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Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning library.
Use permitted according to the terms of use and conditions set by the attached license.
**Example of use**
Visit my Data Library at https://github.com/dkundih/DataLibrary in order to see the demonstration of use in practical examples.
# using pip.
pip install vandal
# using pip.
pip install vandal -r requirements.txt
<h3>GUI applications</h3>
vandal provides an option of being run within any terminal as a data science/machine learning application in the form of a GUI.
# terminal app entry choices for GUI apps.
python -m vandal -e montecarlogui / python -m vandal --entry montecarlogui
<h3>Terminal CLI application</h3>
vandal provides an option of being run within any terminal as a data science/machine learning application.
**Terminal options**
# terminal app options help.
python -m vandal -h / python -m vandal --help
# terminal app entry choices.
python -m vandal -e / python -m vandal --entry
# terminal app entry example.
python -m vandal -e montecarlo / python -m vandal --entry montecarlo
**Example use**
<b>TERMINAL USE #1</b>
**Example use**
<b>TERMINAL USE #1</b>
<b>TERMINAL USE #2</b>
<h3>Python library</h3>
vandal functions as a library that can be run in python/jupyter environment and also integrated in other libraries and projects.
# import the library.
import vandal
# library help.
# module/object help.
**Meta data**
# meta data (individual).
# all meta data.
**Library location**
# file location after installation.
**For whom is vandal made for?**
vandal is a Python library for Data science and Machine learning, designed to aid researchers and engineers to meet their goals with small effort.
**Why vandal?**
As a vandal gives abandoned walls meaning with graffiti, so does vandal library to the data.
**Is vandal free to use?**
vandal is completely free of charge for both personal and commercial use, but only under the conditions stated in the license. Developing such a complex library isn't easy and takes a lot of time and knowledge in several fields of science such as statistics, programming and domain knowledge, so any donation at https://patreon.com/dkundih or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dkundih in order to keep vandal free is more than welcome.
**A word from the author!**
The library itself, it's maintenance, updates and stability, logo, videos, promotional materials and everything associated with duality are done by **David Kundih** from **Croatia**.
<h1 align='center'> Hi! :wave:</h1>
<img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/BLUERED_GHiLI.jpg'/>
<p align='center'>
My name is <b>David Kundih</b> and I am a <b>Master of Engineering in Sustainable Mobility and Logistics</b>, currently specializing in <b>Digital Transformation of Traffic and Logistics using Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.</b>
<h4 align='center'>My latest projects:</h4>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://github.com/dkundih/promet-kc">promet-kc</p>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://github.com/dkundih/vandal">vandal</p>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://github.com/dkundih/duality">duality</p>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://github.com/dkundih/logistics">logistics</p>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://github.com/dkundih/unin">unin</a></p>
<h3 align='center'><i>People shine the brightest when they seek to understand what kind of love sustains them.</i></h3>
<p align='center'>
<a href="https://www.instagram.com/dkundih/"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/instagram.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/dkundih/"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/fb.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/dkundih/"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/linkedin.png"></a>
<a href="https://www.pypi.org/user/dkundih/"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/pypi.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dkundih"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/buymeacoffee.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/dkundih"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/patreon.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.behance.net/dkundih"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/behance.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Kundih"><img height="25" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/rg.jpg"></a>
**as alunari**
0.0.1 (16/08/2021)
- initial release.
0.0.2 (16/08/2021)
- reupload for functionality.
0.0.3 (16/08/2021)
- README update.
- LICENSE update.
- stability downgrade to 4 - Beta in order to provide more testing and feedback.
0.0.4 (17/08/2021)
- minor README update.
- functionality confirmed in testing environment (Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, JupyterLab, Google Colab).
0.0.5 (23/08/2021)
- minor README update with Documentation link changed.
1.0.0 (28/08/2021)
- first stable release.
- major functionality changes.
- reworked 2 functions (.stats is now .get_stats, .risk is now .get_risk).
- added 1 new function (.get_change).
- .documentation updated.
- .montecarlo.functions updated.
- developement status is now 5 - Production/Stable.
1.0.1 (28/08/2021)
- small repository update.
1.0.2 (28/08/2021)
- LICENSE website change.
- updated information in the functions.
1.1.0 (30/08/2021)
- README update.
- alunariTools class created to distinguish logistics tools and functions from original montecarlo class.
- created a counter of iterations to track live progress.
1.1.1 (31/08/2021)
- now requires alunariTools in order to provide less confusing code, done outside of the original function.
1.1.2 (09/09/2021)
- confirmed functionality in Sublime Text.
- added __name__ == '__main__' info.
- minor README update.
1.1.3 (10/09/2021)
- redefined documentation.
1.1.4 (13/09/2021)
- improved user experience and stability.
1.1.5 (13/09/2021)
- typo corrections.
1.1.6 (19/09/2021)
- adjustments to montecarlo.execute() following the dependency changes of alunariTools package.
- stability and functionality confirmed in repl.it environment.
1.1.7 (19/09/2021)
- dependencies bug fix.
1.1.8 (19/09/2021)
- upload bug fix.
1.1.9+ (22/09/2021)
- merge test.
1.2.0 (22/09/2021)
- alunari and alunariTools are now merged into alunari. Former alunariTools functions are now called with alunari.essence.
1.2.1+ (24/09/2021)
- EOQ setup test.
- montecarlo class is now Configuration.
1.3.1 (25/09/2021)
- major rework and functionality update.
- code structure redifined.
1.3.2 (26/09/2021)
- code structure redifined.
1.3.3 (26/09/2021)
- cleaner and better defined code.
- partial imports from the library instead of whole modules applied.
1.3.4 (26/09/2021)
- minor bug fix.
1.3.5 (27/09/2021)
- alunari.montecarlo.Configuration().get_risk() now works independently with it's unique simulation counter that is set to 5000 by default.
- alunari.montecarlo.Configuration.help() updated to match the changes made to the function.
1.3.6 (27/09/2021)
- dependencies updated to meet repl.it requirements.
1.3.7 (29/09/2021)
- Configuration function now prints the confirmation of the simulation set up.
1.3.7+ (11/10/2021)
- redefined hist() function test.
**as vandal**
0.0.1 (03/10/2021)
- initial release.
0.0.2 (03/10/2021)
- vandal replaces the functionality of the currently discarded alunari python package.
1.1.0 (11/10/2021)
- redefined code of .hist() function.
- added event log that tracks the execution time and duration of functions.
1.1.1 (11/10/2021)
- log tracking now applies on all relevant class functions.
2.0.0 (11/10/2021)
- vandal transcedents alunari versions by becoming v2+
2.0.1 (12/10/2021)
- minor tweaks to CHANGELOG and README
- .help() now properly shows requirements of .get_logs() function.
2.0.2+ (12/10/2021)
- photo added to the header.
2.0.3 (12/10/2021)
- confirmed stabile version after test.
2.1.0 (12/10/2021)
- republished.
2.1.1 (13/10/2021)
- replaced alunari with vandal where it was initially missed out.
- now propely applies highly fragmented dataframe warning removal for simulations over 102.
2.1.2 (13/10/2021)
- stability update.
2.1.3 (22/10/2021)
- EOQ implementation.
- vandal.essence renamed to vandal.hub.
- this is an unstable version that has yet to be tested.
2.2.0 (22/10/2021)
- confirmed stability.
2.2.1 (22/10/2021)
- README and flexibility update.
2.2.2 (28/10/2021)
- now properly shows CHANGELOG of discarded alunari package.
**as duality**
3.0.0 (03/11/2021)
- initial release
- now properly shows CHANGELOG of vandal package history.
3.0.1 (04/11/2021)
- code tweaks.
3.1.1 (06/11/2021)
- MonteCarlo and EOQ now automatically perform .execute() function.
- MonteCarlo.hist() now executes get_stats() alongside to get info about standard deviation.
- MonteCarlo and EOQ are now being imported as objects.
- global_functions removed and merged into meta folder.
3.1.1+ (06/11/2021)
- functionality tests.
3.1.2 (06/11/2021)
- complete redesign pushed to public.
3.1.3 (06/11/2021)
- initial import now imports hub module as well as associated contents in order to enable print(help(duality.hub)) function.
3.1.4 (07/11/2021)
- updated README.
3.1.5 (08/11/2021)
- untracked changes.
3.1.6 (12/11/2021) - not usable.
- code cleanup in hub and montecarlo modules.
3.1.7 (12/11/2021)
- quick bug fix.
3.1.8 (12/11/2021)
- sync with recent GitHub changes.
3.1.9 (13/11/2021)
- README style update.
3.2.0 (13/11/2021)
- return_data = True added into MonteCarlo object for decision of the time of execution manually.
3.2.1 (14/11/2021)
- setup.py redefined with metadata.
3.2.2 (17/11/2021)
- regular maintainance.
3.3.0 (19/11/2021) - UNSTABLE
- package now becomes a library.
- DEVELOPER MODE introduced.
- disables @classlog functions outside of DEVELOPER MODE.
- code readability improved.
- duality.hub.hub is now duality.hub.toolkit.
- eoq and montecarlo folders merged into objects folder.
- added support for import __all__ contents of a module.
3.3.2 (19/11/2021) - UNSTABLE
- republish and 3.3.1 ghost overwrite.
3.3.3 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE
- initial bug fix deployed.
3.3.4 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE
- additional bug fixes deployed.
3.3.5 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE
- additional bug fixes deployed.
- code readability improved.
3.3.6 (20/11/2021)
- confirmed functionality and stability.
3.3.7 (20/11/2021)
- code reconstruction.
3.4.0 (22/11/2021)
- NEW FEATURE: duality.Dijkstra algorithm.
3.4.1 (22/11/2021)
- minor code cleanup.
3.4.2 (22/11/2021)
- functionality confirmed.
3.4.3 (22/11/2021)
- upstream/downstream fix.
3.4.4 (01/12/2021)
- CLI environment setup.
3.5.0 (01/12/2021)
- CLI environment tests.
- demonstration repository now merged into duality.
- MonteCarlo, Dijsktra and EOQ no longer define the data, data config shifted to .execute() function of every object.
- CLI can now be executed in teminal using 'duality.__main__' for IDE or 'python __main__.py' for CMD or Powershell after locating with cd.
- stability of 3.5. series will not be guaranteed, it is a transitional phase for future integrations into applications and web applications.
3.5.1 (01/12/2021)
- CLI environment tests.
- code readablity improved.
3.5.2 (01/12/2021)
- CLI environment tests.
- dualityCLI integration into the source.
- CLI contents added into __all__ and __init__ files.
3.5.3 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- first functional CLI for MonteCarlo imlpemented.
- added saving to .csv, .xlsx and .json for out-of-terminal functions.
3.5.4 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- active tests.
3.5.5 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- bug fixes.
3.5.6 (01/12/2021)
- functionality resolved using pypyxl.
- duality.dualityCLI and python __main__.py now officially work.
3.5.7 (01/12/2021)
- added block = False to plt.show() in order to unlock further actions after a graph in dualityCLI.
3.5.8 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- cli code redefined and made user friendly.
- dualityCLI is now CLI.
3.5.9 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- now contains the executable CLI file with .exe extension within CLIexe folder.
- dualityCLI.exe v1.0 functionality equalized with 3.5.9 version of python __main__.py and duality.CLI()
3.5.10 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE
- dualityCLI.exe release postponed, use python __main__.py or duality.CLI() to execute.
3.5.11 (01/12/2021)
- dualityCLI.exe files removed from the package.
- CLIexeversion is now CLIversion.
3.5.12+ (02-03/12/2021)
- CLI v1.1 version replaces the CLI v1.0
- added menu and help actions to Dijkstra and EOQ until they become implemented.
- bugfix of MonteCarlo simulations being period and vice versa.
3.6.1 (03/12/2021) - STABLE
- CLI v1.21 version added.
- CLI stable after initial tests.
3.6.2 (04/12/2021) - STABLE
- CLI v1.22 version added.
- colored CLI functions.
- colorama added to dependencies.
- added clear screen after exiting clients.
3.6.4 (04/12/2021)
- skips ghost 3.6.3 version.
- CLI v1.23 version added.
- quick bugfix of executing greet() after cls in CLI.
**as vandal**
3.0.0 (27/12/2021)
- duality package merged back into vandal.
- perform_block added into graph() so it fits any IDE requirements in an agile way.
- requirements added to requirements.txt
3.0.1 (28/12/2021)
- code cleanup from previous versions.
- setup for introduction of duality decorators into DEVELOPER MODE.
- duality decorators set to test in public environment
3.1.0 (28/12/2021)
- confirmed functionality of the DEVELOPER MODE, reverted to basic user mode.
3.1.1 (30/12/2021)
- create_password() added to toolkit.
3.1.2, 3.1.3 (04/01/2022)
- return of cli module put to test as vandal.App.
3.2.0 (04/01/2022)
- confirmed vandal.App functionality.
- followup changes of duality decorators added to EOQ and Dijkstra.
3.2.1 (04/01/2022)
- vandal.cli renamed to vandal.app.
- CLIsets renamed to MC_testassets.
3.2.2 (07/01/2022)
- now imports duality particles for building a CLI.
3.2.3 (08/01/2022)
- recent duality changes fetched.
3.2.4 (25/01/2022)
- regular maintenance activities.
- create_password typo fixed.
- create_password now included in toolkit help option.
3.2.5 (25/01/2022)
- duality requirement 4.1.10 -> 4.1.11
- DEVELOPER MODE removed due to changes to duality package being only for static functions.
3.2.6 (25/01/2022)
- duality and colorama removed due to incoming argparse changes.
3.3.0 (26/01/2022)
- switch from App to argparse CLI put to test.
- App now marked as deprecated and will be set for removal after test confirmation.
- introduced save_to and file_handler features within toolkit.
3.3.1+ (26/01/2022)
- new test iterations.
3.4.0 (27/01/2022)
- new argparse application that leads to the Monte Carlo app put to test.
- old vandal.App moved to .deprecated.
3.4.1 (28/01/2022)
- confirmed functionality of Monte Carlo app.
- added an option to input values manually without having to provide a file.
- preparation for introduction of EOQ and Dijkstra modules for argparse integration.
3.4.2 (28/01/2022)
- fixed save_to bug, now properly saves change and values.
3.4.3 (28/01/2022)
- indent fix.
- fixed destination shown using save_to.
3.4.4 (28/01/2022)
- quick bug fix related to change save to file option.
3.4.5 (28/01/2022)
- floats allowed in manual input of values instead od integers only.
- fixed .csv file save location.
- redefined README.
- now supports both 'x,y' and 'x.y' format of decimal numbers in manual input.
3.4.6+ (29/01/2022) - UNSTABLE
- UX improved.
- coloring put to test.
3.5.0 (29/01/2022)
- final changes and put to test.
- LICENSE 2022. added.
3.5.1 (29/01/2022)
- followup changes after test.
- confirmed functionality.
3.5.2 (30/01/2022)
- code cleanup.
- README update.
3.5.3 (30/01/2022)
- colorama rework.
3.5.4 (09/02/2022)
- EOQ app put to test.
- APPversion moved to _misc.meta.
3.5.5 (09/02/2022)
- initial EOQ app tests passed.
- full CLI set to test.
3.5.6 (06/03/2022)
- regular maintenance.
3.6.0 (13/03/2022)
- set of changes deployed.
- code readability improved.
- many options set for testing.
3.6.1 (13/03/2022)
- minor tests.
3.6.2+ (14/03/2022)
- bug fixes.
3.6.5 (14/03/2022)
- new set of tests deployed.
3.6.6 (14/03/2022)
- ref_value_index is now ref_row.
- ref_col added to locate the index.
- now automatically transforms the dictionary into a pandas DataFrame.
- apps now create an output in yellow color, while the module printed options are green.
3.6.7 (22/03/2022)
- dict output redefined.
3.6.8 (23/03/2022)+ - UNSTABLE
- various tests.
3.7.0 (23/03/2022)
- plugins package with meta and types added.
- annotations and type hints updated.
- created generic, structured and complex types.
- now all Vandal package particles are assigned VandalType annotations.
3.7.1 (27/03/2022)
- __all__ is now a list of strings.
3.7.2 (30/03/2022)
- AnyType added.
3.7.3 (08/05/2022)
- colorama dependency resolved.
3.7.4 (07/06/2022)
- added duality 4.7.1 as a preparation step for CLI creation using the framework.
- plugins now imported from logistics package.
3.8.0 (07/06/2022)
- types split into logistics package.
3.8.1 (07/06/2022)
- imports update.
3.8.2 (07/06/2022)
- logistics 0.0.3 > 0.0.4
3.8.3 (11/06/2022)
- docstrings updated.
- new types added.
- types in init updated.
3.8.4 (13/06/2022)
- Manifesto added.
- special methods redefined.
- PEP8 alignments.
3.8.5 (13/06/2022)
- requirements upgrade.
3.8.6 (20/07/2022)
- MonteCarlo logic redefined.
- limits of MonteCarlo exponential increase removed.
3.8.7 (28/07/2022)
- introduced and added example module into hub with linear_regression function.
- aligned to logistics changes.
3.8.8 (28/07/2022)
- aligned to logistics changes.
3.8.9 (07/08/2022)
- paint_text added to toolkit.
- now also inits colorama colors before other packages to avoid conflicts.
3.8.10 (07/08/2022)
- changes to coloring policies.
- aligned paint_text to duality._paint_text changes.
3.8.11 (13/08/2022)
- aligned to recent logistics and duality changes.
4.0.0 (09/04/2023)
Hello everyone, I am back with great news after a few months:
- MonteCarlo now has a GUI. Call it as python -m vandal -e montecarlogui. It is in testing phase so stay patient.
4.0.9 (09/04/2023)
- Attempt on fixing GUI issues.
- Currently avalable through "python -m vandal -e montecarlogui" or manually running .pyw file from GitHub.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "http://github.com/dkundih/vandal",
"name": "vandal",
"maintainer": "David Kundih",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "kundihdavid@gmail.com",
"keywords": "data science,machine learning,data manipulation,artificial intelligence,AI,unin,duality,duality-py,duality.py,vandal,vandal-py,vandal.py",
"author": "David Kundih",
"author_email": "kundihdavid@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1e/15/9bbc30dcd1c60db1fa8c7c5192decdeea76c591b082ab9917a92c2334110/vandal-4.0.9.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "![vandal-header](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/vandal.jpg)\n\n[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/vandal?color=F43&label=Downloads&style=flat-square)](https://pypi.org/project/vandal)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/vandal?color=178&label=License&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/dkundih/vandal/blob/main/LICENSE)\n[![PyPi version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/vandal?color=178&&label=PyPi%20version&style=flat-square)](https://pypi.org/project/vandal)\n[![Python version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/vandal?color=178&label=Python%20version&style=flat-square)](https://pypi.org/project/vandal)\n[![Latest publish](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/dkundih/vandal?color=178&label=Latest%20publish&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/dkundih/vandal)\n[![Format](https://img.shields.io/pypi/format/vandal?color=178&label=Format&style=flat-square)](https://pypi.org/project/vandal)\n\nvandal\n=====\n\nData science, Data manipulation and Machine learning library.\nUse permitted according to the terms of use and conditions set by the attached license.\n\n**Example of use**\n\nVisit my Data Library at https://github.com/dkundih/DataLibrary in order to see the demonstration of use in practical examples.\n\n**Installation**\n\n```sh\n# using pip.\npip install vandal\n```\n\n**Dependencies**\n\n```sh\n# using pip.\npip install vandal -r requirements.txt\n```\n\n<h3>GUI applications</h3>\n\nvandal provides an option of being run within any terminal as a data science/machine learning application in the form of a GUI. \n\n```sh\n# terminal app entry choices for GUI apps.\npython -m vandal -e montecarlogui / python -m vandal --entry montecarlogui\n```\n\n<h3>Terminal CLI application</h3>\n\nvandal provides an option of being run within any terminal as a data science/machine learning application. \n\n**Terminal options**\n\n```sh\n# terminal app options help.\npython -m vandal -h / python -m vandal --help\n```\n\n```sh\n# terminal app entry choices.\npython -m vandal -e / python -m vandal --entry\n```\n\n```sh\n# terminal app entry example.\npython -m vandal -e montecarlo / python -m vandal --entry montecarlo\n```\n**Example use**\n\n<b>TERMINAL USE #1</b>\n![vandal-terminalgui](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/MCGUI.png)\n\n**Example use**\n\n<b>TERMINAL USE #1</b>\n![vandal-terminal1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/vandalCLI1.jpg)\n<b>TERMINAL USE #2</b>\n![vandal-terminal2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/vandalCLI2.jpg)\n<b>EXAMPLE GRAPH</b>\n![vandal-terminal3](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/vandalCLI3.jpeg)\n<b>EXAMPLE OUTPUT</b>\n![vandal-terminal4](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/vandal/master/_logistics/vandalCLI4.jpg)\n\n\n<h3>Python library</h3>\n\nvandal functions as a library that can be run in python/jupyter environment and also integrated in other libraries and projects.\n\n**Import**\n\n```sh\n# import the library.\nimport vandal\n```\n\n**Help**\n\n```sh\n# library help.\nprint(help(vandal))\n```\n\n```sh\n# module/object help.\nprint(help(vandal.MonteCarlo))\n```\n\n**Meta data**\n\n```sh\n# meta data (individual).\nprint(vandal.__version__)\n```\n\n```sh\n# all meta data.\nprint(help(vandal.misc._meta))\n```\n\n**Library location**\n\n```sh\n# file location after installation.\nprint(help(vandal.__file__))\n```\n\n**For whom is vandal made for?**\n\nvandal is a Python library for Data science and Machine learning, designed to aid researchers and engineers to meet their goals with small effort.\n\n**Why vandal?**\n\nAs a vandal gives abandoned walls meaning with graffiti, so does vandal library to the data.\n\n**Is vandal free to use?**\n\nvandal is completely free of charge for both personal and commercial use, but only under the conditions stated in the license. Developing such a complex library isn't easy and takes a lot of time and knowledge in several fields of science such as statistics, programming and domain knowledge, so any donation at https://patreon.com/dkundih or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dkundih in order to keep vandal free is more than welcome.\n\n**A word from the author!**\n\nThe library itself, it's maintenance, updates and stability, logo, videos, promotional materials and everything associated with duality are done by **David Kundih** from **Croatia**.\n\n<h1 align='center'> Hi! :wave:</h1>\n \n<img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/BLUERED_GHiLI.jpg'/>\n\n<p align='center'>\nMy name is <b>David Kundih</b> and I am a <b>Master of Engineering in Sustainable Mobility and Logistics</b>, currently specializing in <b>Digital Transformation of Traffic and Logistics using Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.</b>\n</p>\n \n<h4 align='center'>My latest projects:</h4>\n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/dkundih/promet-kc\">promet-kc</p>\n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/dkundih/vandal\">vandal</p> \n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/dkundih/duality\">duality</p> \n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/dkundih/logistics\">logistics</p> \n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/dkundih/unin\">unin</a></p>\n</p>\n\n<h3 align='center'><i>People shine the brightest when they seek to understand what kind of love sustains them.</i></h3>\n\n<p align='center'>\n<a href=\"https://www.instagram.com/dkundih/\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/instagram.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/dkundih/\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/fb.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/dkundih/\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/linkedin.png\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.pypi.org/user/dkundih/\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/pypi.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dkundih\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/buymeacoffee.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.patreon.com/dkundih\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/patreon.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.behance.net/dkundih\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/behance.jpg\"></a>\n<a href=\"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Kundih\"><img height=\"25\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkundih/dkundih/main/.logistics/rg.jpg\"></a>\n\n\nCHANGELOG \n==========\n\n**as alunari**\n\n0.0.1 (16/08/2021)\n- initial release.\n\n0.0.2 (16/08/2021)\n- reupload for functionality.\n\n0.0.3 (16/08/2021)\n- README update.\n- LICENSE update.\n- stability downgrade to 4 - Beta in order to provide more testing and feedback.\n\n0.0.4 (17/08/2021)\n- minor README update.\n- functionality confirmed in testing environment (Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, JupyterLab, Google Colab).\n\n0.0.5 (23/08/2021)\n- minor README update with Documentation link changed.\n\n1.0.0 (28/08/2021)\n- first stable release.\n- major functionality changes.\n- reworked 2 functions (.stats is now .get_stats, .risk is now .get_risk).\n- added 1 new function (.get_change).\n- .documentation updated.\n- .montecarlo.functions updated.\n- developement status is now 5 - Production/Stable.\n\n1.0.1 (28/08/2021)\n- small repository update.\n\n1.0.2 (28/08/2021)\n- LICENSE website change.\n- updated information in the functions.\n\n1.1.0 (30/08/2021)\n- README update.\n- alunariTools class created to distinguish logistics tools and functions from original montecarlo class.\n- created a counter of iterations to track live progress.\n\n1.1.1 (31/08/2021)\n- now requires alunariTools in order to provide less confusing code, done outside of the original function.\n\n1.1.2 (09/09/2021)\n- confirmed functionality in Sublime Text.\n- added __name__ == '__main__' info.\n- minor README update.\n\n1.1.3 (10/09/2021)\n- redefined documentation.\n\n1.1.4 (13/09/2021)\n- improved user experience and stability.\n\n1.1.5 (13/09/2021)\n- typo corrections.\n\n1.1.6 (19/09/2021)\n- adjustments to montecarlo.execute() following the dependency changes of alunariTools package.\n- stability and functionality confirmed in repl.it environment.\n\n1.1.7 (19/09/2021)\n- dependencies bug fix.\n\n1.1.8 (19/09/2021)\n- upload bug fix.\n\n1.1.9+ (22/09/2021)\n- merge test.\n\n1.2.0 (22/09/2021)\n- alunari and alunariTools are now merged into alunari. Former alunariTools functions are now called with alunari.essence.\n\n1.2.1+ (24/09/2021)\n- EOQ setup test.\n- montecarlo class is now Configuration.\n\n1.3.1 (25/09/2021)\n- major rework and functionality update.\n- code structure redifined.\n\n1.3.2 (26/09/2021)\n- code structure redifined.\n\n1.3.3 (26/09/2021)\n- cleaner and better defined code.\n- partial imports from the library instead of whole modules applied.\n\n1.3.4 (26/09/2021)\n- minor bug fix.\n\n1.3.5 (27/09/2021)\n- alunari.montecarlo.Configuration().get_risk() now works independently with it's unique simulation counter that is set to 5000 by default.\n- alunari.montecarlo.Configuration.help() updated to match the changes made to the function.\n\n1.3.6 (27/09/2021)\n- dependencies updated to meet repl.it requirements.\n\n1.3.7 (29/09/2021)\n- Configuration function now prints the confirmation of the simulation set up.\n\n1.3.7+ (11/10/2021)\n- redefined hist() function test.\n\n**as vandal**\n\n0.0.1 (03/10/2021)\n- initial release.\n\n0.0.2 (03/10/2021)\n- vandal replaces the functionality of the currently discarded alunari python package.\n\n1.1.0 (11/10/2021)\n- redefined code of .hist() function.\n- added event log that tracks the execution time and duration of functions.\n\n1.1.1 (11/10/2021)\n- log tracking now applies on all relevant class functions.\n\n2.0.0 (11/10/2021)\n- vandal transcedents alunari versions by becoming v2+\n\n2.0.1 (12/10/2021)\n- minor tweaks to CHANGELOG and README\n- .help() now properly shows requirements of .get_logs() function.\n\n2.0.2+ (12/10/2021)\n- photo added to the header.\n\n2.0.3 (12/10/2021)\n- confirmed stabile version after test.\n\n2.1.0 (12/10/2021)\n- republished.\n\n2.1.1 (13/10/2021)\n- replaced alunari with vandal where it was initially missed out.\n- now propely applies highly fragmented dataframe warning removal for simulations over 102.\n\n2.1.2 (13/10/2021)\n- stability update.\n\n2.1.3 (22/10/2021)\n- EOQ implementation.\n- vandal.essence renamed to vandal.hub.\n- this is an unstable version that has yet to be tested.\n\n2.2.0 (22/10/2021)\n- confirmed stability.\n\n2.2.1 (22/10/2021)\n- README and flexibility update.\n\n2.2.2 (28/10/2021)\n- now properly shows CHANGELOG of discarded alunari package.\n\n**as duality**\n\n3.0.0 (03/11/2021)\n- initial release\n- now properly shows CHANGELOG of vandal package history.\n\n3.0.1 (04/11/2021)\n- code tweaks.\n\n3.1.1 (06/11/2021)\n- MonteCarlo and EOQ now automatically perform .execute() function.\n- MonteCarlo.hist() now executes get_stats() alongside to get info about standard deviation.\n- MonteCarlo and EOQ are now being imported as objects.\n- global_functions removed and merged into meta folder.\n\n3.1.1+ (06/11/2021)\n- functionality tests.\n\n3.1.2 (06/11/2021)\n- complete redesign pushed to public.\n\n3.1.3 (06/11/2021)\n- initial import now imports hub module as well as associated contents in order to enable print(help(duality.hub)) function.\n\n3.1.4 (07/11/2021)\n- updated README.\n\n3.1.5 (08/11/2021)\n- untracked changes.\n\n3.1.6 (12/11/2021) - not usable.\n- code cleanup in hub and montecarlo modules.\n\n3.1.7 (12/11/2021)\n- quick bug fix.\n\n3.1.8 (12/11/2021)\n- sync with recent GitHub changes.\n\n3.1.9 (13/11/2021)\n- README style update.\n\n3.2.0 (13/11/2021)\n- return_data = True added into MonteCarlo object for decision of the time of execution manually.\n\n3.2.1 (14/11/2021)\n- setup.py redefined with metadata.\n\n3.2.2 (17/11/2021)\n- regular maintainance.\n\n3.3.0 (19/11/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- package now becomes a library.\n- DEVELOPER MODE introduced.\n- disables @classlog functions outside of DEVELOPER MODE.\n- code readability improved.\n- duality.hub.hub is now duality.hub.toolkit.\n- eoq and montecarlo folders merged into objects folder.\n- added support for import __all__ contents of a module.\n\n3.3.2 (19/11/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- republish and 3.3.1 ghost overwrite.\n\n3.3.3 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- initial bug fix deployed.\n\n3.3.4 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- additional bug fixes deployed.\n\n3.3.5 (20/11/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- additional bug fixes deployed.\n- code readability improved.\n\n3.3.6 (20/11/2021)\n- confirmed functionality and stability.\n\n3.3.7 (20/11/2021)\n- code reconstruction.\n\n3.4.0 (22/11/2021)\n- NEW FEATURE: duality.Dijkstra algorithm.\n\n3.4.1 (22/11/2021)\n- minor code cleanup.\n\n3.4.2 (22/11/2021)\n- functionality confirmed.\n\n3.4.3 (22/11/2021)\n- upstream/downstream fix.\n\n3.4.4 (01/12/2021)\n- CLI environment setup.\n\n3.5.0 (01/12/2021)\n- CLI environment tests.\n- demonstration repository now merged into duality.\n- MonteCarlo, Dijsktra and EOQ no longer define the data, data config shifted to .execute() function of every object.\n- CLI can now be executed in teminal using 'duality.__main__' for IDE or 'python __main__.py' for CMD or Powershell after locating with cd.\n- stability of 3.5. series will not be guaranteed, it is a transitional phase for future integrations into applications and web applications.\n\n3.5.1 (01/12/2021)\n- CLI environment tests.\n- code readablity improved.\n\n3.5.2 (01/12/2021)\n- CLI environment tests.\n- dualityCLI integration into the source.\n- CLI contents added into __all__ and __init__ files.\n\n3.5.3 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- first functional CLI for MonteCarlo imlpemented.\n- added saving to .csv, .xlsx and .json for out-of-terminal functions.\n\n3.5.4 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- active tests.\n\n3.5.5 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- bug fixes.\n\n3.5.6 (01/12/2021)\n- functionality resolved using pypyxl.\n- duality.dualityCLI and python __main__.py now officially work.\n\n3.5.7 (01/12/2021)\n- added block = False to plt.show() in order to unlock further actions after a graph in dualityCLI.\n\n3.5.8 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- cli code redefined and made user friendly.\n- dualityCLI is now CLI.\n\n3.5.9 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- now contains the executable CLI file with .exe extension within CLIexe folder.\n- dualityCLI.exe v1.0 functionality equalized with 3.5.9 version of python __main__.py and duality.CLI()\n\n3.5.10 (01/12/2021) - UNSTABLE\n- dualityCLI.exe release postponed, use python __main__.py or duality.CLI() to execute.\n\n3.5.11 (01/12/2021)\n- dualityCLI.exe files removed from the package.\n- CLIexeversion is now CLIversion.\n\n3.5.12+ (02-03/12/2021)\n- CLI v1.1 version replaces the CLI v1.0\n- added menu and help actions to Dijkstra and EOQ until they become implemented.\n- bugfix of MonteCarlo simulations being period and vice versa.\n\n3.6.1 (03/12/2021) - STABLE\n- CLI v1.21 version added.\n- CLI stable after initial tests.\n\n3.6.2 (04/12/2021) - STABLE\n- CLI v1.22 version added.\n- colored CLI functions.\n- colorama added to dependencies.\n- added clear screen after exiting clients.\n\n3.6.4 (04/12/2021)\n- skips ghost 3.6.3 version.\n- CLI v1.23 version added.\n- quick bugfix of executing greet() after cls in CLI.\n\n**as vandal**\n\n3.0.0 (27/12/2021)\n- duality package merged back into vandal.\n- perform_block added into graph() so it fits any IDE requirements in an agile way.\n- requirements added to requirements.txt\n\n3.0.1 (28/12/2021)\n- code cleanup from previous versions.\n- setup for introduction of duality decorators into DEVELOPER MODE.\n\n3.0.2 (28/12/2021) - DEVELOPER MODE TEST (IGNORE THIS VERSION!)\n- duality decorators set to test in public environment\n\n3.1.0 (28/12/2021)\n- confirmed functionality of the DEVELOPER MODE, reverted to basic user mode.\n\n3.1.1 (30/12/2021)\n- create_password() added to toolkit.\n\n3.1.2, 3.1.3 (04/01/2022)\n- return of cli module put to test as vandal.App.\n\n3.2.0 (04/01/2022)\n- confirmed vandal.App functionality.\n- followup changes of duality decorators added to EOQ and Dijkstra.\n\n3.2.1 (04/01/2022)\n- vandal.cli renamed to vandal.app.\n- CLIsets renamed to MC_testassets.\n\n3.2.2 (07/01/2022)\n- now imports duality particles for building a CLI. \n\n3.2.3 (08/01/2022)\n- recent duality changes fetched.\n\n3.2.4 (25/01/2022)\n- regular maintenance activities.\n- create_password typo fixed.\n- create_password now included in toolkit help option.\n\n3.2.5 (25/01/2022)\n- duality requirement 4.1.10 -> 4.1.11\n- DEVELOPER MODE removed due to changes to duality package being only for static functions.\n\n3.2.6 (25/01/2022)\n- duality and colorama removed due to incoming argparse changes.\n\n3.3.0 (26/01/2022)\n- switch from App to argparse CLI put to test.\n- App now marked as deprecated and will be set for removal after test confirmation.\n- introduced save_to and file_handler features within toolkit.\n\n3.3.1+ (26/01/2022)\n- new test iterations.\n\n3.4.0 (27/01/2022)\n- new argparse application that leads to the Monte Carlo app put to test.\n- old vandal.App moved to .deprecated.\n\n3.4.1 (28/01/2022)\n- confirmed functionality of Monte Carlo app.\n- added an option to input values manually without having to provide a file.\n- preparation for introduction of EOQ and Dijkstra modules for argparse integration.\n\n3.4.2 (28/01/2022)\n- fixed save_to bug, now properly saves change and values.\n\n3.4.3 (28/01/2022)\n- indent fix.\n- fixed destination shown using save_to.\n\n3.4.4 (28/01/2022) \n- quick bug fix related to change save to file option.\n\n3.4.5 (28/01/2022)\n- floats allowed in manual input of values instead od integers only.\n- fixed .csv file save location.\n- redefined README.\n- now supports both 'x,y' and 'x.y' format of decimal numbers in manual input.\n\n3.4.6+ (29/01/2022) - UNSTABLE\n- UX improved.\n- coloring put to test.\n\n3.5.0 (29/01/2022)\n- final changes and put to test.\n- LICENSE 2022. added.\n\n3.5.1 (29/01/2022)\n- followup changes after test.\n- confirmed functionality.\n\n3.5.2 (30/01/2022)\n- code cleanup.\n- README update.\n\n3.5.3 (30/01/2022)\n- colorama rework.\n\n3.5.4 (09/02/2022)\n- EOQ app put to test.\n- APPversion moved to _misc.meta.\n\n3.5.5 (09/02/2022)\n- initial EOQ app tests passed.\n- full CLI set to test.\n\n3.5.6 (06/03/2022)\n- regular maintenance.\n\n3.6.0 (13/03/2022)\n- set of changes deployed.\n- code readability improved.\n- many options set for testing.\n\n3.6.1 (13/03/2022)\n- minor tests.\n\n3.6.2+ (14/03/2022)\n- bug fixes.\n\n3.6.5 (14/03/2022)\n- new set of tests deployed.\n\n3.6.6 (14/03/2022)\n- ref_value_index is now ref_row.\n- ref_col added to locate the index.\n- now automatically transforms the dictionary into a pandas DataFrame.\n- apps now create an output in yellow color, while the module printed options are green.\n\n3.6.7 (22/03/2022)\n- dict output redefined.\n\n3.6.8 (23/03/2022)+ - UNSTABLE\n- various tests.\n\n3.7.0 (23/03/2022)\n- plugins package with meta and types added.\n- annotations and type hints updated.\n- created generic, structured and complex types.\n- now all Vandal package particles are assigned VandalType annotations.\n\n3.7.1 (27/03/2022)\n- __all__ is now a list of strings.\n\n3.7.2 (30/03/2022)\n- AnyType added.\n\n3.7.3 (08/05/2022)\n- colorama dependency resolved.\n\n3.7.4 (07/06/2022)\n- added duality 4.7.1 as a preparation step for CLI creation using the framework.\n- plugins now imported from logistics package.\n\n3.8.0 (07/06/2022)\n- types split into logistics package.\n\n3.8.1 (07/06/2022)\n- imports update.\n\n3.8.2 (07/06/2022)\n- logistics 0.0.3 > 0.0.4\n\n3.8.3 (11/06/2022)\n- docstrings updated.\n- new types added.\n- types in init updated.\n\n3.8.4 (13/06/2022)\n- Manifesto added.\n- special methods redefined.\n- PEP8 alignments.\n\n3.8.5 (13/06/2022)\n- requirements upgrade.\n\n3.8.6 (20/07/2022)\n- MonteCarlo logic redefined.\n- limits of MonteCarlo exponential increase removed.\n\n3.8.7 (28/07/2022)\n- introduced and added example module into hub with linear_regression function.\n- aligned to logistics changes.\n\n3.8.8 (28/07/2022)\n- aligned to logistics changes.\n\n3.8.9 (07/08/2022)\n- paint_text added to toolkit.\n- now also inits colorama colors before other packages to avoid conflicts.\n\n3.8.10 (07/08/2022)\n- changes to coloring policies.\n- aligned paint_text to duality._paint_text changes.\n\n3.8.11 (13/08/2022)\n- aligned to recent logistics and duality changes.\n\n4.0.0 (09/04/2023)\nHello everyone, I am back with great news after a few months:\n- MonteCarlo now has a GUI. Call it as python -m vandal -e montecarlogui. It is in testing phase so stay patient.\n\n4.0.9 (09/04/2023)\n- Attempt on fixing GUI issues. \n- Currently avalable through \"python -m vandal -e montecarlogui\" or manually running .pyw file from GitHub.",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "Apache Software License",
"summary": "Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning library.",
"version": "4.0.9",
"split_keywords": [
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"machine learning",
"data manipulation",
"artificial intelligence",
"urls": [
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"upload_time": "2023-04-09T08:30:11",
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"url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1e/15/9bbc30dcd1c60db1fa8c7c5192decdeea76c591b082ab9917a92c2334110/vandal-4.0.9.tar.gz",
"yanked": false,
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"upload_time": "2023-04-09 08:30:11",
"github": true,
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"github_project": "vandal",
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"lcname": "vandal"