
Nametopicnet JSON
Version 0.9.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryTopicNet is a module for topic modelling using ARTM algorithm
upload_time2024-07-28 16:00:13
authorMachine Intelligence Laboratory
keywords artm topic modeling regularization multimodal learning document vector representation
requirements bigartm codecov colorlover coverage dask dill ipython jinja2 numba numexpr numpy pandas plotly protobuf pytest pytest-cov pytest-rerunfailures pytest-timeout scikit-learn scipy six strictyaml toolz tqdm
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <h1 align="center">TopicNet</h1>
<img align="right" height="15%" width="15%" src="" style="max-width:100%;">

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<div align="center">
    A high-level interface developed by <a href="">Machine Intelligence Laboratory</a> for <a href="">BigARTM</a> library.

## What is TopicNet

`TopicNet` library was created to assist in the task of building topic models.
It aims at automating model training routine freeing more time for artistic process of constructing a target functional for the task at hand.

Consider using TopicNet if:

* you want to explore BigARTM functionality without writing an overhead;
* you need help with rapid solution prototyping;
* you want to build a good topic model quickly (out-of-box, with default parameters);
* you have an ARTM model at hand and you want to explore it's topics.

`TopicNet` provides an infrastructure for your prototyping with the help of `Experiment` class and helps to observe results of your actions via [`viewers`](topicnet/viewers) module.

    <div align="center">
        <img src="./docs/readme_images/training_scheme_example.png" width="50%" alt/>
        Example of the two-stage experiment scheme.
        At the first stage, regularizer with parameter <img src="./docs/readme_images/tau.svg"> taking values in some range <img src="./docs/readme_images/tau1-tau2-tau3.svg"> is applied.
        Best models after the first stage are <em>Model 1</em> and <em>Model 2</em> — so <em>Model 3</em> is not taking part in the training process anymore.
        The second stage is connected with another regularizer with parameter <img src="./docs/readme_images/xi.svg"> taking values in range <img src="./docs/readme_images/xi1-xi2.svg">.
        As a result of this stage, two descendant models of <em>Model 1</em> and two descendant models of <em>Model 2</em> are obtained.

And here is sample code of the TopicNet baseline experiment:

from topicnet.cooking_machine.config_parser import build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config
from import ARTM_baseline as config_string

config_string = config_string.format(
    dataset_path      = '/data/datasets/NIPS/dataset.csv',
    modality_list     = ['@word'],
    main_modality     = '@word',
    specific_topics   = [f'spc_topic_{i}' for i in range(19)],
    background_topics = [f'bcg_topic_{i}' for i in range( 1)],
experiment, dataset = (
        yaml_string   = config_string,
        experiment_id = 'sample_config',
        save_path     = 'sample_save_folder_path',

best_model ='PerplexityScore@all -> min')[0]

## How to Start

Define `TopicModel` from an ARTM model at hand or with help from `model_constructor` module, where you can set models main parameters. Then create an `Experiment`, assigning a root position to this model and path to store your experiment. Further, you can define a set of training stages by the functionality provided by the `cooking_machine.cubes` module.

Further you can read documentation [here](

If you want to get familiar with BigARTM (which is not necessary, but generally useful), we recommend the [video tutorial]( by [Murat Apishev](
The tutorial is in Russian, but it comes with a [Colab Notebook](

## Installation

**Core library functionality is based on BigARTM library**.
So BigARTM should also be installed on the machine.
Fortunately, the installation process should not be so difficult now.
Below are the detailed explanations.

### Via Pip

The easiest way to install everything is via `pip` (but currently works fine only for Linux users!)

pip install topicnet

The command also installs BigARTM library, not only TopicNet.
However, [BigARTM Command Line Utility]( will not be assembled.
Pip installation makes it possible to use BigARTM only through Python Interface.

If working on Windows or Mac, you should install BigARTM by yourself first, then `pip install topicnet` will work just fine.
We are hoping to bring all-in-`pip` installation support to the mentioned systems.
However, right now you may find the following guide useful.

### BigARTM for Non-Linux Users

To avoid installing BigARTM you can use [docker images]( with preinstalled different versions of BigARTM library:

docker pull xtonev/bigartm:v0.10.0
docker run -t -i xtonev/bigartm:v0.10.0

Checking if all installed successfully:

$ python

>>> import artm
>>> artm.version()

Alternatively, you can follow [BigARTM installation manual](
There is also a pair of tips which may provide additional help for Windows users:

1. Go to the [installation page for Windows]( and download the 7z archive in the Downloads section.
2. Use Anaconda `conda install` to download all the Python packages that BigARTM requires.
3. Path variables must be set through the GUI window of system variables, and, if the variable `PYTHONPATH` is missing — add it to the **system wide** variables. Close the GUI window.

After setting up the environment you can fork this repository or use `pip install topicnet` to install the library.

### From Source

One can also install the library from GitHub, which may give more flexibility in developing (for example, making one's own viewers or regularizers a part of the module as .py files)

git clone
cd topicnet
pip install .

### Google Colab & Kaggle Notebooks

As Linux installation may be done solely using `pip`, TopicNet can be used in such online services as
[Google Colab]( and
[Kaggle Notebooks](
All you need is to run the following command in a notebook cell:

! pip install topicnet

There is also a [notebook in Google Colab]( made by [Nikolay Gerasimenko](, where BigARTM is build from source.
This may be useful, for example, if you plan to use the BigARTM Command Line Utility.

# Usage

Let's say you have a handful of raw text mined from some source and you want to perform some topic modelling on them.
Where should you start?

## Data Preparation

Every ML problem starts with data preprocess step.
TopicNet does not perform data preprocessing itself.
Instead, it demands data being prepared by the user and loaded via [Dataset](topicnet/cooking_machine/ class.
Here is a basic example of how one can achieve that: [rtl_wiki_preprocessing](topicnet/demos/RTL-Wiki-Preprocessing.ipynb).

For the convenience of everyone who wants to use TopicNet and in general for everyone interested in topic modeling, we provide a couple of already proprocessed datasets (see [DemoDataset.ipynb](topicnet/dataset_manager/DemoDataset.ipynb) notebook for more information).
These datasets can be downloaded from code.
For example:

from topicnet.dataset_manager import api

dataset = api.load_dataset('postnauka')

Or, in case the API is broken or something, you can just go to the [TopicNet's page on Hugging Face]( and get the needed .csv files there.

## Training a Topic Model

Here we can finally get on the main part: making your own, best of them all, manually crafted Topic Model

### Get Your Data

We need to load our previously prepared data with Dataset:

DATASET_PATH = '/Wiki_raw_set/wiki_data.csv'

dataset = Dataset(DATASET_PATH)

### Make an Initial Model

In case you want to start from a fresh model we suggest you use this code:

from topicnet.cooking_machine.model_constructor import init_simple_default_model

artm_model = init_simple_default_model(
    modalities_to_use={'@lemmatized': 1.0, '@bigram':0.5},

Note that here we have model with two modalities: `'@lemmatized'` and `'@bigram'`.
Further, if needed, one can define a custom score to be calculated during the model training.

from topicnet.cooking_machine.models.base_score import BaseScore

class CustomScore(BaseScore):
    def __init__(self):

    def call(self,

        phi = model.get_phi().values[:,:n_specific_topics]
        specific_sparsity = np.sum(phi < eps) / np.sum(phi < 1)

        return specific_sparsity

Now, `TopicModel` with custom score can be defined:

from topicnet.cooking_machine.models.topic_model import TopicModel

custom_scores = {'SpecificSparsity': CustomScore()}
topic_model = TopicModel(artm_model, model_id='Groot', custom_scores=custom_scores)

### Define an Experiment

For further model training and tuning `Experiment` is necessary:

from topicnet.cooking_machine.experiment import Experiment

experiment = Experiment(
    experiment_id="simple_experiment", save_path="experiments", topic_model=topic_model

### Toy with the Cubes

Defining a next stage of the model training to select a decorrelator parameter:

from topicnet.cooking_machine.cubes import RegularizersModifierCube

my_first_cube = RegularizersModifierCube(
        'regularizer': artm.DecorrelatorPhiRegularizer(name='decorrelation_phi', tau=1),
        'tau_grid': [0,1,2,3,4,5],

my_first_cube(topic_model, dataset)

Selecting a model with best perplexity score:

perplexity_criterion = 'PerplexityScore@lemmatized -> min COLLECT 1'
best_model =

### Alternatively: Use Recipes

If you need a topic model now, you can use one of the code snippets we call *recipes*.
from import BaselineRecipe

EXPERIMENT_PATH = '/home/user/experiment/'

training_pipeline = BaselineRecipe()
experiment, dataset = training_pipeline.build_experiment_environment(
after that you can expect a following result:

### View the Results

Browsing the model is easy: create a viewer and call its `view()` method (or `view_from_jupyter()` — it is advised to use it if working in Jupyter Notebook):

from topicnet.viewers import TopTokensViewer

toptok_viewer = TopTokensViewer(best_model, num_top_tokens=10, method='phi')

More info about different viewers is available here: [`viewers`](topicnet/viewers).


### In the example we used to write vw modality like **@modality**, is it a VowpalWabbit format?

It is a convention to write data designating modalities with @ sign taken by TopicNet from BigARTM.

### CubeCreator helps to perform a grid search over initial model parameters. How can I do it with modalities?

Modality search space can be defined using standart library logic like:

class_ids_cube = CubeCreator(
    parameters: [
        name: 'class_ids',
        values: {
            '@text':   [1, 2, 3],
            '@ngrams': [4, 5, 6],

However, for the case of modalities a couple of slightly more convenient methods are availiable:

parameters : [
        'name'  : 'class_ids@text',
        'values': [1, 2, 3]
        'name'  : 'class_ids@ngrams',
        'values': [4, 5, 6]
        'class_ids@text'  : [1, 2, 3],
        'class_ids@ngrams': [4, 5, 6]

# Contribution

If you find a bug, or if you would like the library to have some new features — you are welcome to contact us or create an issue or a pull request!

It also worth noting that TopicNet library is always open to improvements in several areas:

* New custom regularizers.
* New topic model scores.
* New topic models or recipes to train topic models for a particular task/with some special properties.
* New datasets (so as to make them available for everyone to download and conduct experiments with topic models).

# Citing TopicNet

When citing `topicnet` in academic papers and theses, please use this BibTeX entry:

  author    = {Bulatov, Victor  and  Alekseev, Vasiliy  and  Vorontsov, Konstantin  and  Polyudova, Darya  and  Veselova, Eugenia  and  Goncharov, Alexey  and  Egorov, Evgeny},
  title     = {TopicNet: Making Additive Regularisation for Topic Modelling Accessible},
  booktitle      = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
  month          = {May},
  year           = {2020},
  address        = {Marseille, France},
  publisher      = {European Language Resources Association},
  pages     = {6747--6754},
  url       = {}



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "topicnet",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "ARTM, topic modeling, regularization, multimodal learning, document vector representation",
    "author": "Machine Intelligence Laboratory",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<h1 align=\"center\">TopicNet</h1>\n<img align=\"right\" height=\"15%\" width=\"15%\" src=\"\" style=\"max-width:100%;\">\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n    <a href=\"\">\n        <img alt=\"PyPI Version\" src=\"\">\n    </a>\n    <a href=\"\">\n        <img alt=\"Python Version\" src=\"\">\n    </a>\n    <a href=\"\">\n        <img alt=\"Travis Build Status\" src=\"\">\n    </a>\n    <a href=\"\">\n        <img alt=\"Code Coverage\" src=\"\">\n    </a>\n    <a href=\"\">\n        <img alt=\"License\" src=\"\">\n    </a>\n</div>\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n    A high-level interface developed by <a href=\"\">Machine Intelligence Laboratory</a> for <a href=\"\">BigARTM</a> library.\n</div>\n\n\n## What is TopicNet\n\n`TopicNet` library was created to assist in the task of building topic models.\nIt aims at automating model training routine freeing more time for artistic process of constructing a target functional for the task at hand.\n\nConsider using TopicNet if:\n\n* you want to explore BigARTM functionality without writing an overhead;\n* you need help with rapid solution prototyping;\n* you want to build a good topic model quickly (out-of-box, with default parameters);\n* you have an ARTM model at hand and you want to explore it's topics.\n\n`TopicNet` provides an infrastructure for your prototyping with the help of `Experiment` class and helps to observe results of your actions via [`viewers`](topicnet/viewers) module.\n\n<p>\n    <div align=\"center\">\n        <img src=\"./docs/readme_images/training_scheme_example.png\" width=\"50%\" alt/>\n    </div>\n    <em>\n        Example of the two-stage experiment scheme.\n        At the first stage, regularizer with parameter <img src=\"./docs/readme_images/tau.svg\"> taking values in some range <img src=\"./docs/readme_images/tau1-tau2-tau3.svg\"> is applied.\n        Best models after the first stage are <em>Model 1</em> and <em>Model 2</em> \u2014 so <em>Model 3</em> is not taking part in the training process anymore.\n        The second stage is connected with another regularizer with parameter <img src=\"./docs/readme_images/xi.svg\"> taking values in range <img src=\"./docs/readme_images/xi1-xi2.svg\">.\n        As a result of this stage, two descendant models of <em>Model 1</em> and two descendant models of <em>Model 2</em> are obtained.\n    </em>\n</p>\n\nAnd here is sample code of the TopicNet baseline experiment:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.config_parser import build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config\nfrom import ARTM_baseline as config_string\n\n\nconfig_string = config_string.format(\n    dataset_path      = '/data/datasets/NIPS/dataset.csv',\n    modality_list     = ['@word'],\n    main_modality     = '@word',\n    specific_topics   = [f'spc_topic_{i}' for i in range(19)],\n    background_topics = [f'bcg_topic_{i}' for i in range( 1)],\n)\nexperiment, dataset = (\n    build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config(\n        yaml_string   = config_string,\n        experiment_id = 'sample_config',\n        save_path     = 'sample_save_folder_path',\n    )\n)\n\\n\nbest_model ='PerplexityScore@all -> min')[0]\n```\n\n\n## How to Start\n\nDefine `TopicModel` from an ARTM model at hand or with help from `model_constructor` module, where you can set models main parameters. Then create an `Experiment`, assigning a root position to this model and path to store your experiment. Further, you can define a set of training stages by the functionality provided by the `cooking_machine.cubes` module.\n\nFurther you can read documentation [here](\n\nIf you want to get familiar with BigARTM (which is not necessary, but generally useful), we recommend the [video tutorial]( by [Murat Apishev](\nThe tutorial is in Russian, but it comes with a [Colab Notebook](\n\n\n## Installation\n\n**Core library functionality is based on BigARTM library**.\nSo BigARTM should also be installed on the machine.\nFortunately, the installation process should not be so difficult now.\nBelow are the detailed explanations.\n\n\n### Via Pip\n\nThe easiest way to install everything is via `pip` (but currently works fine only for Linux users!)\n\n```bash\npip install topicnet\n```\n\nThe command also installs BigARTM library, not only TopicNet.\nHowever, [BigARTM Command Line Utility]( will not be assembled.\nPip installation makes it possible to use BigARTM only through Python Interface.\n\nIf working on Windows or Mac, you should install BigARTM by yourself first, then `pip install topicnet` will work just fine.\nWe are hoping to bring all-in-`pip` installation support to the mentioned systems.\nHowever, right now you may find the following guide useful.\n\n### BigARTM for Non-Linux Users\n\nTo avoid installing BigARTM you can use [docker images]( with preinstalled different versions of BigARTM library:\n\n```bash\ndocker pull xtonev/bigartm:v0.10.0\ndocker run -t -i xtonev/bigartm:v0.10.0\n```\n\nChecking if all installed successfully:\n\n```bash\n$ python\n\n>>> import artm\n>>> artm.version()\n```\n\nAlternatively, you can follow [BigARTM installation manual](\nThere is also a pair of tips which may provide additional help for Windows users:\n\n1. Go to the [installation page for Windows]( and download the 7z archive in the Downloads section.\n2. Use Anaconda `conda install` to download all the Python packages that BigARTM requires.\n3. Path variables must be set through the GUI window of system variables, and, if the variable `PYTHONPATH` is missing \u2014 add it to the **system wide** variables. Close the GUI window.\n\nAfter setting up the environment you can fork this repository or use `pip install topicnet` to install the library.\n\n\n### From Source\n\nOne can also install the library from GitHub, which may give more flexibility in developing (for example, making one's own viewers or regularizers a part of the module as .py files)\n\n```bash\ngit clone\ncd topicnet\npip install .\n```\n\n### Google Colab & Kaggle Notebooks\n\nAs Linux installation may be done solely using `pip`, TopicNet can be used in such online services as\n[Google Colab]( and\n[Kaggle Notebooks](\nAll you need is to run the following command in a notebook cell:\n\n```bash\n! pip install topicnet\n```\n\nThere is also a [notebook in Google Colab]( made by [Nikolay Gerasimenko](, where BigARTM is build from source.\nThis may be useful, for example, if you plan to use the BigARTM Command Line Utility.\n\n\n# Usage\n\nLet's say you have a handful of raw text mined from some source and you want to perform some topic modelling on them.\nWhere should you start?\n\n## Data Preparation\n\nEvery ML problem starts with data preprocess step.\nTopicNet does not perform data preprocessing itself.\nInstead, it demands data being prepared by the user and loaded via [Dataset](topicnet/cooking_machine/ class.\nHere is a basic example of how one can achieve that: [rtl_wiki_preprocessing](topicnet/demos/RTL-Wiki-Preprocessing.ipynb).\n\nFor the convenience of everyone who wants to use TopicNet and in general for everyone interested in topic modeling, we provide a couple of already proprocessed datasets (see [DemoDataset.ipynb](topicnet/dataset_manager/DemoDataset.ipynb) notebook for more information).\nThese datasets can be downloaded from code.\nFor example:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.dataset_manager import api\n\n\ndataset = api.load_dataset('postnauka')\n```\n\nOr, in case the API is broken or something, you can just go to the [TopicNet's page on Hugging Face]( and get the needed .csv files there.\n\n\n## Training a Topic Model\n\nHere we can finally get on the main part: making your own, best of them all, manually crafted Topic Model\n\n### Get Your Data\n\nWe need to load our previously prepared data with Dataset:\n\n```python\nDATASET_PATH = '/Wiki_raw_set/wiki_data.csv'\n\ndataset = Dataset(DATASET_PATH)\n```\n\n### Make an Initial Model\n\nIn case you want to start from a fresh model we suggest you use this code:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.model_constructor import init_simple_default_model\n\n\nartm_model = init_simple_default_model(\n    dataset=dataset,\n    modalities_to_use={'@lemmatized': 1.0, '@bigram':0.5},\n    main_modality='@lemmatized',\n    specific_topics=14,\n    background_topics=1,\n)\n```\n\nNote that here we have model with two modalities: `'@lemmatized'` and `'@bigram'`.\nFurther, if needed, one can define a custom score to be calculated during the model training.\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.models.base_score import BaseScore\n\n\nclass CustomScore(BaseScore):\n    def __init__(self):\n        super().__init__()\n\n    def call(self,\n             model,\n             eps=1e-5,\n             n_specific_topics=14):\n\n        phi = model.get_phi().values[:,:n_specific_topics]\n        specific_sparsity = np.sum(phi < eps) / np.sum(phi < 1)\n\n        return specific_sparsity\n```\n\nNow, `TopicModel` with custom score can be defined:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.models.topic_model import TopicModel\n\n\ncustom_scores = {'SpecificSparsity': CustomScore()}\ntopic_model = TopicModel(artm_model, model_id='Groot', custom_scores=custom_scores)\n```\n\n### Define an Experiment\n\nFor further model training and tuning `Experiment` is necessary:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.experiment import Experiment\n\n\nexperiment = Experiment(\n    experiment_id=\"simple_experiment\", save_path=\"experiments\", topic_model=topic_model\n)\n```\n\n### Toy with the Cubes\n\nDefining a next stage of the model training to select a decorrelator parameter:\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.cooking_machine.cubes import RegularizersModifierCube\n\n\nmy_first_cube = RegularizersModifierCube(\n    num_iter=5,\n    tracked_score_function='PerplexityScore@lemmatized',\n    regularizer_parameters={\n        'regularizer': artm.DecorrelatorPhiRegularizer(name='decorrelation_phi', tau=1),\n        'tau_grid': [0,1,2,3,4,5],\n    },\n    reg_search='grid',\n    verbose=True,\n)\n\nmy_first_cube(topic_model, dataset)\n```\n\nSelecting a model with best perplexity score:\n\n```python\nperplexity_criterion = 'PerplexityScore@lemmatized -> min COLLECT 1'\nbest_model =\n```\n\n### Alternatively: Use Recipes\n\nIf you need a topic model now, you can use one of the code snippets we call *recipes*.\n```python\nfrom import BaselineRecipe\n\n\nEXPERIMENT_PATH = '/home/user/experiment/'\n\ntraining_pipeline = BaselineRecipe()\ntraining_pipeline.format_recipe(dataset_path=DATASET_PATH)\nexperiment, dataset = training_pipeline.build_experiment_environment(\n    save_path=EXPERIMENT_PATH\n)\n```\nafter that you can expect a following result:\n![run_result](./docs/readme_images/experiment_train.gif)\n\n\n### View the Results\n\nBrowsing the model is easy: create a viewer and call its `view()` method (or `view_from_jupyter()` \u2014 it is advised to use it if working in Jupyter Notebook):\n\n```python\nfrom topicnet.viewers import TopTokensViewer\n\n\ntoptok_viewer = TopTokensViewer(best_model, num_top_tokens=10, method='phi')\ntoptok_viewer.view_from_jupyter()\n```\n\nMore info about different viewers is available here: [`viewers`](topicnet/viewers).\n\n# FAQ\n\n### In the example we used to write vw modality like **@modality**, is it a VowpalWabbit format?\n\nIt is a convention to write data designating modalities with @ sign taken by TopicNet from BigARTM.\n\n### CubeCreator helps to perform a grid search over initial model parameters. How can I do it with modalities?\n\nModality search space can be defined using standart library logic like:\n\n```python\nclass_ids_cube = CubeCreator(\n    num_iter=5,\n    parameters: [\n        name: 'class_ids',\n        values: {\n            '@text':   [1, 2, 3],\n            '@ngrams': [4, 5, 6],\n        },\n    ]\n    reg_search='grid',\n    verbose=True,\n)\n```\n\nHowever, for the case of modalities a couple of slightly more convenient methods are availiable:\n\n```python\nparameters : [\n    {\n        'name'  : 'class_ids@text',\n        'values': [1, 2, 3]\n    },\n    {\n        'name'  : 'class_ids@ngrams',\n        'values': [4, 5, 6]\n    }\n]\nparameters:[\n    {\n        'class_ids@text'  : [1, 2, 3],\n        'class_ids@ngrams': [4, 5, 6]\n    }\n]\n```\n\n# Contribution\n\nIf you find a bug, or if you would like the library to have some new features \u2014 you are welcome to contact us or create an issue or a pull request!\n\nIt also worth noting that TopicNet library is always open to improvements in several areas:\n\n* New custom regularizers.\n* New topic model scores.\n* New topic models or recipes to train topic models for a particular task/with some special properties.\n* New datasets (so as to make them available for everyone to download and conduct experiments with topic models).\n\n\n# Citing TopicNet\n\nWhen citing `topicnet` in academic papers and theses, please use this BibTeX entry:\n\n```\n@InProceedings{bulatov-EtAl:2020:LREC,\n  author    = {Bulatov, Victor  and  Alekseev, Vasiliy  and  Vorontsov, Konstantin  and  Polyudova, Darya  and  Veselova, Eugenia  and  Goncharov, Alexey  and  Egorov, Evgeny},\n  title     = {TopicNet: Making Additive Regularisation for Topic Modelling Accessible},\n  booktitle      = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},\n  month          = {May},\n  year           = {2020},\n  address        = {Marseille, France},\n  publisher      = {European Language Resources Association},\n  pages     = {6747--6754},\n  url       = {}\n}\n\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "TopicNet is a module for topic modelling using ARTM algorithm",
    "version": "0.9.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Download": "",
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " topic modeling",
        " regularization",
        " multimodal learning",
        " document vector representation"
    "urls": [
            "comment_text": "",
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            "downloads": -1,
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