PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

textpredict 0.1.2 A Python package for text classification using transformer models. 2024-07-05 14:14:59
sentimentpredictor 0.1.3 A flexible sentiment analysis predictor package supporting multiple pre-trained models, customizable preprocessing, visualization tools, fine-tuning capabilities, and seamless integration with pandas DataFrames. 2024-07-04 23:08:45
emotionclassifier 0.1.4 A flexible emotion classifier with support for multiple models 2024-07-04 15:26:26
gliner 0.2.7 Generalist model for NER (Extract any entity types from texts) 2024-07-03 18:53:24
optimum-benchmark 0.3.1 Optimum-Benchmark is a unified multi-backend utility for benchmarking Transformers, Timm, Diffusers and Sentence-Transformers with full support of Optimum's hardware optimizations & quantization schemes. 2024-07-03 15:36:04
happy-vllm 1.1.4 happy_vllm is a REST API for vLLM, production ready 2024-07-03 15:22:20
meshgpt-pytorch 1.5.7 MeshGPT Pytorch 2024-07-02 17:12:01
x-transformers 1.31.8 X-Transformers - Pytorch 2024-07-02 16:37:10
glirel 0.1.3 Generalist model for Relation Extraction (Extract any relation types from texts) 2024-06-30 15:53:48
fastopic 0.0.3 FASTopic 2024-06-22 09:34:00
sibila 0.4.5 Structured queries from local or online LLM models 2024-06-21 16:11:02
belt-nlp 1.1.0 BELT (BERT For Longer Texts). BERT-based text classification model for processing texts longer than 512 tokens. 2024-06-19 12:48:26
openllm-core 0.5.7 OpenLLM Core: Core components for OpenLLM. 2024-06-14 02:49:51
openllm-client 0.5.7 OpenLLM Client: Interacting with OpenLLM HTTP/gRPC server, or any BentoML server. 2024-06-14 02:49:50
openllm 0.5.7 OpenLLM: Run any open-source LLMs, such as Llama 2, Mistral, as OpenAI compatible API endpoint in the cloud. 2024-06-14 02:49:48
zeldarose 0.11.0 Train transformer-based models 2024-06-12 12:41:38
taxonerd 1.5.4 A Python package and CLI tool based on spaCy for detecting mentions of taxonomic entities in text 2024-06-12 08:11:47
querent 3.1.2 The Asynchronous Data Dynamo and Graph Neural Network Catalyst 2024-06-10 11:13:54
trl 0.9.4 Train transformer language models with reinforcement learning. 2024-06-06 14:14:32
momentfm 0.1 MOMENT: A Family of Open Time Series Foundation Models 2024-05-30 02:19:45
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