
Nameeddy-squeeze JSON
Version 1.0.9 PyPI version JSON
SummaryVisualize extra information from FSL 6.0.1 eddy outputs
upload_time2022-12-10 04:25:31
authorKevin Cho
requirements tabulate matplotlib pandas numpy nibabel Jinja2 pathlib2 seaborn
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

# eddy-squeeze


### Summarize and Visualize FSL Eddy Outlier Replacements


## Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Dependencies
- How to use the script

## Introduction

### eddy-squeeze

**eddy-squeeze is a tool that visualizes the signal replacements by FSL Eddy with `--repol` option.** In addition to the visualization, it also collects measures like motions, number of outliers and post-eddy translations rom multiple eddy outputs into a csv and html file, for easier QC of FSL Eddy outputs.

- Eddy QC interested users should also check out
    - *eddyqc* (`eddy_squad` and `eddy_quad`) by FSL that creates nice summary of a subject or a study wise summary of the Eddy outputs.
        - https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddyqc/UsersGuide

### FSL Eddy

- Eddy is a eddy-current, and head movement correction tool, from FSL, for the diffusion weighted images (DWI).

#### Eddy outlier replacement

- Using a Gaussian Process, Eddy builds a model of DWI data for each shell. And using this model, the prediction of DWI data for different B-shells becomes available, which is then used to make a comparison to the acquired data.
- If the comparison between the predicted signal and the actual signal is larger than anticipated, Eddy marks the signal (the slice in the volume) an outlier.
- It can also replace the signals in the outlier slices with that of predicted signal, reducing the large deviations from these outliers.
    - Jesper L. R. Andersson and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos. An integrated approach to correction for off-resonance effects and subject movement in diffusion MR imaging. NeuroImage, 125:1063-1078, 2016.
    - Jesper L. R. Andersson, Mark S. Graham, Eniko Zsoldos and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos. Incorporating outlier detection and replacement into a non-parametric framework for movement and distortion correction of diffusion MR images. NeuroImage, 141:556-572, 2016.

## Installation

### Install through Pypi
pip install eddy-squeeze
eddy_squeeze -h

### or download the repository

git clone https://github.com/pnlbwh/eddy-squeeze

##### Testing the eddy-squeeze using `pytest`

cd eddy-squeeze/tests
pytest test_eddy_squeeze.py

cd eddy-squeeze/tests/eddy_squeeze_lib
pytest test_eddy_files.py
pytest test_eddy_present.py
pytest test_eddy_utils.py

##### Testing the eddy-squeeze

cd eddy-squeeze/bin
./eddy_squeeze -h


## Dependencies

FSL 6.0.1 EDDY outputs
nifti-snapshot (https://github.com/pnlbwh/nifti-snapshot)
python 3.7

## How to run eddy-squeeze

#### Collect output measures created by Eddy and prints them on screen
# one eddy output
eddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out --print_table

# two eddy outputs
eddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 --print_table

#### Save html summary

eddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 \
    --print_table \
    --save_html \
    --out_dir prac_eddy_summary

#### Save html summary with figures

eddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 \
    --print_table \
    --save_html \
    --figure \
    --out_dir prac_eddy_summary


## Example outputs

eddy_squeeze \
    --eddy_directories /prac_study_dir/subject01 /prac_study_dir/subject02 \

Output directory : /Users/kevin/eddy-squeeze/tests/bin/prac_eddy_summary

Setting up eddy directories

Extracting information from all eddy outputs
Summarizing 3 subjects
There is no eddy related files in ../prac_study_dir/subject03

n=2 eddy outputs detected

Basic information
|    | subject   |              eddy_dir      |   number of volumes |   max b value |   min b value | unique b values                       |   number of b0s |
|  0 | subject01 |  /prac_study_dir/subject01 |                  74 |          3000 |             0 | [   0.  200.  500. 1000. 2950. 3000.] |               5 |
|  1 | subject02 |  /prac_study_dir/subject02 |                  74 |          3000 |             0 | [   0.  200.  500. 1000. 2950. 3000.] |               5 |

Outlier information
|    | subject   |   number of outlier slices |   Sum of standard deviations in outlier slices |   Mean of standard deviations in outlier slices |   Standard deviation of standard deviations in outlier slices |
|  0 | subject01 |                         80 |                                        894.399 |                                           11.18 |                                                       6.30107 |
|  1 | subject02 |                         80 |                                        894.399 |                                           11.18 |                                                       6.30107 |

Motion information
|    | subject   |   absolute restricted movement |   relative restricted movement |
|  0 | subject01 |                       0.190404 |                       0.112074 |
|  1 | subject02 |                       0.190404 |                       0.112074 |



#### Save summary html

eddy_squeeze \
    --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2
    --out_dir eddy_summary \





eddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 --save_html --figure


#### From another python script


from eddy_squeeze import eddy_squeeze

# eddy output prefix list
eddy_prefix_list = ['/test/eddy_out1/subject01-eddy_out',

out_dir = '/data/pnl/prac/eddy_summary'

eddyDirectories = eddy_squeeze.EddyDirectories(eddy_prefix_list)


eddy_squeeze.create_study_html(eddyDirectories, out_dir=out_dir)




Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/pnlbwh/eddy-squeeze",
    "name": "eddy-squeeze",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Kevin Cho",
    "author_email": "kevincho@bwh.harvard.edu",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/22/85/35672f6c848b7f971afcc1b451c3438f3129b027b6f5647a6bfc84ba36d0/eddy-squeeze-1.0.9.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![](docs/pnl-bwh-hms.png)\n[![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3600531.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3600531)\n\n\n# eddy-squeeze\n\n![icon](docs/icon_20.png) \n\n\n\n### Summarize and Visualize FSL Eddy Outlier Replacements\n\n\n![output](docs/example_out_0_resize.png)\n\n\n\n## Contents\n- Introduction\n- Installation\n- Dependencies\n- How to use the script\n\n\n\n## Introduction\n\n\n### eddy-squeeze\n\n**eddy-squeeze is a tool that visualizes the signal replacements by FSL Eddy with `--repol` option.** In addition to the visualization, it also collects measures like motions, number of outliers and post-eddy translations rom multiple eddy outputs into a csv and html file, for easier QC of FSL Eddy outputs.\n\n- Eddy QC interested users should also check out\n    - *eddyqc* (`eddy_squad` and `eddy_quad`) by FSL that creates nice summary of a subject or a study wise summary of the Eddy outputs.\n        - https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddyqc/UsersGuide\n\n\n### FSL Eddy\n\n- Eddy is a eddy-current, and head movement correction tool, from FSL, for the diffusion weighted images (DWI).\n\n\n#### Eddy outlier replacement\n\n- Using a Gaussian Process, Eddy builds a model of DWI data for each shell. And using this model, the prediction of DWI data for different B-shells becomes available, which is then used to make a comparison to the acquired data.\n- If the comparison between the predicted signal and the actual signal is larger than anticipated, Eddy marks the signal (the slice in the volume) an outlier.\n- It can also replace the signals in the outlier slices with that of predicted signal, reducing the large deviations from these outliers.\n    - Jesper L. R. Andersson and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos. An integrated approach to correction for off-resonance effects and subject movement in diffusion MR imaging. NeuroImage, 125:1063-1078, 2016.\n    - Jesper L. R. Andersson, Mark S. Graham, Eniko Zsoldos and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos. Incorporating outlier detection and replacement into a non-parametric framework for movement and distortion correction of diffusion MR images. NeuroImage, 141:556-572, 2016.\n\n\n\n\n<br><br>\n## Installation\n\n\n### Install through Pypi\n```sh\npip install eddy-squeeze\neddy_squeeze -h\n```\n\n\n### or download the repository\n\n```sh\ngit clone https://github.com/pnlbwh/eddy-squeeze\n```\n\n##### Testing the eddy-squeeze using `pytest`\n\n```sh\ncd eddy-squeeze/tests\npytest test_eddy_squeeze.py\n\ncd eddy-squeeze/tests/eddy_squeeze_lib\npytest test_eddy_files.py\npytest test_eddy_present.py\npytest test_eddy_utils.py\n```\n\n##### Testing the eddy-squeeze\n\n```\ncd eddy-squeeze/bin\n./eddy_squeeze -h\n```\n\n<br>\n\n## Dependencies\n\n```py\nFSL 6.0.1 EDDY outputs\nFSLDIR in PATH\nnifti-snapshot (https://github.com/pnlbwh/nifti-snapshot)\npython 3.7\nscipy==1.3.3\nnibabel==2.4.0\nnumpy==1.16.2\npathlib2==2.3.3\nmatplotlib==3.0.3\ntabulate==0.8.5\npytest\n```\n\n\n\n## How to run eddy-squeeze\n\n#### Collect output measures created by Eddy and prints them on screen\n```sh\n# one eddy output\neddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out --print_table\n\n# two eddy outputs\neddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 --print_table\n```\n\n\n#### Save html summary\n\n```sh\neddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 \\\n    --print_table \\\n    --save_html \\\n    --out_dir prac_eddy_summary\n```\n\n\n#### Save html summary with figures\n\n```sh\neddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 \\\n    --print_table \\\n    --save_html \\\n    --figure \\\n    --out_dir prac_eddy_summary\n```\n\n<br>\n\n## Example outputs\n\n\n```sh\neddy_squeeze \\\n    --eddy_directories /prac_study_dir/subject01 /prac_study_dir/subject02 \\\n    --print_table\n```\n\n```\nOutput directory : /Users/kevin/eddy-squeeze/tests/bin/prac_eddy_summary\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nSetting up eddy directories\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nExtracting information from all eddy outputs\n--------------------------------------------------\nSummarizing 3 subjects\nThere is no eddy related files in ../prac_study_dir/subject03\n\nn=2 eddy outputs detected\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nBasic information\n--------------------------------------------------\n+----+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------+\n|    | subject   |              eddy_dir      |   number of volumes |   max b value |   min b value | unique b values                       |   number of b0s |\n|----+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------|\n|  0 | subject01 |  /prac_study_dir/subject01 |                  74 |          3000 |             0 | [   0.  200.  500. 1000. 2950. 3000.] |               5 |\n|  1 | subject02 |  /prac_study_dir/subject02 |                  74 |          3000 |             0 | [   0.  200.  500. 1000. 2950. 3000.] |               5 |\n+----+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------+\n\nOutlier information\n--------------------------------------------------\n+----+-----------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n|    | subject   |   number of outlier slices |   Sum of standard deviations in outlier slices |   Mean of standard deviations in outlier slices |   Standard deviation of standard deviations in outlier slices |\n|----+-----------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------|\n|  0 | subject01 |                         80 |                                        894.399 |                                           11.18 |                                                       6.30107 |\n|  1 | subject02 |                         80 |                                        894.399 |                                           11.18 |                                                       6.30107 |\n+----+-----------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nMotion information\n--------------------------------------------------\n+----+-----------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+\n|    | subject   |   absolute restricted movement |   relative restricted movement |\n|----+-----------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------|\n|  0 | subject01 |                       0.190404 |                       0.112074 |\n|  1 | subject02 |                       0.190404 |                       0.112074 |\n+----+-----------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+\n\n```\n\n\n<br>\n\n#### Save summary html\n\n```sh\neddy_squeeze \\\n    --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2\n    --out_dir eddy_summary \\\n    --save_html\n```\n<br>\n\n![mainEddy](docs/eddy_summary_main.png)\n\n<br>\n\n![subjectEddy](docs/eddy_summary_subject.png)\n\n<br>\n<br>\n\n```sh\neddy_squeeze --eddy_directories /test/eddy_out1 /test/eddy_out2 --save_html --figure\n```\n\n![output](docs/example_out.png)\n\n\n\n#### From another python script\n\n\n```py\n\nfrom eddy_squeeze import eddy_squeeze\n\n# eddy output prefix list\neddy_prefix_list = ['/test/eddy_out1/subject01-eddy_out',\n                    '/test/eddy_out1/subject02-eddy_out']\n\nout_dir = '/data/pnl/prac/eddy_summary'\n\neddyDirectories = eddy_squeeze.EddyDirectories(eddy_prefix_list)\n\neddyDirectories.save_all_outlier_slices(out_dir)\neddyDirectories.create_group_figures(out_dir)\n\neddyDirectories.save_all_html(out_dir)\neddy_squeeze.create_study_html(eddyDirectories, out_dir=out_dir)\n\n```\n\n<br>\n",
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