PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

nanorm 1.9.14 A simple ORM framework for Python ( Nano ORM ) 2024-02-01 13:49:43
django-deprecate-fields 0.1.2 This package allows deprecating model fields and allows removing them in a backwards compatible manner. 2024-01-31 08:33:18
cjptools 0.1.25 My Personal Toolkit 2024-01-31 02:22:27
record-mysql 1.0.1 Provides abstract classes meant to represent record data as Define Node types 2024-01-28 13:46:10
steelbase 1.0.1 A basic database structure, like sqlite3. 2024-01-27 22:44:02
sqlservice 3.0.0 The missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface 2024-01-27 02:39:50
peasy-jobs 0.2.2 An incredibly simple database-based background worker for Django. 2024-01-26 17:44:55
snowkill 0.4.4 A tool for realtime monitoring of running, queued and blocked queries in Snowflake 2024-01-25 16:48:52
record-oc 1.0.0 Provides abstract classes meant to represent record data as Define Node types 2024-01-24 00:26:39
Augusta 1.0.5 Python package for inference of the gene regulatory network and the boolean network using RNA-Seq data. 2024-01-22 13:48:48
Loglan-Core 0.2.5 Loglan Dictionary Database Model for SQLAlchemy 2024-01-20 09:15:14
pyntree 1.3.0 pyntree is a python package which allows you to easily and syntactically save your data. Not only that, it also lets you save in multiple formats, and even serialize and compress data by merely changing a few characters. 2024-01-20 02:39:55
uniprotparser 1.2.0 Getting Uniprot Data from Uniprot Accession ID through Uniprot REST API 2024-01-19 12:19:47
quasardb 3.14.1 Python API for quasardb 2024-01-18 16:15:48
pythonrest3 0.1.1 PythonRestCLI tool, created and managed by Seven Technologies Cloud. 2024-01-17 18:38:14
sqlalchemybulk 0.1.2 Perform CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy 2024-01-17 12:37:54
smokedduck 0.1.dev36241 SmokedDuck - DuckDB fork with fine-grained provenance 2024-01-15 18:44:05
django-urlid-graph 0.5.9 Django-based API to serve URLid + graph database 2024-01-15 06:54:56
django-dbbackup 4.1.0 Management commands to help backup and restore a project database and media. 2024-01-15 00:57:09
django-ticket 2.1.1 A ticket application for django project 2024-01-14 07:43:45
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