PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

mutadock 1.9.3 MUTADOCK is a comprehensive library designed for mutation studies and multiple receptor-ligand docking. Refer to README for more information. 2024-09-27 15:30:07
molgraph 0.7.5 Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Machine Learning 2024-09-26 18:02:22
biosimulators-copasi 0.2.20 BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the COPASI simulation program <>. 2024-09-25 00:38:13
biosimulators-utils 0.2.1 description 2024-09-25 00:21:19
bebi103 0.1.25 Python utilities for the Caltech course BE/Bi 103: Data Analysis in the Biological Sciences. 2024-09-24 21:01:52
CellProfiler-nightly 5.0.0.dev142 CellProfiler is a free open-source software designed to enable biologists without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively measure phenotypes from thousands of images automatically. 2024-09-24 16:02:56
cellprofiler-core-nightly 5.0.0.dev142 cellprofiler-core implements the bulk of CellProfiler's non-gui functionality 2024-09-24 16:02:37
cellprofiler-library-nightly 5.0.0.dev142 cellprofiler-library implements CellProfiler's image processing and mathematical code, and is usable as a standalone library 2024-09-24 16:02:26
yunta 0.0.1.post1 Predicting protein-protein interactions and structures from multiple sequence alignments. 2024-09-22 20:46:32
rf2t-micro 0.0.1.post1 Stripped-down RosettaFold-2track. 2024-09-22 17:25:33
gillespy2 1.8.3 Python interface for Gillespie-style biochemical simulations 2024-09-19 19:06:50
biosimulators-test-suite 0.2 Tools for validating that biosimulation tools are consistent with the BioSimulators standards 2024-09-19 17:14:15
cobra 0.29.1 COBRApy is a package for constraint-based modeling of metabolic networks. 2024-09-19 12:46:30
atlasapprox 0.2.4 Cell atlas approximations, Python API 2024-09-19 09:36:18
multiqc 1.25 Create aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across many samples and tools 2024-09-17 08:30:10
pydisconet 0.1.0 analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology 2024-09-16 00:29:01
transit2 1.1.3 TRANSIT2 is a tool for the analysis of Tn-Seq data. It provides an easy to use graphical interface and access to three different analysis methods that allow the user to determine essentiality in a single condition as well as between conditions. 2024-09-14 23:01:19
tnseq-transit 3.3.5 TRANSIT is a tool for the analysis of Tn-Seq data. It provides an easy to use graphical interface and access to three different analysis methods that allow the user to determine essentiality in a single condition as well as between conditions. 2024-09-14 17:23:40
etfba 0.2.0 ETFBA is a package for constraints-based metabolic flux analysis 2024-09-11 21:12:05
dima-cli 5.0.9 A command-line tool that analyses the diversity and motifs of biological sequences 2024-09-03 14:37:35
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