PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

tokenstream 1.6.0 A versatile token stream for handwritten parsers 2023-08-02 18:52:57
spatk 1.2.1 Module for handling and analyzing spice netlists 2023-07-29 09:37:23
sxpyr 0.0.4 A flexible Lisp reader. 2023-07-27 23:29:19
sdmx2json-ld 1.0.0 A SDMX in RDF Turtle 1.1 format parser to generate valid JSON-LD and send to FIWARE Context Brokers using ETSI NGSI-LD. 2023-07-25 10:37:03
construct-editor 0.1.5 GUI (based on wxPython) for 'construct', which is a powerful declarative and symmetrical parser and builder for binary data. 2023-07-24 09:22:56
scribelex 1.0.11 Scribelex is a lightweight Python library for building parser combinators. 2023-07-12 11:21:14
zavod 0.7.3 Data factory for followthemoney data. 2023-07-07 12:28:24
parse-type 0.6.2 Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module 2023-07-05 19:11:36
openai-functions 1.0.0 Simplifies the usage of OpenAI ChatGPT's function calling by generating the schemas and parsing OpenAI's responses for you. 2023-07-03 19:33:42
json-stream 2.3.2 Streaming JSON encoder and decoder 2023-06-30 09:43:16
simpleshark 0.0.12 Python package to parse tshark/wireshark/tcpdump captured pcaps and return python objects. 2023-06-27 08:55:27
ttp 0.9.5 Template Text Parser 2023-06-25 00:28:14
parsita 2.0.0 Parser combinator library for Python 2023-06-23 10:10:26
face-crop-plus 1.1.0 Automatic face aligner and cropper with quality enhancement and attribute parsing. 2023-06-23 08:40:13
prance Resolving Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0.0 Parser 2023-06-21 20:01:57
trulia-rapidapi 0.1.3 Trulia Real Estate API on RapidAPI 2023-06-21 08:43:40
justMulti 0.0.3 Parse html strings 2023-06-20 19:37:05
piechartocr 0.6.6 Pie Chart Optical Character Recognition 2023-06-18 21:19:36
similarweb-rapidapi 0.1.4 SimilarWeb API on RapidAPI 2023-06-17 09:47:03
xmlrecords 0.3.1 This package can convert an XML files to a list of records 2023-06-15 12:17:36
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