Name | verbecc JSON |
Version |
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Summary | Verbs Completely Conjugated: machine learning conjugator for Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish |
upload_time | 2024-01-05 19:54:46 |
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docs_url | None |
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requires_python | >=3.8 |
license | GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. 0. Additional Definitions. As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library. A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked Version". The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. 2. Conveying Modified Versions. If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified version: a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy. 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. 4. Combined Works. You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of the following: a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. d) Do one of the following: 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source. 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked Version. e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.) 5. Combined Libraries. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the Library. |
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# Python library for verb conjugation in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Catalan, enhanced by machine learning
- `verbecc` python library
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##### [EN] Verbs completely conjugated: verb conjugations for French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian and Catalan, enhanced by machine learning
##### [CA] Verbs completament conjugats: conjugacions verbals per a francès, espanyol, portuguès, italià, romanès i català, millorades per l'aprenentatge automàtic
##### [ES] Verbos completamente conjugados: conjugaciones de verbos en francés, español, portugués, italiano, rumano y catalán, mejoradas por aprendizaje automático
##### [FR] Verbes complètement conjugués: conjugaisons des verbes français, espagnol, portugais, italien, roumain et catalan, à l'aide de l'apprentissage automatique
##### [IT] Verbi completamente coniugati: coniugazioni di verbi per francese, spagnolo, portoghese, italiano, rumeno e catalano, migliorate dall'apprendimento automatico
##### [PT] Verbos completamente conjugados: conjugações verbais para francês, espanhol, português, italiano, romeno e catalão, aprimoradas pelo aprendizado de máquina
##### [RO] Verbe complet conjugate: conjugări de verbe pentru franceză, spaniolă, portugheză, italiană, română și catalană, îmbunătățite de învățarea automată
### Live Demo
- [Web GUI](
- [HTTP API : /verbecc/conjugate/fr/manger](
### Features
* Conjugate verbs in six romance languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Catalan
* Uses machine learning techniques to predict conjugation of unknown verbs with 99% accurracy
* Includes both simple and compound conjugations
* Unit-tested
* Continuous integration with GitLab CI/CD pipeline
* Dependencies: `scikit-learn`, `lxml`
### Quick Start
git clone
cd verbecc
pip install .
### Examples
In the following examples, the following function will be used to make the output more readable:
import json
def printjson(c):
print(json.dumps(c, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
### Conjugation Example: French `manger` (to eat)
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='fr') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train,
# but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently
>>> cg.conjugate('manger')
{'verb': {'infinitive': 'manger', 'predicted': False, 'pred_score': 1.0, 'template': 'man:ger', 'translation_en': 'eat', 'stem': 'man'}, 'moods': {'infinitif': {'infinitif-présent': ['manger']}, 'indicatif': {'présent': ['je mange', 'tu manges', 'il mange', 'nous mangeons', 'vous mangez', 'ils mangent'], 'imparfait': ['je mangeais', 'tu mangeais', 'il mangeait', 'nous mangions', 'vous mangiez', 'ils mangeaient'], 'futur-simple': ['je mangerai', 'tu mangeras', 'il mangera', 'nous mangerons', 'vous mangerez', 'ils mangeront'], 'passé-simple': ['je mangeai', 'tu mangeas', 'il mangea', 'nous mangeâmes', 'vous mangeâtes', 'ils mangèrent'], 'passé-composé': ["j'ai mangé", 'tu as mangé', 'il a mangé', 'nous avons mangé', 'vous avez mangé', 'ils ont mangé'], 'plus-que-parfait': ["j'avais mangé", 'tu avais mangé', 'il avait mangé', 'nous avions mangé', 'vous aviez mangé', 'ils avaient mangé'], 'futur-antérieur': ["j'aurai mangé", 'tu auras mangé', 'il aura mangé', 'nous aurons mangé', 'vous aurez mangé', 'ils auront mangé'], 'passé-antérieur': ["j'eus mangé", 'tu eus mangé', 'il eut mangé', 'nous eûmes mangé', 'vous eûtes mangé', 'ils eurent mangé']}, 'conditionnel': {'présent': ['je mangerais', 'tu mangerais', 'il mangerait', 'nous mangerions', 'vous mangeriez', 'ils mangeraient'], 'passé': ["j'aurais mangé", 'tu aurais mangé', 'il aurait mangé', 'nous aurions mangé', 'vous auriez mangé', 'ils auraient mangé']}, 'subjonctif': {'présent': ['que je mange', 'que tu manges', "qu'il mange", 'que nous mangions', 'que vous mangiez', "qu'ils mangent"], 'imparfait': ['que je mangeasse', 'que tu mangeasses', "qu'il mangeât", 'que nous mangeassions', 'que vous mangeassiez', "qu'ils mangeassent"], 'passé': ["que j'aie mangé", 'que tu aies mangé', "qu'il ait mangé", 'que nous ayons mangé', 'que vous ayez mangé', "qu'ils aient mangé"], 'plus-que-parfait': ["que j'eusse mangé", 'que tu eusses mangé', "qu'il eût mangé", 'que nous eussions mangé', 'que vous eussiez mangé', "qu'ils eussent mangé"]}, 'imperatif': {'imperatif-présent': ['mange', 'mangeons', 'mangez'], 'imperatif-passé': ['aie mangé', 'ayons mangé', 'ayez mangé']}, 'participe': {'participe-présent': ['mangeant'], 'participe-passé': ['mangé', 'mangés', 'mangée', 'mangées']}}}
>>> # ok now let's make it more readable
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('manger'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "manger",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": "man:ger",
"translation_en": "eat",
"stem": "man"
"moods": {
"infinitif": {
"infinitif-présent": [
"indicatif": {
"présent": [
"je mange",
"tu manges",
"il mange",
"nous mangeons",
"vous mangez",
"ils mangent"
"imparfait": [
"je mangeais",
"tu mangeais",
"il mangeait",
"nous mangions",
"vous mangiez",
"ils mangeaient"
"futur-simple": [
"je mangerai",
"tu mangeras",
"il mangera",
"nous mangerons",
"vous mangerez",
"ils mangeront"
"passé-simple": [
"je mangeai",
"tu mangeas",
"il mangea",
"nous mangeâmes",
"vous mangeâtes",
"ils mangèrent"
"passé-composé": [
"j'ai mangé",
"tu as mangé",
"il a mangé",
"nous avons mangé",
"vous avez mangé",
"ils ont mangé"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"j'avais mangé",
"tu avais mangé",
"il avait mangé",
"nous avions mangé",
"vous aviez mangé",
"ils avaient mangé"
"futur-antérieur": [
"j'aurai mangé",
"tu auras mangé",
"il aura mangé",
"nous aurons mangé",
"vous aurez mangé",
"ils auront mangé"
"passé-antérieur": [
"j'eus mangé",
"tu eus mangé",
"il eut mangé",
"nous eûmes mangé",
"vous eûtes mangé",
"ils eurent mangé"
"conditionnel": {
"présent": [
"je mangerais",
"tu mangerais",
"il mangerait",
"nous mangerions",
"vous mangeriez",
"ils mangeraient"
"passé": [
"j'aurais mangé",
"tu aurais mangé",
"il aurait mangé",
"nous aurions mangé",
"vous auriez mangé",
"ils auraient mangé"
"subjonctif": {
"présent": [
"que je mange",
"que tu manges",
"qu'il mange",
"que nous mangions",
"que vous mangiez",
"qu'ils mangent"
"imparfait": [
"que je mangeasse",
"que tu mangeasses",
"qu'il mangeât",
"que nous mangeassions",
"que vous mangeassiez",
"qu'ils mangeassent"
"passé": [
"que j'aie mangé",
"que tu aies mangé",
"qu'il ait mangé",
"que nous ayons mangé",
"que vous ayez mangé",
"qu'ils aient mangé"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"que j'eusse mangé",
"que tu eusses mangé",
"qu'il eût mangé",
"que nous eussions mangé",
"que vous eussiez mangé",
"qu'ils eussent mangé"
"imperatif": {
"imperatif-présent": [
"imperatif-passé": [
"aie mangé",
"ayons mangé",
"ayez mangé"
"participe": {
"participe-présent": [
"participe-passé": [
>>> c['moods']['indicatif']['présent']
['je mange', 'tu manges', 'il mange', 'nous mangeons', 'vous mangez', 'ils mangent']
>>> c['moods'].keys()
dict_keys(['infinitif', 'indicatif', 'conditionnel', 'subjonctif', 'imperatif', 'participe'])
>>> c['moods']['indicatif'].keys()
dict_keys(['présent', 'imparfait', 'futur-simple', 'passé-simple', 'passé-composé', 'plus-que-parfait', 'futur-antérieur', 'passé-antérieur'])
>>> c['moods']['subjonctif'].keys()
dict_keys(['présent', 'imparfait', 'passé', 'plus-que-parfait'])
### ML Prediction Conjugation Example: French `uberiser` (to _Uberize_)
In this example, we will conjugate a verb that `verbecc` doesn't explicitly know. The conjugation will be predicted using a machine-learning model trained on `verbecc`'s French verb conjugation data XML models.
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ubériser'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "ubériser",
"predicted": true,
"pred_score": 0.9997949959188503,
"template": "aim:er",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": "ubéris"
"moods": {
"infinitif": {
"infinitif-présent": [
"indicatif": {
"présent": [
"tu ubérises",
"il ubérise",
"nous ubérisons",
"vous ubérisez",
"ils ubérisent"
"imparfait": [
"tu ubérisais",
"il ubérisait",
"nous ubérisions",
"vous ubérisiez",
"ils ubérisaient"
"futur-simple": [
"tu ubériseras",
"il ubérisera",
"nous ubériserons",
"vous ubériserez",
"ils ubériseront"
"passé-simple": [
"tu ubérisas",
"il ubérisa",
"nous ubérisâmes",
"vous ubérisâtes",
"ils ubérisèrent"
"passé-composé": [
"j'ai ubérisé",
"tu as ubérisé",
"il a ubérisé",
"nous avons ubérisé",
"vous avez ubérisé",
"ils ont ubérisé"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"j'avais ubérisé",
"tu avais ubérisé",
"il avait ubérisé",
"nous avions ubérisé",
"vous aviez ubérisé",
"ils avaient ubérisé"
"futur-antérieur": [
"j'aurai ubérisé",
"tu auras ubérisé",
"il aura ubérisé",
"nous aurons ubérisé",
"vous aurez ubérisé",
"ils auront ubérisé"
"passé-antérieur": [
"j'eus ubérisé",
"tu eus ubérisé",
"il eut ubérisé",
"nous eûmes ubérisé",
"vous eûtes ubérisé",
"ils eurent ubérisé"
"conditionnel": {
"présent": [
"tu ubériserais",
"il ubériserait",
"nous ubériserions",
"vous ubériseriez",
"ils ubériseraient"
"passé": [
"j'aurais ubérisé",
"tu aurais ubérisé",
"il aurait ubérisé",
"nous aurions ubérisé",
"vous auriez ubérisé",
"ils auraient ubérisé"
"subjonctif": {
"présent": [
"que j'ubérise",
"que tu ubérises",
"qu'il ubérise",
"que nous ubérisions",
"que vous ubérisiez",
"qu'ils ubérisent"
"imparfait": [
"que j'ubérisasse",
"que tu ubérisasses",
"qu'il ubérisât",
"que nous ubérisassions",
"que vous ubérisassiez",
"qu'ils ubérisassent"
"passé": [
"que j'aie ubérisé",
"que tu aies ubérisé",
"qu'il ait ubérisé",
"que nous ayons ubérisé",
"que vous ayez ubérisé",
"qu'ils aient ubérisé"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"que j'eusse ubérisé",
"que tu eusses ubérisé",
"qu'il eût ubérisé",
"que nous eussions ubérisé",
"que vous eussiez ubérisé",
"qu'ils eussent ubérisé"
"imperatif": {
"imperatif-présent": [
"imperatif-passé": [
"aie ubérisé",
"ayons ubérisé",
"ayez ubérisé"
"participe": {
"participe-présent": [
"participe-passé": [
### Example: Multi-Language Conjugation
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> Conjugator('fr').conjugate('etre')['moods']['indicatif']['présent']
['je suis', 'tu es', 'il est', 'nous sommes', 'vous êtes', 'ils sont']
>>> Conjugator('es').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']
['yo soy', 'tú eres', 'él es', 'nosotros somos', 'vosotros sois', 'ellos son']
>>> Conjugator('pt').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']
['eu sou', 'tu és', 'ele é', 'nós somos', 'vós sois', 'eles são']
>>> Conjugator('ca').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicatiu']['present']
['jo sóc', 'tu ets', 'ell és', 'nosaltres som', 'vosaltres sou', 'ells són']
>>> Conjugator('it').conjugate('essere')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']
['io sono', 'tu sei', 'lui è', 'noi siamo', 'voi siete', 'loro sono']
>>> Conjugator('ro').conjugate('fi')['moods']['indicativ']['prezent']
['eu sunt', 'tu ești', 'el e', 'noi suntem', 'voi sunteţi', 'ei sunt']
### Example: Multi-Language Conjugation using English mood and tense names via `localization` module
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> from verbecc.localization import xmood, xtense
>>> def xconj(lang, infinitive, mood, tense):
... return Conjugator(lang).conjugate(infinitive)['moods'][xmood(lang, mood)][xtense(lang, tense)]
>>> xconj('fr', 'etre', 'indicative', 'present')
['je suis', 'tu es', 'il est', 'nous sommes', 'vous êtes', 'ils sont']
>>> xconj('es', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')
['yo soy', 'tú eres', 'él es', 'nosotros somos', 'vosotros sois', 'ellos son']
>>> xconj('pt', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')
['eu sou', 'tu és', 'ele é', 'nós somos', 'vós sois', 'eles são']
>>> xconj('ca', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')
['jo sóc', 'tu ets', 'ell és', 'nosaltres som', 'vosaltres sou', 'ells són']
>>> xconj('it', 'essere', 'indicative', 'present')
['io sono', 'tu sei', 'lui è', 'noi siamo', 'voi siete', 'loro sono']
>>> xconj('ro', 'fi', 'indicative', 'present')
['eu sunt', 'tu ești', 'el e', 'noi suntem', 'voi sunteţi', 'ei sunt']
### Example: Catalan `ser` (to be)
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='ca') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train,
# but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently
>>> cg.conjugate('ser')
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "ser",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":ser",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"indicatiu": {
"present": [
"jo sóc",
"tu ets",
"ell és",
"nosaltres som",
"vosaltres sou",
"ells són"
"imperfet": [
"jo era",
"tu eres",
"ell era",
"nosaltres érem",
"vosaltres éreu",
"ells eren"
"passat-simple": [
"jo fui",
"tu fores",
"ell fou",
"nosaltres fórem",
"vosaltres fóreu",
"ells foren"
"futur": [
"jo seré",
"tu seràs",
"ell serà",
"nosaltres serem",
"vosaltres sereu",
"ells seran"
"subjuntiu": {
"present": [
"jo sigui",
"tu siguis",
"ell sigui",
"nosaltres siguem",
"vosaltres sigueu",
"ells siguin"
"imperfet": [
"jo fos",
"tu fossis",
"ell fos",
"nosaltres fóssim",
"vosaltres fóssiu",
"ells fossin"
"imperatiu": {
"imperatiu-present": [
"condicional": {
"present": [
"jo seria",
"tu series",
"ell seria",
"nosaltres seríem",
"vosaltres seríeu",
"ells serien"
"infinitiu": {
"infinitiu-present": [
"gerundi": {
"gerundi": [
"particip": {
"particip": [
### Example: Spanish `ser` (to be)
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='es') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train,
# but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently
>>> cg.conjugate('ser')
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "ser",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":ser",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"indicativo": {
"presente": [
"yo soy",
"tú eres",
"él es",
"nosotros somos",
"vosotros sois",
"ellos son"
"pretérito-imperfecto": [
"yo era",
"tú eras",
"él era",
"nosotros éramos",
"vosotros erais",
"ellos eran"
"pretérito-perfecto-simple": [
"yo fui",
"tú fuiste",
"él fue",
"nosotros fuimos",
"vosotros fuisteis",
"ellos fueron"
"futuro": [
"yo seré",
"tú serás",
"él será",
"nosotros seremos",
"vosotros seréis",
"ellos serán"
"pretérito-perfecto-compuesto": [
"yo he sido",
"tú has sido",
"él ha sido",
"nosotros hemos sido",
"vosotros habéis sido",
"ellos han sido"
"pretérito-pluscuamperfecto": [
"yo había sido",
"tú habías sido",
"él había sido",
"nosotros habíamos sido",
"vosotros habíais sido",
"ellos habían sido"
"pretérito-anterior": [
"yo hube sido",
"tú hubiste sido",
"él hubo sido",
"nosotros hubimos sido",
"vosotros hubisteis sido",
"ellos hubieron sido"
"futuro-perfecto": [
"yo habré sido",
"tú habrás sido",
"él habrá sido",
"nosotros habremos sido",
"vosotros habréis sido",
"ellos habrán sido"
"subjuntivo": {
"presente": [
"yo sea",
"tú seas",
"él sea",
"nosotros seamos",
"vosotros seáis",
"ellos sean"
"pretérito-imperfecto-1": [
"yo fuera",
"tú fueras",
"él fuera",
"nosotros fuéramos",
"vosotros fuerais",
"ellos fueran"
"pretérito-imperfecto-2": [
"yo fuese",
"tú fueses",
"él fuese",
"nosotros fuésemos",
"vosotros fueseis",
"ellos fuesen"
"futuro": [
"yo fuere",
"tú fueres",
"él fuere",
"nosotros fuéremos",
"vosotros fuereis",
"ellos fueren"
"pretérito-perfecto": [
"yo haya sido",
"tú hayas sido",
"él haya sido",
"nosotros hayamos sido",
"vosotros hayáis sido",
"ellos hayan sido"
"pretérito-pluscuamperfecto-1": [
"yo hubiera sido",
"tú hubieras sido",
"él hubiera sido",
"nosotros hubiéramos sido",
"vosotros hubierais sido",
"ellos hubieran sido"
"pretérito-pluscuamperfecto-2": [
"yo hubiese sido",
"tú hubieses sido",
"él hubiese sido",
"nosotros hubiésemos sido",
"vosotros hubieseis sido",
"ellos hubiesen sido"
"futuro-perfecto": [
"yo hubiere sido",
"tú hubieres sido",
"él hubiere sido",
"nosotros hubiéremos sido",
"vosotros hubiereis sido",
"ellos hubieren sido"
"imperativo": {
"afirmativo": [
"negativo": [
"no seas",
"no sea",
"no seamos",
"no seáis",
"no sean"
"condicional": {
"presente": [
"yo sería",
"tú serías",
"él sería",
"nosotros seríamos",
"vosotros seríais",
"ellos serían"
"perfecto": [
"yo habría sido",
"tú habrías sido",
"él habría sido",
"nosotros habríamos sido",
"vosotros habríais sido",
"ellos habrían sido"
"infinitivo": {
"infinitivo": [
"gerundio": {
"gerundio": [
"participo": {
"participo": [
### Conjugation Example: French `être` (to be)
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='fr')
# Observe that it finds and conjugates `être` even though we input `etre`
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('etre'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "être",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":être",
"translation_en": "be",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"infinitif": {
"infinitif-présent": [
"indicatif": {
"présent": [
"je suis",
"tu es",
"il est",
"nous sommes",
"vous êtes",
"ils sont"
"imparfait": [
"tu étais",
"il était",
"nous étions",
"vous étiez",
"ils étaient"
"futur-simple": [
"je serai",
"tu seras",
"il sera",
"nous serons",
"vous serez",
"ils seront"
"passé-simple": [
"je fus",
"tu fus",
"il fut",
"nous fûmes",
"vous fûtes",
"ils furent"
"passé-composé": [
"j'ai été",
"tu as été",
"il a été",
"nous avons été",
"vous avez été",
"ils ont été"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"j'avais été",
"tu avais été",
"il avait été",
"nous avions été",
"vous aviez été",
"ils avaient été"
"futur-antérieur": [
"j'aurai été",
"tu auras été",
"il aura été",
"nous aurons été",
"vous aurez été",
"ils auront été"
"passé-antérieur": [
"j'eus été",
"tu eus été",
"il eut été",
"nous eûmes été",
"vous eûtes été",
"ils eurent été"
"conditionnel": {
"présent": [
"je serais",
"tu serais",
"il serait",
"nous serions",
"vous seriez",
"ils seraient"
"passé": [
"j'aurais été",
"tu aurais été",
"il aurait été",
"nous aurions été",
"vous auriez été",
"ils auraient été"
"subjonctif": {
"présent": [
"que je sois",
"que tu sois",
"qu'il soit",
"que nous soyons",
"que vous soyez",
"qu'ils soient"
"imparfait": [
"que je fusse",
"que tu fusses",
"qu'il fût",
"que nous fussions",
"que vous fussiez",
"qu'ils fussent"
"passé": [
"que j'aie été",
"que tu aies été",
"qu'il ait été",
"que nous ayons été",
"que vous ayez été",
"qu'ils aient été"
"plus-que-parfait": [
"que j'eusse été",
"que tu eusses été",
"qu'il eût été",
"que nous eussions été",
"que vous eussiez été",
"qu'ils eussent été"
"imperatif": {
"imperatif-présent": [
"imperatif-passé": [
"aie été",
"ayons été",
"ayez été"
"participe": {
"participe-présent": [
"participe-passé": [
### Conjugation Example: Italian `essere` (to be)
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='it')
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('essere'))
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('essere'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "essere",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":essere",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"indicativo": {
"presente": [
"io sono",
"tu sei",
"lui è",
"noi siamo",
"voi siete",
"loro sono"
"imperfetto": [
"io ero",
"tu eri",
"lui era",
"noi eravamo",
"voi eravate",
"loro erano"
"passato-remoto": [
"io fui",
"tu fosti",
"lui fu",
"noi fummo",
"voi foste",
"loro furono"
"futuro": [
"io sarò",
"tu sarai",
"lui sarà",
"noi saremo",
"voi sarete",
"loro saranno"
"passato-prossimo": [
"io ho ente/essente",
"tu hai ente/essente",
"lui ha ente/essente",
"noi abbiamo ente/essente",
"voi avete ente/essente",
"loro hanno ente/essente"
"trapassato-prossimo": [
"io avevo ente/essente",
"tu avevi ente/essente",
"lui aveva ente/essente",
"noi avevamo ente/essente",
"voi avevate ente/essente",
"loro avevano ente/essente"
"trapassato-remoto": [
"io ebbi ente/essente",
"tu avesti ente/essente",
"lui ebbe ente/essente",
"noi avemmo ente/essente",
"voi aveste ente/essente",
"loro ebbero ente/essente"
"futuro-anteriore": [
"io avrò ente/essente",
"tu avrai ente/essente",
"lui avrà ente/essente",
"noi avremo ente/essente",
"voi avrete ente/essente",
"loro avranno ente/essente"
"congiuntivo": {
"presente": [
"che io sia",
"che tu sia",
"che lui sia",
"che noi siamo",
"che voi siate",
"che loro siano"
"imperfetto": [
"che io fossi",
"che tu fossi",
"che lui fosse",
"che noi fossimo",
"che voi foste",
"che loro fossero"
"passato": [
"che io abbia ente/essente",
"che tu abbia ente/essente",
"che lui abbia ente/essente",
"che noi abbiamo ente/essente",
"che voi abbiate ente/essente",
"che loro abbiano ente/essente"
"trapassato": [
"che io avessi ente/essente",
"che tu avessi ente/essente",
"che lui avesse ente/essente",
"che noi avessimo ente/essente",
"che voi aveste ente/essente",
"che loro avessero ente/essente"
"condizionale": {
"presente": [
"io sarei",
"tu saresti",
"lui sarebbe",
"noi saremmo",
"voi sareste",
"loro sarebbero"
"passato": [
"io avrei ente/essente",
"tu avresti ente/essente",
"lui avrebbe ente/essente",
"noi avremmo ente/essente",
"voi avreste ente/essente",
"loro avrebbero ente/essente"
"imperativo": {
"affermativo": [
"negativo": [
"Negativo": [
"infinito": {
"gerundio": [
"participio": {
"participio": [
### Example: Portuguese `ser` (to be)
>>> from verbecc import Conjugator
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='pt') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train,
# but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently
>>> cg.conjugate('ser')
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "ser",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":ser",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"indicativo": {
"presente": [
"eu sou",
"tu és",
"ele é",
"nós somos",
"vós sois",
"eles são"
"pretérito-imperfeito": [
"eu era",
"tu eras",
"ele era",
"nós éramos",
"vós éreis",
"eles eram"
"pretérito-mais-que-perfeito": [
"eu fora",
"tu foras",
"ele fora",
"nós fôramos",
"vós fôreis",
"eles foram"
"pretérito-perfeito": [
"eu fui",
"tu foste",
"ele foi",
"nós fomos",
"vós fostes",
"eles foram"
"futuro-do-presente": [
"eu serei",
"tu serás",
"ele será",
"nós seremos",
"vós sereis",
"eles serão"
"pretérito-perfeito-composto": [
"eu tenho sido",
"tu tens sido",
"ele tem sido",
"nós temos sido",
"vós tendes sido",
"eles têm sido"
"pretérito-mais-que-perfeito-composto": [
"eu tinha sido",
"tu tinhas sido",
"ele tinha sido",
"nós tínhamos sido",
"vós tínheis sido",
"eles tinham sido"
"pretérito-mais-que-perfeito-anterior": [
"eu tivera sido",
"tu tiveras sido",
"ele tivera sido",
"nós tivéramos sido",
"vós tivéreis sido",
"eles tiveram sido"
"futuro-do-presente-composto": [
"eu terei sido",
"tu terás sido",
"ele terá sido",
"nós teremos sido",
"vós tereis sido",
"eles terão sido"
"condicional": {
"futuro-do-pretérito": [
"eu seria",
"tu serias",
"ele seria",
"nós seríamos",
"vós seríeis",
"eles seriam"
"futuro-do-pretérito-composto": [
"eu teria sido",
"tu terias sido",
"ele teria sido",
"nós teríamos sido",
"vós teríeis sido",
"eles teriam sido"
"subjuntivo": {
"presente": [
"que eu seja",
"que tu sejas",
"que ele seja",
"que nós sejamos",
"que vós sejais",
"que eles sejam"
"pretérito-imperfeito": [
"se eu fosse",
"se tu fosses",
"se ele fosse",
"se nós fôssemos",
"se vós fôsseis",
"se eles fossem"
"futuro": [
"quando eu for",
"quando tu fores",
"quando ele for",
"quando nós formos",
"quando vós fordes",
"quando eles forem"
"pretérito-perfeito": [
"eu tenha sido",
"tu tenhas sido",
"ele tenha sido",
"nós tenhamos sido",
"vós tenhais sido",
"eles tenham sido"
"pretérito-mais-que-perfeito": [
"eu tivesse sido",
"tu tivesses sido",
"ele tivesse sido",
"nós tivéssemos sido",
"vós tivésseis sido",
"eles tivessem sido"
"futuro-composto": [
"eu tiver sido",
"tu tiveres sido",
"ele tiver sido",
"nós tivermos sido",
"vós tiverdes sido",
"eles tiverem sido"
"infinitivo": {
"infinitivo-pessoal-presente": [
"por ser eu",
"por seres tu",
"por ser ele",
"por sermos nós",
"por serdes vós",
"por serem eles"
"infinitivo": [
"infinitivo-pessoal-composto": [
"ter sido",
"teres sido",
"ter sido",
"termos sido",
"terdes sido",
"terem sido"
"imperativo": {
"afirmativo": [
"sê tu",
"seja você",
"sejamos nós",
"sede vós",
"sejam vocês"
"negativo": [
"não sejas tu",
"não seja você",
"não sejamos nós",
"não sejais vós",
"não sejam vocês"
"gerúndio": {
"gerúndio": [
"particípio": {
"particípio": [
### Conjugation Example: Romanian `fi` (to be)
>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='ro')
>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('fi'))
"verb": {
"infinitive": "fi",
"predicted": false,
"pred_score": 1.0,
"template": ":fi",
"translation_en": "",
"stem": ""
"moods": {
"indicativ": {
"prezent": [
"eu sunt",
"tu ești",
"el e",
"noi suntem",
"voi sunteţi",
"ei sunt"
"imperfect": [
"eu eram",
"tu erai",
"el era",
"noi eram",
"voi eraţi",
"ei erau"
"perfect-simplu": [
"eu fui",
"tu fuși",
"el fu",
"noi furăm",
"voi furăţi",
"ei fură"
"mai-mult-ca-perfect": [
"eu fusesem",
"tu fuseseși",
"el fusese",
"noi fuseserăm",
"voi fuseserăţi",
"ei fuseseră"
"perfect-compus": [
"eu am fost",
"tu ai fost",
"el a fost",
"noi am fost",
"voi aţi fost",
"ei au fost"
"viitor-1": [
"eu voi fi",
"tu vei fi",
"el va fi",
"noi vom fi",
"voi veţi fi",
"ei vor fi"
"viitor-2": [
"eu voi fi fost",
"tu vei fi fost",
"el va fi fost",
"noi vom fi fost",
"voi veţi fi fost",
"ei vor fi fost"
"viitor-1-popular": [
"eu o să fiu",
"tu o să fii",
"el o să fie",
"noi o să fim",
"voi o să fiţi",
"ei o să fie"
"viitor-2-popular": [
"eu am să fi fost",
"tu ai să fi fost",
"el are să fi fost",
"noi avem să fi fost",
"voi aveţi să fi fost",
"ei au să fi fost"
"conjunctiv": {
"prezent": [
"eu să fiu",
"tu să fii",
"el să fie",
"noi să fim",
"voi să fiţi",
"ei să fie"
"perfect": [
"eu să fi fost",
"tu să fi fost",
"el să fi fost",
"noi să fi fost",
"voi să fi fost",
"ei să fi fost"
"infinitiv": {
"afirmativ": [
"imperativ": {
"imperativ": [
"negativ": [
"nu fi",
"nu fiţi"
"gerunziu": {
"gerunziu": [
"participiu": {
"participiu": [
### Credits
- Created with the help of [scikit-learn](, [lxml](, [pytest]( and [python](
- French verb conjugation template XML files derived from Pierre Sarrazin's C++ program [Verbiste](
- Conjugation XML files (Verbiste format) for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian and machine-learning conjugation template prediction for unknown verbs dervied from Sekou Diao's older project [mlconjug]( however they have a newer version out now: [mlconjug3](
- Catalan verbs list imported from [catverbs](
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "",
"name": "verbecc",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": "Brett Tolbert <>",
"keywords": "verb,,conjugator,conjugation,Catalan,French,Italian,Portuguese,Romanian,Spanish",
"author": "",
"author_email": "Brett Tolbert <>",
"download_url": "",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Python library for verb conjugation in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Catalan, enhanced by machine learning\n\n- `verbecc` python library\n[![Python Package Index Status](]( \n[![PyPi Downloads Per Month](](\n[![GitLab CI pipeline status](](\n[![Code Coverage](](\n\n##### [EN] Verbs completely conjugated: verb conjugations for French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian and Catalan, enhanced by machine learning\n##### [CA] Verbs completament conjugats: conjugacions verbals per a franc\u00e8s, espanyol, portugu\u00e8s, itali\u00e0, roman\u00e8s i catal\u00e0, millorades per l'aprenentatge autom\u00e0tic\n##### [ES] Verbos completamente conjugados: conjugaciones de verbos en franc\u00e9s, espa\u00f1ol, portugu\u00e9s, italiano, rumano y catal\u00e1n, mejoradas por aprendizaje autom\u00e1tico\n##### [FR] Verbes compl\u00e8tement conjugu\u00e9s: conjugaisons des verbes fran\u00e7ais, espagnol, portugais, italien, roumain et catalan, \u00e0 l'aide de l'apprentissage automatique\n##### [IT] Verbi completamente coniugati: coniugazioni di verbi per francese, spagnolo, portoghese, italiano, rumeno e catalano, migliorate dall'apprendimento automatico\n##### [PT] Verbos completamente conjugados: conjuga\u00e7\u00f5es verbais para franc\u00eas, espanhol, portugu\u00eas, italiano, romeno e catal\u00e3o, aprimoradas pelo aprendizado de m\u00e1quina\n##### [RO] Verbe complet conjugate: conjug\u0103ri de verbe pentru francez\u0103, spaniol\u0103, portughez\u0103, italian\u0103, rom\u00e2n\u0103 \u0219i catalan\u0103, \u00eembun\u0103t\u0103\u021bite de \u00eenv\u0103\u021barea automat\u0103\n\n### Live Demo\n- [Web GUI](\n- [HTTP API : /verbecc/conjugate/fr/manger](\n\n### Features\n* Conjugate verbs in six romance languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Catalan\n* Uses machine learning techniques to predict conjugation of unknown verbs with 99% accurracy\n* Includes both simple and compound conjugations\n* Unit-tested\n* Continuous integration with GitLab CI/CD pipeline\n* Dependencies: `scikit-learn`, `lxml`\n\n### Quick Start\n```bash\ngit clone\ncd verbecc\npip install .\n```\n\n### Examples\n\nIn the following examples, the following function will be used to make the output more readable:\n\n```python\nimport json\ndef printjson(c):\n print(json.dumps(c, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))\n```\n\n### Conjugation Example: French `manger` (to eat)\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='fr') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train, \n # but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently\n>>> cg.conjugate('manger')\n{'verb': {'infinitive': 'manger', 'predicted': False, 'pred_score': 1.0, 'template': 'man:ger', 'translation_en': 'eat', 'stem': 'man'}, 'moods': {'infinitif': {'infinitif-pr\u00e9sent': ['manger']}, 'indicatif': {'pr\u00e9sent': ['je mange', 'tu manges', 'il mange', 'nous mangeons', 'vous mangez', 'ils mangent'], 'imparfait': ['je mangeais', 'tu mangeais', 'il mangeait', 'nous mangions', 'vous mangiez', 'ils mangeaient'], 'futur-simple': ['je mangerai', 'tu mangeras', 'il mangera', 'nous mangerons', 'vous mangerez', 'ils mangeront'], 'pass\u00e9-simple': ['je mangeai', 'tu mangeas', 'il mangea', 'nous mange\u00e2mes', 'vous mange\u00e2tes', 'ils mang\u00e8rent'], 'pass\u00e9-compos\u00e9': [\"j'ai mang\u00e9\", 'tu as mang\u00e9', 'il a mang\u00e9', 'nous avons mang\u00e9', 'vous avez mang\u00e9', 'ils ont mang\u00e9'], 'plus-que-parfait': [\"j'avais mang\u00e9\", 'tu avais mang\u00e9', 'il avait mang\u00e9', 'nous avions mang\u00e9', 'vous aviez mang\u00e9', 'ils avaient mang\u00e9'], 'futur-ant\u00e9rieur': [\"j'aurai mang\u00e9\", 'tu auras mang\u00e9', 'il aura mang\u00e9', 'nous aurons mang\u00e9', 'vous aurez mang\u00e9', 'ils auront mang\u00e9'], 'pass\u00e9-ant\u00e9rieur': [\"j'eus mang\u00e9\", 'tu eus mang\u00e9', 'il eut mang\u00e9', 'nous e\u00fbmes mang\u00e9', 'vous e\u00fbtes mang\u00e9', 'ils eurent mang\u00e9']}, 'conditionnel': {'pr\u00e9sent': ['je mangerais', 'tu mangerais', 'il mangerait', 'nous mangerions', 'vous mangeriez', 'ils mangeraient'], 'pass\u00e9': [\"j'aurais mang\u00e9\", 'tu aurais mang\u00e9', 'il aurait mang\u00e9', 'nous aurions mang\u00e9', 'vous auriez mang\u00e9', 'ils auraient mang\u00e9']}, 'subjonctif': {'pr\u00e9sent': ['que je mange', 'que tu manges', \"qu'il mange\", 'que nous mangions', 'que vous mangiez', \"qu'ils mangent\"], 'imparfait': ['que je mangeasse', 'que tu mangeasses', \"qu'il mange\u00e2t\", 'que nous mangeassions', 'que vous mangeassiez', \"qu'ils mangeassent\"], 'pass\u00e9': [\"que j'aie mang\u00e9\", 'que tu aies mang\u00e9', \"qu'il ait mang\u00e9\", 'que nous ayons mang\u00e9', 'que vous ayez mang\u00e9', \"qu'ils aient mang\u00e9\"], 'plus-que-parfait': [\"que j'eusse mang\u00e9\", 'que tu eusses mang\u00e9', \"qu'il e\u00fbt mang\u00e9\", 'que nous eussions mang\u00e9', 'que vous eussiez mang\u00e9', \"qu'ils eussent mang\u00e9\"]}, 'imperatif': {'imperatif-pr\u00e9sent': ['mange', 'mangeons', 'mangez'], 'imperatif-pass\u00e9': ['aie mang\u00e9', 'ayons mang\u00e9', 'ayez mang\u00e9']}, 'participe': {'participe-pr\u00e9sent': ['mangeant'], 'participe-pass\u00e9': ['mang\u00e9', 'mang\u00e9s', 'mang\u00e9e', 'mang\u00e9es']}}}\n>>> # ok now let's make it more readable\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('manger'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"manger\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \"man:ger\",\n \"translation_en\": \"eat\",\n \"stem\": \"man\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"infinitif\": {\n \"infinitif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"manger\"\n ]\n },\n \"indicatif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"je mange\",\n \"tu manges\",\n \"il mange\",\n \"nous mangeons\",\n \"vous mangez\",\n \"ils mangent\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"je mangeais\",\n \"tu mangeais\",\n \"il mangeait\",\n \"nous mangions\",\n \"vous mangiez\",\n \"ils mangeaient\"\n ],\n \"futur-simple\": [\n \"je mangerai\",\n \"tu mangeras\",\n \"il mangera\",\n \"nous mangerons\",\n \"vous mangerez\",\n \"ils mangeront\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-simple\": [\n \"je mangeai\",\n \"tu mangeas\",\n \"il mangea\",\n \"nous mange\u00e2mes\",\n \"vous mange\u00e2tes\",\n \"ils mang\u00e8rent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-compos\u00e9\": [\n \"j'ai mang\u00e9\",\n \"tu as mang\u00e9\",\n \"il a mang\u00e9\",\n \"nous avons mang\u00e9\",\n \"vous avez mang\u00e9\",\n \"ils ont mang\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"j'avais mang\u00e9\",\n \"tu avais mang\u00e9\",\n \"il avait mang\u00e9\",\n \"nous avions mang\u00e9\",\n \"vous aviez mang\u00e9\",\n \"ils avaient mang\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"futur-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'aurai mang\u00e9\",\n \"tu auras mang\u00e9\",\n \"il aura mang\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurons mang\u00e9\",\n \"vous aurez mang\u00e9\",\n \"ils auront mang\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'eus mang\u00e9\",\n \"tu eus mang\u00e9\",\n \"il eut mang\u00e9\",\n \"nous e\u00fbmes mang\u00e9\",\n \"vous e\u00fbtes mang\u00e9\",\n \"ils eurent mang\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"conditionnel\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"je mangerais\",\n \"tu mangerais\",\n \"il mangerait\",\n \"nous mangerions\",\n \"vous mangeriez\",\n \"ils mangeraient\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"j'aurais mang\u00e9\",\n \"tu aurais mang\u00e9\",\n \"il aurait mang\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurions mang\u00e9\",\n \"vous auriez mang\u00e9\",\n \"ils auraient mang\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjonctif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"que je mange\",\n \"que tu manges\",\n \"qu'il mange\",\n \"que nous mangions\",\n \"que vous mangiez\",\n \"qu'ils mangent\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"que je mangeasse\",\n \"que tu mangeasses\",\n \"qu'il mange\u00e2t\",\n \"que nous mangeassions\",\n \"que vous mangeassiez\",\n \"qu'ils mangeassent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"que j'aie mang\u00e9\",\n \"que tu aies mang\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il ait mang\u00e9\",\n \"que nous ayons mang\u00e9\",\n \"que vous ayez mang\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils aient mang\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"que j'eusse mang\u00e9\",\n \"que tu eusses mang\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il e\u00fbt mang\u00e9\",\n \"que nous eussions mang\u00e9\",\n \"que vous eussiez mang\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils eussent mang\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperatif\": {\n \"imperatif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"mange\",\n \"mangeons\",\n \"mangez\"\n ],\n \"imperatif-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"aie mang\u00e9\",\n \"ayons mang\u00e9\",\n \"ayez mang\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"participe\": {\n \"participe-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"mangeant\"\n ],\n \"participe-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"mang\u00e9\",\n \"mang\u00e9s\",\n \"mang\u00e9e\",\n \"mang\u00e9es\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n>>> c['moods']['indicatif']['pr\u00e9sent']\n['je mange', 'tu manges', 'il mange', 'nous mangeons', 'vous mangez', 'ils mangent']\n>>> c['moods'].keys()\ndict_keys(['infinitif', 'indicatif', 'conditionnel', 'subjonctif', 'imperatif', 'participe'])\n>>> c['moods']['indicatif'].keys()\ndict_keys(['pr\u00e9sent', 'imparfait', 'futur-simple', 'pass\u00e9-simple', 'pass\u00e9-compos\u00e9', 'plus-que-parfait', 'futur-ant\u00e9rieur', 'pass\u00e9-ant\u00e9rieur'])\n>>> c['moods']['subjonctif'].keys()\ndict_keys(['pr\u00e9sent', 'imparfait', 'pass\u00e9', 'plus-que-parfait'])\n```\n\n### ML Prediction Conjugation Example: French `uberiser` (to _Uberize_)\n\nIn this example, we will conjugate a verb that `verbecc` doesn't explicitly know. The conjugation will be predicted using a machine-learning model trained on `verbecc`'s French verb conjugation data XML models.\n\n```python\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ub\u00e9riser'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"ub\u00e9riser\",\n \"predicted\": true,\n \"pred_score\": 0.9997949959188503,\n \"template\": \"aim:er\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"ub\u00e9ris\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"infinitif\": {\n \"infinitif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"ub\u00e9riser\"\n ]\n },\n \"indicatif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"j'ub\u00e9rise\",\n \"tu ub\u00e9rises\",\n \"il ub\u00e9rise\",\n \"nous ub\u00e9risons\",\n \"vous ub\u00e9risez\",\n \"ils ub\u00e9risent\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"j'ub\u00e9risais\",\n \"tu ub\u00e9risais\",\n \"il ub\u00e9risait\",\n \"nous ub\u00e9risions\",\n \"vous ub\u00e9risiez\",\n \"ils ub\u00e9risaient\"\n ],\n \"futur-simple\": [\n \"j'ub\u00e9riserai\",\n \"tu ub\u00e9riseras\",\n \"il ub\u00e9risera\",\n \"nous ub\u00e9riserons\",\n \"vous ub\u00e9riserez\",\n \"ils ub\u00e9riseront\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-simple\": [\n \"j'ub\u00e9risai\",\n \"tu ub\u00e9risas\",\n \"il ub\u00e9risa\",\n \"nous ub\u00e9ris\u00e2mes\",\n \"vous ub\u00e9ris\u00e2tes\",\n \"ils ub\u00e9ris\u00e8rent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-compos\u00e9\": [\n \"j'ai ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"tu as ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"il a ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"nous avons ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"vous avez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ils ont ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"j'avais ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"tu avais ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"il avait ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"nous avions ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"vous aviez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ils avaient ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"futur-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'aurai ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"tu auras ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"il aura ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurons ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"vous aurez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ils auront ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'eus ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"tu eus ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"il eut ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"nous e\u00fbmes ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"vous e\u00fbtes ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ils eurent ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"conditionnel\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"j'ub\u00e9riserais\",\n \"tu ub\u00e9riserais\",\n \"il ub\u00e9riserait\",\n \"nous ub\u00e9riserions\",\n \"vous ub\u00e9riseriez\",\n \"ils ub\u00e9riseraient\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"j'aurais ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"tu aurais ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"il aurait ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurions ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"vous auriez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ils auraient ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjonctif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"que j'ub\u00e9rise\",\n \"que tu ub\u00e9rises\",\n \"qu'il ub\u00e9rise\",\n \"que nous ub\u00e9risions\",\n \"que vous ub\u00e9risiez\",\n \"qu'ils ub\u00e9risent\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"que j'ub\u00e9risasse\",\n \"que tu ub\u00e9risasses\",\n \"qu'il ub\u00e9ris\u00e2t\",\n \"que nous ub\u00e9risassions\",\n \"que vous ub\u00e9risassiez\",\n \"qu'ils ub\u00e9risassent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"que j'aie ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que tu aies ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il ait ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que nous ayons ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que vous ayez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils aient ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"que j'eusse ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que tu eusses ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il e\u00fbt ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que nous eussions ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"que vous eussiez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils eussent ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperatif\": {\n \"imperatif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"ub\u00e9rise\",\n \"ub\u00e9risons\",\n \"ub\u00e9risez\"\n ],\n \"imperatif-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"aie ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ayons ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ayez ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"participe\": {\n \"participe-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"ub\u00e9risant\"\n ],\n \"participe-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"ub\u00e9ris\u00e9\",\n \"ub\u00e9ris\u00e9s\",\n \"ub\u00e9ris\u00e9e\",\n \"ub\u00e9ris\u00e9es\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Example: Multi-Language Conjugation\n\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> Conjugator('fr').conjugate('etre')['moods']['indicatif']['pr\u00e9sent']\n['je suis', 'tu es', 'il est', 'nous sommes', 'vous \u00eates', 'ils sont']\n>>> Conjugator('es').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']\n['yo soy', 't\u00fa eres', '\u00e9l es', 'nosotros somos', 'vosotros sois', 'ellos son']\n>>> Conjugator('pt').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']\n['eu sou', 'tu \u00e9s', 'ele \u00e9', 'n\u00f3s somos', 'v\u00f3s sois', 'eles s\u00e3o']\n>>> Conjugator('ca').conjugate('ser')['moods']['indicatiu']['present']\n['jo s\u00f3c', 'tu ets', 'ell \u00e9s', 'nosaltres som', 'vosaltres sou', 'ells s\u00f3n']\n>>> Conjugator('it').conjugate('essere')['moods']['indicativo']['presente']\n['io sono', 'tu sei', 'lui \u00e8', 'noi siamo', 'voi siete', 'loro sono']\n>>> Conjugator('ro').conjugate('fi')['moods']['indicativ']['prezent']\n['eu sunt', 'tu e\u0219ti', 'el e', 'noi suntem', 'voi sunte\u0163i', 'ei sunt']\n```\n\n### Example: Multi-Language Conjugation using English mood and tense names via `localization` module\n\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> from verbecc.localization import xmood, xtense\n>>> def xconj(lang, infinitive, mood, tense):\n... return Conjugator(lang).conjugate(infinitive)['moods'][xmood(lang, mood)][xtense(lang, tense)]\n... \n>>> xconj('fr', 'etre', 'indicative', 'present')\n['je suis', 'tu es', 'il est', 'nous sommes', 'vous \u00eates', 'ils sont']\n>>> xconj('es', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')\n['yo soy', 't\u00fa eres', '\u00e9l es', 'nosotros somos', 'vosotros sois', 'ellos son']\n>>> xconj('pt', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')\n['eu sou', 'tu \u00e9s', 'ele \u00e9', 'n\u00f3s somos', 'v\u00f3s sois', 'eles s\u00e3o']\n>>> xconj('ca', 'ser', 'indicative', 'present')\n['jo s\u00f3c', 'tu ets', 'ell \u00e9s', 'nosaltres som', 'vosaltres sou', 'ells s\u00f3n']\n>>> xconj('it', 'essere', 'indicative', 'present')\n['io sono', 'tu sei', 'lui \u00e8', 'noi siamo', 'voi siete', 'loro sono']\n>>> xconj('ro', 'fi', 'indicative', 'present')\n['eu sunt', 'tu e\u0219ti', 'el e', 'noi suntem', 'voi sunte\u0163i', 'ei sunt']\n```\n\n\n### Example: Catalan `ser` (to be)\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='ca') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train, \n # but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently\n>>> cg.conjugate('ser')\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"ser\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":ser\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"indicatiu\": {\n \"present\": [\n \"jo s\u00f3c\",\n \"tu ets\",\n \"ell \u00e9s\",\n \"nosaltres som\",\n \"vosaltres sou\",\n \"ells s\u00f3n\"\n ],\n \"imperfet\": [\n \"jo era\",\n \"tu eres\",\n \"ell era\",\n \"nosaltres \u00e9rem\",\n \"vosaltres \u00e9reu\",\n \"ells eren\"\n ],\n \"passat-simple\": [\n \"jo fui\",\n \"tu fores\",\n \"ell fou\",\n \"nosaltres f\u00f3rem\",\n \"vosaltres f\u00f3reu\",\n \"ells foren\"\n ],\n \"futur\": [\n \"jo ser\u00e9\",\n \"tu ser\u00e0s\",\n \"ell ser\u00e0\",\n \"nosaltres serem\",\n \"vosaltres sereu\",\n \"ells seran\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjuntiu\": {\n \"present\": [\n \"jo sigui\",\n \"tu siguis\",\n \"ell sigui\",\n \"nosaltres siguem\",\n \"vosaltres sigueu\",\n \"ells siguin\"\n ],\n \"imperfet\": [\n \"jo fos\",\n \"tu fossis\",\n \"ell fos\",\n \"nosaltres f\u00f3ssim\",\n \"vosaltres f\u00f3ssiu\",\n \"ells fossin\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperatiu\": {\n \"imperatiu-present\": [\n \"sigues\",\n \"sigui\",\n \"siguem\",\n \"sigueu\",\n \"siguin\"\n ]\n },\n \"condicional\": {\n \"present\": [\n \"jo seria\",\n \"tu series\",\n \"ell seria\",\n \"nosaltres ser\u00edem\",\n \"vosaltres ser\u00edeu\",\n \"ells serien\"\n ]\n },\n \"infinitiu\": {\n \"infinitiu-present\": [\n \"ser\",\n \"\u00e9sser\"\n ]\n },\n \"gerundi\": {\n \"gerundi\": [\n \"sent\",\n \"essent\"\n ]\n },\n \"particip\": {\n \"particip\": [\n \"estat\",\n \"estada\",\n \"estats\",\n \"estades\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Example: Spanish `ser` (to be)\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='es') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train, \n # but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently\n>>> cg.conjugate('ser')\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"ser\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":ser\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"indicativo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"yo soy\",\n \"t\u00fa eres\",\n \"\u00e9l es\",\n \"nosotros somos\",\n \"vosotros sois\",\n \"ellos son\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-imperfecto\": [\n \"yo era\",\n \"t\u00fa eras\",\n \"\u00e9l era\",\n \"nosotros \u00e9ramos\",\n \"vosotros erais\",\n \"ellos eran\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfecto-simple\": [\n \"yo fui\",\n \"t\u00fa fuiste\",\n \"\u00e9l fue\",\n \"nosotros fuimos\",\n \"vosotros fuisteis\",\n \"ellos fueron\"\n ],\n \"futuro\": [\n \"yo ser\u00e9\",\n \"t\u00fa ser\u00e1s\",\n \"\u00e9l ser\u00e1\",\n \"nosotros seremos\",\n \"vosotros ser\u00e9is\",\n \"ellos ser\u00e1n\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfecto-compuesto\": [\n \"yo he sido\",\n \"t\u00fa has sido\",\n \"\u00e9l ha sido\",\n \"nosotros hemos sido\",\n \"vosotros hab\u00e9is sido\",\n \"ellos han sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-pluscuamperfecto\": [\n \"yo hab\u00eda sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hab\u00edas sido\",\n \"\u00e9l hab\u00eda sido\",\n \"nosotros hab\u00edamos sido\",\n \"vosotros hab\u00edais sido\",\n \"ellos hab\u00edan sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-anterior\": [\n \"yo hube sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hubiste sido\",\n \"\u00e9l hubo sido\",\n \"nosotros hubimos sido\",\n \"vosotros hubisteis sido\",\n \"ellos hubieron sido\"\n ],\n \"futuro-perfecto\": [\n \"yo habr\u00e9 sido\",\n \"t\u00fa habr\u00e1s sido\",\n \"\u00e9l habr\u00e1 sido\",\n \"nosotros habremos sido\",\n \"vosotros habr\u00e9is sido\",\n \"ellos habr\u00e1n sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjuntivo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"yo sea\",\n \"t\u00fa seas\",\n \"\u00e9l sea\",\n \"nosotros seamos\",\n \"vosotros se\u00e1is\",\n \"ellos sean\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-imperfecto-1\": [\n \"yo fuera\",\n \"t\u00fa fueras\",\n \"\u00e9l fuera\",\n \"nosotros fu\u00e9ramos\",\n \"vosotros fuerais\",\n \"ellos fueran\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-imperfecto-2\": [\n \"yo fuese\",\n \"t\u00fa fueses\",\n \"\u00e9l fuese\",\n \"nosotros fu\u00e9semos\",\n \"vosotros fueseis\",\n \"ellos fuesen\"\n ],\n \"futuro\": [\n \"yo fuere\",\n \"t\u00fa fueres\",\n \"\u00e9l fuere\",\n \"nosotros fu\u00e9remos\",\n \"vosotros fuereis\",\n \"ellos fueren\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfecto\": [\n \"yo haya sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hayas sido\",\n \"\u00e9l haya sido\",\n \"nosotros hayamos sido\",\n \"vosotros hay\u00e1is sido\",\n \"ellos hayan sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-pluscuamperfecto-1\": [\n \"yo hubiera sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hubieras sido\",\n \"\u00e9l hubiera sido\",\n \"nosotros hubi\u00e9ramos sido\",\n \"vosotros hubierais sido\",\n \"ellos hubieran sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-pluscuamperfecto-2\": [\n \"yo hubiese sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hubieses sido\",\n \"\u00e9l hubiese sido\",\n \"nosotros hubi\u00e9semos sido\",\n \"vosotros hubieseis sido\",\n \"ellos hubiesen sido\"\n ],\n \"futuro-perfecto\": [\n \"yo hubiere sido\",\n \"t\u00fa hubieres sido\",\n \"\u00e9l hubiere sido\",\n \"nosotros hubi\u00e9remos sido\",\n \"vosotros hubiereis sido\",\n \"ellos hubieren sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperativo\": {\n \"afirmativo\": [\n \"s\u00e9\",\n \"sea\",\n \"seamos\",\n \"sed\",\n \"sean\"\n ],\n \"negativo\": [\n \"no seas\",\n \"no sea\",\n \"no seamos\",\n \"no se\u00e1is\",\n \"no sean\"\n ]\n },\n \"condicional\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"yo ser\u00eda\",\n \"t\u00fa ser\u00edas\",\n \"\u00e9l ser\u00eda\",\n \"nosotros ser\u00edamos\",\n \"vosotros ser\u00edais\",\n \"ellos ser\u00edan\"\n ],\n \"perfecto\": [\n \"yo habr\u00eda sido\",\n \"t\u00fa habr\u00edas sido\",\n \"\u00e9l habr\u00eda sido\",\n \"nosotros habr\u00edamos sido\",\n \"vosotros habr\u00edais sido\",\n \"ellos habr\u00edan sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"infinitivo\": {\n \"infinitivo\": [\n \"ser\",\n \"sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"gerundio\": {\n \"gerundio\": [\n \"siendo\",\n \"sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"participo\": {\n \"participo\": [\n \"sido\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Conjugation Example: French `\u00eatre` (to be)\n```python\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='fr')\n# Observe that it finds and conjugates `\u00eatre` even though we input `etre`\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('etre'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"\u00eatre\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":\u00eatre\",\n \"translation_en\": \"be\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"infinitif\": {\n \"infinitif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"\u00eatre\"\n ]\n },\n \"indicatif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"je suis\",\n \"tu es\",\n \"il est\",\n \"nous sommes\",\n \"vous \u00eates\",\n \"ils sont\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"j'\u00e9tais\",\n \"tu \u00e9tais\",\n \"il \u00e9tait\",\n \"nous \u00e9tions\",\n \"vous \u00e9tiez\",\n \"ils \u00e9taient\"\n ],\n \"futur-simple\": [\n \"je serai\",\n \"tu seras\",\n \"il sera\",\n \"nous serons\",\n \"vous serez\",\n \"ils seront\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-simple\": [\n \"je fus\",\n \"tu fus\",\n \"il fut\",\n \"nous f\u00fbmes\",\n \"vous f\u00fbtes\",\n \"ils furent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-compos\u00e9\": [\n \"j'ai \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"tu as \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"il a \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"nous avons \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ils ont \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"j'avais \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"tu avais \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"il avait \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"nous avions \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"vous aviez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ils avaient \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"futur-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'aurai \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"tu auras \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"il aura \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurons \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"vous aurez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ils auront \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9-ant\u00e9rieur\": [\n \"j'eus \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"tu eus \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"il eut \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"nous e\u00fbmes \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"vous e\u00fbtes \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ils eurent \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"conditionnel\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"je serais\",\n \"tu serais\",\n \"il serait\",\n \"nous serions\",\n \"vous seriez\",\n \"ils seraient\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"j'aurais \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"tu aurais \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"il aurait \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"nous aurions \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"vous auriez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ils auraient \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjonctif\": {\n \"pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"que je sois\",\n \"que tu sois\",\n \"qu'il soit\",\n \"que nous soyons\",\n \"que vous soyez\",\n \"qu'ils soient\"\n ],\n \"imparfait\": [\n \"que je fusse\",\n \"que tu fusses\",\n \"qu'il f\u00fbt\",\n \"que nous fussions\",\n \"que vous fussiez\",\n \"qu'ils fussent\"\n ],\n \"pass\u00e9\": [\n \"que j'aie \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que tu aies \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il ait \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que nous ayons \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que vous ayez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils aient \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ],\n \"plus-que-parfait\": [\n \"que j'eusse \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que tu eusses \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"qu'il e\u00fbt \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que nous eussions \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"que vous eussiez \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"qu'ils eussent \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperatif\": {\n \"imperatif-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"sois\",\n \"soyons\",\n \"soyez\"\n ],\n \"imperatif-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"aie \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ayons \u00e9t\u00e9\",\n \"ayez \u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ]\n },\n \"participe\": {\n \"participe-pr\u00e9sent\": [\n \"\u00e9tant\"\n ],\n \"participe-pass\u00e9\": [\n \"\u00e9t\u00e9\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Conjugation Example: Italian `essere` (to be)\n```python\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='it')\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('essere'))\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('essere'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"essere\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":essere\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"indicativo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"io sono\",\n \"tu sei\",\n \"lui \u00e8\",\n \"noi siamo\",\n \"voi siete\",\n \"loro sono\"\n ],\n \"imperfetto\": [\n \"io ero\",\n \"tu eri\",\n \"lui era\",\n \"noi eravamo\",\n \"voi eravate\",\n \"loro erano\"\n ],\n \"passato-remoto\": [\n \"io fui\",\n \"tu fosti\",\n \"lui fu\",\n \"noi fummo\",\n \"voi foste\",\n \"loro furono\"\n ],\n \"futuro\": [\n \"io sar\u00f2\",\n \"tu sarai\",\n \"lui sar\u00e0\",\n \"noi saremo\",\n \"voi sarete\",\n \"loro saranno\"\n ],\n \"passato-prossimo\": [\n \"io ho ente/essente\",\n \"tu hai ente/essente\",\n \"lui ha ente/essente\",\n \"noi abbiamo ente/essente\",\n \"voi avete ente/essente\",\n \"loro hanno ente/essente\"\n ],\n \"trapassato-prossimo\": [\n \"io avevo ente/essente\",\n \"tu avevi ente/essente\",\n \"lui aveva ente/essente\",\n \"noi avevamo ente/essente\",\n \"voi avevate ente/essente\",\n \"loro avevano ente/essente\"\n ],\n \"trapassato-remoto\": [\n \"io ebbi ente/essente\",\n \"tu avesti ente/essente\",\n \"lui ebbe ente/essente\",\n \"noi avemmo ente/essente\",\n \"voi aveste ente/essente\",\n \"loro ebbero ente/essente\"\n ],\n \"futuro-anteriore\": [\n \"io avr\u00f2 ente/essente\",\n \"tu avrai ente/essente\",\n \"lui avr\u00e0 ente/essente\",\n \"noi avremo ente/essente\",\n \"voi avrete ente/essente\",\n \"loro avranno ente/essente\"\n ]\n },\n \"congiuntivo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"che io sia\",\n \"che tu sia\",\n \"che lui sia\",\n \"che noi siamo\",\n \"che voi siate\",\n \"che loro siano\"\n ],\n \"imperfetto\": [\n \"che io fossi\",\n \"che tu fossi\",\n \"che lui fosse\",\n \"che noi fossimo\",\n \"che voi foste\",\n \"che loro fossero\"\n ],\n \"passato\": [\n \"che io abbia ente/essente\",\n \"che tu abbia ente/essente\",\n \"che lui abbia ente/essente\",\n \"che noi abbiamo ente/essente\",\n \"che voi abbiate ente/essente\",\n \"che loro abbiano ente/essente\"\n ],\n \"trapassato\": [\n \"che io avessi ente/essente\",\n \"che tu avessi ente/essente\",\n \"che lui avesse ente/essente\",\n \"che noi avessimo ente/essente\",\n \"che voi aveste ente/essente\",\n \"che loro avessero ente/essente\"\n ]\n },\n \"condizionale\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"io sarei\",\n \"tu saresti\",\n \"lui sarebbe\",\n \"noi saremmo\",\n \"voi sareste\",\n \"loro sarebbero\"\n ],\n \"passato\": [\n \"io avrei ente/essente\",\n \"tu avresti ente/essente\",\n \"lui avrebbe ente/essente\",\n \"noi avremmo ente/essente\",\n \"voi avreste ente/essente\",\n \"loro avrebbero ente/essente\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperativo\": {\n \"affermativo\": [\n \"-\",\n \"sii\",\n \"sia\",\n \"siamo\",\n \"siate\",\n \"siano\"\n ],\n \"negativo\": [\n \"-\",\n \"ellere\",\n \"ella\",\n \"elliamo\",\n \"ellete\",\n \"ellano\"\n ],\n \"Negativo\": [\n \"-\",\n \"essere\",\n \"sia\",\n \"siamo\",\n \"siate\",\n \"siano\"\n ]\n },\n \"infinito\": {\n \"gerundio\": [\n \"essere\",\n \"stato\",\n \"essendo\",\n \"stato\"\n ]\n },\n \"participio\": {\n \"participio\": [\n \"ente/essente\",\n \"stato\",\n \"stata\",\n \"stati\",\n \"state\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Example: Portuguese `ser` (to be)\n```python\n>>> from verbecc import Conjugator\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='pt') # If this is the first run, it will take a minute for the model to train, \n # but it should save the model .zip file and run fast subsequently\n>>> cg.conjugate('ser')\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('ser'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"ser\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":ser\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"indicativo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"eu sou\",\n \"tu \u00e9s\",\n \"ele \u00e9\",\n \"n\u00f3s somos\",\n \"v\u00f3s sois\",\n \"eles s\u00e3o\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-imperfeito\": [\n \"eu era\",\n \"tu eras\",\n \"ele era\",\n \"n\u00f3s \u00e9ramos\",\n \"v\u00f3s \u00e9reis\",\n \"eles eram\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-mais-que-perfeito\": [\n \"eu fora\",\n \"tu foras\",\n \"ele fora\",\n \"n\u00f3s f\u00f4ramos\",\n \"v\u00f3s f\u00f4reis\",\n \"eles foram\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfeito\": [\n \"eu fui\",\n \"tu foste\",\n \"ele foi\",\n \"n\u00f3s fomos\",\n \"v\u00f3s fostes\",\n \"eles foram\"\n ],\n \"futuro-do-presente\": [\n \"eu serei\",\n \"tu ser\u00e1s\",\n \"ele ser\u00e1\",\n \"n\u00f3s seremos\",\n \"v\u00f3s sereis\",\n \"eles ser\u00e3o\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfeito-composto\": [\n \"eu tenho sido\",\n \"tu tens sido\",\n \"ele tem sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s temos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tendes sido\",\n \"eles t\u00eam sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-mais-que-perfeito-composto\": [\n \"eu tinha sido\",\n \"tu tinhas sido\",\n \"ele tinha sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s t\u00ednhamos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s t\u00ednheis sido\",\n \"eles tinham sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-mais-que-perfeito-anterior\": [\n \"eu tivera sido\",\n \"tu tiveras sido\",\n \"ele tivera sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s tiv\u00e9ramos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tiv\u00e9reis sido\",\n \"eles tiveram sido\"\n ],\n \"futuro-do-presente-composto\": [\n \"eu terei sido\",\n \"tu ter\u00e1s sido\",\n \"ele ter\u00e1 sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s teremos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tereis sido\",\n \"eles ter\u00e3o sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"condicional\": {\n \"futuro-do-pret\u00e9rito\": [\n \"eu seria\",\n \"tu serias\",\n \"ele seria\",\n \"n\u00f3s ser\u00edamos\",\n \"v\u00f3s ser\u00edeis\",\n \"eles seriam\"\n ],\n \"futuro-do-pret\u00e9rito-composto\": [\n \"eu teria sido\",\n \"tu terias sido\",\n \"ele teria sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s ter\u00edamos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s ter\u00edeis sido\",\n \"eles teriam sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"subjuntivo\": {\n \"presente\": [\n \"que eu seja\",\n \"que tu sejas\",\n \"que ele seja\",\n \"que n\u00f3s sejamos\",\n \"que v\u00f3s sejais\",\n \"que eles sejam\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-imperfeito\": [\n \"se eu fosse\",\n \"se tu fosses\",\n \"se ele fosse\",\n \"se n\u00f3s f\u00f4ssemos\",\n \"se v\u00f3s f\u00f4sseis\",\n \"se eles fossem\"\n ],\n \"futuro\": [\n \"quando eu for\",\n \"quando tu fores\",\n \"quando ele for\",\n \"quando n\u00f3s formos\",\n \"quando v\u00f3s fordes\",\n \"quando eles forem\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-perfeito\": [\n \"eu tenha sido\",\n \"tu tenhas sido\",\n \"ele tenha sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s tenhamos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tenhais sido\",\n \"eles tenham sido\"\n ],\n \"pret\u00e9rito-mais-que-perfeito\": [\n \"eu tivesse sido\",\n \"tu tivesses sido\",\n \"ele tivesse sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s tiv\u00e9ssemos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tiv\u00e9sseis sido\",\n \"eles tivessem sido\"\n ],\n \"futuro-composto\": [\n \"eu tiver sido\",\n \"tu tiveres sido\",\n \"ele tiver sido\",\n \"n\u00f3s tivermos sido\",\n \"v\u00f3s tiverdes sido\",\n \"eles tiverem sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"infinitivo\": {\n \"infinitivo-pessoal-presente\": [\n \"por ser eu\",\n \"por seres tu\",\n \"por ser ele\",\n \"por sermos n\u00f3s\",\n \"por serdes v\u00f3s\",\n \"por serem eles\"\n ],\n \"infinitivo\": [\n \"ser\",\n \"sido\"\n ],\n \"infinitivo-pessoal-composto\": [\n \"ter sido\",\n \"teres sido\",\n \"ter sido\",\n \"termos sido\",\n \"terdes sido\",\n \"terem sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperativo\": {\n \"afirmativo\": [\n \"-\",\n \"s\u00ea tu\",\n \"seja voc\u00ea\",\n \"sejamos n\u00f3s\",\n \"sede v\u00f3s\",\n \"sejam voc\u00eas\"\n ],\n \"negativo\": [\n \"-\",\n \"n\u00e3o sejas tu\",\n \"n\u00e3o seja voc\u00ea\",\n \"n\u00e3o sejamos n\u00f3s\",\n \"n\u00e3o sejais v\u00f3s\",\n \"n\u00e3o sejam voc\u00eas\"\n ]\n },\n \"ger\u00fandio\": {\n \"ger\u00fandio\": [\n \"sendo\",\n \"sido\"\n ]\n },\n \"partic\u00edpio\": {\n \"partic\u00edpio\": [\n \"sido\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Conjugation Example: Romanian `fi` (to be)\n```python\n>>> cg = Conjugator(lang='ro')\n>>> printjson(cg.conjugate('fi'))\n{\n \"verb\": {\n \"infinitive\": \"fi\",\n \"predicted\": false,\n \"pred_score\": 1.0,\n \"template\": \":fi\",\n \"translation_en\": \"\",\n \"stem\": \"\"\n },\n \"moods\": {\n \"indicativ\": {\n \"prezent\": [\n \"eu sunt\",\n \"tu e\u0219ti\",\n \"el e\",\n \"noi suntem\",\n \"voi sunte\u0163i\",\n \"ei sunt\"\n ],\n \"imperfect\": [\n \"eu eram\",\n \"tu erai\",\n \"el era\",\n \"noi eram\",\n \"voi era\u0163i\",\n \"ei erau\"\n ],\n \"perfect-simplu\": [\n \"eu fui\",\n \"tu fu\u0219i\",\n \"el fu\",\n \"noi fur\u0103m\",\n \"voi fur\u0103\u0163i\",\n \"ei fur\u0103\"\n ],\n \"mai-mult-ca-perfect\": [\n \"eu fusesem\",\n \"tu fusese\u0219i\",\n \"el fusese\",\n \"noi fuseser\u0103m\",\n \"voi fuseser\u0103\u0163i\",\n \"ei fuseser\u0103\"\n ],\n \"perfect-compus\": [\n \"eu am fost\",\n \"tu ai fost\",\n \"el a fost\",\n \"noi am fost\",\n \"voi a\u0163i fost\",\n \"ei au fost\"\n ],\n \"viitor-1\": [\n \"eu voi fi\",\n \"tu vei fi\",\n \"el va fi\",\n \"noi vom fi\",\n \"voi ve\u0163i fi\",\n \"ei vor fi\"\n ],\n \"viitor-2\": [\n \"eu voi fi fost\",\n \"tu vei fi fost\",\n \"el va fi fost\",\n \"noi vom fi fost\",\n \"voi ve\u0163i fi fost\",\n \"ei vor fi fost\"\n ],\n \"viitor-1-popular\": [\n \"eu o s\u0103 fiu\",\n \"tu o s\u0103 fii\",\n \"el o s\u0103 fie\",\n \"noi o s\u0103 fim\",\n \"voi o s\u0103 fi\u0163i\",\n \"ei o s\u0103 fie\"\n ],\n \"viitor-2-popular\": [\n \"eu am s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"tu ai s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"el are s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"noi avem s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"voi ave\u0163i s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"ei au s\u0103 fi fost\"\n ]\n },\n \"conjunctiv\": {\n \"prezent\": [\n \"eu s\u0103 fiu\",\n \"tu s\u0103 fii\",\n \"el s\u0103 fie\",\n \"noi s\u0103 fim\",\n \"voi s\u0103 fi\u0163i\",\n \"ei s\u0103 fie\"\n ],\n \"perfect\": [\n \"eu s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"tu s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"el s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"noi s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"voi s\u0103 fi fost\",\n \"ei s\u0103 fi fost\"\n ]\n },\n \"infinitiv\": {\n \"afirmativ\": [\n \"fi\"\n ]\n },\n \"imperativ\": {\n \"imperativ\": [\n \"fii\",\n \"fi\u0163i\"\n ],\n \"negativ\": [\n \"nu fi\",\n \"nu fi\u0163i\"\n ]\n },\n \"gerunziu\": {\n \"gerunziu\": [\n \"fiind\"\n ]\n },\n \"participiu\": {\n \"participiu\": [\n \"fost\"\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Credits\n- Created with the help of [scikit-learn](, [lxml](, [pytest]( and [python](\n- French verb conjugation template XML files derived from Pierre Sarrazin's C++ program [Verbiste]( \n- Conjugation XML files (Verbiste format) for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian and machine-learning conjugation template prediction for unknown verbs dervied from Sekou Diao's older project [mlconjug]( however they have a newer version out now: [mlconjug3](\n- Catalan verbs list imported from [catverbs](\n",
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"license": "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. 0. Additional Definitions. As used herein, \"this License\" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the \"GNU GPL\" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. \"The Library\" refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. An \"Application\" is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library. A \"Combined Work\" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the \"Linked Version\". The \"Minimal Corresponding Source\" for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. The \"Corresponding Application Code\" for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. 2. Conveying Modified Versions. If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified version: a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy. 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. 4. Combined Works. You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of the following: a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. d) Do one of the following: 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source. 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked Version. e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.) 5. Combined Libraries. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General Public License \"or any later version\" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the Library. ",
"summary": "Verbs Completely Conjugated: machine learning conjugator for Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish",
"version": "1.9.7",
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