\n- 100% code coverage! (see it with your own eyes on [](\n- Tested (automatically on each push thanks to Travis CI) against all officially supported Python versions\n- Fast (mostly based on compiled regex)\n- Free from external dependencies\n- PEP8 compliant\n\n\n## What's inside...\n\n### Library structure\n\nThe library basically consists in the python package `string_utils`, containing the following modules:\n\n- `` (contains string check api)\n- `` (contains string transformation api)\n- `` (contains string generation api)\n- `` (contains library-specific errors)\n- `` (contains compiled regex **FOR INTERNAL USAGE ONLY**)\n\nPlus a secondary package `tests` which includes several submodules.\\\nSpecifically one for each test suite and named according to the api to test (eg. tests for `is_ip()` \nwill be in `` and so on).\n\nAll the public API are importable directly from the main package `string_utils`, so this:\n\n`from string_utils.validation import is_ip`\n\ncan be simplified as:\n\n `from string_utils import is_ip`\n\n### Api overview\n\n***Bear in mind**: this is just an overview, \nfor the full API documentation see:* [](\n\n#### String validation functions:\n\n\n**is_string**: checks if the given object is a string\n~~~~\nis_string('hello') # returns true\nis_string(b'hello') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_full_string**: checks if the given object is non empty string\n~~~~\nis_full_string(None) # returns false\nis_full_string('') # returns false\nis_full_string(' ') # returns false\nis_full_string('foo') # returns true\n~~~~\n\n**is_number**: checks if the given string represents a valid number\n~~~~\nis_number('42') # returns true\nis_number('-25.99') # returns true\nis_number('1e3') # returns true\nis_number(' 1 2 3 ') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_integer**: checks if the given string represents a valid integer\n~~~~\nis_integer('42') # returns true\nis_integer('42.0') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_decimal**: checks if the given string represents a valid decimal number\n~~~~\nis_decimal('42.0') # returns true\nis_decimal('42') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_url**: checks if the given string is an url\n~~~~\nis_url('') # returns false\nis_url('') # returns true\nis_url('') # returns true\n~~~~\n\n**is_email**: Checks if the given string is an email\n~~~~\nis_email('') # returns true\nis_eamil('') # retruns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_credit_card**: Checks if the given string is a credit card\n~~~~\nis_credit_card(value)\n\n# returns true if `value` represents a valid card number for one of these:\n# VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS CLUB, DISCOVER or JCB\n~~~~\n\n**is_camel_case**: Checks if the given string is formatted as camel case\n~~~~\nis_camel_case('MyCamelCase') # returns true\nis_camel_case('hello') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_snake_case**: Checks if the given string is formatted as snake case\n~~~~\nis_snake_case('snake_bites') # returns true\nis_snake_case('nope') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_json**: Checks if the given string is a valid json\n~~~~\nis_json('{\"first_name\": \"Peter\", \"last_name\": \"Parker\"}') # returns true\nis_json('[1, 2, 3]') # returns true\nis_json('{nope}') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_uuid**: Checks if the given string is a valid UUID\n~~~~\nis_uuid('ce2cd4ee-83de-46f6-a054-5ee4ddae1582') # returns true\n~~~~\n\n**is_ip_v4**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip v4 address\n~~~~\nis_ip_v4('') # returns true\nis_ip_v4('') # returns false (999 is out of range)\n~~~~\n\n**is_ip_v6**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip v6 address\n~~~~\nis_ip_v6('2001:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370:7334') # returns true\nis_ip_v6('123:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370,1') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_ip**: Checks if the given string is a valid ip (any version)\n~~~~\nis_ip('') # returns true\nis_ip('2001:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370:7334') # returns true\nis_ip('') # returns false\nis_ip('123:db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:370,1') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_isnb_13**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN 13\n~~~~\nis_isbn_13('9780312498580') # returns true\nis_isbn_13('978-0312498580') # returns true\nis_isbn_13('978-0312498580', normalize=False) # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_isbn_10**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN 10\n~~~~\nis_isbn_10('1506715214') # returns true\nis_isbn_10('150-6715214') # returns true\nis_isbn_10('150-6715214', normalize=False) # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_isbn**: Checks if the given string is a valid ISBN (any version)\n~~~~\nis_isbn('9780312498580') # returns true\nis_isbn('1506715214') # returns true\n~~~~\n\n**is_slug**: Checks if the string is a slug (as created by `slugify()`)\n~~~~\nis_slug('my-blog-post-title') # returns true\nis_slug('My blog post title') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**contains_html**: Checks if the strings contains one ore more HTML/XML tag\n~~~~\ncontains_html('my string is <strong>bold</strong>') # returns true\ncontains_html('my string is not bold') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**words_count**: Returns the number of words contained in the string\n~~~~\nwords_count('hello world') # returns 2\nwords_count('one,two,three') # returns 3 (no need for spaces, punctuation is recognized!)\n~~~~\n\n**is_palindrome**: Checks if the string is a palindrome\n~~~~\nis_palindrome('LOL') # returns true\nis_palindrome('ROTFL') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_pangram**: Checks if the string is a pangram\n~~~~\nis_pangram('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog') # returns true\nis_pangram('hello world') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**is_isogram**: Checks if the string is an isogram\n~~~~\nis_isogram('dermatoglyphics') # returns true\nis_isogram('hello') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n#### String manipulation:\n\n**camel_case_to_snake**:  Converts a camel case formatted string into a snake case one\n~~~~\ncamel_case_to_snake('ThisIsACamelStringTest') # returns 'this_is_a_camel_case_string_test'\n~~~~\n\n**snake_case_to_camel**: Converts a snake case formatted string into a camel case one\n~~~~\nsnake_case_to_camel('the_snake_is_green') # returns 'TheSnakeIsGreen'\n~~~~\n\n**reverse**: Returns the string in a reversed order\n~~~\nreverse('hello') # returns 'olleh'\n~~~\n\n**shuffle**: Returns the string with its original chars but at randomized positions\n~~~~\nshuffle('hello world') # possible output: 'l wodheorll'\n~~~~\n\n**strip_html**: Removes all the HTML/XML tags found in a string\n~~~~\nstrip_html('test: <a href=\"foo/bar\">click here</a>') # returns 'test: '\nstrip_html('test: <a href=\"foo/bar\">click here</a>', keep_tag_content=True) # returns 'test: click here'\n~~~~\n\n**prettify**: Reformat a string by applying basic grammar and formatting rules\n~~~~\nprettify(' unprettified string ,, like this one,will be\"prettified\" .it\\' s awesome! ')\n# the ouput will be: 'Unprettified string, like this one, will be \"prettified\". It\\'s awesome!'\n~~~~\n\n**asciify**: Converts all non-ascii chars contained in a string into the closest possible ascii representation\n~~~~\nasciify('\u00e8\u00e9\u00f9\u00fa\u00f2\u00f3\u00e4\u00e5\u00eb\u00fd\u00f1\u00c5\u00c0\u00c1\u00c7\u00cc\u00cd\u00d1\u00d3\u00cb') \n# returns 'eeuuooaaeynAAACIINOE' (string is deliberately dumb in order to show char conversion)\n~~~~\n\n**slugify**: Convert a string into a formatted \"slug\"\n~~~~\nslugify('Top 10 Reasons To Love Dogs!!!') # returns: 'top-10-reasons-to-love-dogs'\n~~~~\n\n**booleanize**: Convert a string into a boolean based on its content\n~~~~\nbooleanize('true') # returns true\nbooleanize('YES') # returns true\nbooleanize('y') # returns true\nbooleanize('1') # returns true\nbooelanize('something else') # returns false\n~~~~\n\n**strip_margin**: Removes left indentation from multi-line strings (inspired by Scala)\n~~~~\nstrip_margin('''\n        line 1\n        line 2\n        line 3\n''')\n\n#returns:\n'''\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\n'''\n~~~~\n\n**compress/decompress**: Compress strings into shorted ones that can be restored back to the original one later on\n~~~~\ncompressed = compress(my_long_string) # shorter string (URL safe base64 encoded)\n\ndecompressed = decompress(compressed) # string restored\n\nassert(my_long_string == decompressed) # yep\n~~~~\n\n**roman_encode**: Encode integers/string into roman numbers\n~~~\nroman_encode(37) # returns 'XXXVII'\n~~~~\n\n**roman_decode**: Decode roman number into an integer\n~~~~\nroman_decode('XXXVII') # returns 37\n~~~~\n\n**roman_range**: Generator which returns roman numbers on each iteration\n~~~~\nfor n in roman_range(10): print(n) # prints: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X\nfor n in roman_range(start=7, stop=1, step=-1): print(n) # prints: VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I\n~~~~\n\n#### String generations:\n\n**uuid**: Returns the string representation of a newly created UUID object\n~~~~\nuuid() # possible output: 'ce2cd4ee-83de-46f6-a054-5ee4ddae1582'\nuuid(as_hex=True) # possible output: 'ce2cd4ee83de46f6a0545ee4ddae1582'\n~~~~\n\n**random_string**: Creates a string of the specified size with random chars\n~~~~\nrandom_string(9) # possible output: 'K1URtlTu5'\n~~~~\n\n**secure_random_hex**: Creates an hexadecimal string using a secure strong random generator\n~~~~\nsecure_random_hex(12) \n# possible ouput: 'd1eedff4033a2e9867c37ded' \n# (len is 24, because 12 represents the number of random bytes generated, which are then converted to hexadecimal value)\n~~~~\n\n\n## Installation\n\n    pip install python-string-utils\n\n\n## Checking installed version\n\n~~~\nimport string_utils\nstring_utils.__version__\n'1.0.0' # (if '1.0.0' is the installed version)\n~~~\n\n## Documentation\n\nFull API documentation available on [](\n\n\n## Support the project!\n\nDo you like this project? Would you like to see it updated more often with new features and improvements?\nIf so, you can make a small donation by clicking the button down below, it would be really appreciated! :)\n\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n<img src=\"\" width=\"217\" height=\"51\" />\n</a>\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "Utility functions for strings validation and manipulation.",
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