PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

alibabacloud-ha3engine-vector 1.1.6 Alibaba Cloud Ha3engine-Vector SDK Library for Python 2024-07-01 07:12:36
svs 0.1.0 Stupid Vector Store (SVS): a vector database for the rest of us 2024-06-30 20:28:08
PyPyNum 1.10.0 A multifunctional mathematical calculation package written in pure Python programming language [Python>=3.4] 2024-06-29 07:40:50
numpypy 1.10.0 A multifunctional mathematical calculation package written in pure Python programming language [Python>=3.4] 2024-06-29 07:25:59
GDAL 3.9.1 GDAL: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library 2024-06-26 11:45:15
digitalarztools 0.1.30 Digital Arz tools for applications 2024-06-25 21:44:50
python-can-cvector 1.4.0 A partly cythonized version of the python-can VectorBus 2024-06-24 19:09:46
bgfactory 0.1.1 Board Game Factory - a framework for creating and scaling up production of vector graphics assets, e.g. for board games. 2024-06-17 15:54:16
spector 1.5 Sparse vectors. 2024-06-16 18:17:15
reait 1.0.1 None 2024-06-14 14:31:25
meerk40t-barcodes 0.2.7 MeerK40t Barcode Extension 2024-06-14 10:50:18
geoutils 0.1.7 Analysis and handling of georeferenced rasters and vectors 2024-06-14 07:35:55
oasysdb 0.6.1 Fast & flexible embedded vector database with incremental HNSW indexing. 2024-06-12 19:47:01
dashvector 1.0.16 DashVector Client Python Sdk Library 2024-06-11 07:51:44
turbopuffer 0.1.15 Python Client for accessing the turbopuffer API 2024-06-07 17:03:27
pinecone-client 4.1.1 Pinecone client and SDK 2024-06-06 03:51:08
torrey 3.2.2.dev20240602165754 Torrey client and SDK 2024-06-02 16:57:58
kaiservector 0.0.1 Impliments Vector Math 2024-05-21 17:45:51
pinecone-notebooks 0.1.1 Helpers for using Pinecone with notebooks 2024-05-20 17:14:28
aerospike-vector-search 0.6.1 Aerospike Vector Search Client Library for Python 2024-05-15 17:23:47
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