PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

rchatgpt-on-wecom 1.3.4 基于ChatGPT的企业微信聊天应用,通过 [OpenAI]( 接口生成对话内容,使用 [wechatpy]( 实现企业微信应用号消息的接收和回复. 2024-06-01 07:28:18
chatgpt-on-wechat 1.1.2 ChatGPT近期以强大的对话和信息整合能力风靡全网,可以写代码、改论文、讲故事,几乎无所不能,这让人不禁有个大胆的想法,能否用他的对话模型把我们的微信打造成一个智能机器人,可以在与好友对话中给出意想不到的回应,而且再也不用担心女朋友影响我们 ~~打游戏~~ 工作了. 2024-06-01 07:27:54
celery-pro 1.0.1 This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. 2024-06-01 07:27:36
ccxtbot 2.2.5 This is a pet project to get familiar with a number of APIs for trading cryptocurrencies via algorithms. 2024-06-01 05:58:19
ccxt-portfolio-pro 1.3.1 This version is currently using Bittrex BTC price to value the portfolio.Future options coming soon.. 2024-06-01 05:57:00
ccxt-microservice 1.2.5 Micro service to call cryptocurrency exchanges API using [ccxt]( 2024-06-01 05:54:36
c-binance-future-quant 1.1.5 这是一套经过长时间实盘验证,有超过100亿美金交易量,包含币安合约的数据录入,风控,交易的架构实现,但不包含具体的策略,仅提供一个简单的交易实践演示数据读取,开仓,平仓,以及止盈止损,风控,还有前端数据展示和分析(前端板块为react+redux+antd,开源还在准备中,因为现在还有维护一个左侧策略,打算直接把这个左侧策略的数据释放出来示范,应该在7月25号前发布上来)你可以利用它简单,低成本的实现你的交易逻辑,其大量运用阿里云服务器进行分布式架构,多进程处理,以及飞书进行异常报错和交易信息披露...如果你愿意详细阅读该readme的所有信息,尤其是 [模块详细解析](#模块详细解析) ,那么他同时也会是一部关于币安合约的交易风控,设计架构的经验理解历史,总结了几乎本人所有成功和失败的经验,希望能让后人少踩些坑 2024-06-01 05:53:09
bot-on-anything 1.2.3 将 **AI模型** 接入各类 **消息应用**,开发者通过轻量配置即可在二者之间选择一条连线,运行起一个智能对话机器人,在一个项目中轻松完成多条链路的切换。该架构扩展性强,每接入一个应用可复用已有的算法能力,同样每接入一个模型也可作用于所有应用之上。 2024-06-01 05:50:06
BeraChainToolsPro 1.1.3 BeraChainTools 一个为 BeraChain 生态系统设计的工具集,旨在帮助用户轻松地进行各种交互和操作。 2024-06-01 05:48:33
beautifulsouppro 2.2.5 This project is dedicated to beautifulsoup 2024-06-01 05:44:37
awesome-systematic-trading 1.31.5 Awesome Systematic Trading:We are collecting a list of resources papers, softwares, books, articles for finding, developing, and running systematic trading (quantitative trading) strategies. 2024-06-01 05:42:57
alphahunterpro 0.9.1 Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework. 2024-06-01 05:39:39
Abigale2 1.3.5 This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:. 2024-06-01 05:36:14
58 1.0.5 抓58同城的电话号码 2024-06-01 05:34:12
oh-my-zsh 1.1.2 A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 40+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, macports, etc), over 80 terminal themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community。 2024-06-01 03:47:59
ScrapyJD 1.0.2 a web crawler based on scrapy that crawl the product items of a certain category and comments to the product。 2024-06-01 03:44:24
chinastock-pro 1.0.1 中国股票行情数据分析。 2024-06-01 03:41:23
distribute-crawler 1.0.1 使用scrapy,redis, mongodb,graphite实现的一个分布式网络爬虫,底层存储mongodb集群,分布式使用redis实现,爬虫状态显示使用graphite实现。 2024-06-01 03:35:15
reverse-life 1.2.5 This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies. 2024-05-31 05:48:33
pysui-utils 1.0.1 This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of sui crypto engineering. Crypto engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies. 2024-05-30 08:13:13
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