
Namenemo-library JSON
Version 1.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA library for uploading data to and downloading reports from NEMO cloud solution
upload_time2024-07-10 07:41:31
authorGunnar Schug
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            NEMO Library

This library helps you with access to NEMO APIs



   pip install nemo_library


please find all sources on github:


please create a file “config.ini”. This is an example for the content:


   nemo_url =
   tenant = <your tenant>
   userid = <your userid>
   password = <your password>
   environment = [prod|dev|demo]

If you don’t want to pass userid/password in a file (which is readable
to everybody that has access to the file), you can use Windows
Credential Manager or MacOS key chain to store your password. Please use
“nemo_library” as “Program name”. As an alternative, you can
programmatically set your password by using this code

.. code:: python

   from nemo_library.sub_password_handler import *

   service_name = "nemo_library"
   username = "my_username"
   password = "my_password"

   pm = PasswordManager(service_name, username)

   # Set password
   print(f"Password for user '{username}' in service '{service_name}' has been stored.")

   # Retrieve password
   retrieved_password = pm.get_password()
   if retrieved_password:
       print(f"The stored password for user '{username}' is: {retrieved_password}")
       print(f"No password found for user '{username}' in service '{service_name}'.")



getProjectList method

Return list of projects (as pandas Dataframe)

.. code:: python

   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary

   nl = NemoLibrary()
   df = nl.getProjectList()

getProjectID method

Return internal id of project identified by given project name as shown
in the NEMO UI

.. code:: python

   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary

   nl = NemoLibrary()
   print(nl.getProjectID(projectname="Business Processes"))

ReUploadFile method

ReUpload a CSV file into an existing project

.. code:: python

   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary

   nl = NemoLibrary()
   nl.ReUploadFile(projectname="21 CRM", filename="./csv/hubspot.csv")

Args: - projectname (str): Name of the project. - filename (str): Name
of the file to be uploaded. - update_project_settings (bool, optional):
Whether to update project settings after ingestion. Defaults to True. -
datasource_ids (list[dict], optional): List of datasource identifiers
for V3 ingestion. Defaults to None. - global_fields_mapping (list[dict],
optional): Global fields mapping for V3 ingestion. Defaults to None. -
version (int, optional): Version of the ingestion process (2 or 3).
Defaults to 2 - trigger_only (bool, optional): Whether to trigger only
without waiting for task completion. Applicable for V3. Defaults to

V2 uploads a file plain into the project. V3 merges the data with the
Business Processes project (needs more parameters)

synchronizeCsvColsAndImportedColumns method

Sychronize columns with CSV file and NEMO meta data. This method
compares the list of columns found in CSV with the list of columns
defined in meta data and adds or removes missing or not-any-longer-used
columns to and from meta data. For performance reasons, you should not
use it on a daily base, but after changes in the source, it makes sense
to call it before uploading a file.

Here’s some example code from Gunnar’s reporting

.. code:: python

   nl = NemoLibrary()
   if synch_columns:
           filename=folder_reporting_input_pa() + "/snr0_NEMO.csv",
       filename=folder_reporting_input_pa() + "/snr0_NEMO.csv",


LoadReport method

Load a report from NEMO and return this as pandas dataframe

.. code:: python

   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary

   nl = NemoLibrary()
   df = nl.LoadReport(report_guid="b82cfed8-81a7-44e0-b3da-c76454540697")


Optional parameter. If you want to get reports for non-default ERP
projects. Please provide the project GUID (you can retrieve them by
running getProjectList)


This methode takes 1 mandatory parameter, the report_guid. You can find
“your” guid in NEMO meta data. Just open the definition of the report in
meta data and copy the GUID from your browser URL.

The report “(SAMPLE) Replenishment Time Analysis Purchased Parts” for
example has this URL:
and thus the GUID you need is then


By default all pages from the report are loaded. You can optionally
restrict the amount of data by providing max_pages parameter and you’ll
get not more than this number of pages (usually 1 page holds 20 records)


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to suggest improvements or
have found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is released under the Unlicense. You can find the full text
of the Unlicense in the `UNLICENSE <UNLICENSE>`__ file. This means that
the code is released into the public domain, and you are free to use,
modify, distribute, and do whatever you want with it, without any
restrictions or requirements.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "nemo-library",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Gunnar Schug",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "NEMO Library\n============\n\nThis library helps you with access to NEMO APIs\n\nInstallation\n============\n\n::\n\n   pip install nemo_library\n\nSources\n=======\n\nplease find all sources on github:\n\n\nconfiguration\n=============\n\nplease create a file \u201cconfig.ini\u201d. This is an example for the content:\n\n::\n\n   [nemo_library]\n   nemo_url =\n   tenant = <your tenant>\n   userid = <your userid>\n   password = <your password>\n   environment = [prod|dev|demo]\n\nIf you don\u2019t want to pass userid/password in a file (which is readable\nto everybody that has access to the file), you can use Windows\nCredential Manager or MacOS key chain to store your password. Please use\n\u201cnemo_library\u201d as \u201cProgram name\u201d. As an alternative, you can\nprogrammatically set your password by using this code\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   from nemo_library.sub_password_handler import *\n\n   service_name = \"nemo_library\"\n   username = \"my_username\"\n   password = \"my_password\"\n\n   pm = PasswordManager(service_name, username)\n\n   # Set password\n   pm.set_password(password)\n   print(f\"Password for user '{username}' in service '{service_name}' has been stored.\")\n\n   # Retrieve password\n   retrieved_password = pm.get_password()\n   if retrieved_password:\n       print(f\"The stored password for user '{username}' is: {retrieved_password}\")\n   else:\n       print(f\"No password found for user '{username}' in service '{service_name}'.\")\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nProjects\n--------\n\ngetProjectList method\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nReturn list of projects (as pandas Dataframe)\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary\n\n   nl = NemoLibrary()\n   df = nl.getProjectList()\n\ngetProjectID method\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nReturn internal id of project identified by given project name as shown\nin the NEMO UI\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary\n\n   nl = NemoLibrary()\n   print(nl.getProjectID(projectname=\"Business Processes\"))\n\nReUploadFile method\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nReUpload a CSV file into an existing project\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary\n\n   nl = NemoLibrary()\n   nl.ReUploadFile(projectname=\"21 CRM\", filename=\"./csv/hubspot.csv\")\n\nArgs: - projectname (str): Name of the project. - filename (str): Name\nof the file to be uploaded. - update_project_settings (bool, optional):\nWhether to update project settings after ingestion. Defaults to True. -\ndatasource_ids (list[dict], optional): List of datasource identifiers\nfor V3 ingestion. Defaults to None. - global_fields_mapping (list[dict],\noptional): Global fields mapping for V3 ingestion. Defaults to None. -\nversion (int, optional): Version of the ingestion process (2 or 3).\nDefaults to 2 - trigger_only (bool, optional): Whether to trigger only\nwithout waiting for task completion. Applicable for V3. Defaults to\nFalse.\n\nV2 uploads a file plain into the project. V3 merges the data with the\nBusiness Processes project (needs more parameters)\n\nsynchronizeCsvColsAndImportedColumns method\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nSychronize columns with CSV file and NEMO meta data. This method\ncompares the list of columns found in CSV with the list of columns\ndefined in meta data and adds or removes missing or not-any-longer-used\ncolumns to and from meta data. For performance reasons, you should not\nuse it on a daily base, but after changes in the source, it makes sense\nto call it before uploading a file.\n\nHere\u2019s some example code from Gunnar\u2019s reporting\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   nl = NemoLibrary()\n   if synch_columns:\n       nl.synchronizeCsvColsAndImportedColumns(\n           projectname=PROJECT_NAME_SNR0,\n           filename=folder_reporting_input_pa() + \"/snr0_NEMO.csv\",\n       )\n       time.sleep(120)\n   nl.ReUploadFile(\n       projectname=PROJECT_NAME_SNR0,\n       filename=folder_reporting_input_pa() + \"/snr0_NEMO.csv\",\n   )\n\nReports\n-------\n\nLoadReport method\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nLoad a report from NEMO and return this as pandas dataframe\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   from nemo_library import NemoLibrary\n\n   nl = NemoLibrary()\n   df = nl.LoadReport(report_guid=\"b82cfed8-81a7-44e0-b3da-c76454540697\")\n\nproject_id\n^^^^^^^^^^\n\nOptional parameter. If you want to get reports for non-default ERP\nprojects. Please provide the project GUID (you can retrieve them by\nrunning getProjectList)\n\nreport_guid\n^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nThis methode takes 1 mandatory parameter, the report_guid. You can find\n\u201cyour\u201d guid in NEMO meta data. Just open the definition of the report in\nmeta data and copy the GUID from your browser URL.\n\nThe report \u201c(SAMPLE) Replenishment Time Analysis Purchased Parts\u201d for\nexample has this URL:\n\nand thus the GUID you need is then\n\u201cb82cfed8-81a7-44e0-b3da-c76454540697\u201d\n\nmax_pages\n^^^^^^^^^\n\nBy default all pages from the report are loaded. You can optionally\nrestrict the amount of data by providing max_pages parameter and you\u2019ll\nget not more than this number of pages (usually 1 page holds 20 records)\n\nContributions\n=============\n\nContributions are welcome! If you would like to suggest improvements or\nhave found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.\n\nLicense\n=======\n\nThis project is released under the Unlicense. You can find the full text\nof the Unlicense in the `UNLICENSE <UNLICENSE>`__ file. This means that\nthe code is released into the public domain, and you are free to use,\nmodify, distribute, and do whatever you want with it, without any\nrestrictions or requirements.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "A library for uploading data to and downloading reports from NEMO cloud solution",
    "version": "1.1.1",
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    "requirements": [],
    "lcname": "nemo-library"
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