PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

GridSearchHelper 0.8.0 Advanced hyperparameter tuning using grid search for ML models 2025-02-01 07:41:14
skll 5.1.0 SciKit-Learn Laboratory makes it easier to run machine learning experiments with scikit-learn. 2024-12-27 16:29:34
HROCH 1.4.12 Symbolic regression and classification 2024-08-31 16:12:23
ml2json 0.4.0 A safe, transparent way to share and deploy scikit-learn models. 2024-06-08 22:37:37
sklearn-ml 2.2 A light package build on scikit-learn, which is used for machine learning missions.By using it, you could conveniently train and use models at the same time, and do some model comparison. 2024-04-25 14:40:23
sagify 0.25.4 Machine Learning Training, Tuning and Deployment on AWS 2024-03-10 12:33:03
scikit-transformers 0.3.1 scikit-transformers is a very usefull package to enable and provide custom transformers such as LogColumnTransformer, BoolColumnTransformers and others fancy transformers. 2024-02-09 23:42:52
sumire 1.0.2 Scikit-learn compatible Japanese text vectorizer for CPU-based Japanese natural language processing. 2024-01-31 14:38:04
adaptivebridge 1.1.0 Revolutionizing ML adaptive modelling for handling missing features and data. The model can predict missing data in real-world scenarios. 2024-01-29 13:21:58
pwlreg 1.0.1 A scikit-learn-compatible implementation of Piecewise Linear Regression 2023-12-26 23:01:56
pyhim 0.9.1 Pipeline and functions to analyse multiplexed DNA-FISH data 2023-12-13 13:26:49
funpredict 0.0.6 Introducing Fun Predict, the ultimate time-saver for machine learning! No more complex coding or tedious parameter tuning - just sit back and let Fun Predict build your basic models with ease. It's like having a personal assistant for your machine learning projects, making the process simple, efficient, and, well, Fun! 🛋 2023-11-12 08:55:15
hypertune 1.1.0 A library for performing hyperparameter optimization with Polyaxon. 2023-11-02 08:58:15
pmdarima 2.0.4 Python's forecast::auto.arima equivalent 2023-10-23 13:55:11
scikit-datasets 0.2.4 Scikit-learn-compatible datasets 2023-08-08 14:02:18
sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms 0.12.0 Search using nature inspired algorithms over specified parameter values for an sklearn estimator. 2023-08-05 18:50:42
pyaf 5.0 Python Automatic Forecasting 2023-07-12 22:24:01
sktree 0.1.3 Modern decision trees in Python 2023-07-05 23:35:30
lazyforecast 0.0.1 LazyForecast is a Python library for performing univariate time series analysis using a lazy forecasting approach. This approach is designed to provide quick and simple forecasting models without requiring extensive configuration or parameter tuning. 2023-06-27 10:10:26
skbase 0.4.6 Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects 2023-06-17 20:17:58
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