PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

amplify-sched 0.1.2 Fixstars Amplify Scheduling Engine SDK 2024-01-10 06:51:31
pymetamodels 0.0.3 The pymetamodels package combines machine learning (ML) metamodeling and analysis tools for the virtual development of modeling systems within a common abstract framework implemented in an accessible and distributable Python package. This package is oriented to support ML applications in material science, material informatics and the construction of materials, components and systems soft metamodels informed by hard physics-based modelling and experimental characterisations. 2024-01-09 14:35:00
optomo 0.0.1 Optimal control MPC tools for Python. 2024-01-09 12:52:51
wamuu 0.0.2 Find best cable positioning 2024-01-05 16:20:29
torchimize 0.0.16 Optimization Algorithms using Pytorch 2024-01-04 16:48:04
SolidsOpt 0.1 This package is made to perfome topology optimization of 2D solids 2024-01-03 17:52:41
OpenRAFT 1.2.0 RAFT: Response Amplitudes of Floating Turbines 2024-01-03 11:07:17
vispunk-motion 0.1.23 Vispunk. 2024-01-03 03:36:16
optibess-algorithm 0.1.1 Optibess Algorithm is a python 3.10+ library for simulating and optimizing a photovoltaic system with power storage. 2024-01-01 13:28:06
KNearestNeighborSampling 0.0.2 Dataset size reduction using KNN Sampling algorithm 2023-12-31 19:02:47
fontimize 0.8.9 Easily create font subsets containing only characters used in your text or website 2023-12-25 10:01:08
vrp-cli 1.23.0 A command line interface for VRP solver 2023-12-22 19:25:05
scico 0.0.5.post1 Scientific Computational Imaging COde: A Python package for scientific imaging problems 2023-12-22 18:14:35
dxnesici 1.0.3 DX-NES-ICI for numerical optimization in Python 2023-12-09 03:28:09
PyFemtet 0.1.3b0 Design parameter optimization using Femtet. 2023-12-07 06:43:05
drivepathsolver 0.1.2 Use QP solver to optimize paths for robots 2023-12-05 06:17:53
kafe2 2.8.3 Karlsruhe Fit Environment 2: a package for fitting and elementary data analysis 2023-11-29 09:34:17
pymoo Multi-Objective Optimization in Python 2023-11-26 02:48:55
pybary 0.2.1 Barycenter method in python 2023-11-24 23:14:30
smart-boiler Smart boiling of household 2023-11-23 21:54:13
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