FineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic
A statistical model and toolbox to identify the super-resolved ligand-receptor interaction
with spatial co-expression (i.e., spatial association).
Uniquely, FineST can distinguish co-expressed ligand-receptor pairs (LR pairs)
from spatially separating pairs at sub-spot level or single-cell level,
and identify the super-resolved ligand-receptor interaction (LRI).
.. image:: https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST/blob/main/docs/fig/FineST_framework_all.png?raw=true
:width: 800px
:align: center
It comprises three components (*Training*-*Imputation*-*Discovery*) after HE image feature is extracted:
* Step0: HE image feature extraction
* Step1: **Training** FineST on the within spots
* Step2: Super-resolution spatial RNA-seq **imputation**
* Step3: Fine-grained LR pair and CCC pattern **discovery**
.. It comprises two main steps:
.. 1. global selection `spatialdm_global` to identify significantly interacting LR pairs;
.. 2. local selection `spatialdm_local` to identify local spots for each interaction.
FineST is available through `PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/FineST/>`_.
To install, type the following command line and add ``-U`` for updates:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U FineST
Alternatively, install from this GitHub repository for latest (often
development) version (time: < 1 min):
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U git+https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST
Installation using Conda
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST.git
$ conda create --name FineST python=3.8
$ conda activate FineST
$ cd FineST
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Typically installation is completed within a few minutes.
Then install pytorch, refer to `pytorch installation <https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/>`_.
.. code-block:: bash
$ conda install pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
Verify the installation using the following command:
.. code-block:: text
>>> import torch
>>> print(torch.__version__)
>>> print(torch.cuda.is_available())
Get Started for *Visium* or *Visium HD* data
**Usage illustrations**:
The source codes for reproducing the FineST analysis in this work are provided (see `demo` directory).
All relevant materials involved in the reproducing codes are available
from `Google Drive <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10WvKW2EtQVuH3NWUnrde4JOW_Dd_H6r8>`_.
* For *Visium*, using a single slice of 10x Visium human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) data.
* For *Visium HD*, using a single slice of 10x Visium HD human colorectal cancer (CRC) data with 16-um bin.
Step0: HE image feature extraction (for *Visium*)
*Visium* measures about 5k spots across the entire tissue area.
The diameter of each individual spot is roughly 55 micrometers (um),
while the center-to-center distance between two adjacent spots is about 100 um.
In order to capture the gene expression profile across the whole tissue ASSP,
Firstly, interpolate ``between spots`` in horizontal and vertical directions,
using ``Spot_interpolate.py``.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/demo/Spot_interpolate.py \
--data_path ./Dataset/NPC/ \
--position_list tissue_positions_list.csv \
--dataset patient1
.. ``Spot_interpolate.py`` also output the execution time and spot number ratio:
.. * The spots feature interpolation time is: 2.549 seconds
.. * # of interpolated between-spots are: 2.786 times vs. original within-spots
.. * # 0f final all spots are: 3.786 times vs. original within-spots
with **Input:** ``tissue_positions_list.csv`` - Locations of ``within spots`` (n),
and **Output:** ``_position_add_tissue.csv``- Locations of ``between spots`` (m ~= 3n).
.. **Input file:**
.. * ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: Spot locations
.. **Output files:**
.. * ``_position_add_tissue.csv``: Spot locations of the ``between spots`` (m ~= 3n)
.. * ``_position_all_tissue.csv``: Spot locations of all ``between spots`` and ``within spots``
Then extracte the ``within spots`` HE image feature embeddings using ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \
--dataset AH_Patient1 \
--position ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv \
--image ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/20210809-C-AH4199551.tif \
--output_path_img ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image \
--output_path_pth ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16 \
--patch_size 64 \
--logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_AH_Patient1/
.. ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:
.. * The image segment execution time for the loop is: 3.493 seconds
.. * The image feature extract time for the loop is: 13.374 seconds
.. **Input files:**
.. * ``20210809-C-AH4199551.tif``: Raw histology image
.. * ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: "Within spot" (Original in_tissue spots) locations
.. **Output files:**
.. * ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image``: Segmeted "Within spot" histology image patches (.png)
.. * ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Extracted "Within spot" image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)
Similarlly, extracte the ``between spots`` HE image feature embeddings using ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \
--dataset AH_Patient1 \
--position ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/patient1_position_add_tissue.csv \
--image ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/20210809-C-AH4199551.tif \
--output_path_img ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image \
--output_path_pth ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16 \
--patch_size 64 \
--logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_AH_Patient1/
``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:
* The image segment execution time for the loop is: 8.153 seconds
* The image feature extract time for the loop is: 35.499 seconds
**Input files:**
* ``20210809-C-AH4199551.tif``: Raw histology image
* ``patient1_position_add_tissue.csv``: "Between spot" (Interpolated spots) locations
**Output files:**
* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image``: Segmeted "Between spot" histology image patches (.png)
* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Extracted "Between spot" image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)
Step0: HE image feature extraction (for *Visium HD*)
*Visium HD* captures continuous squares without gaps, it measures the whole tissue area.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \
--dataset HD_CRC_16um \
--position ./Dataset/CRC/square_016um/tissue_positions.parquet \
--image ./Dataset/CRC/square_016um/Visium_HD_Human_Colon_Cancer_tissue_image.btf \
--output_path_img ./Dataset/CRC/HIPT/HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16_image \
--output_path_pth ./Dataset/CRC/HIPT/HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16 \
--patch_size 32 \
--logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_HD_CRC_16um/
``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:
* The image segment execution time for the loop is: 62.491 seconds
* The image feature extract time for the loop is: 1717.818 seconds
**Input files:**
* ``Visium_HD_Human_Colon_Cancer_tissue_image.btf``: Raw histology image (.btf *Visium HD* or .tif *Visium*)
* ``tissue_positions.parquet``: Spot/bin locations (.parquet *Visium HD* or .csv *Visium*)
**Output files:**
* ``HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16_image``: Segmeted histology image patches (.png)
* ``HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16``: Extracted image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)
Step1: Training FineST on the within spots
On *Visium* dataset, if trained weights (i.e. **weight_save_path**) have been obtained, just run the following command.
Otherwise, if you want to re-train a model, just omit **weight_save_path** line.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/FineST/demo/FineST_train_infer.py \
--system_path '/mnt/lingyu/nfs_share2/Python/' \
--weight_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/' \
--parame_path 'FineST/FineST/parameter/parameters_NPC_P10125.json' \
--dataset_class 'Visium' \
--gene_selected 'CD70' \
--LRgene_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/LRgene/LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv' \
--visium_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv' \
--image_embed_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \
--spatial_pos_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/position_order.csv' \
--reduced_mtx_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/harmony_matrix.npy' \
--weight_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/20240125140443830148' \
--figure_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/Figures/'
``FineST_train_infer.py`` is used to train and evaluate the FineST model using Pearson Correlation, it outputs:
* Average correlation of all spots: 0.8534651812923978
* Average correlation of all genes: 0.8845136777311445
**Input files:**
* ``parameters_NPC_P10125.json``: The model parameters.
* ``LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv``: The genes involved in Ligand or Receptor from CellChatDB.
* ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: It can be found in the spatial folder of 10x Visium outputs.
* ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature folder from HIPT ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.
* ``position_order.csv``: Ordered tissue positions list, according to image patches' coordinates.
* ``harmony_matrix.npy``: Ordered gene expression matrix, according to image patches' coordinates.
* ``20240125140443830148``: The trained weights. Just omit it if you want to newly train a model.
**Output files:**
* ``Finetune``: The logging results ``model.log`` and trained weights ``epoch_50.pt`` (.log and .pt)
* ``Figures``: The visualization plots, used to see whether the model trained well or not (.pdf)
Step2: Super-resolution spatial RNA-seq imputation
For *sub-spot* resolution
This step supposes that the trained weights (i.e. **weight_save_path**) have been obtained, just run the following.
.. code-block:: bash
python ./FineST/FineST/demo/High_resolution_imputation.py \
--system_path '/mnt/lingyu/nfs_share2/Python/' \
--weight_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/' \
--parame_path 'FineST/FineST/parameter/parameters_NPC_P10125.json' \
--dataset_class 'Visium' \
--gene_selected 'CD70' \
--LRgene_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/LRgene/LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv' \
--visium_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv' \
--imag_within_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \
--imag_betwen_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \
--spatial_pos_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/position_order_all.csv' \
--weight_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/20240125140443830148' \
--figure_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/Figures/' \
--adata_all_supr_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/ImputData/patient1/patient1_adata_all.h5ad' \
--adata_all_spot_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/ImputData/patient1/patient1_adata_all_spot.h5ad'
``High_resolution_imputation.py`` is used to predict super-resolved gene expression
based on the image segmentation (Geometric ``sub-spot level`` or Nuclei ``single-cell level``).
**Input files:**
* ``parameters_NPC_P10125.json``: The model parameters.
* ``LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv``: The genes involved in Ligand or Receptor from CellChatDB.
* ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: It can be found in the spatial folder of 10x Visium outputs.
* ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature of within-spots from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.
* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature of between-spots from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.
* ``position_order_all.csv``: Ordered tissue positions list, of both within spots and between spots.
* ``20240125140443830148``: The trained weights. Just omit it if you want to newly train a model.
**Output files:**
* ``Finetune``: The logging results ``model.log`` and trained weights ``epoch_50.pt`` (.log and .pt)
* ``Figures``: The visualization plots, used to see whether the model trained well or not (.pdf)
* ``patient1_adata_all.h5ad``: High-resolution gene expression, at sub-spot level (16x3x resolution).
* ``patient1_adata_all_spot.h5ad``: High-resolution gene expression, at spot level (3x resolution).
For *single-cell* resolution
Replace ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16`` and ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16`` using ``sc Patient1 pth 16 16``
(saved in `Google Drive <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10WvKW2EtQVuH3NWUnrde4JOW_Dd_H6r8>`_), i.e.,
the image feature of single-nuclei from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``. The details will be here soon.
Step3: Fine-grained LR pair and CCC pattern discovery
.. Quick example
.. =============
.. Using the build-in NPC dataset as an example, the following Python script
.. will predict super-resolution ST gene expression and compute the p-value indicating whether a certain Ligand-Receptor is
.. spatially co-expressed.
Detailed Manual
The full manual is at `FineST tutorial <https://finest-rtd-tutorial.readthedocs.io>`_ for installation, tutorials and examples.
* `Interpolate between-spots among within-spots by FineST (For Visium dataset)`_.
* `Crop region of interest (ROI) from HE image by FineST (Visium or Visium HD)`_.
* `Sub-spot level (16x resolution) prediction by FineST (For Visium dataset)`_.
* `Sub-bin level (from 16um to 8um) prediction by FineST (For Visium HD dataset)`_.
* `Super-resolved ligand-receptor interavtion discovery by FineST`_.
.. _Interpolate between-spots among within-spots by FineST (For Visium dataset): docs/source/Between_spot_demo.ipynb
.. _Crop region of interest (ROI) from HE image by FineST (Visium or Visium HD): docs/source/Crop_ROI_image.ipynb
.. _Sub-spot level (16x resolution) prediction by FineST (For Visium dataset): docs/source/NPC_Train_Impute.ipynb
.. _Sub-bin level (from 16um to 8um) prediction by FineST (For Visium HD dataset): docs/source/CRC16_Train_Impute.ipynb
.. _Super-resolved ligand-receptor interavtion discovery by FineST: docs/source/NPC_LRI_CCC.ipynb
Contact Information
Please contact Lingyu Li (`lingyuli@hku.hk <mailto:lingyuli@hku.hk>`_) or Yuanhua Huang (`yuanhua@hku.hk <mailto:yuanhua@hku.hk>`_) if any enquiry.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/LingyuLi-math/FineST",
"name": "FineST",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "Spatial transcriptomics, HE stained images, Cell-cell communication, Ligand-recptor interaction",
"author": "['Lingyu Li', 'Yuanhua Huang']",
"author_email": "lingyuli@hku.hk",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/08/20/ff0e6d9ff5064a43d9221709b2aa28a4ca614e71f4a83285c559564f35e6/finest-0.0.9.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "===========================================\nFineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic\n===========================================\n\nA statistical model and toolbox to identify the super-resolved ligand-receptor interaction \nwith spatial co-expression (i.e., spatial association). \nUniquely, FineST can distinguish co-expressed ligand-receptor pairs (LR pairs) \nfrom spatially separating pairs at sub-spot level or single-cell level, \nand identify the super-resolved ligand-receptor interaction (LRI).\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST/blob/main/docs/fig/FineST_framework_all.png?raw=true\n :width: 800px\n :align: center\n\nIt comprises three components (*Training*-*Imputation*-*Discovery*) after HE image feature is extracted: \n\n* Step0: HE image feature extraction\n* Step1: **Training** FineST on the within spots\n* Step2: Super-resolution spatial RNA-seq **imputation**\n* Step3: Fine-grained LR pair and CCC pattern **discovery**\n\n.. It comprises two main steps:\n\n.. 1. global selection `spatialdm_global` to identify significantly interacting LR pairs;\n.. 2. local selection `spatialdm_local` to identify local spots for each interaction.\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nFineST is available through `PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/FineST/>`_.\nTo install, type the following command line and add ``-U`` for updates:\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n pip install -U FineST\n\nAlternatively, install from this GitHub repository for latest (often\ndevelopment) version (time: < 1 min):\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n pip install -U git+https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST\n\nInstallation using Conda\n========================\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n $ git clone https://github.com/StatBiomed/FineST.git\n $ conda create --name FineST python=3.8\n $ conda activate FineST\n $ cd FineST\n $ pip install -r requirements.txt\n\nTypically installation is completed within a few minutes. \nThen install pytorch, refer to `pytorch installation <https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/>`_.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n $ conda install pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch\n\nVerify the installation using the following command:\n\n.. code-block:: text\n\n python\n >>> import torch\n >>> print(torch.__version__)\n >>> print(torch.cuda.is_available())\n\n\nGet Started for *Visium* or *Visium HD* data\n============================================\n\n**Usage illustrations**: \n\nThe source codes for reproducing the FineST analysis in this work are provided (see `demo` directory).\nAll relevant materials involved in the reproducing codes are available \nfrom `Google Drive <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10WvKW2EtQVuH3NWUnrde4JOW_Dd_H6r8>`_.\n\n* For *Visium*, using a single slice of 10x Visium human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) data.\n\n* For *Visium HD*, using a single slice of 10x Visium HD human colorectal cancer (CRC) data with 16-um bin.\n\n\nStep0: HE image feature extraction (for *Visium*)\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n*Visium* measures about 5k spots across the entire tissue area. \nThe diameter of each individual spot is roughly 55 micrometers (um), \nwhile the center-to-center distance between two adjacent spots is about 100 um.\nIn order to capture the gene expression profile across the whole tissue ASSP, \n\nFirstly, interpolate ``between spots`` in horizontal and vertical directions, \nusing ``Spot_interpolate.py``.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/demo/Spot_interpolate.py \\\n --data_path ./Dataset/NPC/ \\\n --position_list tissue_positions_list.csv \\\n --dataset patient1 \n\n.. ``Spot_interpolate.py`` also output the execution time and spot number ratio:\n\n.. * The spots feature interpolation time is: 2.549 seconds\n.. * # of interpolated between-spots are: 2.786 times vs. original within-spots\n.. * # 0f final all spots are: 3.786 times vs. original within-spots\n \nwith **Input:** ``tissue_positions_list.csv`` - Locations of ``within spots`` (n), \nand **Output:** ``_position_add_tissue.csv``- Locations of ``between spots`` (m ~= 3n).\n\n\n.. **Input file:**\n\n.. * ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: Spot locations\n\n.. **Output files:**\n\n.. * ``_position_add_tissue.csv``: Spot locations of the ``between spots`` (m ~= 3n)\n.. * ``_position_all_tissue.csv``: Spot locations of all ``between spots`` and ``within spots``\n\nThen extracte the ``within spots`` HE image feature embeddings using ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \\\n --dataset AH_Patient1 \\\n --position ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv \\\n --image ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/20210809-C-AH4199551.tif \\\n --output_path_img ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image \\\n --output_path_pth ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16 \\\n --patch_size 64 \\\n --logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_AH_Patient1/\n\n.. ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:\n\n.. * The image segment execution time for the loop is: 3.493 seconds\n.. * The image feature extract time for the loop is: 13.374 seconds\n\n\n.. **Input files:**\n\n.. * ``20210809-C-AH4199551.tif``: Raw histology image\n.. * ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: \"Within spot\" (Original in_tissue spots) locations\n\n.. **Output files:**\n\n.. * ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image``: Segmeted \"Within spot\" histology image patches (.png)\n.. * ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Extracted \"Within spot\" image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)\n\n\nSimilarlly, extracte the ``between spots`` HE image feature embeddings using ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \\\n --dataset AH_Patient1 \\\n --position ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/patient1_position_add_tissue.csv \\\n --image ./Dataset/NPC/patient1/20210809-C-AH4199551.tif \\\n --output_path_img ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image \\\n --output_path_pth ./Dataset/NPC/HIPT/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16 \\\n --patch_size 64 \\\n --logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_AH_Patient1/\n\n``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:\n\n* The image segment execution time for the loop is: 8.153 seconds\n* The image feature extract time for the loop is: 35.499 seconds\n\n\n**Input files:**\n\n* ``20210809-C-AH4199551.tif``: Raw histology image \n* ``patient1_position_add_tissue.csv``: \"Between spot\" (Interpolated spots) locations\n\n**Output files:**\n\n* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16_image``: Segmeted \"Between spot\" histology image patches (.png)\n* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Extracted \"Between spot\" image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)\n\n\nStep0: HE image feature extraction (for *Visium HD*)\n----------------------------------------------------\n\n*Visium HD* captures continuous squares without gaps, it measures the whole tissue area.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/demo/HIPT_image_feature_extract.py \\\n --dataset HD_CRC_16um \\\n --position ./Dataset/CRC/square_016um/tissue_positions.parquet \\\n --image ./Dataset/CRC/square_016um/Visium_HD_Human_Colon_Cancer_tissue_image.btf \\\n --output_path_img ./Dataset/CRC/HIPT/HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16_image \\\n --output_path_pth ./Dataset/CRC/HIPT/HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16 \\\n --patch_size 32 \\\n --logging_folder ./Logging/HIPT_HD_CRC_16um/\n\n``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py`` also output the execution time:\n\n* The image segment execution time for the loop is: 62.491 seconds\n* The image feature extract time for the loop is: 1717.818 seconds\n\n**Input files:**\n\n* ``Visium_HD_Human_Colon_Cancer_tissue_image.btf``: Raw histology image (.btf *Visium HD* or .tif *Visium*)\n* ``tissue_positions.parquet``: Spot/bin locations (.parquet *Visium HD* or .csv *Visium*)\n\n**Output files:**\n\n* ``HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16_image``: Segmeted histology image patches (.png)\n* ``HD_CRC_16um_pth_32_16``: Extracted image feature embeddiings for each patche (.pth)\n\n\nStep1: Training FineST on the within spots\n==========================================\n\nOn *Visium* dataset, if trained weights (i.e. **weight_save_path**) have been obtained, just run the following command.\nOtherwise, if you want to re-train a model, just omit **weight_save_path** line.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/FineST/demo/FineST_train_infer.py \\\n --system_path '/mnt/lingyu/nfs_share2/Python/' \\\n --weight_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/' \\\n --parame_path 'FineST/FineST/parameter/parameters_NPC_P10125.json' \\\n --dataset_class 'Visium' \\\n --gene_selected 'CD70' \\\n --LRgene_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/LRgene/LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv' \\\n --visium_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv' \\\n --image_embed_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \\\n --spatial_pos_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/position_order.csv' \\\n --reduced_mtx_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/harmony_matrix.npy' \\\n --weight_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/20240125140443830148' \\\n --figure_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/Figures/' \n\n``FineST_train_infer.py`` is used to train and evaluate the FineST model using Pearson Correlation, it outputs:\n\n* Average correlation of all spots: 0.8534651812923978\n* Average correlation of all genes: 0.8845136777311445\n\n**Input files:**\n\n* ``parameters_NPC_P10125.json``: The model parameters.\n* ``LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv``: The genes involved in Ligand or Receptor from CellChatDB.\n* ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: It can be found in the spatial folder of 10x Visium outputs.\n* ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature folder from HIPT ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.\n* ``position_order.csv``: Ordered tissue positions list, according to image patches' coordinates.\n* ``harmony_matrix.npy``: Ordered gene expression matrix, according to image patches' coordinates.\n* ``20240125140443830148``: The trained weights. Just omit it if you want to newly train a model.\n\n**Output files:**\n\n* ``Finetune``: The logging results ``model.log`` and trained weights ``epoch_50.pt`` (.log and .pt)\n* ``Figures``: The visualization plots, used to see whether the model trained well or not (.pdf)\n\n\nStep2: Super-resolution spatial RNA-seq imputation\n==================================================\n\nFor *sub-spot* resolution\n-------------------------\n\nThis step supposes that the trained weights (i.e. **weight_save_path**) have been obtained, just run the following.\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python ./FineST/FineST/demo/High_resolution_imputation.py \\\n --system_path '/mnt/lingyu/nfs_share2/Python/' \\\n --weight_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/' \\\n --parame_path 'FineST/FineST/parameter/parameters_NPC_P10125.json' \\\n --dataset_class 'Visium' \\\n --gene_selected 'CD70' \\\n --LRgene_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/LRgene/LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv' \\\n --visium_path 'FineST/FineST/Dataset/NPC/patient1/tissue_positions_list.csv' \\\n --imag_within_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \\\n --imag_betwen_path 'NPC/Data/stdata/ZhuoLiang/LLYtest/NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16/' \\\n --spatial_pos_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/ContrastP1geneLR/position_order_all.csv' \\\n --weight_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Finetune/20240125140443830148' \\\n --figure_save_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/NPC/Figures/' \\\n --adata_all_supr_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/ImputData/patient1/patient1_adata_all.h5ad' \\\n --adata_all_spot_path 'FineST/FineST_local/Dataset/ImputData/patient1/patient1_adata_all_spot.h5ad' \n\n``High_resolution_imputation.py`` is used to predict super-resolved gene expression \nbased on the image segmentation (Geometric ``sub-spot level`` or Nuclei ``single-cell level``).\n\n**Input files:**\n\n* ``parameters_NPC_P10125.json``: The model parameters.\n* ``LRgene_CellChatDB_baseline.csv``: The genes involved in Ligand or Receptor from CellChatDB.\n* ``tissue_positions_list.csv``: It can be found in the spatial folder of 10x Visium outputs.\n* ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature of within-spots from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.\n* ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16``: Image feature of between-spots from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``.\n* ``position_order_all.csv``: Ordered tissue positions list, of both within spots and between spots.\n* ``20240125140443830148``: The trained weights. Just omit it if you want to newly train a model.\n\n**Output files:**\n\n* ``Finetune``: The logging results ``model.log`` and trained weights ``epoch_50.pt`` (.log and .pt)\n* ``Figures``: The visualization plots, used to see whether the model trained well or not (.pdf)\n* ``patient1_adata_all.h5ad``: High-resolution gene expression, at sub-spot level (16x3x resolution).\n* ``patient1_adata_all_spot.h5ad``: High-resolution gene expression, at spot level (3x resolution).\n\nFor *single-cell* resolution\n----------------------------\n\nReplace ``AH_Patient1_pth_64_16`` and ``NEW_AH_Patient1_pth_64_16`` using ``sc Patient1 pth 16 16`` \n(saved in `Google Drive <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10WvKW2EtQVuH3NWUnrde4JOW_Dd_H6r8>`_), i.e., \nthe image feature of single-nuclei from ``HIPT_image_feature_extract.py``. The details will be here soon.\n\n\nStep3: Fine-grained LR pair and CCC pattern discovery\n=====================================================\n\n\n\n.. Quick example\n.. =============\n\n.. Using the build-in NPC dataset as an example, the following Python script\n.. will predict super-resolution ST gene expression and compute the p-value indicating whether a certain Ligand-Receptor is\n.. spatially co-expressed. \n\nDetailed Manual\n===============\n\nThe full manual is at `FineST tutorial <https://finest-rtd-tutorial.readthedocs.io>`_ for installation, tutorials and examples. \n\n* `Interpolate between-spots among within-spots by FineST (For Visium dataset)`_.\n\n* `Crop region of interest (ROI) from HE image by FineST (Visium or Visium HD)`_.\n\n* `Sub-spot level (16x resolution) prediction by FineST (For Visium dataset)`_.\n\n* `Sub-bin level (from 16um to 8um) prediction by FineST (For Visium HD dataset)`_.\n\n* `Super-resolved ligand-receptor interavtion discovery by FineST`_.\n\n.. _Interpolate between-spots among within-spots by FineST (For Visium dataset): docs/source/Between_spot_demo.ipynb\n\n.. _Crop region of interest (ROI) from HE image by FineST (Visium or Visium HD): docs/source/Crop_ROI_image.ipynb\n\n.. _Sub-spot level (16x resolution) prediction by FineST (For Visium dataset): docs/source/NPC_Train_Impute.ipynb\n\n.. _Sub-bin level (from 16um to 8um) prediction by FineST (For Visium HD dataset): docs/source/CRC16_Train_Impute.ipynb\n\n.. _Super-resolved ligand-receptor interavtion discovery by FineST: docs/source/NPC_LRI_CCC.ipynb\n\n\nContact Information\n===================\n\nPlease contact Lingyu Li (`lingyuli@hku.hk <mailto:lingyuli@hku.hk>`_) or Yuanhua Huang (`yuanhua@hku.hk <mailto:yuanhua@hku.hk>`_) if any enquiry.\n\n",
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" ligand-recptor interaction"
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