PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

outerbounds 0.3.77 More Data Science, Less Administration 2024-06-24 23:12:19
flwr-nightly 1.10.0.dev20240624 Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework 2024-06-24 23:06:40
multi-med-image-ml 0.0.29 Deep learning library to encode multiple brain images and other electronic health record data in disease detection. 2024-06-24 21:14:46
sparseml-nightly Libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models 2024-06-24 20:39:58
flwr-datasets 0.2.0 Flower Datasets 2024-06-24 14:36:06
torchx-nightly 2024.6.24 TorchX SDK and Components 2024-06-24 11:27:28
faiss-cpu 1.8.0.post1 A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2024-06-24 05:58:28
mngs 1.5.5 For lazy python users (monogusa people in Japanse), especially in ML/DSP fields 2024-06-24 05:02:07
sageworks 0.6.13 SageWorks: A Python WorkBench for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Models 2024-06-23 23:24:04
emergenet 0.4.2 Superfast Risk Estimation of Emerging Pathogens 2024-06-23 20:37:52
tf-keras-nightly 2.18.0.dev2024062309 Deep learning for humans. 2024-06-23 10:05:07
servir-aces 0.0.18 Agricultural Classification and Estimation Service (ACES) 2024-06-23 04:06:03
ebtorch 0.25.9 Collection of PyTorch additions, extensions, utilities, uses and abuses 2024-06-22 23:39:00
django-flow-forge 0.4.5 Eliminate unnecessary system complexity in Data Ops and in Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) with this Django module for defining, running and monitoring flows. 2024-06-22 21:33:26
byotrack 0.6.0 Biological particle tracking with Python 2024-06-22 15:42:27
netron 7.7.4 Viewer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models 2024-06-22 02:22:38
torch-pgn 0.1.2 Proximity Graph Networks: Predicting ligand affinity with Message Passing Neural Networks 2024-06-21 22:12:21
itscalledsoccer 1.2.0 Programmatically interact with the American Soccer Analysis API 2024-06-21 21:28:40
torch-geometric-signed-directed 0.25.0 An Extension Library for PyTorch Geometric on signed and directed networks. 2024-06-21 19:21:53
quotientai 0.0.5 CLI for evaluating large language models with Quotient 2024-06-21 18:15:54
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