
Namewave-flow JSON
Version 1.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryWAVE - Workflow Automation and Versatile Engine
upload_time2024-12-05 13:57:08
authorLucas Lourenço
licenseMIT License
keywords wave build docx treatdata xlsx to word waveflow wave-flow
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # WAVE
> # Workflow Automation and Versatile Engine

<div align="center">
<img src="RDM_components/img/wave.jpeg" alt="WAVE" width="450px"/>

> Owned by Lucas Lourenço

> Maintained by Lucas Lourenço

> Translation to [Portuguese](/RDM_components/PT_README.md)

# Getting Started on WAVE
To use WAVE, execute the following command in your terminal

##### ```pip install -U wave-flow```

# Examples

<details open>
Practical Examples


 - [Simple Example](e.g/simple/simpleExample.py)
 - [Complex Example](e.g/complex/complexExample.py)

 - [Complex Example With Classes](e.g/complexWithClass/complexExample2.py)


<details open>
Class Use Case Example


 - [DataHandler](#-datahandler)

 - [Builder](#-builder)
 - [To](#-to)
 - [Transmitter](#-transmitter)



# How To Use

## | **DataHandler**
The `DataHandler` class is the first step when you're using WAVE. Using it, you become able to use several features, including the unique way to reach `Archive` class (as shown in the next topic). Below are the methods and it's explication.

* #### **DType**
>As [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.dtypes.html), you can pass a _DType_ as parameter. The _KEYS_ on this dict must have to be one of the Headers at the column that you want to perform the read as the _VALUE_ data.

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')
handler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==') # important part of the code that will be shown below.
handler.setDtype({"ID":str, "DATE":str})

* #### **Acess Archive**
>To acess the class [Archive](#-archive), the unique way to reach it is using the code below.

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')
handler.getArchive() # and it's methods as shown

* #### **Read File**
>After informate the [Delimiter](#-delimiter), and if you think it's necessary, inform the [Dtype](#dtype), you have to read the file.<p>
You can only read `xlsx`, `csv` and `json`

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')
handler.setDtype({"ID":str, "DATE":str})

print(handler.getArchive().getData()) # -> dict

## | **Archive**
After being accessed by the method in [DataHandler (Acess Archive)](#acess-archive), you can manage a lot of data informations. Which them gonna be expressed below.

* ### **Delimiter**
One of the most important part of the orchestra. It's necessary and primordial to identify where the placeholders are.

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')



* ### **Transform Data**
This method cooperate with [To](#-to) class. To handle data, `To` has a lot of management about it. You can read more about it [clicking here](#-to).
Following the harmony of the structure, it is appropriate that you use this method to process any type of data.

handler.getArchive().transformData("HOUR", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)
handler.getArchive().transformData("DATE", To.Date().to_dd_mm_yyyy)
handler.getArchive().transformData("FINALDATE", lambda x: To.Date().to_personalizedFormat(x, '%d de %B de %Y'))

* ### **Additional Parameter**

Using this method, you can personalize formatting configurations to each info which will be placed.
Assuming those obrigatory parameters `keyColumn`, `parameterToChange`, `newValueToParameter`, pay attention to the required data below.

| **possibilities**           | **appropriate data type**    | 
| bold                        | bool                         |
| italic                      | bool                         |
| font                        | string                       |
| size                        | int                          |

`keyColumn`: Place here the header which you want to operate.

`parameterToChange`: Select one of the four possibility.

`newValueToParameter`: place the proper data to what you wanna format.

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

    handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')
    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters("NAME", "size", 12)
    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters("NAME", "bold", True)
    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters("COUNTRY", 'italic', True)
    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters("DATE", "font", 'Times New Roman')

OR `setAdditionalParametersForAll`<p>

This method implements for all headers the same configuration.

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

    handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')
    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParametersForAll("centralize", True)


   def setAdditionalParameters(self, keyColumn:str, parameterToChange:Literal["font", "size", "italic", "bold"], newValueToParameter):
        self.__DictWithData[keyColumn]['additional_parameters'][parameterToChange] = newValueToParameter -->

* ### **Getters**

| **Method Name**              | **Return Type**         | **Description**                                                                 |
| `getData()`                  | `dict`                 | Returns the data dictionary, raises `ReferenceError` if no data is available. **(maybe it's what you're looking for)**|
| `getFileType()`              | `str`                  | Returns the file type of the archive.                                          |
| `getMetaData()`              | `list[str]`            | Returns a list of metadata associated with the file.                           |
| `getFilename()`              | `str`                  | Returns the name of the file.                                                |
| `getDesignatedFile()`        | `docx.Document`        | Returns the designated file object.                                            |
| `getDataFrame()`             | `pd.DataFrame`         | Returns the data as a DataFrame, raises `ReferenceError` if no DataFrame exists.|
| `getDelimiter()`             | `str`                  | Returns the current delimiter used for key formatting.                         |
| `getFilesGenerated()`        | `list[docx.Document]`  | Returns a list of files generated by the system.                               |

## | **Builder**
The `Builder` class requires only two obrigatory parameters. Are them the _instance_ of Archive, it means you **HAVE** to informate "handler.getArchive()" as first parameter(archive parameter). As second, you have to informate the base document(baseDocx parameter) which you want to deal.

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')

build = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')


* ### **Generation**

Method used to generate the documents. There's no parameters, just need to run it.

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')

build = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')



* ### **Saving Generated Files**

To save in a zip file or locally, first you have to generate as shown above.

This method has a lot of personalization ways to do. Below you gonna find informations.

| Parameter     | Type Needed             |
| `textAtFile`  | str                     |
| `keyColumn`   | list[str]               |
| `ZipFile`     | bool -> False as default|
| `saveLocally` | bool -> True as default |

### Explication

- **textAtFile**

>That's the pattern name of the file that will be generated. <p>
As e.g.: " {} - Document Generated - {}". <p>
The "{}" in string is present because you can personalize the output with the next paramenter — keyColumn

- **keyColumn**

> With the Headers (Keys) which you informate in this list as string, you can provide the current

- **ZipFile & saveLocally**

> It'll build a ZipFile content (in case of ZipFile receives True) and create locally files (in case of saveLocally receives True)

from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)

handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')

build = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')

build.saveAs(textAtFile="DOCS/{}/{} - Document",
                    keyColumn=['Date', 'Name'], 

* ### **Getters**
| Method                  | Output                                      |
| `getTimeToGenerate`     | _the current time neeeded to generate_      |
| `getIndexSequence`      | _the actual sequence of all documents_      |

## | **To**

The `To` class provides multiple utilities for transforming dates, times, and monetary values into different formats. Below are the available methods and their usage examples.


> ### **1. Language Configuration**
***Before*** using the `Date`, `Hour`, or `Money` utilities, you can set the language using the `To.languageTo()` method.

#### **Languages Supported**
- `'pt_BR'` - Portuguese (Brazil)
- `'es_ES'` - Spanish
- `'en_US'` - English
- `'fr_FR'` - French
- You can use another language which `locale` can handle.

#### **Example**
from WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)


To.languageTo('pt_BR')  # Set language to Portuguese
handler.getArchive().transformData("HOUR", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)



> ### **2. Date Manipulation**
The `To.Date()` provides various methods to handle and transform date objects.

#### **Available Methods**
| Method                          | Output Format       | Example Input                | Example Output                |
| `to_dd_mm`                      | `dd/m`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/1`                        |
| `to_dd_MM`                      | `dd/M`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/January`                  |
| `to_MM_yy`                      | `MM/y`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `January/24`                  |
| `to_MM_yyyy`                    | `MM/Y`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `January/2024`                |
| `to_dd_mm_yy`                   | `dd/mm/yy`         | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/24`                    |
| `to_dd_mm_yy_periodSep`         | `dd.mm.yy`         | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01.01.24`                    |
| `to_dd_MM_yyyy`                 | `dd/MM/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/January/2024`             |
| `to_dd_mm_yyyy`                 | `dd/mm/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/2024`                  |
| `to_mm_dd_yyyy`                 | `mm/dd/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/2024`                  |
| `to_yyyy_mm_dd`                 | `yyyy-mm-dd`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `2024-01-01`                  |
| `to_full_date`                  | Full Date String   | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `Monday, 01 January 2024`     |
| `to_dd_MM_yyyy_in_full`         | Full Date String   | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01 January 2024`             |
| `to_personalizedFormat`         | Custom Format      | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | Based on format provided      |

> Input type must be ***Timestamp class***
#### **Example**
* **pattern method use**:

handler.getArchive().transformData("DATE", To.Date().to_dd_mm_yy_periodSep)

* **to_personalizedFormat**:

    It's an exclusive method in < To > class that provides a personalization about data been treated. You can use the same `.strftime()` as [used on pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.Series.dt.strftime.html).

handler.getArchive().transformData("DATE",lambda x:To.Date().to_personalizedFormat(x,'%d de %B de %Y'))



> ### **3. Time Manipulation**
The `To.Hour()` provides methods for transforming time objects into desired formats.

#### **Available Methods**
| Method               | Output Format       | Example Input          | Example Output     |
| `to_hh_mm_ss`        | `HH:MM:SS`         | `datetime(11, 30)`     | `11:30:00`         |
| `to_hh_mm`           | `HH:MM`            | `datetime(11, 30)`     | `11:30`            |
| `to_12_hour_format`  | `HH:MM AM/PM`      | `datetime(23, 30)`     | `11:30 PM`         |
| `to_24_hour_format`  | `HH:MM`            | `datetime(23, 30)`     | `23:30`            |

> Input type must be ***datetime class***

#### **Example**
* **pattern method use**:

handler.getArchive().transformData("HOUR", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)



> ### **4. Money Formatting Manipulation**
The `To.Money()` provides methods for formatting monetary values into various currencies.

#### **Available Methods**
| Method           | Output Format            | Example Input  | Example Output         |
| `to_dollars`     | `$ {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `$ 1,234.56`          |
| `to_euros`       | `€ {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `€ 1.234,56`          |
| `to_pounds`      | `£ {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `£ 1,234.56`          |
| `to_brl`         | `R$ {value}`            | `1234.56`      | `R$ 1.234,56`         |

> Input type must be ***float*** or ***int***

#### **Example**
* **pattern method use**:

handler.getArchive().transformData("VALUE", To.Money().to_brl)



## | **Transmitter**
This class could be the first step for your usage on WAVE, because it can analyse a .docx and return a .xlsx file with all headers which where defined at docx.

Everything you need to do is informate the document (it **must have** to be a list) and pass the delimiter. After that, just use the method `export`.
Follow the example:

from WaveFlow import Transmitter

transmitter = Transmitter(['example.xlsx'], '==')



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "wave-flow",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "wave build docx treatdata xlsx to word waveflow wave-flow",
    "author": "Lucas Louren\u00e7o",
    "author_email": "dev.lucaslourenco@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0d/b8/7fff86e8f8c59be44167bd1202854d956b1565e8c2c0251c49adad0bffbf/wave-flow-1.1.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# WAVE\r\n> # Workflow Automation and Versatile Engine\r\n\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<img src=\"RDM_components/img/wave.jpeg\" alt=\"WAVE\" width=\"450px\"/>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n> Owned by Lucas Louren\u00e7o\r\n\r\n> Maintained by Lucas Louren\u00e7o\r\n\r\n> Translation to [Portuguese](/RDM_components/PT_README.md)\r\n----\r\n\r\n# Getting Started on WAVE\r\nTo use WAVE, execute the following command in your terminal\r\n\r\n##### ```pip install -U wave-flow```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# Examples\r\n\r\n<details open>\r\n<summary>\r\nPractical Examples\r\n</summary>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n - [Simple Example](e.g/simple/simpleExample.py)\r\n \r\n - [Complex Example](e.g/complex/complexExample.py)\r\n\r\n - [Complex Example With Classes](e.g/complexWithClass/complexExample2.py)\r\n\r\n</p>\r\n</details>\r\n\r\n\r\n<details open>\r\n<summary>\r\nClass Use Case Example\r\n</summary>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\n - [DataHandler](#-datahandler)\r\n\r\n - [Builder](#-builder)\r\n \r\n - [To](#-to)\r\n \r\n - [Transmitter](#-transmitter)\r\n\r\n\r\n</p>\r\n</details>\r\n\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n# How To Use\r\n\r\n\r\n## | **DataHandler**\r\nThe `DataHandler` class is the first step when you're using WAVE. Using it, you become able to use several features, including the unique way to reach `Archive` class (as shown in the next topic). Below are the methods and it's explication.\r\n\r\n\r\n* #### **DType**\r\n>As [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.dtypes.html), you can pass a _DType_ as parameter. The _KEYS_ on this dict must have to be one of the Headers at the column that you want to perform the read as the _VALUE_ data.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==') # important part of the code that will be shown below.\r\nhandler.setDtype({\"ID\":str, \"DATE\":str})\r\n```\r\n\r\n* #### **Acess Archive**\r\n>To acess the class [Archive](#-archive), the unique way to reach it is using the code below.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive() # and it's methods as shown\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n* #### **Read File**\r\n>After informate the [Delimiter](#-delimiter), and if you think it's necessary, inform the [Dtype](#dtype), you have to read the file.<p>\r\nYou can only read `xlsx`, `csv` and `json`\r\n\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\nhandler.setDtype({\"ID\":str, \"DATE\":str})\r\nhandler.readFile()\r\n\r\nprint(handler.getArchive().getData()) # -> dict\r\n```\r\n\r\n## | **Archive**\r\nAfter being accessed by the method in [DataHandler (Acess Archive)](#acess-archive), you can manage a lot of data informations. Which them gonna be expressed below.\r\n\r\n* ### **Delimiter**\r\nOne of the most important part of the orchestra. It's necessary and primordial to identify where the placeholders are.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Transform Data**\r\nThis method cooperate with [To](#-to) class. To handle data, `To` has a lot of management about it. You can read more about it [clicking here](#-to).\r\nFollowing the harmony of the structure, it is appropriate that you use this method to process any type of data.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"HOUR\", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"DATE\", To.Date().to_dd_mm_yyyy)\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"FINALDATE\", lambda x: To.Date().to_personalizedFormat(x, '%d de %B de %Y'))\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Additional Parameter**\r\n`setAdditionalParameters`\r\n\r\nUsing this method, you can personalize formatting configurations to each info which will be placed.\r\nAssuming those obrigatory parameters `keyColumn`, `parameterToChange`, `newValueToParameter`, pay attention to the required data below.\r\n\r\n| **possibilities**           | **appropriate data type**    | \r\n|-----------------------------|------------------------------|\r\n| bold                        | bool                         |\r\n| italic                      | bool                         |\r\n| font                        | string                       |\r\n| size                        | int                          |\r\n\r\n\r\n`keyColumn`: Place here the header which you want to operate.\r\n\r\n`parameterToChange`: Select one of the four possibility.\r\n\r\n`newValueToParameter`: place the proper data to what you wanna format.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n    handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\n    \r\n    handler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\n    handler.readFile()\r\n    \r\n    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters(\"NAME\", \"size\", 12)\r\n    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters(\"NAME\", \"bold\", True)\r\n    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters(\"COUNTRY\", 'italic', True)\r\n    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParameters(\"DATE\", \"font\", 'Times New Roman')\r\n    \r\n    [...]\r\n\r\n```\r\nOR `setAdditionalParametersForAll`<p>\r\n\r\nThis method implements for all headers the same configuration.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n    handler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\n    \r\n    handler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\n    handler.readFile()\r\n    \r\n    handler.getArchive().setAdditionalParametersForAll(\"centralize\", True)\r\n    \r\n    [...]\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n<!-- \r\n   def setAdditionalParameters(self, keyColumn:str, parameterToChange:Literal[\"font\", \"size\", \"italic\", \"bold\"], newValueToParameter):\r\n        self.__DictWithData[keyColumn]['additional_parameters'][parameterToChange] = newValueToParameter -->\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Getters**\r\n\r\n| **Method Name**              | **Return Type**         | **Description**                                                                 |\r\n|------------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\r\n| `getData()`                  | `dict`                 | Returns the data dictionary, raises `ReferenceError` if no data is available. **(maybe it's what you're looking for)**|\r\n| `getFileType()`              | `str`                  | Returns the file type of the archive.                                          |\r\n| `getMetaData()`              | `list[str]`            | Returns a list of metadata associated with the file.                           |\r\n| `getFilename()`              | `str`                  | Returns the name of the file.                                                |\r\n| `getDesignatedFile()`        | `docx.Document`        | Returns the designated file object.                                            |\r\n| `getDataFrame()`             | `pd.DataFrame`         | Returns the data as a DataFrame, raises `ReferenceError` if no DataFrame exists.|\r\n| `getDelimiter()`             | `str`                  | Returns the current delimiter used for key formatting.                         |\r\n| `getFilesGenerated()`        | `list[docx.Document]`  | Returns a list of files generated by the system.                               |\r\n\r\n\r\n---\r\n## | **Builder**\r\nThe `Builder` class requires only two obrigatory parameters. Are them the _instance_ of Archive, it means you **HAVE** to informate \"handler.getArchive()\" as first parameter(archive parameter). As second, you have to informate the base document(baseDocx parameter) which you want to deal.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\nhandler.readFile()\r\n\r\nbuild = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Generation**\r\n`.generate()`\r\n\r\nMethod used to generate the documents. There's no parameters, just need to run it.\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\nhandler.readFile()\r\n\r\nbuild = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')\r\nbuild.generate()\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Saving Generated Files**\r\n`.saveAs()`\r\n\r\nTo save in a zip file or locally, first you have to generate as shown above.\r\n\r\nThis method has a lot of personalization ways to do. Below you gonna find informations.\r\n\r\n\r\n| Parameter     | Type Needed             |\r\n|---------------|-------------------------|\r\n| `textAtFile`  | str                     |\r\n| `keyColumn`   | list[str]               |\r\n| `ZipFile`     | bool -> False as default|\r\n| `saveLocally` | bool -> True as default |\r\n\r\n### Explication\r\n\r\n- **textAtFile**\r\n\r\n>That's the pattern name of the file that will be generated. <p>\r\nAs e.g.: \" {} - Document Generated - {}\". <p>\r\nThe \"{}\" in string is present because you can personalize the output with the next paramenter \u2014 keyColumn\r\n\r\n\r\n- **keyColumn**\r\n\r\n> With the Headers (Keys) which you informate in this list as string, you can provide the current\r\n\r\n- **ZipFile & saveLocally**\r\n\r\n> It'll build a ZipFile content (in case of ZipFile receives True) and create locally files (in case of saveLocally receives True)\r\n\r\n\r\ne.g.:\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n\r\nhandler = DataHandler(r'example.xlsx')\r\nhandler.getArchive().setDelimiter('==')\r\nhandler.readFile()\r\n\r\nbuild = Builder(handler.getArchive(), r'example.docx')\r\nbuild.generate()\r\n\r\nbuild.saveAs(textAtFile=\"DOCS/{}/{} - Document\",\r\n                    keyColumn=['Date', 'Name'], \r\n                    ZipFile=True, \r\n                    saveLocally=True)\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n* ### **Getters**\r\n| Method                  | Output                                      |\r\n|-------------------------|---------------------------------------------|\r\n| `getTimeToGenerate`     | _the current time neeeded to generate_      |\r\n| `getIndexSequence`      | _the actual sequence of all documents_      |\r\n\r\n---\r\n## | **To**\r\n\r\nThe `To` class provides multiple utilities for transforming dates, times, and monetary values into different formats. Below are the available methods and their usage examples.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\n> ### **1. Language Configuration**\r\n***Before*** using the `Date`, `Hour`, or `Money` utilities, you can set the language using the `To.languageTo()` method.\r\n\r\n#### **Languages Supported**\r\n- `'pt_BR'` - Portuguese (Brazil)\r\n- `'es_ES'` - Spanish\r\n- `'en_US'` - English\r\n- `'fr_FR'` - French\r\n- You can use another language which `locale` can handle.\r\n\r\n#### **Example**\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import (PreRequisitesWave, To, DataHandler, Builder, Transmitter)\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n\r\nTo.languageTo('pt_BR')  # Set language to Portuguese\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"HOUR\", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n> ### **2. Date Manipulation**\r\nThe `To.Date()` provides various methods to handle and transform date objects.\r\n\r\n#### **Available Methods**\r\n| Method                          | Output Format       | Example Input                | Example Output                |\r\n|---------------------------------|---------------------|------------------------------|-------------------------------|\r\n| `to_dd_mm`                      | `dd/m`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/1`                        |\r\n| `to_dd_MM`                      | `dd/M`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/January`                  |\r\n| `to_MM_yy`                      | `MM/y`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `January/24`                  |\r\n| `to_MM_yyyy`                    | `MM/Y`             | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `January/2024`                |\r\n| `to_dd_mm_yy`                   | `dd/mm/yy`         | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/24`                    |\r\n| `to_dd_mm_yy_periodSep`         | `dd.mm.yy`         | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01.01.24`                    |\r\n| `to_dd_MM_yyyy`                 | `dd/MM/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/January/2024`             |\r\n| `to_dd_mm_yyyy`                 | `dd/mm/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/2024`                  |\r\n| `to_mm_dd_yyyy`                 | `mm/dd/yyyy`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01/01/2024`                  |\r\n| `to_yyyy_mm_dd`                 | `yyyy-mm-dd`       | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `2024-01-01`                  |\r\n| `to_full_date`                  | Full Date String   | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `Monday, 01 January 2024`     |\r\n| `to_dd_MM_yyyy_in_full`         | Full Date String   | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | `01 January 2024`             |\r\n| `to_personalizedFormat`         | Custom Format      | `Timestamp('2024-01-01')`   | Based on format provided      |\r\n\r\n> Input type must be ***Timestamp class***\r\n#### **Example**\r\n* **pattern method use**:\r\n```python\r\n[...]\r\n\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"DATE\", To.Date().to_dd_mm_yy_periodSep)\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n* **to_personalizedFormat**:\r\n\r\n    It's an exclusive method in < To > class that provides a personalization about data been treated. You can use the same `.strftime()` as [used on pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.Series.dt.strftime.html).\r\n```python\r\n[...]\r\n\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"DATE\",lambda x:To.Date().to_personalizedFormat(x,'%d de %B de %Y'))\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n> ### **3. Time Manipulation**\r\nThe `To.Hour()` provides methods for transforming time objects into desired formats.\r\n\r\n#### **Available Methods**\r\n| Method               | Output Format       | Example Input          | Example Output     |\r\n|----------------------|---------------------|------------------------|--------------------|\r\n| `to_hh_mm_ss`        | `HH:MM:SS`         | `datetime(11, 30)`     | `11:30:00`         |\r\n| `to_hh_mm`           | `HH:MM`            | `datetime(11, 30)`     | `11:30`            |\r\n| `to_12_hour_format`  | `HH:MM AM/PM`      | `datetime(23, 30)`     | `11:30 PM`         |\r\n| `to_24_hour_format`  | `HH:MM`            | `datetime(23, 30)`     | `23:30`            |\r\n\r\n> Input type must be ***datetime class***\r\n\r\n#### **Example**\r\n* **pattern method use**:\r\n```python\r\n[...]\r\n\r\nTo.languageTo('pt_BR')\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"HOUR\", To.Hour().to_hh_mm)\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n> ### **4. Money Formatting Manipulation**\r\nThe `To.Money()` provides methods for formatting monetary values into various currencies.\r\n\r\n#### **Available Methods**\r\n| Method           | Output Format            | Example Input  | Example Output         |\r\n|------------------|--------------------------|----------------|------------------------|\r\n| `to_dollars`     | `$ {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `$ 1,234.56`          |\r\n| `to_euros`       | `\u20ac {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `\u20ac 1.234,56`          |\r\n| `to_pounds`      | `\u00a3 {value}`             | `1234.56`      | `\u00a3 1,234.56`          |\r\n| `to_brl`         | `R$ {value}`            | `1234.56`      | `R$ 1.234,56`         |\r\n\r\n> Input type must be ***float*** or ***int***\r\n\r\n#### **Example**\r\n* **pattern method use**:\r\n```python\r\n[...]\r\n\r\nTo.languageTo('pt_BR')\r\nhandler.getArchive().transformData(\"VALUE\", To.Money().to_brl)\r\n\r\n[...]\r\n```\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n## | **Transmitter**\r\nThis class could be the first step for your usage on WAVE, because it can analyse a .docx and return a .xlsx file with all headers which where defined at docx.\r\n\r\nEverything you need to do is informate the document (it **must have** to be a list) and pass the delimiter. After that, just use the method `export`.\r\nFollow the example:\r\n\r\n```python\r\nfrom WaveFlow import Transmitter\r\n\r\ntransmitter = Transmitter(['example.xlsx'], '==')\r\ntransmitter.export(\"exampleExport.xlsx\")\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n",
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