PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

akey 0.0.5 akey 2024-04-04 12:59:03
Curare 0.6.0 Curare: A Customizable and Reproducible Analysis Pipeline for RNA-Seq Experiments 2024-02-27 19:05:00
uce-model 0.1.4 Universal Cell Embedding model for single-cell RNA-seq data 2024-02-19 22:59:36
xsc 0.0.12 xsc 2024-02-04 19:17:59
DeSide 1.2.2 A DEep-learning and SIngle-cell based DEconvolution method for solid tumors 2024-02-03 13:44:37
Augusta 1.0.5 Python package for inference of the gene regulatory network and the boolean network using RNA-Seq data. 2024-01-22 13:48:48
trisicell 0.2.3 2023-12-23 22:08:50
ncbi-counts 0.1.0 Download the NCBI-generated RNA-seq count data by specifying the Series accession number(s), and the regular expression of the Sample attributes. 2023-12-05 02:16:57
RSeQC 5.0.3 RNA-seq QC Package 2023-10-09 03:30:26
km-walk 2.2.1 A software for RNA-seq investigation using k-mer decomposition 2023-08-01 21:04:11
pyeasyfuse 2.0.3 EasyFuse is a pipeline to detect fusion transcripts from RNA-seq data with high accuracy. 2023-07-20 19:31:05
brooklyn-plot 0.0.3 Gene co-expression and transcriptional bursting pattern recognition tool in single cell/nucleus RNA-sequencing data 2023-04-06 17:53:00
rna-seq-normalization 0.3.0 Python package used for performing RNA-Seq normalization. It contains the three most popular techniques: TPM, RPKM and CPM. 2023-03-15 14:37:57
scHash scHash package for scRNA-seq data integration 2023-01-27 03:39:17
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